
Business Intelligence Markup Language

You likely purchased this book to learn how to be a more productive SQL Server Integration Services developer. I applaud your desire and decision, and I sincerely hope the information contained herein has provided ideas and information to help you be more productive. I am always on the lookout for ways to become a better data integration developer. Specifically, I seek out ways to improve code quality and reduce the amount of time required to build solutions. Those goals motivated me to begin practicing patterns-based development in the first place, which eventually led to the idea for this book.

Business Intelligence Markup Language – or Biml – represents SSIS packages using XML. By storing metadata that describes SSIS packages in XML, Biml approaches data integration development from the perspective of a domain-specific language. Business Intelligence Markup Language provides another means to materialize SSIS design patterns – something other than an SSIS package library containing template packages. Regardless of which mechanism used, storing design patterns facilitates code production at a consistent and repeatable quality. That may sound innocuous but I assure it is important; and it is one of the primary reasons to use design patterns in the first place.

Biml is a complex language. You would do well to gain an understanding of domain-specific languages, XML, and .Net development before diving into Biml development proper. I will not delve into the underlying architecture of Biml in this chapter. I will show you some of the mechanisms and direct you to the Biml documentation website: I believe this is enough to whet your appetite while demonstrating the power of Biml.

A Brief History of Business Intelligence Markup Language

In early 2007, the Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS) business incubated a new approach to building business intelligence solutions. As the organization responsible for managing all front-line customer support interactions, CSS has significant analytical and predictive business intelligence needs – across data from a wide variety of sources. To accelerate the development of its internal solutions, CSS began the development of the Vulcan project, which used an XML-based markup language to describe a subset of SQL Server Integration Services packages. This created a model where business intelligence solutions could be developed more rapidly and iteratively by globally distributed teams of BI developers.

After a period of significant success building new BI capabilities, CSS and the SQL Server product team decided to publish the source code for the Vulcan project on CodePlex to enable customers to try the technology and begin building a community around it ( Feedback from customers recognized that the approach was powerful and promising, but that the implementation reflected the project’s status as an internal tool used to accelerate an operational delivery team. Without documentation and training resources, usability considerations, and additional features, the cost of adopting Vulcan was prohibitive for all but the most determined customers.

In late 2008, Scott Currie, who worked with the Vulcan technology in CSS, founded Varigence, Inc. Varigence created the Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml), along with tools to enable its design and development. While Biml didn’t directly use any code or technology from Vulcan, the approach taken by the Vulcan project inspired the Varigence team to build Bimlas an Xml-based markup language with rapid, iterative global team development capabilities in mind.

Biml is now available in proprietary products, open source projects, and has been published as an open language specification. Varigence has developed a Biml-compiler that enables a wide variety of automation and multi-targeting capabilities. Additionally, Varigence offers an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Biml called Mist. Mist enables rapid and visual design and debugging features for Biml. The open source BIDSHelper project includes Biml functionality, enabling anyone to write and execute Biml code for free.1

In this chapter, we will leverage the free Biml functionality included with BIDSHelper to dynamically generate SSIS packages.

image Note  An object containing Business Intelligence Markup Language is a “Biml File”. Biml files are “executed” to generate SSIS Packages.

Building Your First Biml File

Before we get started with Business Intelligence Markup Language, you will need to download and install the latest version of BIDSHelper from Once installed, create a new SSIS solution and project named “Biml.” In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name and click “Add New Biml File.” The new file, BimlScript.biml, will be created and assigned to the Miscellaneous virtual folder in Solution Explorer. Double-click the file to open it in the editor.

The file begins with the most basic Biml construct, as shown in Listing 17-1.

Listing 17-1.  Initial Biml Code

<Biml xmlns = "">

Add XML so that your Biml file reads as shown in Listing 17-2.

Listing 17-2.  Biml After Adding Package XML Metadata

<Biml xmlns = "">
   <Package Name = "TestBimlPackage" ConstraintMode = "Parallel">

Save the file, right-click BimlScript.biml in Solution Explorer, and then click “Generate SSIS Packages.” Figure 17-1 shows a new SSIS package named TestBimlPackage.dtsx is created in the project and file system. The packageshows up in Solution Explorer as part of this project:


Figure 17-1. TestBimlPackage.dtsx

Let’s return to the BimlScript.biml file and add a task. Create a new XML node beneath the < Package > tag named “Tasks.” Between the < Tasks > and </Tasks > tags, add a new node named “ExecuteSQL”.

image Tip  If you are not seeing Intellisense with Biml, follow this link: for Biml Intellisense configuration instructions.

Add an attribute to the ExecuteSQL root node named “Name” and set its value to “Test Select”. Create a new XML node between the < ExecuteSQL > and </ExecuteSQL > tags named “DirectInput”. Between the < DirectInput > and </DirectInput > add the T-SQL statement “Select 1 As One”. If you are playing along at home, your BimlScript.biml file should look like Listing 17-3.

Listing 17-3.  Biml After Adding Initial MetadataDescribing an Execute SQL Task

<Biml xmlns="">
   <Package Name="TestBimlPackage" ConstraintMode="Parallel">
   <ExecuteSQL Name="Test Select">
   <DirectInput>Select 1 As One</DirectInput>

To test, save the file and generate the SSIS package from BimlScript.biml in Solution Explorer. Do you get an error similar to that displayed in Figure 17-2? You should get such an error.


Figure 17-2. Missing “ConnectionName” attribute

The Business Intelligence Markup Language engine includes validation functionality and it caught the error in Figure 17-2. You can invoke a validation from Solution Explorer; simply right-click BimlScript.biml and then click “Check Biml for Errors.”

To fix the error we need to add a Connection Name attribute to the “ExecuteSQL” tag. But we don’t have a connection specified at this time. To create a connection, return to the top of BimlScript.biml and add a new line just after the “Biml” tag and before the “Packages” tag. On this line, add the “Connections” XML node. Inside the <Connections> and </Connections> tags, add a “Connection” XML node. A Connection requires two attributes, Name and ConnectionString. I created a connection to the AdventureWorks2012 database on the default instance of the local SQL Server. Once the Connection metadata is configured, I added a ConnectionName attribute to the “ExecuteSQL” tag. My BimlScript.biml file now contains the code listed in Listing 17-4.

Listing 17-4.  Biml After Adding Connection Metadata

<Biml xmlns="">
   <Connection Name="AdventureWorks2012" ConnectionString="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2012;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;" />
   <Package Name="TestBimlPackage" ConstraintMode="Parallel">
   <ExecuteSQL Name="Test Select" ConnectionName="AdventureWorks2012">
   <DirectInput>Select 1 As One</DirectInput>

Let’s test by regenerating the TestBimlPackage.dtsx SSIS package from BimlScript.biml. When we attempt to generate the SSIS package, we see a dialog that confirms we would like to overwrite the existing TestBimlPackage.dtsx SSIS package. When you confirm this intention, the TestBimlPackage.dtsx SSIS package is regenerated from the metadata contained in the updated BimlScript.biml file. Open the TestBimlPackage.dtsx SSIS package: it should appear as shown in Figure 17-3.


Figure 17-3. A Biml-Generated SSIS package

Building a Basic Incremental Load SSIS Package

The Incremental Load Pattern is fundamental in data integration solutions; especially Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) solutions. Biml provides a mechanism for codifying the Incremental Load pattern in a repeatable fashion.Creating Databases and Tables.

Let’s prepare for this demo by building a couple databases and tables. Execute the T-SQL statements from Listing 17-5 to build and populate the test databases and tables.

Listing 17-5.  Building and Populating Demo Databases and Tables

Use master
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.databases
   Where name = 'SSISIncrementalLoad_Source')
 CREATE DATABASE [SSISIncrementalLoad_Source]
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.databases
   Where name = 'SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest')
 CREATE DATABASE [SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest]
Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Source
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.tables
   Where name = 'tblSource')
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblSource
 (ColID int NOT NULL
 ,ColA varchar(10) NULL
 ,ColB datetime NULL constraint df_ColB default (getDate())
 ,ColC int NULL
 ,constraint PK_tblSource primary key clustered (ColID))
Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.tables
   Where name = 'tblDest')
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblDest
 (ColID int NOT NULL
 ,ColA varchar(10) NULL
 ,ColB datetime NULL
 ,ColC int NULL)
 If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.tables
   Where name = 'stgUpdates')
 CREATE TABLE dbo.stgUpdates
  (ColID int NULL
  ,ColA varchar(10) NULL
  ,ColB datetime NULL
  ,ColC int NULL)
Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Source
 -- insert an "unchanged", a "changed", and a "new" row
INSERT INTO dbo.tblSource
 (0, 'A', '1/1/2007 12:01 AM', -1),
 (1, 'B', '1/1/2007 12:02 AM', -2),
 (2, 'N', '1/1/2007 12:03 AM', -3)
Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest
-- insert a "changed" and an "unchanged" row
INSERT INTO dbo.tblDest
 (0, 'A', '1/1/2007 12:01 AM', -1),
 (1, 'C', '1/1/2007 12:02 AM', -2)

The T-SQL statements in Listing 17-5 create two databases; SSISIncrementalLoad_Source and SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest. A table named tblSource is created in SSISIncrementalLoad_Source database and populated with three rows. Another table named tblDest is created in the SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest database and populated with two rows.

The configuration created by Listing 17-5 is a basic setup for an incremental load. ColID is the business key. This value should never change and should also uniquely identify the row in the Source and Destination systems. The character values in ColA of the Source and Destination tables indicate clues to the type of row. The “A” row is present and identical in both the Source and Destination tables. It is an Unchanged row. The row with a ColID value of 1 contains the ColA value “B” in the Source and the ColA value “C” in the Destination table. This row has Changed in the Source since it was initially loaded into the Destination table. The row with a ColID value of 2 exists only in the Source. It is a New row.

Adding Metadata

In this section, we will:

  • Add metadata that defines the Connection Managers used in the Incremental Load SSIS design pattern
  • Add a new Biml file to the Biml project and rename it “IncrementalLoad.biml”
  • Add a “Connections” XML node just after the <Biml> tag
  • Add two “Connection” XML nodes configured to connect with the SSISIncremental_Source and SSISIncremental_Dest databases.

Your code should appear as shown in Listing 17-6.

Listing 17-6.  Configured Connections for IncrementalLoad.biml

<Biml xmlns="">
   <Connection Name="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source" ConnectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=SSISIncrementalLoad_Source;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI; " />
   <Connection Name="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest" ConnectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;OLE DB Services=1;Integrated Security=SSPI; " />

Add a “Packages” node between the </Connections > and </Biml > tags. Just after, add a “Package” XML node, followed by a “Tasks” node. Immediately thereafter, add an “ExecuteSQL” node configured as shown in Listing 17-7.

Listing 17-7.  Configured Packages, Package, Tasks, and ExecuteSQL Nodes

  <Package Name="IncrementalLoadPackage" ConstraintMode="Parallel" ProtectionLevel="EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey">
   <ExecuteSQL Name="Truncate stgUpdates" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <DirectInput>Truncate Table stgUpdates</DirectInput>

The Execute SQL Task defined in the Biml in Listing 17-7 will truncate a staging table that will hold rows that have been changed in the Source table since being loaded into the Destination table.

Specifying a Data Flow Task

After the </ExecuteSQL > tag, add a “Dataflow” XML node. Include a “Name” attribute and set the value of the Name attribute to “Load tblDest”. Inside the < Dataflow > tag, add a “PrecedenceConstraints” node. Place an “Inputs” node inside the < PrecedenceConstraints > tag, and an “Input” node that includes an “OutputPathName” attribute with the value “Truncate stgUpdates.Output” inside the < Inputs > tag – as shown in Listing 17-8.

Listing 17-8.  Adding a Precedence Constraint from the “Truncate stgUpdates” Execute SQL Task to the “Load tblDest” Data Flow Task

<Dataflow Name="Load tblDest">
   <Input OutputPathName="Truncate stgUpdates.Output" />

This code defines an OnSuccess Precedence Constraint between the “Truncate stgUpdates” Execute SQL Task to the “Load tblDest” Data Flow Task.

Adding Transformations

We are now ready to add metadata that define transformations, the heart of a Data Flow Task. In this section, we will design an Incremental Load that includes an OLEDB Source adapter, Lookup transformation, Condition Split transformation, and a couple OLEDB Destination adapters.

To begin, Add a “Transformations” node just after the </PrecedenceConstraints > tag. Inside the < Transformations > tags, add an “OleDbSource” tag with following the attribute and value pairs:

  • Name: tblSource Source
  • ConnectionName: SSISIncrementalLoad_Source

Inside the <OleDbSource> tag, add an “ExternalTableInput” node with a “Table” attribute whose value is “dbo.tblSource”. This metadata constructs an OLEDB Source adapter named “tblSource Source” that connects to the SSISIncrementalLoad_Source Connection defined above inside the <Connections> tag. The OLE DB Source adapter will connect to the table “dbo.tblSource” as specified in the “ExternalTableInput” tag. The “Dataflow” XML node will now appear as shown in Listing 17-9.

Listing 17-9.  The Dataflow Node Containing an OLEDB Source Adapter

<Dataflow Name="Load tblDest">
   <Input OutputPathName="Truncate stgUpdates.Output" />
   <OleDbSource Name="tblSource Source" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source">
   <ExternalTableInput Table="dbo.tblSource" />

To continue, add a “Lookup” XML node immediately after the </OleDbSource > tag. Include the following attribute and value pairs in the <Lookup> tag:

  • Name: Correlate
  • OleDbConnectionName: SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest
  • NoMatchBehavior: RedirectRowsToNoMatchOutput

The Name attribute sets the name of the Lookup transformation. The OleDbConnectionName instructs Biml to use the Connection Manager defined in the <Connections> tag above. The NoMatchBehavior attribute is configured to redirect non-matching rows to the “NoMatch” output of the Lookup transformation.

Continue configuring the metadata that define the Lookup transformation by adding a “DirectInput” node immediately after the <InputPath> tag. Enter the following T-SQL statement between the <DirectInput> and </DirectInput> tags.

SELECT ColID, ColA, ColB, ColC FROM dbo.tblDest

Add an “Inputs” node immediately following the </DirectInput> tag. Inside the < Inputs > tag, add a “Column” node. Include the following attribute name: value pairs.

  • SourceColumn: ColID
  • TargetColumn: ColID

The preceding metadata provides the mapping between the Available Input Columns and Available Lookup Columns on the Columns page of the Lookup transformation.

Add an “Outputs” node immediately following the </Inputs > tag. Inside the <Outputs> tag, add three “Column” nodes with the following attribute name and value pairs.1.

  1. a.   SourceColumn: ColA

    b.   TargetColumn: Dest_ColA

  2. a.   SourceColumn: ColB

    b.   TargetColumn: Dest_ColB

  3. a.   SourceColumn: ColC

    b.   TargetColumn: Dest_ColC

The preceding metadata “selects” the columns returned from the Lookup transformation’s Available Lookup Columns on the Columns page. Once added, the Lookup transformation metadata should appear as shown in Listing 17-10.

Listing 17-10.  Transformations Including Lookup Metadata

  <OleDbSource Name="tblSource Source" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source">
   <ExternalTableInput Table="dbo.tblSource" />
  <Lookup Name="Correlate" OleDbConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest" NoMatchBehavior="RedirectRowsToNoMatchOutput">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="tblSource Source.Output" />
   <DirectInput>SELECT ColID, ColA, ColB, ColC FROM dbo.tblDest</DirectInput>
   <Column SourceColumn="ColID" TargetColumn="ColID" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColA" TargetColumn="Dest_ColA" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColB" TargetColumn="Dest_ColB" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColC" TargetColumn="Dest_ColC" />

Immediately following the </Lookup > tag, add an “OleDbDestination” XML node with the following attribute name and value pairs.

  • Name: tblDest Destination
  • ConnectionName: SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest

Inside the <OleDbDestination> tag, add an “InputPath” node with an “OutputPathName” attribute set to the value “Correlate.NoMatch”. After the <InputPath> tag, add an “ExternalTableOutput” node with a “Table” attribute set to the value “dbo.tblDest.”

The preceding metadata defines an OLEDB Destination adapter and configures it to connect the Lookup transformation’s “NoMatch” output to the “SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest” Connection defined above.

Add a “ConditionalSplit” XML node immediately after the </OleDbDestination > tag. Add an attribute called “Name” and set its value to “Filter”. Inside the <ConditionalSplit > tags, add an “InputPath” XML node with an “OutputPathName”attribute set to “Correlate.Match”. Now we need to add a conditional output path. Immediately following the <InputPath > tag, add an “OutputPaths” node, followed in turn by a “OutputPath” node containing an “Name” attribute set to “Changed Rows”. Inside the <OutputPaths > tags, create an “Expression” node. Between the <Expression > and </Expression > tags, add the following SSIS Expression.

(ColA != Dest_ColA) || (ColB != Dest_ColB) || (ColC != Dest_ColC)

Once this step is complete, the “Transformations” XML should appear as shown in Listing 17-11.

Listing 17-11.  Transformations Node Including an OLEDB Source, Lookup, Conditional Split, and one OLEDB Destination

  <OleDbSource Name="tblSource Source" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source">
   <ExternalTableInput Table="dbo.tblSource" />
  <Lookup Name="Correlate" OleDbConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest" NoMatchBehavior="RedirectRowsToNoMatchOutput">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="tblSource Source.Output" />
   <DirectInput>SELECT ColID, ColA, ColB, ColC FROM dbo.tblDest</DirectInput>
   <Column SourceColumn="ColID" TargetColumn="ColID" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColA" TargetColumn="Dest_ColA" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColB" TargetColumn="Dest_ColB" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColC" TargetColumn="Dest_ColC" />
  <OleDbDestination Name="tblDest Destination" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Correlate.NoMatch" />
   <ExternalTableOutput Table="dbo.tblDest" />
  <ConditionalSplit Name="Filter">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Correlate.Match"/>
   <OutputPath Name="Changed Rows">
   <Expression>(ColA != Dest_ColA) || (ColB != Dest_ColB) || (ColC != Dest_ColC)</Expression>

The Conditional Split metadata most recently added configures a single output named “Changed Rows” and assigns an SSIS Expression designed to detect changes in rows that exist in both the Source and Destination tables.

The final component in our Data Flow Task is an OLEDB Destination adapter designed to stage rows that will be updated after the data flow completes execution. Immediately following the </ConditionalSplit > tag, add an “OleDbDestination” node with the following attribute name and value pairs.

  • Name: stgUpdates
  • ConnectionName: SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest

Inside the <OleDbDestination > tag, add a new node named “InputPath” with an attribute named “OutputPathName” and the value set to “Filter.Changed Rows”. Immediately thereafter, add a node named “ExternalTableOutput” that includes a “Table” attribute set to “dbo.stgUpdates”. This metadata defines an OLEDB Destination adapter that connects the “Changed Rows” output of the Conditional Split named “Filter” to a table named “dbo.stgUpdates” in the database defined by the “SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest” Connection defined above.

The complete Data Flow Task metadata is shown in Listing 17-12.

Listing 17-12.  The Completed Dataflow XML Node

<Dataflow Name="Load tblDest">
   <Input OutputPathName="Truncate stgUpdates.Output" />
   <OleDbSource Name="tblSource Source" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source">
   <ExternalTableInput Table="dbo.tblSource" />
   <Lookup Name="Correlate" OleDbConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest" NoMatchBehavior="RedirectRowsToNoMatchOutput">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="tblSource Source.Output" />
   <DirectInput>SELECT ColID, ColA, ColB, ColC FROM dbo.tblDest</DirectInput>
   <Column SourceColumn="ColID" TargetColumn="ColID" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColA" TargetColumn="Dest_ColA" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColB" TargetColumn="Dest_ColB" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColC" TargetColumn="Dest_ColC" />
   <OleDbDestination Name="tblDest Destination" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Correlate.NoMatch" />
   <ExternalTableOutput Table="dbo.tblDest" />
   <ConditionalSplit Name="Filter">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Correlate.Match"/>
   <OutputPath Name="Changed Rows">
   <Expression>(ColA != Dest_ColA) || (ColB != Dest_ColB) || (ColC != Dest_ColC)</Expression>
   <OleDbDestination Name="stgUpdates" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Filter.Changed Rows" />
   <ExternalTableOutput Table="dbo.stgUpdates" />

There remains one more Execute SQL Task to complete our Incremental Load SSIS package. This task will update the Destination table by applying the rows stored in the “dbo.stgUpdates” table using a single Update T-SQL statement. Applying the updates in this fashion is generally faster than updating each row individually.

To continue developing the demo code, add an “ExecuteSQL” XML node immediately following the </Dataflow > tag with the following attribute name and value pairs.

  • Name: Apply stgUpdates
  • ConnectionName: SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest

Immediately following the <ExecuteSQL > tag, add a “PrecedenceConstraints” node, followed by an “Inputs” node. Inside the <Inputs > tag add an “Input” node containing an attribute named “OutputPathName” set to the value “Load tblDest.Output”. Add a “DirectInput” node immediately following the </PrecedenceConstraints > tag. Inside the <DirectInput > tags, add the following T-SQL statement.

Update Dest
Set Dest.ColA = Upd.ColA
   ,Dest.ColB = Upd.ColB
   ,Dest.ColC = Upd.ColC
From tblDest Dest
Join stgUpdates Upd
  On Upd.ColID = Dest.ColID

Believe it or not, that’s it! If your Biml looks like Listing 17-13, you should have compilable metadata.

Listing 17-13.  The Complete IncrementalLoad.biml Listing

<Biml xmlns="">
   <Connection Name="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source" ConnectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=SSISIncrementalLoad_Source;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI" />
   <Connection Name="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest" ConnectionString="Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;OLE DB Services=1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" />
   <Package Name="IncrementalLoadPackage" ConstraintMode="Parallel" ProtectionLevel="EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey">
   <ExecuteSQL Name="Truncate stgUpdates" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <DirectInput>Truncate Table stgUpdates</DirectInput>
   <Dataflow Name="Load tblDest">
   <Input OutputPathName="Truncate stgUpdates.Output" />
   <OleDbSource Name="tblSource Source" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source">
   <ExternalTableInput Table="dbo.tblSource" />
   <Lookup Name="Correlate" OleDbConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest" NoMatchBehavior="RedirectRowsToNoMatchOutput">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="tblSource Source.Output" />
   <DirectInput>SELECT ColID, ColA, ColB, ColC FROM dbo.tblDest</DirectInput>
   <Column SourceColumn="ColID" TargetColumn="ColID" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColA" TargetColumn="Dest_ColA" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColB" TargetColumn="Dest_ColB" />
   <Column SourceColumn="ColC" TargetColumn="Dest_ColC" />
   <OleDbDestination Name="tblDest Destination" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Correlate.NoMatch" />
   <ExternalTableOutput Table="dbo.tblDest" />
   <ConditionalSplit Name="Filter">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Correlate.Match"/>
   <OutputPath Name="Changed Rows">
   <Expression>(ColA != Dest_ColA) || (ColB != Dest_ColB) || (ColC != Dest_ColC)</Expression>
   <OleDbDestination Name="stgUpdates" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Filter.Changed Rows" />
   <ExternalTableOutput Table="dbo.stgUpdates" />
   <ExecuteSQL Name="Apply stgUpdates" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest">
   <Input OutputPathName="Load tblDest.Output" />
   Update Dest
   Set Dest.ColA = Upd.ColA
   ,Dest.ColB = Upd.ColB
   ,Dest.ColC = Upd.ColC
   From tblDest Dest
   Join stgUpdates Upd
   On Upd.ColID = Dest.ColID

We are now ready to test!

Testing the Biml

Testing the Biml will consist of generating the SSIS package, then executing it. We will look at the data to see if the Incremental Load executed as expected. To begin, I have prepared a T-SQL Reset Rows script shown in Listing 17-14.

Listing 17-14.  Resetting the Incremental Load Source and Destination Values

Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Source
TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.tblSource
-- insert an "unchanged" row, a "changed" row, and a "new" row
INSERT INTO dbo.tblSource
 (0, 'A', '1/1/2007 12:01 AM', -1),
 (1, 'B', '1/1/2007 12:02 AM', -2),
 (2, 'N', '1/1/2007 12:03 AM', -3)
Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest
TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.stgUpdates
-- insert an "unchanged" row and a "changed" row
INSERT INTO dbo.tblDest
 (0, 'A', '1/1/2007 12:01 AM', -1),
 (1, 'C', '1/1/2007 12:02 AM', -2)

Listing 17-15 contains the test script we will use to examine and compare the contents of the Source and Destination.

Listing 17-15.  Test Script for the IncrementalLoad.dtsx SSIS Package

Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Source
SELECT TableName = 'tblSource'
  FROM dbo.tblSource
Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest
SELECT TableName = 'tblDest'
  FROM [dbo].[tblDest]
SELECT TableName = 'stgUpdates'
  FROM [dbo].[stgUpdates]

Executing the Test script after executing the Reset script yields the results pictured in Figure 17-4.


Figure 17-4. Pre-SSIS-Package-Execution results of test script

Return to Solution Explorer in SQL Server Data Tools. Right-click IncrementalLoad.biml and click “Generate SSIS Packages.” If you receive no error, your Biml is sound and you should see an SSIS package named IncrementalLoadPackage.dtsx in the SSIS Packages virtual folder in Solution Explorer. If the SSIS package opens with no errors, press the F5 key to execute it in the Debugger. If all is as it should be, you should see results similar to those shown in Figure 17-5.


Figure 17-5. Debug execution for IncrementalLoadPackage.dtsx

Executing the Test script now returns evidence that SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest.dbo.tblDest has received the updates loaded from SSISIncrementalLoad_Source.dbo.tblSource, as shown in Figure 17-6.


Figure 17-6. Results of a successful execution of IncrementalLoadPackage.dtsx

By examining the results and comparing to Figure 17-4, we can see SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest.dbo.tblDest has been updated to match SSISIncrementalLoad_Source.dbo.tblSource. We can also see the updated row, with ColID = 1, was sent to the SSISIncrementalLoad_Dest.dbo.stgUpdates table.

Cool. But just wait: this is about to get awesome.

Using Biml as an SSIS Design Patterns Engine

Let’s do something really cool and interesting with Biml. Using the IncrementalLoad.biml file as a template, and applying .Net integration found in the Biml library supplied to BISDHelper, we are going to add flexibility and versatility to a new Biml file that will build an Incremental Load SSIS Package between all the tables in a source and staging database. This is an example of the capital “E” in ETL; this is an Extraction SSIS Design Pattern.

image Note  This pattern requires that the Source and Stage tables must exist prior to expanding the Biml file to create the SSIS Packages. Even with this caveat – which can be addressed, automated, and overcome – I believe this example demonstrates the power and game-changing attributes of Biml.

Let’s begin by adding new tables to the SSISIncrementalLoad_Source database and creating – and populating – a new database named SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage. First, add new tables to SSISIncrementalLoad_Source by executing the T-SQL script shown in Listing 17-16.

Listing 17-16.  Adding and Populating New SSISincrementalLoad_Source Tables

USE SSISIncrementalLoad_Source
 -- Create Source1
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.tables
   Where name = 'Source1')
CREATE TABLE dbo.Source1
 (ColID int NOT NULL
 ,ColA varchar(10) NULL
 ,ColB datetime NULL
 ,ColC int NULL
 ,constraint PK_Source1 primary key clustered (ColID))
  -- Load Source1
 INSERT INTO dbo.Source1
 (0, 'A', '1/1/2007 12:01 AM', -1),
 (1, 'B', '1/1/2007 12:02 AM', -2),
 (2, 'C', '1/1/2007 12:03 AM', -3),
 (3, 'D', '1/1/2007 12:04 AM', -4),
 (4, 'E', '1/1/2007 12:05 AM', -5),
 (5, 'F', '1/1/2007 12:06 AM', -6)
 -- Create Source1
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.tables
   Where name = 'Source2')
CREATE TABLE dbo.Source2
 (ColID int NOT NULL
 ,Name varchar(25) NULL
 ,Value int NULL
 ,constraint PK_Source2 primary key clustered (ColID))
  -- Load Source2
 INSERT INTO dbo.Source2
 (0, 'Willie', 11),
 (1, 'Waylon', 22),
 (2, 'Stevie Ray', 33),
 (3, 'Johnny', 44),
 (4, 'Kris', 55)
 -- Create Source3
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.tables
   Where name = 'Source3')
CREATE TABLE dbo.Source3
 (ColID int NOT NULL
 ,Value int NULL
 ,Name varchar(100) NULL
 ,constraint PK_Source3 primary key clustered (ColID))
  -- Load Source3
 INSERT INTO dbo.Source3
 (0, 101, 'Good-Hearted Woman'),
 (1, 202, 'Lonesome, Onry, and Mean'),
 (2, 303, 'The Sky Is Crying'),
 (3, 404, 'Ghost Riders in the Sky'),
 (4, 505, 'Sunday Morning, Coming Down')

The T-SQL in Listing 17-16 creates and populates three new tables.

  • dbo.Source1
  • dbo.Source2
  • dbo.Source3

Execute the T-SQL shown in Listing 17-17 to build and populate the SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage database.

Listing 17-17.  Building and Populating the SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage Database

Use master
If Not Exists(Select name
   From sys.databases
   Where name = 'SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage')
 Create Database SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage
Use SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblSource(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   ColA varchar(10) NULL,
   ColB datetime NULL,
   ColC int NULL
CREATE TABLE dbo.stgUpdates_tblSource(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   ColA varchar(10) NULL,
   ColB datetime NULL,
   ColC int NULL
INSERT INTO dbo.tblSource
 (0, 'A', '1/1/2007 12:01 AM', -1),
 (1, 'B', '1/1/2007 12:02 AM', -2),
 (2, 'N', '1/1/2007 12:03 AM', -3)
CREATE TABLE dbo.Source1(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   ColA varchar(10) NULL,
   ColB datetime NULL,
   ColC int NULL
CREATE TABLE dbo.stgUpdates_Source1(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   ColA varchar(10) NULL,
   ColB datetime NULL,
   ColC int NULL
 INSERT INTO dbo.Source1
 (0, 'A', '1/1/2007 12:01 AM', -1),
 (1, 'Z', '1/1/2007 12:02 AM', -2)
CREATE TABLE dbo.Source2(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   Name varchar(25) NULL,
   Value int NULL
CREATE TABLE dbo.stgUpdates_Source2(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   Name varchar(25) NULL,
   Value int NULL
 INSERT INTO dbo.Source2
 (0, 'Willie', 11),
 (1, 'Waylon', 22),
 (2, 'Stevie', 33)
CREATE TABLE dbo.Source3(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   Value int NULL,
   Name varchar(100) NULL
CREATE TABLE dbo.stgUpdates_Source3(
   ColID int NOT NULL,
   Value int NULL,
   Name varchar(100) NULL
 INSERT INTO dbo.Source3
 (0, 101, 'Good-Hearted Woman'),
 (1, 202, 'Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way?')

Let’s continue by adding a new Biml file to the Biml project. Rename this file GenerateStagingPackages.biml. Before the <Biml > tag, add the code snippet shown in Listing 17-18.

Listing 17-18.  Adding .Net Namespaces and Initial Method Calls to Biml

<#@ import namespace = "System.Data" #>
<#@ import namespace = "Varigence.Hadron.CoreLowerer.SchemaManagement" #>
<# var connection = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode("SchemaProvider", "Data Source = (local);Initial Catalog = SSISIncrementalLoad_Source;Provider = SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security = SSPI;"); #>
<# var tables = connection.GenerateTableNodes(); #>

The code in Listing 17-18 imports the System.Data and Varigence.Hadron.CoreLowerer.SchemaManagement namespaces into the Biml file. A variable named “connection” is created and assigned the value of a SchemaManager ConnectionNode object which is aimed at the SSISIncrementalLoad_Source database. The “Connection” variable supports another variable named “tables”. The “tables” variable is populated from a call the “connection” variable’s “GenerateTableNodes()” method which populates “tables” with the list of tables found in the SSISIncremetalLoad_Source database.

After the <Biml > tag, add a “Connections” XML Node that contains two “Connection” child nodes so that your Biml file now appears as shown in Listing 17-19.

Listing 17-19.  Adding Connections to the GenerateStagingPackages.biml File

<#@ import namespace = "System.Data" #>
<#@ import namespace = "Varigence.Hadron.CoreLowerer.SchemaManagement" #>
<# var connection = SchemaManager.CreateConnectionNode("SchemaProvider", "Data Source = (local);Initial Catalog = SSISIncrementalLoad_Source;Provider = SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security = SSPI;"); #>
<# var tables = connection.GenerateTableNodes(); #>
<Biml xmlns = "">
  <Connection Name = "SSISIncrementalLoad_Source" ConnectionString = "Data Source = (local);Initial Catalog = SSISIncrementalLoad_Source;Provider = SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security = SSPI;" />
  <Connection Name = "SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage" ConnectionString = "Data Source = (local);Initial Catalog = SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage;Provider = SQLNCLI11.1;OLE DB Services = 1;Integrated Security = SSPI;" />

As in the IncrementalLoad.biml file we designed in the last section, the Connection nodes are the templates for SSIS Connection Managers in the SSIS Package. Next, add a “Package” node immediately after the </Connections > tag. Here we will make a crucial modification to this Biml file and its capability. We begin a C# loop here that spans all but the last two lines of this Biml file. Your Biml file should now include the code from Listing 17-20, immediately after the </Connections > tag.

Listing 17-20.  Adding the Packages Node and Starting a Loop

  <# foreach (var table in tables) { #>

The loop defined in Listing 17-20 will drive the Biml engine as it creates an SSIS Package for each table found in the SSISIncrementalLoad_Source database. Because we are using the SSIS Incremental Load Design Pattern as the template for this package, this Biml file will construct an Incremental Load SSIS Package for each of these tables.

The variables defined above are used later in the Biml file. Immediately after these variable declarations, add the “Package” node shown in Listing 17-21.

Listing 17-21.  The Package Node with .Net Replacements

  <Package Name = "IncrementalLoad_ < # = table.Name# > " ConstraintMode = "Linear" ProtectionLevel = "EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey">

This Biml code, like much in this Biml file, is copied from the IncrementalLoad.biml file and modified to accept .Net overrides from the foreach loop. Each SSIS Package generated when this Biml is expanded will be named consistently: “IncrementalLoad_ <Source Table Name>”.

Also note the “ConstraintMode” attribute of the ‘Package” node is set to “Linear.” In the IncrementalLoad.biml file, this was set to “Parallel.” The differences are subtle but powerful. First, the Biml compiler will automatically create precedence constraints for you. Specifically, it will create an OnSuccess precedence constraint in the Control Flow from one task to the next, based on the order they appear in the Biml file. This functionality makes scripting and simple file authoring extremely quick. Second, you can eliminate InputPath nodes in the Data Flow Task because the InputPath will connect to the default output path of the transformation that appears directly before it.

Immediately following the <Package > tag, add a “Tasks” node, followed by an “ExecuteSQL” node configured as shown in Listing 17-22.

Listing 17-22.  Adding Tasks and the “Truncate Staging Table” Execute SQL Task

   <ExecuteSQL Name = "Truncate stgUpdates_ < # = table.Name# > " ConnectionName = "SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage">
   <DirectInput > Truncate Table stgUpdates_ < # = table.Name# > </DirectInput>

Again, note the generic naming of the Execute SQL Task that performs the truncate operation on the staging table. The name of the Source table will replace the <# = table.Name# > placeholder when the Biml file is expanded. It will be named differently for each table in the Source database, but it will also be descriptive and accurate.

In the next listing (Listing 17-23), I am simply going to show you the Biml for the incrementally loading Data Flow Task. Each component includes .Net code where necessary to make the Biml generic enough to respond to different Source table schemas.

Listing 17-23.  The Generic Data Flow Task

<Dataflow Name="Load <#=table.Name#>">
   <OleDbSource Name="<#=table.Name#> Source" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Source">
   <DirectInput>SELECT <#=table.GetColumnList()#> FROM <#=table.SchemaQualifiedName#></DirectInput>
   <Lookup Name="Correlate" OleDbConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage" NoMatchBehavior="RedirectRowsToNoMatchOutput">
   <DirectInput>SELECT <#=table.GetColumnList()#> FROM dbo.<#=table.Name#></DirectInput>
   <# foreach (var keyColumn in table.Keys[0].Columns) { #>
   <Column SourceColumn="<#=keyColumn.Column#>" TargetColumn="<#=keyColumn.Column#>" />
   <# } #>
   <# foreach (var col in table.Columns) { #>
   <Column SourceColumn="<#=col#>" TargetColumn="Dest_<#=col#>" />
   <# } #>
   <ConditionalSplit Name="Filter">
   <OutputPath Name="Changed Rows">
   <# string exp ="";
   foreach (var colex in table.Columns) { exp += "(" + colex + " != Dest_" + colex + ") || "; } #>
   <Expression><#=exp.Substring(0, exp.Length - 4)#></Expression>
   <OleDbDestination Name="stgUpdates_<#=table.Name#>" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Filter.Changed Rows" />
   <ExternalTableOutput Table="dbo.stgUpdates_<#=table.Name#>" />
   <OleDbDestination Name="<#=table.Name#> Destination" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage">
   <InputPath OutputPathName="Correlate.NoMatch" />
   <ExternalTableOutput Table="dbo.<#=table.Name#>" />

The Biml / .Net code shown in Listing 17-24 dynamically generates an incrementally loading Data Flow Task, given the caveats listed near the beginning of this section. Let’s complete the Biml file by creating a generic template for the final Execute SQL Task that performs the set-based update for Changed Rows between the staging table and destination, shown in Listing 17-24.

Listing 17-24.  The Generic “Apply Staged Updates” Execute SQL Task

<ExecuteSQL Name="Apply stgUpdates_<#=table.Name#>" ConnectionName="SSISIncrementalLoad_Stage">
  <# string upd ="Update Dest Set ";
   foreach (var colex in table.Columns.Where(column => !table.Keys[0].Columns.Select(keyColumn => keyColumn.Column).Contains(column))) {
   upd = upd + "Dest." + colex + " = Upd." + colex + ",";
   var updc = upd.Substring(0,upd.Length-1) + " From " + table.SchemaQualifiedName + " Dest Join [" + table.Schema.Name + "].[stgUpdates_" + table.Name + "] Upd On Upd." + table.Keys[0].Columns[0].Column + " = Dest." + table.Keys[0].Columns[0].Column;#>

The final instructions contained in the Biml file are shown in Listing 17-25 and close out the “Tasks,” “Package,” “Packages,” loop, and “Biml” nodes.

Listing 17-25.  Closing out the Last Nodes and Loop in the Biml File

  <# } #>

Time for a Test

In Solution Explorer, right-click the GenerateStagingPackages.biml file and click “Generate SSIS Packages”. If all goes as planned, your Solution Explorer window should appear similar to that shown in Figure 17-7.


Figure 17-7. Four SSIS packages from one Biml file!

Conduct further testing by executing (and re-executing) each of the four SSIS Packages created by the Biml expansion. When I execute the SSIS package named “IncrementalLoad_tblSource.dtsx” I see results (shown in Figure 17-8) remarkably similar to those observed earlier (in Figure 17-5).


Figure 17-8. Dynamically-Built Incremental Load SSIS package

Testing will reveal the other SSIS packages perform similarly.


In this chapter, we have taken a brief tour of some of the functionality of Business Intelligence Markup Language. We have demonstrated its usefulness as a domain-specific language for generating SSIS Design Patterns, focusing on the Incremental Load pattern. In the final example, we demonstrated how Bimls are integrated .Net functionality can be used to create a patterns-based approach to building four SSIS packages using a tried and true data integration pattern (Incremental Load). On my machine, the four packages were generated in a matter of seconds. I assure you, based on testing, that Biml can produce hundreds of Incremental Load SSIS packages in a matter of minutes. This is game-changing technology, for generating hundreds of SSIS packages – even using templates and patterns – can easily consume data integration developer-months.

1 From an interview with Scott Currie of Varigence, Inc.

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