
Working with NULLS

by Wayne Sheffield

A NULL value represents the absence of data or, in other words, data that is missing or unknown. When coding queries, stored procedures, or any other T-SQL, it is important to keep in mind the nullability of data because it will affect many aspects of your logic. For example, the default result of most operators (such as, +, -, AND, and OR) is NULL when either operand is NULL.

  • NULL + 10 = NULL

The exception occurs when using the OR operator in a NULL OR TRUE test. Since one side of the equation is TRUE, the OR operator will return TRUE even if the other side is NULL.

Many functions will also return NULL when an input is NULL. This chapter discusses how to use SQL Server’s built-in functions and other common logic to overcome some of the hurdles associated with working with NULL values. Table 3-1 describes some of the functions that SQL Server provides for working with NULL values.

Table 3-1. NULL Functions




ISNULL validates whether an expression is NULL and, if so, replaces the NULL value with an alternate value.


The COALESCE function returns the first non-NULL value from a provided list of expressions.


NULLIF returns a NULL value when the two provided expressions have the same value. Otherwise, the first expression is returned.

The next few recipes will demonstrate these functions in action.

3-1. Replacing NULL with an Alternate Value


You are selecting rows from a table, and your results contain NULL values. You would like to replace the NULL values with an alternate value.


The ISNULL function validates whether an expression is NULL and, if so, replaces the NULL value with an alternate value. In this example, any NULL value in the CreditCardApprovalCode column will be replaced with the value 0:

SELECT  h.SalesOrderID,
        CreditApprovalCode_Display = ISNULL(h.CreditCardApprovalCode,
                                            '**NO APPROVAL**')
FROM    Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
WHERE   h.SalesOrderID BETWEEN 43735 AND 43740;

This returns the following results:

SalesOrderID  CreditCardApprovalCode   CreditApprovalCode_Display
43735         1034619Vi33896           1034619Vi33896
43736         1135092Vi7270            1135092Vi7270
43737         NULL                     **NO APPROVAL**
43738         631125Vi62053            631125Vi62053
43739         NULL                     **NO APPROVAL**
43740         834624Vi94036            834624Vi94036

How It Works

In this example, the column CreditCardApprovalCode contains NULL values for rows where there is no credit approval. This query returns the original value of CreditCardApprovalCode in the second column. In the third column, the query uses the ISNULL function to evaluate each CreditCardApprovalCode. If the value is NULL, the value passed to the second parameter of ISNULL**NO APPROVAL**—is returned.

It is important to note that the return type of ISNULL is the same as the input type of the first parameter. To illustrate this, view the following SELECT statements and their results. The first statement attempts to return a string when the first input to ISNULL is an integer:


This query returns the following:

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'String Value' to data type int.

The second example attempts to return a string that is longer than the defined length of the first input:

SELECT  ISNULL(CAST(NULL AS CHAR(10)), '20 characters*******') ;

This query returns the following:

20 charact

Note that the 20-character string is truncated to 10 characters. This behavior can be tricky, because the type of the second parameter is not checked until it is used. For example, if the first example is modified so that the non-NULL value is supplied in the first parameter, no error is generated.

SELECT  ISNULL(1, 'String Value') ;

This query returns the following:


No error is generated in this query because the second parameter is not used. When testing your use of ISNULL, it is important both to test the conditions where NULL and non-NULL values are supplied to the first parameter and to make sure that any string values are not truncated.

3-2. Returning the First Non-NULL Value from a List


You have a list of values that may contain NULLs, and you would like to return the first non-NULL value from your list.


The COALESCE function returns the first non-NULL value from a provided list of expressions. The syntax is as follows:

COALESCE ( expression [ ,...n ] )

This recipe demonstrates how to use COALESCE to return the first occurrence of a non-NULL value:

SELECT  c.CustomerID,
        SalesPersonPhone = spp.PhoneNumber,
        CustomerPhone = pp.PhoneNumber,
        PhoneNumber = COALESCE(pp.PhoneNumber, spp.PhoneNumber, '**NO PHONE**')
FROM    Sales.Customer c
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.Store s
            ON c.StoreID = s.BusinessEntityID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Person.PersonPhone spp
            ON s.SalesPersonID = spp.BusinessEntityID
        LEFT OUTER JOIN Person.PersonPhone pp
            ON c.CustomerID = pp.BusinessEntityID
ORDER BY CustomerID ;

This returns the following (abridged) results:

CustomerID  SalesPersonPhone          CustomerPhone             PhoneNumber
----------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
1           340-555-0193              697-555-0142              697-555-0142
2           740-555-0182              819-555-0175              819-555-0175
3           517-555-0117              212-555-0187              212-555-0187
292         517-555-0117              NULL                      517-555-0117
293         330-555-0120              747-555-0171              747-555-0171
294         883-555-0116              NULL                      883-555-0116
11000       NULL                      608-555-0117              608-555-0117
11001       NULL                      637-555-0123              637-555-0123
11002       NULL                      683-555-0161              683-555-0161
20778       NULL                      NULL                      **NO PHONE**
20779       NULL                      NULL                      **NO PHONE**
20780       NULL                      NULL                      **NO PHONE**

How It Works

In this recipe, you know that a customer is either a customer in the Person table or the SalesPerson associated with a Store. You would like to return the phone numbers associated with all of your customers. You use the COALESCE function to return the customer’s PhoneNumber if it exists; otherwise, you return the SalesPerson’s PhoneNumber. Note that a third value was added to the COALESCE function: '** NO PHONE **'. This third value is of course one that will never be NULL, because we have specified it as a string literal. It serves to provide a non-NULL value as a failsafe. If there is no customer phone number on record, and there is also no sales person phone number on record, then the function will return '** NO PHONE **'. You’ll never get a NULL in that particular column of output.

3-3. Choosing Between ISNULL and COALESCE in a SELECT Statement


You are coding a SELECT statement, and the calling application expects that NULL values will be replaced with non-NULL alternates. You know that you can choose between ISNULL and COALESCE to perform the operation but cannot decide which option is best.


There are generally two camps when it comes to making one’s mind up between ISNULL and COALESCE.

  • ISNULL is easier to spell, and the name makes more sense; use COALESCE only if you have more than two arguments, and even then consider chaining your calls to ISNULL to avoid COALESCE, like so: ISNULL(value1, ISNULL(value2, ISNULL(value3, ''))).
  • COALESCE is more flexible and is part of the ANSI-standard SQL, so it is a more portable function if a developer is writing SQL on more than one platform.

At their cores, both functions essentially accomplish the same task; however, the functions have some subtle differences, and being aware of them may assist in any debugging efforts.

On the surface, ISNULL is simply a version of COALESCE that is limited to two parameters; however, ISNULL is a function that is built into the SQL Server engine and is evaluated at query-processing time, and COALESCE is expanded into a CASE expression during query compilation.

One difference between the two functions is the data type returned by the function when the parameters are of different data types. Take the following example:

    SELECT  ISNULL(''5'', 5),
            ISNULL(5, ''5''),
            COALESCE(''5'', 5),
            COALESCE(5, ''5'') ;
    ' ;

EXEC sp_executesql @sql ;

SELECT  column_ordinal,
FROM    master.sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(@sql, NULL, 0) a ;

Image Note  This example introduces some concepts that have not yet been discussed in this book. In the ­example, we would like to execute a query but also retrieve metadata about the query. The procedure sp_executesql accepts an NVARCHAR parameter and executes that string as a T-SQL batch. This is a useful tactic when building and executing dynamic queries in your applications. For further information on sp_executesql, please refer to the SQL Server books online at

To describe the results of the query, we use the table-valued function dm_exec_describe_first_result_set. Table-valued functions are described in the “User Defined Functions” chapter, and this function in particular is documented in SQL Server books online at

The following is the result of this set of statements:

---- ----------- ----------- -----------
5    5           5           5
column_ordinal is_nullable system_type_name
-------------- ----------- -----------------
1              0           varchar(1)
2              0           int
3              1           int
4              0           int

Note that the type returned from ISNULL changes depending on the order of the input parameters, while COALESCE returns the data type of highest precedence regardless of argument order. So long as an implicit conversion exists between the value selected by the ISNULL or COALESCE function and the return type selected, the function will implicitly cast the return value to the return type. However, be aware that if an implicit conversion does not exist between the return type and value to be returned, SQL Server will raise an error. For example:

Image Note  For a complete list of data types in SQL Server, listed in order of precedence, refer to SQL Server books online at

SELECT  COALESCE('five', 5) ;

This returns the following:

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'five' to data type int.

Here is another example:

SELECT  ISNULL(@i, 'five') ;

This returns the following:

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'five' to data type int.

The nullability of the return value may be different as well. Consider an application that requests the LastName, FirstName, and MiddleName columns from a table. The application expects the NULL values in the MiddleName columns to be replaced with an empty string. The following SELECT statement uses both ISNULL and COALESCE to convert the values, so the differences can be observed by describing the result set. See here:

        MiddleName_ISNULL = ISNULL(MiddleName, ''''),
        MiddleName_COALESCE = COALESCE(MiddleName, '''')
FROM    Person.Person ;
        ' ;

EXEC sp_executesql @sql ;

SELECT  column_ordinal,
FROM    master.sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(@sql, NULL, 0) a ;

The preceding statements return the two result sets:

FirstName          LastName             MiddleName_ISNULL   MiddleName_COALESCE
------------------ -------------------- ------------------- ---------------------
Syed               Abbas                E                   E
Catherine          Abel                 R.                  R.
Kim                Abercrombie
Kim                Abercrombie
Kim                Abercrombie          B                   B
Hazem              Abolrous             E                   E
Sam                Abolrous
Humberto           Acevedo
Gustavo            Achong
Pilar              Ackerman
column_ordinal name                 is_nullable
-------------- -------------------- -----------
1              FirstName            0
2              LastName             0
3              MiddleName_ISNULL    0
4              MiddleName_COALESCE  1

The nullability of ISNULL will always be false if at least one of the inputs is not nullable. COALESCE’s nullability will be false only if all inputs are not nullable.

Image Tip  This is a fairly subtle difference and may or may not affect you. Where I have seen these differences creep up is in application code where you may have a data-access library or object-relational-mapping layer that makes data-type decisions based on the nullability of columns in your result set.

How It Works

It is important to understand the nuances of the function you are using and how the data returned from ISNULL and COALESCE will be used. To eliminate the confusion that may occur with implicit type conversions, type precedence rules, and nullability rules, it is good practice to explicitly cast all inputs to the same type prior to being inputted into ISNULL or COALESCE.

Image Note  There are a number of discussions regarding the performance of ISNULL versus COALESCE. For most uses of these functions, the performance differences are negligible. There are some cases—when using correlated subqueries—where ISNULL and COALESCE will cause the query optimizer to generate different query plans, with COALESCE generating a suboptimal plan as compared to ISNULL.

3-4. Looking for NULLs in a Table


You have a table with a nullable column. You would like to return rows either where that column is NULL or where that column is not NULL.


The first hurdle to overcome when working with NULLs is to remove this WHERE clause from your mind: WHERE SomeColumn = NULL. The second hurdle is to remove this clause: WHERE SomeCol <> NULL. NULL is an “unknown” value. SQL Server cannot evaluate any operator where an input to the operator is unknown.

  • What is NULL + 1? NULL?
  • What is NULL * 5? NULL?
  • Does NULL = 1? NULL?
  • Is NULL <> 1? NULL?

To search for NULL values, use IS NULL and IS NOT NULL. Specifically, IS NULL returns TRUE if the operand is NULL, and IS NOT NULL returns TRUE if the operand is defined as (NOT NULL). Take the following statement:


             WHEN @value <> NULL THEN 2
             WHEN @value IS NULL THEN 3
             ELSE 4
        END ;

This simple CASE expression demonstrates that the NULL value stored in the variable @value cannot be evaluated with traditional equality operators. The IS NULL operator evaluates to TRUE, and the result of the statement is the following:


So, how does this apply to searching for NULL values in a table? Say an application requests all rows in the Person table with a NULL value for MiddleName:

        LastName, FirstName, MiddleName
FROM    Person.Person
WHERE   MiddleName IS NULL ;

The result of this statement is as follows:

LastName            FirstName        MiddleName
------------------- ---------------- -----------
Abercrombie         Kim              NULL
Abercrombie         Kim              NULL
Abolrous            Sam              NULL
Acevedo             Humberto         NULL
Achong              Gustavo          NULL

How It Works

The IS NULL operator evaluates one operand and returns TRUE if the value is unknown. The IS NOT NULL operator evaluates one operand and returns TRUE if the value is defined.

Previous recipes in this chapter introduced the ISNULL and COALESCE functions. The ISNULL function is often confused with the IS NULL operator. After all, the names differ by only one space. Functionally, the ISNULL function may be used in a WHERE clause; however, there are some differences in how the SQL Server query plan optimizer decides how to execute statements with IS NULL versus ISNULL when those used in a WHERE clause predicate.

Look at the following three statements that query the JobCandidate table and return the JobCandidate rows that have a non-NULL BusinessEntityID. All three statements return the same rows, but there is are differences in the execution plans.

The first statement uses ISNULL to return 1 for NULL values and returns all rows where ISNULL does not return 1.


SELECT  JobCandidateID,
FROM    HumanResources.JobCandidate
WHERE   ISNULL(BusinessEntityID, 1) <> 1 ;


Here’s the execution plan that results:

  |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([AdventureWorks2008R2].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate].[IX_JobCandidate_BusinessEntityID]),  WHERE:(isnull([AdventureWorks2008R2].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate].[BusinessEntityID],(1))<>(1)))

The execution plan contains an index scan. In this case, SQL Server will look at every row in the index to satisfy the results. Maybe the reason for this is the inequality operator (<>). The query may be rewritten as follows:


SELECT  JobCandidateID,
FROM    HumanResources.JobCandidate
WHERE   ISNULL(BusinessEntityID, 1) = BusinessEntityID ;


And here is the new execution plan:

  |--Index Scan(OBJECT:([AdventureWorks2008R2].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate].[IX_JobCandidate_BusinessEntityID]),  WHERE:(isnull([AdventureWorks2008R2].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate].[BusinessEntityID],(1))=[AdventureWorks2008R2].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate].[BusinessEntityID]))

Again, the query optimizer chooses to use an index scan to satisfy the query. What happens when the IS NULL operator is used instead of the ISNULL function?


SELECT  JobCandidateID,
FROM    HumanResources.JobCandidate
WHERE   BusinessEntityID IS NOT NULL ;


Now the execution looks like this:

  |--Index Seek(OBJECT:([AdventureWorks2008R2].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate].[IX_JobCandidate_BusinessEntityID]), SEEK:([AdventureWorks2008R2].[HumanResources].[JobCandidate].[BusinessEntityID] IsNotNull) ORDERED FORWARD)

By using the IS NULL operator, SQL Server is able to seek on the index instead of scanning the index. ISNULL() is a function; whenever a column is passed into a function, SQL Server must evaluate that function for every row and is not able to seek on an index to satisfy the WHERE clause.

3-5. Removing Values from an Aggregate


You are attempting to understand production delays and have decided to report on the average variance between the ActualStartDate and the ScheduledStartDate of operations in your production sequence. You would like to understand the following:

  • What is the variance for all operations?
  • What is the variance for all operations where the variance is not 0?


NULLIF returns a NULL value when the two provided expressions have the same value; otherwise, the first expression is returned:

SELECT  r.ProductID,
        StartDateVariance = AVG(DATEDIFF(day, ScheduledStartDate,
        StartDateVariance_Adjusted = AVG(NULLIF(DATEDIFF(day,
                                                         ActualStartDate), 0))
FROM    Production.WorkOrderRouting r
WHERE   r.ProductID BETWEEN 514 AND 516
GROUP BY r.ProductID,
ORDER BY r.ProductID,
        r.OperationSequence ;

The query returns the following results:

ProductID   OperationSequence   StartDateVariance   StartDateVariance_Adjusted
514         6                   4                   8
514         7                   4                   8
515         6                   0                   NULL
515         7                   0                   NULL
516         6                   4                   8

How It Works

The query includes two columns that use the aggregate function AVG to return the average difference in days between the scheduled and actual start dates of a production sequence for a given product. The column StateDateVariance includes all of the rows in the aggregate. The column StartDateVariance_Adjusted eliminates rows where the variance is 0 by using the NULLIF function. The NULLIF function accepts the result of DATEDIFF as the first parameter and compares this result to the value 0 that we passed to the second parameter. If DATEDIFF returns 0, NULLIF returns NULL, and the NULL value is then eliminated from the AVG aggregate.

3-6. Enforcing Uniqueness with NULL Values


You have a table that contains a column that allows NULLs. There may be many rows with NULL values, but any non-NULL value must be unique.


For this recipe, create a table called Product where CodeName may be NULL:

USE tempdb;
CREATE TABLE dbo.Product
        ProductId INT NOT NULL
                      CONSTRAINT PK_Product PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,
        ProductName NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        CodeName NVARCHAR(50)
       ) ;

Create a unique nonclustered index on CodeName:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UX_Product_CodeName ON dbo.Product (CodeName) ;

Test the unique index by adding some rows to the table:

INSERT INTO dbo.Product (ProductId, ProductName, CodeName) VALUES  (1, 'Product 1', 'Shiloh'),
INSERT INTO dbo.Product (ProductId, ProductName, CodeName) VALUES  (2, 'Product 2', 'Sphynx'),
INSERT INTO dbo.Product (ProductId, ProductName, CodeName) VALUES  (3, 'Product 3', NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.Product (ProductId, ProductName, CodeName) VALUES  (4, 'Product 4', NULL);

Here is the result of the insert statements:

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 13
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Product' with unique index 'UX_Product_CodeName'. The duplicate key value is (<NULL>).
The statement has been terminated.

A unique index may be built on a nullable column; however, the unique index can contain only one NULL. SQL Server allows filtered indexes where the index is created only for a subset of the data in the table. Drop the unique index created earlier and create a new, unique, nonclustered, filtered index on CodeName so as to index (and enforce uniqueness) only on rows that have a defined CodeName. See the following:

DROP INDEX dbo.Product.UX_Product_CodeName;

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UX_Product_CodeName ON dbo.Product (CodeName) WHERE CodeName IS NOT NULL

Test the new index by adding some rows:

INSERT INTO dbo.Product (ProductId, ProductName, CodeName) VALUES  (4, 'Product 4', NULL);
INSERT INTO dbo.Product (ProductId, ProductName, CodeName) VALUES  (5, 'Product 5', NULL);

The results show two rows were added successfully:

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

If a row is added that violates the unique constraint on the CodeName, a constraint violation will be raised:

INSERT INTO dbo.Product (ProductId, ProductName, CodeName) VALUES  (6, 'Product 6', 'Shiloh'),

Here are the results:

Msg 2601, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Product' with unique index 'UX_Product_CodeName'. The duplicate key value is (Shiloh).
The statement has been terminated.

A select from the Product table will show that multiple NULLs have been added to the CodeName column; however, uniqueness has been maintained on defined CodeName values. See the following:

FROM    dbo.Product;

The SELECT statement yields the following:

ProductId   ProductName        CodeName
----------- ------------------ -----------------
1           Product 1          Shiloh
2           Product 2          Sphynx
3           Product 3          NULL
4           Product 4          NULL
5           Product 5          NULL. See the following:

How It Works

Unique constraints and unique indexes will, by default, enforce uniqueness in the same way with respect to NULL values. Indexes allow for the use of index filtering, and the filter will be created only on the rows that meet the filter criteria. There are many benefits to filtered indexes, as discussed in the “Managing Indexes” chapter.

3-7. Enforcing Referential Integrity on Nullable Columns


You have a table with a foreign key defined so as to enforce referential integrity. You want to enforce the foreign key where values are defined but allow NULL values into the foreign-key column.


The default behavior of a foreign-key constraint is to enforce referential integrity on non-NULL values but allow NULL values, even though there may not be a corresponding NULL value in the primary-key table. This example uses a Category table and an Item table. The Item table includes a nullable CategoryId column that references the CategoryId of the Category table.

First, create the Category table and add some values:

CREATE TABLE dbo.Category
        CategoryId INT NOT NULL
                       CONSTRAINT PK_Category PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,
        CategoryName NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
       ) ;

INSERT INTO dbo.Category (CategoryId, CategoryName)
VALUES  (1, 'Category 1'),
        (2, 'Category 2'),
        (3, 'Category 3') ;


Next, create the Item table and add the foreign key to the Category table:

        ItemId INT NOT NULL
        ItemName NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
        CategoryId INTEGER NULL
                   CONSTRAINT FK_Item_Category REFERENCES Category(CategoryId)
       ) ;

Now, attempt to insert three rows into the Item table. The first row contains a valid reference to the Category table. The second row will fail with a foreign-key violation. The third row will insert successfully, because the CategoryId is NULL:

INSERT INTO dbo.Item (ItemId, ItemName, CategoryId) VALUES  (1, 'Item 1', 1);
INSERT INTO dbo.Item (ItemId, ItemName, CategoryId) VALUES  (2, 'Item 2', 4);
INSERT INTO dbo.Item (ItemId, ItemName, CategoryId) VALUES  (3, 'Item 3', NULL);

These INSERT statements generate the following results:

(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 5
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINT "FK_Item_Category". The conflict occurred in database "AdventureWorks2014", table "dbo.Category", column 'CategoryId'.
The statement has been terminated.
(1 row(s) affected)

How It Works

If a table contains a foreign-key reference on a nullable column, NULL values are allowed in the foreign-key table. If the foreign key is on multiple nullable columns, a NULL value would be allowed in any of the nullable columns. To enforce the referential integrity on all rows, the foreign-key column must be declared as non-nullable. Foreign keys are discussed in detail in the “Managing Tables” chapter.

3-8. Joining Tables on Nullable Columns


You need to join two tables but have NULL values in one or both sides of the join.


When joining on a nullable column, remember that the equality operator returns FALSE for NULL = NULL. Let’s see what happens when you have NULL values on both sides of a join. Create two tables with sample data:

        TestValue NVARCHAR(10) NULL
        TestValue NVARCHAR(10) NULL
       ) ;

INSERT  INTO dbo.Test1
VALUES  ('apples'),
        (NULL) ;

INSERT  INTO dbo.Test2
        (NULL) ;

If an inner join is attempted on these tables, like so:

SELECT  t1.TestValue,
FROM    dbo.Test1 t1
        INNER JOIN dbo.Test2 t2
            ON t1.TestValue = t2.TestValue ;

the query returns the following:

TestValue  TestValue
---------- ----------
oranges    oranges

How It Works

Predicates in the join condition evaluate NULLs the same way as predicates do in the WHERE clause. When SQL Server evaluates the condition t1.TestValue = t2.TestValue, the equals operator returns FALSE if one or both of the operands is NULL; therefore, the only rows that will be returned from an INNER JOIN are rows where neither side of the join is NULL and those non-NULL values are equal.

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