Working with Files and Directories

The System.IO namespace contains the basic file I/O functions that enable you to read and write files, list directories, get file information, and manipulate files and directories. Most applications interact with a file in one way or another, and the System.IO namespace helps you do so.

In this section, you learn how to

  • List directories and files

  • Read and write simple text files


In JScript, VBScript, and Visual Basic, you use the FileSystemObject to work with files and directories. You can use the FileSystemObject in .NET, but because it's a COM object, there's additional resource overhead when calling the FileSystemObject's properties and methods. For this reason, you should always use the managed System.IO namespace for all file and directory code.

Inside the System.IO Namespace

The System.IO namespace contains static (or shared) classes and instance classes that enable you to interact with files, paths, directories, and streams. Streams can be from any type of resource, such as a file on the file system, a network stream, or even a URL from the Internet. You determine which classes in the System.IO namespace to use based on the type of stream you're accessing. If you look up the System.IO namespace in the SDK help file, you'll see something similar to Figure 9.12, which is a long list of the classes and namespaces that make up the System.IO namespace.

Figure 9.12. The System.IO namespace in the .NET Framework SDK.


Static and shared have the same meaning. In Visual Basic .NET, noninstance classes are called shared. In C#, noninstance classes are called static. All shared or static members are shared across all instances on a class, meaning that you can reference the member without using the New constructor for the member you're accessing.

Figure 9.13 is a compact representation of the hierarchy of the System.IO namespace. You can see the static (shared) classes and the instance classes in the figure.

Figure 9.13. Compact representation of the System.IO namespace.

As you can see in Figure 9.13, the System.IO namespace hierarchy contains many objects that interact with files and the file system. We'll discuss the File, Path, and Directory classes, and the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes. These are common classes for basic file I/O.

Understanding the File Class

The File class provides static methods that give you access to files. The instance class FileInfo gives you functionality similar to the static File class. But because the File class is static, it performs security checks each time you access a file object. If you're going to access the same file objects more than once, you should use the FileInfo class to avoid the overhead of performing security checks on the same objects each time. Table 9.3 lists the methods of the File class and their descriptions.

Table 9.3. Methods of the File Class
AppendTextCreates a StreamWriter that appends UTF-8–encoded text to an existing file.
CopyCopies an existing file to a new file.
CreateCreates a file in the specified fully qualified path.
CreateTextCreates or opens a new file for writing UTF-8–encoded text.
DeleteDeletes the file specified by the fully qualified path. An exception isn't thrown if the specified file doesn't exist.
ExistsDetermines whether the specified file exists.
GetAttributesGets the FileAttributes of the file on the fully qualified path.
GetCreationTimeReturns the creation date and time of the specified file or directory.
GetLastAccessTimeReturns the date and time the specified file or directory was last accessed.
GetLastWriteTimeReturns the date and time the specified file or directory was last written to.
MoveMoves a specified file to a new location, providing the option to specify a new file name.
OpenOverloaded. Opens a FileStream on the specified path.
OpenReadOpens an existing file for reading.
OpenTextOpens an existing UTF-8–encoded text file for reading.
OpenWriteOpens an existing file for writing.
SetAttributesSets the specified FileAttributes of the file on the specified path.
SetCreationTimeSets the date and time the file was created.
SetLastAccessTimeSets the date and time the specified file was last accessed.
SetLastWriteTimeSets the date and time that the specified file was last written to.

Using the methods of the File class is straightforward. The following snippets use some of the methods to get you familiar with the syntax:

Imports System.IO

Public Class Class1

 Sub FileClassStuff()

  ' using Exists, Move, SetCreationTime,
  ' SetLastAccessTime, SetLastWriteTime

  If File.Exists("C:Junk.txt") Then
   File.Move("C:Junk.txt", "D:Junk.txt")
   File.SetCreationTime("D:Junk.txt", Date.Now)
   File.SetLastAccessTime("D:Junk.txt", Date.Now)
   File.SetLastWriteTime("D:Junk.txt", Date.Now)
  End If

  ' using Exists and Delete methods

  If File.Exists("C:Junk.txt") Then
  End If

 End Sub
End Class

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace IO_FileClass_CS
 public class Class1
  static void Main()

  // using Exists, Move, SetCreationTime,
  // SetLastAccessTime, SetLastWriteTime

  if (File.Exists(@"C:Junk.txt"))
   File.Move(@"C:Junk.txt", @"D:Junk.txt");
   File.SetCreationTime(@"D:Junk.txt", Date.Now);
   File.SetLastAccessTime(@"D:Junk.txt", Date.Now);
   File.SetLastWriteTime(@"D:Junk.txt", Date.Now);

  // using Exists and Delete methods

  if (File.Exists(@"C:Junk.txt"))


You should always use the File.Exists method to check for the existence of files instead of using a Try/Catch block to trap the FileNotFoundException if the file doesn't exists. This eliminates any of the overhead that might be introduced by using exception handling for actions that could be handled in the language, and not through the use for exceptions.

Understanding the Path Class

The Path class has methods that enable you to retrieve or modify paths on the operating system. When working with the Path class, the methods are smart enough to realize the rules of the operating system that your code is running on. For example, if an OS only allows 256-character pathnames with a 3-character extension, the Path class returns ArgumentException to let you know that you're doing something wrong. The same code might work perfectly on a system such as Windows XP, which has greater flexibility when working with file paths. Table 9.4 lists the more common available methods to you in the Path class.

Table 9.4. Methods of the Path Class
ChangeExtensionChanges the extension of a path string.
CombineCombines two path strings.
GetDirectoryNameReturns the directory information for the specified path string.
GetExtensionReturns the extension of the specified path string.
GetFileNameReturns the filename and extension of the specified path string.
GetFileNameWithoutExtensionReturns the filename of the specified path string without the extension.
GetFullPathReturns the absolute path for the specified path string.
GetPathRootGets the root directory information of the specified path.
GetTempFileNameReturns a unique temporary filename and creates a zero-byte file by that name on disk.
GetTempPathReturns the path of the current system's temporary folder.
HasExtensionDetermines whether a path includes a filename extension.
IsPathRootedGets a value indicating whether the specified path string contains absolute or relative path information.

As is the File class, working with the Path class is very straightforward. All methods can be called directly without creating an instance of the Path class.

Understanding the Directory Class

The Directory class exposes methods that enable you to create, delete, move, rename, and enumerate directories and subdirectories. The Directory class is also a static class. The DirectoryInfo class is the instance class that enables you to create directory instances. Using the DirectoryInfo class avoids the overhead of security checks for each directory reference. Table 9.5 lists the common methods of the Directory class.

Table 9.5. Methods of the Directory Class
CreateDirectoryCreates all directories and subdirectories as specified by path.
DeleteOverloaded. Deletes a directory and its contents.
ExistsDetermines whether the given path refers to an existing directory on disk.
GetCreationTimeGets the creation date and time of a directory.
GetCurrentDirectoryGets the current working directory of the application.
GetDirectoriesOverloaded. Gets the names of subdirectories in the specified directory.
GetDirectoryRootReturns the volume information, root information, or both for the specified path.
GetFilesReturns the names of files in the specified directory.
GetFileSystemEntriesOverloaded. Returns the names of all files and subdirectories in the specified directory.
GetLastAccessTimeReturns the date and time the specified file or directory was last accessed.
GetLastWriteTimeReturns the date and time the specified file or directory was last written to.
GetLogicalDrivesRetrieves the names of the logical drives on this computer in the form "<drive letter>:".
GetParentRetrieves the parent directory of the specified path, including both absolute and relative paths.
MoveMoves a file or a directory and its contents to a new location.
SetCreationTimeSets the creation date and time for the specified file or directory.
SetCurrentDirectorySets the application's current working directory to the specified directory.
SetLastAccessTimeSets the date and time the specified file or directory was last accessed.
SetLastWriteTimeSets the date and time a directory was last written to.

You'll notice that some of these methods are similar to the methods of the Environment class (for example, GetLogicalDrives, which returns a string array of drives). Methods such as SetLastWriteTime and GetLastWriteTime are also similar to the methods of the File class. Because files and directories are similar object types, they share methods that perform similar operations.

In the next section, you create a sample application that uses some of the methods of the Directory class.

Creating an I/O Sample Application

To use some of the classes in the System.IO namespace, you're going to write a Windows Forms application that lists directories and files, writes a list of items from a list box to a text file, and then reads the text file back into a list box. To achieve this, you

  • Use the Directory class of the System.IO namespace

  • Use the StreamWriter class of the System.IO namespace to write to a file

  • Use the StreamReader class of the System.IO namespace to read from a file

  • Use arrays

  • Use the ListBox control

Follow these steps to set up the new application. But before you start, look at Figure 9.14 to see what the end result of your form should look like.

Create a new Windows Forms application named IO_VB (if you're using Visual Basic .NET) or IO_CS (if you're using C#).

On the default form1, change the following properties using the Properties window:

Text = "Using the System.IO Namespace"

StartupPosition = CenterScreen

Next, drag a button from the Toolbox onto the form, and change these properties:

Name = ListFolders

Text = "List Folders"

Drag another button from the Toolbox onto the form, and change these properties:

Name = ListFiles

Text = "List Files"

Drag another button from the Toolbox onto the form, and change these properties:

Name = WriteToFile

Text = "Write To ListBox File"

Drag another button from the Toolbox onto the form, and change these properties:

Name = ReadFromFile

Text = "Read ListBox From File"

Drag a ListBox from the Toolbox onto the form, and change these properties:

Anchor = Top, Bottom, Left, Right

Figure 9.14. Form1.vb from the IO application.

Your completed form should look like Figure 9.14.

Writing the IO Application Code

Now that you have the project set up, you can start writing the code to retrieve directory information. Double-click the List Folders button and add the code in Listing 9.4 to the code-behind for the ListFolders_Click event. This code uses the Directory.GetDirectories methods to return an array of directories.

Listing 9.4. ListFolders_Click Event Code
Private Sub ListFolders_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListFolders.Click

 ' Create a string variable array named
 ' dirs to hold the directory entries for the
 ' special folder Program Files
 Dim dirs As String() = _
   Directory.GetDirectories _
   (Environment.GetFolderPath _

 ' Create a string variable for the For Each loop
 Dim dir As String

 ' Loop thru the array of folders and add them to the
 ' ListBox1 using the Items.Add method
 For Each dir In dirs
  With ListBox1.Items
  End With

End Sub

private void listFolders_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

  /* Create a string variable array named
  dirs to hold the directory entries for the
  special folder Program Files */

  string[] dirs =

  /* Loop thru the array of folders and add them to the
  ListBox1 using the Items.Add method */
  foreach (string dir in dirs)

If you press the F5 key to run the application and click the Get List Folders button, you should see a listing of the subdirectories of your Program Files folder. My output looks like Figure 9.15.

Figure 9.15. Output from the ListFolders_Click event.

In Listing 9.4, you build on techniques you used in the Environment application you created earlier today. You use the GetFolderpath method of the Environment class to return the location of the Program Files folder. The Directory.GetDirectories method returns a string array of folders in the Program Files directory. You then loop through and add them to the list box using the Items.Add method. Using the GetFolderPath method of the Environment class ensures that you won't get an error if the user has a path for Program Files other than C:Program Files.

To get folders and files, you use the GetFileSystemEntries method of the Directory class. Double-click the List Files button and add the code in Listing 9.5 to the ListFiles_Click event.

Listing 9.5. Using the GetFileSystemEntries Method
Private Sub ListFiles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListFiles.Click

 ' Clear the ListBox

 ' Create a string variable array named
 ' files to hold the directory and file entries for the
 ' special folder My Documents
 Dim files As String() = _
  Directory.GetFileSystemEntries _
  (Environment.GetFolderPath _

 ' Create a string variable for the For Each loop
 Dim file As String

 ' Loop thru the array of files and folders and add
 ' them to the ListBox1 using the Items.Add method
 For Each file In files
  With ListBox1.Items
  End With

End Sub

private void listFiles_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  // Clear the listBox

  /* Create a string variable array named
  files to hold the directory and file entries for the
  special folder My Documents */
  string[] files =

  /* Loop thru the array of files and folders and add
  them to the ListBox1 using the Items.Add method */
  foreach (string file in files)

Now you can run the application by pressing F5 and observe the output. In Listing 9.5, you use the GetFileSystemEntries method to return an array of files and directories in the My Documents directory. The Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal enumeration returns the correct location of the My Documents folder to list the files and folders. You could also replace the GetFileSystemEntries method with the GetFiles method to return only the files in the My Documents folder.

Using the StreamWriter and StreamReader Classes

Up to now, you've used the classes of the System.IO namespace to access file system objects. But to read and write data, you must use the methods of the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes.

In Figure 9.13, you saw a representation of the System.IO namespaces and its members. There are classes that handle network streams, crypto streams, binary streams, text streams, and buffered streams. To accomplish basic reading and writing of files, you use the methods of the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes to complete the I/O project you started earlier. But before we write that code, examine Tables 9.6 and 9.7 to get an idea of what methods are available in the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes.

Table 9.6. Methods of the StreamReader Class
CloseCloses the StreamReader and releases any system resources associated with the reader.
DiscardBufferedDataAllows a StreamReader to discard its current data.
PeekReturns the next available character but doesn't consume it.
ReadReads the next character or next set of characters from the input stream.
ReadBlockReads a maximum of count characters from the current stream and writes the data to buffer, beginning at index.
ReadLineReads a line of characters from the current stream and returns the data as a string.
ReadToEndReads the stream from the current position to the end of the stream.

Table 9.7. Methods of the StreamWriter Class
CloseCloses the current StringWriter and the underlying stream.
FlushClears all buffers for the current writer and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
GetStringBuilderReturns the underlying StringBuilder.
ToStringReturns a string containing the characters written to the current StringWriter so far.
WriteWrites to this instance of the StringWriter.
WriteLineWrites some data as specified by the overloaded parameters, followed by a line terminator.

The StreamReader class gives you all the read methods to accomplish reads on a stream after you've opened it. Read, Peek, ReadToEnd, ReadLine, and ReadBlock all read data from a stream. The StreamWriter methods perform the task of writing data to a stream.

Write and WriteLine are the methods to write data, with the only difference being that the WriteLine method adds a line terminator to the end of the line of data you're writing.

To implement the code to loop through the items in the ListBox control on your form, double-click the Write To File button, and add the code in Listing 9.6 to the WriteToFile_Click event.

Listing 9.6. Using the StreamWriter Class
Private Sub WriteToFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles WriteToFile.Click

 ' Create a new text file using the StreamWriter class
 Dim sw As New StreamWriter("C:List.txt")

 ' Create a temp counting variable
 Dim intX As Short

 ' Loop thru the ListBox, grabbing the items and
 ' writing them to the stream using the WriteLine method
 Dim s As String
 For Each s In ListBox1.Items

 ' Close the StreamWriter

End Sub

private void WriteToFile_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  // Create a new text file using the StreamWriter class
  StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:List.txt");

  /* Loop thru the ListBox, grabbing the items and
  writing them to the stream using the WriteLine method */
  foreach (string s in listBox1.Items)

  // Close the StreamWriter

After you run the application, you can check the List.txt file in the C drive. It lists the files that are also listed in the ListBox in a nice text format. Using the WriteLine method of the StreamWriter class adds the line terminator after each item it writes out in the List.txt file. Figure 9.16 shows the List.txt file from my machine.

Figure 9.16. The List.txt output from the StreamWriter.

The last step in the code for the I/O application is writing the code-behind for the Read From File button. Listing 9.7 has the code that uses the StreamReader class to create a new stream object based on the List.txt file you just created in Listing 9.6. Add the code in Listing 9.7 to the code-behind for the ReadFromFile_Click event to see this in action.

Listing 9.7. Using the StreamReader Class
Private Sub ReadFromFile_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ReadFromFile.Click

 ' Clear the ListBox

 ' Create a new StreamReader and pass the file
 ' created in the WriteToFile_Click event
 Dim sr As New StreamReader("C:List.txt")

 ' Use the Peek method to move to the next character
 ' and the ReadLine method to get the next line
 While sr.Peek <> -1
  With ListBox1.Items
  End With
 End While

 ' Close the StreamReader

End Sub

private void ReadFromFile_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  // Clear the listBox

  /* Create a new StreamReader and pass the file
  created in the WriteToFile_Click event */
  StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"C:List.txt");

  /* Use the Peek method to move to the next character
  and the ReadLine method to get the next line */
  while (sr.Peek() != -1);

  // Close the StreamReader


Now run the application to read the data from the file. The first line of code in Listing 9.7 clears the ListBox, and then the new StreamReader is created based on the file previously created. Using a loop, you're peeking into the file, one line at a time, using the Peek method. The ReadLine method reads the next line, and adds the string it reads into the ListBox. Because Peek doesn't consume the bytes of data that it reads, you can keep peeking into a stream while consuming its data with any of the read methods of the stream class. You finally call the Close method of the StreamReader to release the resource. You should always be diligent about using Close on resources that have a Close method. Not using Close could keep the stream handle open or waste unnecessary resources.

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