Chapter 6

Provision and configure SQL Server databases

This chapter reviews various strategies for creating new databases and adding existing databases to a SQL Server. It covers considerations for database migrations, including key points to remember when moving databases from instance to instance and various strategies for moving databases. It also reviews the creation of new user databases and discusses important database properties to be aware of throughout the application development lifecycle.

All scripts for this book are available for download at

Add databases to a SQL Server instance

Chapter 3, “Design and implement an on-premises database infrastructure,” discussed several database configurations, including the physical configuration of files and storage.

Although many of the same database settings are available and should be considered for Azure SQL Database, the remainder of this chapter refers to SQL Server databases on both Windows and Linux as well as on Azure SQL Managed Instance. For information on Azure SQL Databases, see Chapter 17, “Provision Azure SQL Database.”


If you are tasked with moving or upgrading databases, you must understand how to create new databases. Later in this chapter, we’ll discuss tools to assist with upgrading database-compatibility levels and other important considerations for database migrations.

Create a database

This section reviews the basics of database settings and configuration. As a database administrator (DBA), you might not regularly create databases from scratch, but you should be familiar with most of the settings and design decisions that go into database creation, including the addition of database files and the required tools and/or syntax to set and validate your settings.

Manage default settings

It is important to understand the role of the model database when creating new databases, regardless of the method of creation. The model database and its entire contents and configuration options are copied when creating most new databases, including tempdb upon service restart. For this reason, you should never store any data (even for testing) in the model database. Similarly, do not grow the model database from its default size, because this will cause all future databases to be that size or larger. Even if you specify a smaller size than the model database, the files created will be the size of the model database.

The location of the model database’s files is not, however, used as a default for new databases. Instead, the default location for database files is at the server level.

You can view these default storage locations, which we recommend you change and must be valid, in the Server Properties window in SSMS, on the Database Settings page. There you will find the default locations for data, log, and backup files, which are stored in the Windows Registry. On the Database Settings page, you’ll also see the Recovery Interval setting, which is 0 by default, meaning that SQL Server can manage the frequency of internal automatic checkpoints. This typically results in an internal checkpoint frequency of 1 minute.


The Recovery Interval setting is not the same as the TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME setting at the database level. We’ll discuss TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME for individual databases later in this chapter, in the section “Indirect checkpoints.” Just be aware that changing the instance-level recovery interval setting is not the same as changing the TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME in each database.

Also on the Database Settings page of Server Properties are the Default Index Fill Factor and Default Backup Compression settings. These are server-level defaults applied to each database. However, you cannot configure them separately for each database. You can change fill factor with each index operation or choose a different backup compression option each time you perform a backup.

The following settings are inherited by new databases from the model database unless they are overridden at the time of creation:

  • Initial data and log file size

  • Data and log file autogrowth setting

  • Data and log file maximum size

  • Recovery model

  • Target recovery time (overrides the system default recovery interval)

  • All database-scoped configurations, including the database-level settings for legacy cardinality estimation, MaxDOP, parameter sniffing, and Query Optimizer fixes

  • All automatic settings, including auto close, auto shrink, and auto create/update statistics (discussed later in this chapter)

Own the databases you create

The login that runs the CREATE DATABASE statement will become the owner of any database you create, even if the account you are using is not a member of the sysadmin group. Any principal that can create a database becomes the owner of that database, even if, for example, they have only membership to the dbcreator built-in server role.

Ideally, databases are not owned by named individual accounts. You might decide to change each database to a service account specific to that database’s dependent applications. You must do this after the database is created.


If your server is an Azure Arc–enabled server, you can change the database to use an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) group using the AUTHORIZATION statement. For step-by-step instructions, visit You can read more about installing Azure Arc–enabled servers in Chapter 4, “Install and configure SQL Server instances and features.”

Create additional database files

Every SQL Server database needs at least one data file and one log file. You can use additional data files to maximize storage capacity, management, and performance. However, there is no performance advantage to be gained with more than one transaction log file for a database. SQL Server does not write to them randomly, but sequentially.

  • Image We discuss physical database architecture in detail in Chapter 3.

The only scenario in which a second transaction log file could be needed is if the first fills up its volume. If no space can be created on the volume to allow for additional transaction log file data to be written, the database cannot accept new transactions and will refuse new application requests. In this scenario, one possible troubleshooting method is to temporarily add a second transaction log file on another volume to create the space to allow the database transactions to resume accepting transactions. The end resolution involves clearing the primary transaction log file, performing a one-time-only shrink operation to return it to its original size, and removing the second transaction log file. There is no other performance or stability benefit to having a second transaction log file.

Use SQL Server Management Studio to create a new database

You can create and configure database files, specifically their initial sizes, in SSMS. To begin, in Object Explorer, right-click Databases and select New Database in the shortcut menu to open the New Database dialog box.

After you have configured the new database’s settings, but before you select OK, you can script the T-SQL for the CREATE DATABASE statement.

Here are a few suggestions when creating a new database:

  • Pre-grow your database and log file sizes to an expected size. This avoids autogrowth events as you initially populate your database. You can greatly speed up this process by using the Perform Volume Maintenance Task policy for the SQL Server service account so that instant file initialization is possible.

    • Image Chapter 3 covers instant file initialization.

  • Consider the simple recovery model for your database until it enters production use. Then, the full or bulk-logged recovery models might be more appropriate.

  • Review the logical and physical file names of your database and the locations. The default locations for the data and log files are server-level settings, but you can override them here. You also can move the files later (covered later in this chapter).

  • As soon as the database is created, follow up with your backup strategy to ensure that it is covered as appropriate with its role. This may involve adding it to an existing maintenance plan, SQL Server Agent job, or third-party backup application.

Deploy a database via SQL Server Data Tools

You can also deploy developed databases to a SQL Server instance using a database project in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). SSDT provides a professional and mature environment for teams across your enterprise to develop databases, check them into source control, generate change scripts for incremental deployments, and reduce object scripting errors.

SSDT can generate incremental change scripts using the Data Compare feature or deploy databases directly. It also has the option to drop or re-create databases for each deployment, although this is turned off by default.

You might find it easiest to create the new database by using SSMS and then deploy incremental changes to it with SSDT.

Move existing databases

There are several strategies for moving or copying a SQL Server database from one instance to another. You should consider each as it relates to necessary changes to application connection strings, DNS, storage, and security environments. This section reviews a few options for migration.

Restore a database backup

Restoring a backup is an easily understandable way to copy data from one instance to another. You can also carry out this method in a way that minimizes outages.

Let’s compare two simplified migration processes. The following is a sample migration checklist using only a full backup/restore:

  1. Begin the application outage.

  2. Perform a full backup of the database on the old instance.

  3. Copy the database backup file to the new server.

  4. Restore the full backup on the new instance.

  5. Resolve any SQL-authenticated login issues or any other changes necessary before directing database queries to the new instance.

  6. Change the connection strings in applications and/or DNS and/or aliases.

  7. End the application outage.

    • Image For more information on types of database backups and database restores, see Chapter 10.

In the preceding scenario, the application outage must last the entire span of the backup, copy, and restore, which for large databases could be quite lengthy—even with native SQL Server backup compression reducing the file size. Ultimately, however, doing it with the downtime is faster and less complex.

Instead, consider the following strategy:

  1. Perform a full backup of the database on the old instance.

  2. Copy the database backup file to the new server.

  3. Restore the full backup using the WITH NORECOVERY option on the new instance.

  4. Begin the application outage.

  5. Take a differential backup and then a log backup of the database on the old instance.

  6. Copy the differential backup file and the log backup file to the new server.

  7. Restore the differential backup file WITH NORECOVERY on the new instance.

  8. Restore the transaction log backup WITH RECOVERY on the new instance.

  9. Resolve any SQL-authenticated login issues or any other changes necessary before directing database queries to the new instance.

  10. Change the connection strings in applications, DNS, and/or aliases.

  11. End the application outage.

In this scenario, the application outage spans only the duration of the differential and transaction logs’ backup/copy/restore operations, which for large databases should be a tiny fraction of the overall size of the database.

This scenario does require more preparation and scripting in advance, as well as coordination with the usual backup system responsible for transaction log backups. By taking a manual transaction log backup, you can create a split transaction log backup chain for another system. You’ll want to account for this in your planning.

Attach detached database files

Detaching, copying, and attaching database files also accomplishes the goal of placing the database on a new instance. It is relatively straightforward to disassociate (detach) the files from the old SQL Server, copy the files to the new instance, and then attach the files to the new SQL Server. This is largely limited by the data-transfer speed of copying the files. You might also consider moving the SAN drives to the new server to decrease the time spent waiting for files to copy.

Attaching copied database files can be faster than restoring a full database backup; however, it cannot minimize the outage by taking advantage of transaction log backups (see earlier).

Copying the full set of database files (remember, these might contain many more files than just the .mdf and .ldf files, including secondary data files and FILESTREAM containers) is not faster than restoring a transaction log backup during the application outage, and is not a true recovery method. Because database backup files can also be compressed natively by SQL Server, the data-transfer duration between old and new servers will be reduced by using the backup/restore strategy.

Move data with BACPAC files

A BACPAC file is an XML format file that contains the database schema and row data, allowing for the migration of databases, ideally at the start of a development/migration phase (although not for large databases). SSMS can both generate and import BACPAC files, and the Azure portal can import them when moving an on-premises SQL Server to Azure SQL Database.


Some features of SQL Server change how the engine stores information in database files. Databases that contain these features cannot be moved to editions of SQL Server that do not support them. To check if the database you are moving has any of these features, and to find out what they are, query sys.dm_dm_persisted_sku_features.

Upgrade database compatibility levels

SQL Server databases upgraded from an older version to a newer version will retain the prior compatibility level. Compatibility level is a database-level setting.

For example, restoring or attaching a database from SQL Server 2012 to SQL Server 2022 will result in the database assuming the SQL Server 2012 (110) compatibility mode. This is not necessarily a problem, but it does have consequences with respect to how you can use features or whether you can leverage improvements to performance. You will have to manually promote the database to SQL Server 2022 compatibility level 160.

You can view the compatibility level of a database in SSMS. To do so, right-click a database in Object Explorer and select Properties. Then, on the Options page, notice the current setting in the Compatibility Level list box. You can also view this setting for all databases in the system catalog via sys.databases, in the compatibility_level column.

You can change the compatibility level setting by choosing a new value from the Compatibility Level list box. Alternatively, you can use the ALTER DATABASE command to change the COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL setting.

SQL Server provides database compatibility modes for backward compatibility with database-level features, including improvements to the Query Optimizer, additional fields in dynamic management objects, syntax improvements, and other database-level objects.

For example, some recent syntax additions, such as the STRING_SPLIT() and OPENJSON functions, added in SQL Server 2016, do not work when run on a database in a prior compatibility level. Some syntax improvements, such as DATEFROMPARTS() and AT TIME ZONE, will work in any database in any database compatibility mode in SQL Server 2017 or later.

SQL Server 2022 supports compatibility levels down to SQL Server 2008 (internal version 100). Any database attached or restored that was on compatibility level 90 will be upgraded to version 100. This minimum has been the same since SQL Server 2016. Any attempt to set a database compatibility level lower than 100 will fail.

Changing the database compatibility level does not require a service restart, but we strongly recommend that you not perform this operation during normal operating hours. Promoting the database compatibility level should be thoroughly tested in preproduction environments. Even though syntax errors are unlikely in the newer compatibility level, other changes to the Query Optimizer engine from version to version could result in performance changes that must be evaluated prior to rollout to a production system. At the very least, the compatibility level change could cause widespread cached plan invalidation and an immediate CPU spike due to plan compilation.


You can upgrade the SSISDB database, which contains the SSIS Catalog, independently of other databases by using the SSISDB Upgrade Wizard. This makes it easier to move your SSIS packages and environments from instance to instance by restoring or attaching a database from a previous version to a SQL Server 2022 instance. For more information, visit

Other considerations for migrating databases

As an administrator, you’ll need to move a database from one instance to another—perhaps to refresh a preproduction environment, to move to a new SQL Server instance, or to promote a database into production for the first time.

In addition to database compatibility levels and SQL Server database version and compatibility modes, when copying a database into a new environment, you’ll need to keep the following in mind:

  • SQL Server edition

  • SQL logins

  • Encryption

  • Database settings

Let’s look at each of these in more detail.

SQL Server edition

Editions generally progress upward in terms of cost and feature set, beginning with Express, Web, Standard, and finally Enterprise edition. (Developer edition is the same as Enterprise edition, except you can use it in a production environment.) Moving a database instance up from Express, Web, or Standard edition expands the features available for use in the database.

The concern for DBAs is when database instances need to move down from Enterprise, Standard, or Web edition. Many features that were historically exclusive to Enterprise edition were included in Standard edition for the first time in SQL Server 2016 with Service Pack 1, expanding what we could do with Standard edition as developers and administrators.

You will encounter errors related to higher-edition features when restoring or attaching to an instance that does not support that edition. There are fewer of these all the time, and many are in the realm of capacity or tuning more than in core features. This is important because you cannot turn off the use of higher-edition features on the lower-edition instance; you must disable the use of these features before restoring or attaching the database to a lower-edition instance.

You can avoid this problem by using a dynamic management view that lists all edition-specific features in use. Keep in mind that some features are supported in all editions but are limited. For example, memory-optimized databases are supported even in the Express edition, but with only a small amount of allocated memory.

To view all edition-specific features in use in each database, run the following query:

SELECT feature_name
FROM sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features;

This DMV may return no records if no edition-sensitive features are in use in the current database context. However, if, for example, you create a partitioning function for horizontal table partitioning, the DMV will immediately return a row for the feature name “Partitioning.” While table partitioning is supported in all editions of SQL Server, certain performance benefits of table partitioning are supported only in the Enterprise edition—for example, partitioned table parallelism and distributed partitioned views. Thus, the performance of your partitioned tables may vary from edition to edition.

SQL logins

SQL-authenticated logins and their associated database users are connected via security identifier (SID), not by name. When moving a database from one instance to another, the SIDs in the SQL logins on the old instance might be different from the SIDs in the SQL logins on the new instance, even if their names match. After migration to the new instance, SQL-authenticated logins will be unable to access databases where their database users have become “orphaned,” and you must repair this. This does not affect Windows Authenticated logins for domain accounts.

This condition must be repaired before applications and end users can access the database in its new location. Refer to the “Orphaned SIDs” section in Chapter 12.

The database owner should be included in the security objects to be accounted for on the new server. Ensure that the owner of the database, listed either in the Database Properties window or the owner_sid column in the sys.databases catalog view, is still a valid principal on the new instance.

For databases with partial containment, contained logins for each type will be restored or attached along with the database. This should not be a concern.

Transparent data encryption

Transparent data encryption (TDE) settings will follow the database as it is moved from one instance to another, but the certificate and its security method will not. For example, the server certificate created to encrypt the database key, and the private key and its password, are not backed up along with the database. This is, after all, the entire purpose of TDE—to prevent a database from being attached or restored to a server that lacks the proper certificate.

These objects must be moved to the new instance along with the database before any attempt to restore or attach the database. They must also be backed up and securely stored with the rest of your enterprise security credentials, certificates, and sensitive data.


Restoring an unencrypted database over an encrypted database is allowed. When might you inadvertently do this? If you restore a backup from the database before it is encrypted, you will end up with an unencrypted database. You must then reapply TDE.

Database configuration settings

You should review database-specific settings at the time of migration. You can review them with a quick glance of the sys.databases catalog view or from the database Properties window in SSMS.

The following is not a complete list of database settings; we cover these and many more later in the chapter. You should pay special attention to these settings when restoring, deploying, or attaching a database to a new instance:

  • Read only. If the database was put in READ_ONLY mode before the migration to prevent data movement, be sure to change this setting back to READ_WRITE.

  • Recovery model. Different servers might have different backup and recovery methods. In a typical environment, the full recovery model is appropriate for production environments when the data loss tolerance of the database is smaller than the frequency of full backups, or when point-in-time recovery is appropriate. If you are copying a database from a production environment to a development environment, you will likely want to change the recovery model from Full to Simple. If you are copying a database from a testing environment to a production environment for the first time, you will likely want to change the recovery model from Simple to Full.


    After changing a database recovery model from Simple to Full, immediately take a full backup of the database to start the transaction log recovery chain. Then, you can start taking transaction log backups at regular intervals.

    • Image For more information about database backups and the appropriate recovery model, see Chapter 10.

  • Page verify option. For all databases, this setting should be CHECKSUM. The legacy TORN_PAGE_DETECTION option is a sign that this database has been moved over the years up from a pre-SQL Server 2005 version but this setting has never changed. Since SQL Server 2005, CHECKSUM has been the superior and default setting, but it requires an administrator to manually change. Always take a full database backup before changing this setting.

    Unfortunately, just changing this setting is not sufficient. Checksums are not immediately created when you change the page verify option to CHECKSUM, so the data pages are not protected right away. To apply the checksums manually, rebuild all indexes in the database.

  • Trustworthy. It is not recommended to ever enable this setting unless doing so is necessary because of an inflexible architecture requirement. Using this setting to mark a database as trustworthy could allow malicious activity on one database to affect other databases, even if specific permissions have not been granted. It is crucial not only to ensure this setting is disabled, but also to understand cross-database permission chains in a multitenant or web-hosted shared SQL Server environment.

    If this setting was enabled on a previous system and was required because of external assemblies, cross-database queries, and/or Service Broker, you will need to turn it on again on the new server (assuming it’s still needed).

    If your application security model depends on the Trustworthy setting, you must remember to enable it after restoring or attaching the database. When restoring a database, Trustworthy is set to off no matter the value when it is backed up.


    The Trustworthy setting tells SQL Server that the contents of the database should be trusted. It allows certain operations like cross-database access and common language runtime (CLR) assemblies to access data outside the server. It is not recommended unless there are no other options available, as it is not a secure method of communication between servers.

Database-scoped configurations

Database-scoped configurations were introduced in SQL Server 2016 and Azure SQL Database v12. They represent a container for a set of configuration options available at the database level. In earlier versions, these settings were available only at the server or individual query level, such as Max Degree of Parallelism (MaxDOP).

You should evaluate these options for each database after it is copied to a new instance to determine whether the settings are appropriate. The desired MaxDOP, for example, could change if the number of logical processors differs from the original system.

You can view each of these database-scoped configurations in SSMS. In Object Explorer, right-click a database and select Properties in the shortcut menu. In the Database Properties window, in the pane on the left, select Options. On the Options page, a Database-Scoped Configurations heading appears at the top of the Other Options list.

The current database context is important for determining which database’s properties will be applied to a query that references objects in multiple databases. This means the same query, run in two different database contexts, will have different execution plans—potentially because of differences in each database’s MaxDOP setting, for example. If there is a discrepancy between levels, such as the server level or query level, the more granular level overrides higher levels.

Among the new features introduced in SQL Server 2022 are two new and related database-scoped configurations you should know about:

  • Degree of Parallelism Feedback (DOP_FEEDBACK). This is a Query Store–dependent feature that automatically adjusts the degree of parallelism for repeated queries. (See the next section for more information about Query Store.) It compares the runtime statistics with previous plans after each execution. If the new plan is not the same or better, the feedback is cleared.

  • ASYNC_STATS_UPDATE_WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY. This option enables you to avoid concurrency issues with the Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously setting.

Database properties and options

This section reviews some commonly changed and managed database settings. There are quite a few settings on the Options page in the Database Properties window, many involving rarely changed defaults or ANSI-standard deviations for legacy support.

You can view each of these settings in SSMS via Object Explorer. To do so, right-click a database and select Properties in the shortcut menu. Then, in the Database Properties window, in the pane on the left, select Options. You also can review database settings for all databases in the sys.databases catalog view.

The subsections that follow discuss the settings that you need to consider when creating and managing SQL Server databases.


Collations exist at three levels in a SQL Server instance:

  • Database

  • Instance

  • tempdb

By default, the collation of the tempdb database matches the collation of the instance and should differ only in otherwise unavoidable circumstances. Ideally, the collations in all user databases match the collation at the instance level and for tempdb, but there are scenarios in which an individual database might need to operate in a different collation.

Often, databases differ from the server-level collation to enforce case sensitivity. But you can also enforce language usage differences (such as kana or accent sensitivity) and sort order differences at the database level.

The default collation for the server is decided at installation and is preselected for you based on your operating system’s regionalization settings. You can (and should) override this during installation. Some applications require a case-sensitive collation.

Although the server-level collation is very difficult to change (see Chapter 4), databases can change collation. You should change a database’s collation only before code is developed for the database, or only after extensive testing of existing code.

Unmatched collations in databases could cause performance issues when querying across those databases, so you should try to avoid collation differences between databases that will be shared by common applications. For example, if you write a query that includes a table in a database that’s set to the collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (which is case insensitive and accent sensitive) and a join to a table in a database that’s set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS (which is case sensitive and accent sensitive), you will receive the following error:

Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" and "SQL_
Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" in the equal to operation.

Short of changing either database to match the other, you will need to modify your code to use the COLLATE statement when referencing columns in each query. The following sample succeeds in joining two sample database tables together, despite the mismatched database collations:

SELECT * FROM CS_AS.sales.sales s1
INNER JOIN CI_AS.sales.sales s2
ON s1.[salestext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = s2.[salestext];


In contained databases, collation is defined at two different levels: the database and the catalog. You cannot change the catalog collation from Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_WS_KS_SC. Database metadata and variables are always in the catalog’s collation. The COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT syntax can also be a very useful tool if you know the collation before execution.

Recovery model

The full recovery model is appropriate for production environments in which the database’s data-loss tolerance is smaller than the frequency of full backups or when point-in-time recovery is necessary. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, if you are copying a database from a production environment to a development environment, you will likely want to change the recovery model from Full to Simple. If you are copying a database from a testing environment to a production environment for the first time, you will likely want to change the recovery model from Simple to Full, then immediately take a full backup to begin the recovery chain.

  • Image For more information on database backups and the appropriate recovery model, see Chapter 10.

Compatibility level

SQL Server provides database compatibility levels for backward compatibility to database-level features, including improvements to the Query Optimizer, additional fields in dynamic management objects, syntax improvements, and other database-level objects.

Compatibility level is a database-level setting. Databases upgraded from an older version to a newer version will retain a prior compatibility level. You must manually promote a database’s compatibility level when restoring up to a new version of SQL Server.


As mentioned, reverting the database’s compatibility level to SQL Server 2012 (110) was a common tactic when databases were first upgraded to SQL Server 2014 because of changes to the cardinality estimator. There are multiple more nuanced and less drastic methods for dealing with the new cardinality estimator, however. Refer to the section “Upgrade database compatibility levels” earlier in this chapter for more information.

Containment type

Partially contained databases represent a fundamental change in the relationship between server and database. They are an architectural decision that you make when applications are intended to be portable between multiple SQL Server instances or when security should be entirely limited to the database context, not in the traditional server login/database user sense.

  • Image For more information about the security implications of contained databases, see Chapter 12.

Azure SQL databases are themselves a type of contained database. They can move from host to host in the Azure platform-as-a-service (PaaS) environment, transparent to administrators and users. You can design databases that can be moved between SQL Server instances in a similar fashion, should the application architecture call for such capability.

Changing the containment type from None to Partial converts the database to a partially contained database and should not be taken lightly. We do not advise changing a database that has already been developed without the partial containment setting, because there are differences with how temporary objects behave and how collations are enforced. Some database features, including change data capture (CDC), change tracking, replication, and some parts of Service Broker, are not supported in partially contained databases. You should carefully review, while logged in as a member of the sysadmin server role or the db_owner database role, the system dynamic management view sys.dm_db_uncontained_entities for an inventory of objects that are not contained.

Auto close

You should enable this setting only in very specific and resource-exhausted environments. When this feature is enabled, it can cause performance degradation on busy databases because of the increased overhead of opening and closing the database after each connection. AUTO_CLOSE also flushes the procedure cache after each connection. When active, it unravels the very purpose of application connection pooling—for example, rendering certain application architectures useless and increasing the number of login events. You should never enable this setting as part of performance tuning or a troubleshooting exercise on a busy environment.

Auto create statistics

When you enable this setting, the Query Optimizer automatically creates statistics needed for runtime plans, even for read-only databases. (Statistics are stored in tempdb for read-only databases.) Some applications, such as SharePoint, handle the creation of statistics programmatically; due to the dynamic nature of its tables and queries, SharePoint handles statistics creation and updates by itself. Unless a sophisticated, complex application like SharePoint insists otherwise, you should enable this setting. You can identify auto-created statistics in the database; they use a naming convention similar to _WA_Sys_<column_number>_<hexadecimal>.

Auto create incremental statistics

Introduced in SQL Server 2014, this setting allows for the creation of statistics that take advantage of table partitioning, reducing the overhead of statistics creation. This setting has no impact on nonpartitioned tables. You should enable this setting because it can reduce the cost of creating and updating statistics.

Once enabled, this setting will have an effect only on newly created statistics. To affect existing statistics objects on tables with partitions, you should update the statistics objects to include the INCREMENTAL = ON parameter, as shown here:

UPDATE STATISTICS [Purchasing].[SupplierTransactions]
[CX_Purchasing_SupplierTransactions] WITH RESAMPLE, INCREMENTAL = ON;

When INCREMENTAL = ON, the statistics are re-created as per partition statistics. When OFF, the statistics tree is dropped and SQL Server recomputes the statistics. This is why you need to change the setting. You should also, when applicable, update any manual scripts you have implemented to update statistics to use the ON PARTITIONS parameter, as demonstrated here:

UPDATE STATISTICS [Purchasing].[SupplierTransactions]
[CX_Purchasing_SupplierTransactions] WITH RESAMPLE ON PARTITIONS (1);

To determine whether statistics were created incrementally, you can check the value of the is_incremental column in the sys.stats catalog view.

Auto shrink

You should never enable this setting. It will automatically return any free space of more than 25 percent of the data file or transaction log to the file system. You should shrink a database only as a manual, one-time operation to reduce file size after unplanned or unusual file growth. This setting will result in unnecessary fragmentation and overhead. After completion, it may result in frequent rapid log autogrowth events as the database resizes itself again.

Auto update statistics

When this setting is enabled, statistics will be updated periodically. The Query Optimizer considers statistics to be out of date when a ratio of data modifications to rows in the table has been reached. The Query Optimizer checks for and updates the out-of-date statistic before running a query plan and therefore has some overhead, though the performance benefit of updated statistics usually outweighs this cost. This is especially true when the updated statistics result in a better optimization plan. Because the Query Optimizer updates the statistics first and then runs the plan, the update is described as synchronous.

Auto update statistics asynchronously

This setting changes the behavior of the auto update statistics setting in one important way: Query runs will continue even if the Query Optimizer has identified an out-of-date statistics object. The statistics will be updated afterward.


Enabling the Auto Update Statistics setting is a prerequisite for the Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously setting to have any effect. There is no warning or enforcement in SSMS for this.

Allow snapshot isolation

This setting allows for the use of snapshot isolation (SI) mode at the query level. When you enable this setting, the row versioning process begins in tempdb, though this setting does little more than allow for this mechanism to be used in this database. To begin to use SI mode in the database, you must change code—for example, to include SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT.

  • Image For much more on snapshot isolation, see Chapter 14.

Read committed snapshot isolation (RCSI)

Enabling the read committed snapshot isolation (RCSI) setting changes the default isolation mode of the database from READ COMMITTED to READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT (RCSI). While RCSI can be beneficial and is the enterprise, scalable solution for concurrency issues, you should not enable this setting during regular business hours; instead, do it during a maintenance window. Ideally, however, this setting is on and accounted for during development.

When RCSI is enabled, the snapshot uses optimistic concurrency control, withholding any locks that would prevent other transactions from updating rows. If a snapshot transaction attempts to commit an update to a row that was changed after the transaction began, the transaction is rolled back and an error is raised.

Enabling RCSI will have an immediate impact to the use of the local database, and potentially the tempdb database as well, in the form of rising IO_COMPLETION and WAIT_XTP_RECOVERY wait types, so you need to perform proper load testing. This setting, however, potentially results in a major performance improvement and this is the core of enterprise-level concurrency.

Multiple factors could determine whether snapshot versions are contained in the user database or in tempdb. When RCSI is enabled, long-running transactions can also prevent the cleanup of the persistent version store (PVS) when the accelerated database recovery (ADR) feature is enabled. This isn’t typically a problem, but you should understand and monitor for a growing PVS when ADR is enabled.

Page verify option

For all databases, this setting should be CHECKSUM. The presence of the legacy TORN_PAGE_DETECTION or NONE option is a sign that this database has been restored up from a pre-SQL Server 2005 version, but this setting has never changed. Since SQL Server 2005, CHECKSUM has been the superior and default setting. Always take a full database backup before changing this setting.

Unfortunately, just changing this setting is not sufficient to apply checksums to each data page. Checksums are not immediately created when you change the page verify option to CHECKSUM, so the data pages are not protected right away. To apply the checksums manually, rebuild all indexes in the database.

For more information about the important page verify option setting in each database, see the section “Set the database’s page verify option” in Chapter 8.


It is not recommended to ever enable this setting unless it is made necessary because of an inflexible architecture requirement. Using this setting to mark a database as trustworthy could allow malicious activity on one database to affect other databases, even if specific permissions have not been granted. Before enabling this setting, you should understand the implications of cross-database ownership chains in a multitenant or web-hosted shared SQL Server environment.

Database Read-Only

You can set an older database, or a database intended for nonchanging archival, to READ_ONLY mode to prevent changes. Any member of the server sysadmin role or the database db_owner role can revert this to READ_WRITE, so you should not consider this setting a security measure.

Query Store

Introduced in SQL Server 2016, the Query Store is a built-in data gathering and reporting mechanism for measuring and tracking cached runtime plans. It is highly recommended, as it provides historical data for queries, not just for cached plans.

Though extremely useful, Query Store is not active by default in older versions of SQL Server. With the introduction of SQL Server 2022, Query Store is enabled by default in new databases. Shortly after the release of SQL Server 2022, the Query Store will be enabled by default in new databases in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance. You should turn it on as soon as possible if you intend to use it to aid performance tuning and troubleshooting cached runtime plans.

  • Image For more information on the Query Store, as well as retrieving cached query plans, see Chapter 14.

Indirect checkpoints

If your database was created in SQL Server 2016 or later, it is already configured to use indirect checkpoints, as it has been the default setting for all new databases since then—even if you created the database in a previous compatibility level.

By default, in databases created in SQL Server 2016 or higher, this setting is 60 seconds. In databases created in SQL Server 2012 or 2014, this option was available, but set to 0, which indicates that legacy automatic checkpoints are in use.

Databases created on prior versions of SQL Server, however, will continue to use the classic automatic checkpoint, which has been in place since the 1990s (SQL Server 7.0) with only minor tweaks.

Before SQL Server 2016 and since SQL Server 7.0, all databases use automatic checkpoints by default. The rate at which dirty pages are committed to memory has increased with versions, as disk I/O and memory capacities of servers have increased. The aim of automatic checkpoints was to ensure that all dirty pages were managed within a goal defined in the recovery interval server configuration option. By default, this was 0, which meant automatic checkpoints were in effect. The effective timing of a checkpoint tended to be around 60 seconds, but was highly variable, and was generally unrelated to the number of pages dirtied by transactions between checkpoints.

An indirect checkpoint follows a new strategy of taking care of dirty pages that is far more scalable and can improve performance, especially on modern systems with a large amount of memory. Indirect checkpoints manage dirty pages in memory differently; instead of scanning memory, they proactively gather lists of dirty pages. Indirect checkpoints then manage the list of dirty pages and continuously commit them from memory to the drive, on a pace to not exceed an upper bound of recovery time. This upper bound is defined in the TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME database configuration option.

So, even though the recovery time goal hasn’t really changed, the method by which it is achieved has. Indirect checkpoints are significantly faster than automatic checkpoints, especially as servers are configured with more and more memory. You might notice an improvement specifically in the performance of backups.

You can configure a database created on an older version of SQL Server to use indirect checkpoints instead of automatic checkpoints with a single command: TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME. The value will be 0 for databases still using automatic checkpoint. The master database will also have a TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME of 0 by default. Consider setting TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME to 60 seconds to match the default for all databases created in SQL Server 2016 or higher, as shown here:


You can check this setting for each database in the TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME_IN_SECONDS column of the sys.databases catalog view.


As of SQL Server 2016, a specific performance degradation involving nonyielding schedulers or excessive spinlocks can arise due to the TARGET_RECOVERY_TIME setting being applied to the tempdb by default. It is not common, however. It is identifiable and resolvable with analysis and a custom solution to disable indirect checkpoints on the tempdb, as detailed in this blog post from the SQL Server Tiger Team at

Accelerated database recovery (ADR)

New in SQL Server 2019, accelerated database recovery (ADR) does not appear in the SSMS Database Properties page as of this writing, nor is it enabled by default. There are trade-offs to be aware of that we’ll discuss later, but this is a powerful, much-desired feature of SQL Server that is available in both Enterprise and Standard editions.

You can enable ADR with the following T-SQL statement:



ADR is enabled by default in Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance, and cannot be disabled.

Enabling ADR requires exclusive access to the database and could be blocked by other connections to the database, which might require the closure of other connections. You can see the status of this setting in the catalog view sys.databases, in the new column is_accelerated_database_recovery_on.

ADR represents a significant overhaul of the SQL Server recovery process. It is a reworking of the machinery that the Database Engine uses to recover each database on:

  • SQL Server instance startup, especially after an unexpected shutdown

  • Rollback of a long-running transaction

  • Availability group failover

ADR results in much faster recovery times in these scenarios, including near-instant recovery for many operations. ADR accomplishes this by way of a new progressive log management pattern inside the transaction log that eliminates the need for the transaction log to ever be scanned from the beginning of the oldest active transaction. Instead, it can be processed at recovery from only the last successful checkpoint. With ADR, the transaction log is aggressively truncated, even in the presence of active long-running transactions, which prevents it from growing out of control.

The trade-offs include an increase in storage requirements for each user database with ADR enabled. This could require a sudden increase of 10 percent or more space in the user database file, so administrators should be aware of this impact.

You should monitor and consider the growth of the persistent version store (PVS) for ADR. The PVS is a local version store to retain previous state information for transactions, especially long-running transactions. The presence of snapshot isolation queries and/or enabling the RCSI database setting can increase retention of versions in the PVS.

SQL Server 2022 brings several improvements to ADR and the PVR cleanup process, including lower memory usage for tracking pages that require cleanup and the ability to clean locked pages.


Database mirroring, the maintenance mode ancestor to availability groups, is not supported for databases with ADR enabled.

Move and remove databases

Earlier in this chapter, we discussed database migrations from older to newer servers and the considerations involved. This section reviews the steps and options for moving databases inside a SQL Server instance and the various methods and stages of removing databases from use.

Move user and system databases

This section discusses moving the physical location of database files, the most common reasons for this being either because of improper initial locations or the addition of new storage volumes to a server. Relocating system and user databases involves similar processes, with the master database being an exception. Let’s look at each scenario.

Locate SQL Server files

As discussed in the checklist earlier in this chapter, you can review the location of all database files by querying the sys.master_files catalog view. If you did not specify the intended location for the data files while you were on the Data Directories page of the Database Engine Configuration step of SQL Server Setup, you will generally find your system database files on the OS volume at %programfiles%Microsoft SQL ServerinstanceMSSQLData.


In the sys.master_files catalog view, the physical name of each file, the logical name (specified when you create/add a file to a database), and the name of the database may not match in some situations. It is possible, through restore operations, to accidentally create multiple databases with the same logical file names. Before moving database files around, consider setting the values in sys.master_files as reference, and be sure you understand the difference between the database names, logical file names, and physical file locations.

Ideally, there should be no data or log files on the OS volume, even system database files. You can, however, move these after SQL Server Setup is complete.

When you’re planning to move your database data or log files on Windows, prepare their new file path location by granting FULL CONTROL permissions to the per-SID name for the SQL Server instance. (This is not necessarily the SQL Server service account.) For the default instance, this will be NT SERVICEMSSQLSERVER; for named instances, it will be NT SERVICE MSSQL$instancename.

Moving database data or log files on Linux only requires that the mssql account has access to the new file path.

Move databases within instances

Earlier in this chapter, we discussed reasons for moving user database files. Let’s review the differences between various ways to move a database within the same SQL Server instance.

The OFFLINE option is one way to quickly remove a database from usability:


Because this requires exclusive access to the database, you can use the ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE syntax to end all other user sessions:


It is also the most easily reversed:


You should set maintenance activities to ignore databases that are offline because they cannot be accessed, maintained, or backed up. While the database is offline, the data and log files remain in place in their location on the drive and can be moved. The database is still listed with its files in sys.master_files.

Taking a database offline is an excellent intermediate administrative step before you DETACH or DROP a database—for example, a database that is not believed to be used anymore. Should a user report that they can no longer access the database, the administrator can simply bring the database back online, which is an immediate action.

You can separate a database’s files from the SQL Server by using DETACH. The data and log files remain in place in their location on the drive and can be moved. But detaching a database removes it from sys.master_files.

To reattach the database, in SSMS, in Object Explorer, follow the Attach steps. It is not as immediate an action and requires more administrative intervention than taking the database offline.

When reattaching the database, you must locate at least the primary data file for the database. The Attach process will then attempt to reassociate all the database files to SQL Server control, in their same locations. If their locations have changed, you must provide a list of all database files and their new locations.


If you are detaching or restoring a database to attach or copy it to another server, do not forget to follow up by also moving logins and then reassociating orphaned database users with their logins. For more information, review Chapter 12.

Finally, a DROP DATABASE command, issued when you use the Delete feature in Object Explorer, removes the database from the SQL Server and deletes the database files on the drive. An exception to this behavior is if the destination database is offline. Deleting an offline database and detaching a database are therefore similar actions.

Dropping a database does not by default remove its backup and restore history from the msdb database, though there is a check box at the bottom of the SSMS Drop Database dialog box that you can select for this action. The stored procedure msdb.dbo.sp_delete_database_backuphistory is run to remove this history.

For databases with a long backup history that has not been maintained by a log history retention policy, the step to delete this history can take a long time and could cause SSMS to stop responding. Instead, delete old backup and restore history incrementally by using msdb.dbo.sp_delete_backuphistory and/or run multiple instances of the msdb.dbo.sp_delete_database_backuphistory stored procedure in separate SSMS query windows.

Move user database files

You can move user databases without a SQL Server instance restart and without disrupting other databases by taking the database offline, updating the locations and/or metadata, moving them, and then bringing the database online again.

Use the following steps to move user database files:

  1. Take a manual full backup of the soon-to-be-affected databases.

  2. During a maintenance outage for the database and any dependent applications, take the user database offline. Then run a T-SQL script to alter the location of each database file. Here’s an example of the T-SQL statements required:

    ALTER DATABASE [database_name] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_data_file_name,
    FILENAME = 'locationphysical_data_file_name.mdf' );
    ALTER DATABASE [database_name] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = logical_log_file_name,
    FILENAME = 'locationphysical_log_file_name.ldf' );
    ALTER DATABASE [database_name] SET ONLINE;
  3. While the database is offline, physically copy the database files to their new location. (You will delete the old copies when you’ve confirmed the new configuration.) When the file operation is complete, bring the database back online.

  4. Verify that the data files have been moved by querying sys.master_files. The physical_name column should reflect the new location correctly.

  5. Delete the files in the original location to reclaim the space. To be safe and for rollback reasons, back up the database and the master database before the deletion.

  6. Perform a manual backup of the master database.

Move system database files, except for master

You cannot move system database files while the SQL Server instance is online; thus, you must stop the SQL Server service.

  1. Take a manual full backup of the soon-to-be-affected databases.

  2. For model, msdb, and tempdb, run a T-SQL script (like the script for moving user databases provided previously). SQL Server will not use the new locations of the system databases until the next time the service is restarted. You cannot set the system databases to offline.

  3. During a maintenance outage for the SQL Server instance, stop the SQL Server instance. Then copy the database files to their new location. (You will delete the old copies when you’ve confirmed the new configuration.) The only exception here is that the tempdb data and log files do not need to be moved—they will be re-created automatically by SQL Server upon service start.

  4. When the file operation is complete, start the SQL Server service again.

  5. Verify that the data files have been moved by querying sys.master_files. Look for the physical_name column to reflect the new location correctly.

  6. Delete the files in the original location to reclaim the space.

  7. Perform a manual backup of the master database.

If you encounter problems starting SQL Server after moving system databases to another volume—for example, if the SQL Server service account starts and then stops—do the following:

  1. Verify that the SQL Server service account and SQL Server Agent service account have permissions to the new file location.

  2. Check the Windows Application Event Log and System Event Log for errors.

  3. If you cannot resolve the issue, start SQL Server with Trace Flag 3608, which does not start the SQL Server fully, only the master database.

  4. If necessary, move all other database files, including the other system databases, back to their original location by using T-SQL commands issued through SSMS.


    For more information on moving system database files, visit

Move master database files

Moving the master database files is not difficult, but it is a more complicated process than moving the other system databases. Instead of issuing an ALTER DATABASEALTER FILE statement, you must edit the parameters passed to the SQL Server service in SQL Server Configuration Manager.

  1. Open SQL Server Configuration Manager and select SQL Server Services on the left.

  2. Right-click the SQL Server service and choose Properties.

  3. The Startup Parameters page contains three entries with three files in their current paths. Edit the two parameters beginning with -d and -l (lowercase L). The -e parameter is the location of the SQL Server Error Log; you might want to move that, as well.

  4. After editing the master database data file (-d) and the master database log file (-l) locations, select OK. Keep in mind that the SQL Server service will not look for the files in their new location until the service is restarted. (If you have other startup parameters in this box, do not modify them now.)

  5. Stop the SQL Server service. Then copy the master database data and log files to their new location. (You will delete the old copies when you’ve confirmed the new configuration.)

  6. When the file operation is complete, restart the SQL Server service.

  7. Verify that the data files have been moved by querying sys.master_files, a dynamic management view that returns all files for all databases. Look for the physical_name column to correctly reflect the new location.

  8. After you have verified that SQL Server is recognizing the database files in their new locations, delete the files in the original location to reclaim the space.

Single-user mode

By default, all databases are in MULTI_USER mode. Sometimes, it is necessary to gain exclusive access to a database with a single connection, typically in SQLCMD or in an SSMS query window.

For example, when performing a restore, the connection must have exclusive access to the database. By default, the restore will wait until it gains exclusive access. You could attempt to discontinue all connections, but there is a much easier way: Setting a database to SINGLE_USER mode removes all other connections but your own.

Setting a database to SINGLE_USER mode also requires exclusive access. If other users are connected to the database, running the following statement will be unsuccessful:


It is then necessary to provide further syntax to decide how to treat other connections to the database.

  • WITH NO_WAIT. The ALTER DATABASE command will fail if it cannot gain exclusive access to the database. Note that without this statement or other WITH commands below, the ALTER DATABASE command will wait indefinitely.

  • WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE. Roll back all conflicting requests, killing other SSMS Query window connections, for example.

  • WITH ROLLBACK AFTER n SECONDS. Delays the effect of WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE by n SECONDS. (This is not particularly more graceful to competing user connections, just delayed.)

For example:


Instead of issuing a WITH ROLLBACK, you might choose to identify other sessions connected to the destination database—for example, by using the following:

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
WHERE db_name(database_id) = 'database_name';

and then evaluate the appropriate strategy for dealing with any requests coming from that session, including communication with that user and the closing of unused connections to that database in dialog boxes, SSMS query windows, or user applications.

After you have completed the activities requiring exclusive access, set the database back to MULTI_USER mode:


You need to gain exclusive access to databases before a restore or to take a database offline. This script to change the database to SINGLE_USER and back to MULTI_USER is a common step wrapped around a database restore. This is done to avoid users gaining access while the script is being run and then it is set to MULTI_USER again after the work is done.

  • Image For more information on database restores, see Chapter 10.

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