Q1:I think I understand all the different types of component templates in .NET, but when do I actually need the ones that have a designer and when should I just use a Class Library application?
A1: It all depends on what you need. Most of my development involves breaking apart functionality into Class Library applications and then using the Class Libraries in different applications. The functionality exposed by the designers enables you to create visual components for Windows Forms and Web Forms. You can create nonvisual components by creating component classes and using items in the Components tab of the Toolbox. You create a component class in the exercises later today.
Q2:The C# code for the COM interoperability seemed different than the Visual Basic .NET code. Why is that?
A2: The answer isn't simple. C# handles interop slightly different from Visual Basic .NET, so if you're seriously considering hard-code COM interop, you need to get a good book on the subject. We barely scratched the surface today. The best book that I know of is

.NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide, written by Adam Nathan and published by Sams Publishing.

There are other books out there about COM interop, but this one is by far the best. It's 1,608 pages of COM interop fun.

Q3:I have a lot of Visual Basic 6 code that returns ADO recordsets to ASP pages. I want to use these DLLs in my ASP.NET applications. Can I pass an ADO recordset to a .NET application?
A3: Yes, you can. The DataSet class can decipher ADO recordsets. Do a search in the software development kit (SDK) for ADO, and you'll find an example. There's also a good example of this in the Quick Start tutorials that come with the .NET SDK and are available online at http://www.gotdotnet.com.
Q4:I need more details about creating components and controls. What can I do next?
A4: When you get to exercise 3 later today, you'll find the walkthroughs for creating all types of .NET components. The SDK has tons of information about where to go next.

If you want to get another great book by Sams Publishing, I suggest Creating Custom Controls for ASP .NET, by Doug Seven and Donnie Mack.

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