Q1:I looked in my hard drive, and couldn't find System.Environment.Dll. Where is it?
A1: The classes and namespaces you learn about throughout these 21 days aren't necessarily in a separate DLL or even contained in a single DLL. When you get to Day 14, you'll learn about the global assembly cache and how .NET stores assemblies there.
Q2:I'm writing in C#. Sometimes, the auto-list members don't show up when I reference a class. Why?
A2: C# is a case-sensitive language, meaning that you can't use uppercase and lowercase and expect the Visual Studio .NET IDE to figure out what you're trying to type. Visual Basic .NET isn't case sensitive, so it's more friendly in the code window when you're typing along.
Q3:The I/O application we wrote was cool. But where can I get more information about reading and writing different kinds of files? I know I won't be doing simple text files all the time.
A3: If you look in the following directory on your machine, you'll find a few more good examples of using I/O:
Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio .NET

You can also find some useful System.IO articles at the following links:




Each of the preceding links offers further information on I/O in .NET. Remember to read all about I/O in the SDK too—there's a ton of good information there.

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