Q1:Web services are cool. Are they efficient? It seems like a lot of XML coming down the pipe.
A1: Web services are a little chunky in file size. The main benefit of Web services is they are cross-platform and cross-language. If saving every bit of network bandwidth is an issue and you're running a complete Microsoft server and client solution, you should look at .NET remoting using binary TCP formatters. .NET remoting is highly efficient.
Q2:How does early binding occur? How does .NET know all the methods in the Web service?
A2: When you reference the ASMX file and add the WSDL to your solution, Visual Studio .NET creates a proxy class that's built in the language of your project and contains all the properties and methods that are read from the WSDL file. If you click the Show All Files button on the Solution Explorer toolbar, you'll see a Reference.Map file with the attached Reference.vb or Reference.cs file that contains the information that Visual Studio .NET needs to accomplish early binding.
Q3:I'm hungry for more! Where can I get hard-core Web services information?
A3: There are tons of great resources on the Web. Check the following links for examples and Web service information:


The At Your Service column on MSDN is also great:


Dan Wahlin also has great resources, including information about using the Google Search Web service and the Amazon.com Web services, at


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