Q1:Why does the add-in sometimes not show up in the Tools menu when I run the add-in application?
A1: Make sure that you select Uninstall from the deployment project after you've installed the add-in to test it. Because the Registry is involved, you must make sure that it's cleared out before you attempt to run the new add-in.
Q2:The Help File for add-ins is sort of confusing. Is my help messed up?
A2: No, your Help isn't messed up. Someone seems to have forgotten a few things when adding the help for automation. The hierarchy isn't like it is for the other namespaces in the framework class library (FCL), so you have to figure it out on your own. I suggest printing out the object model hierarchy bitmap that you can find in the SDK under Automation. It's a visual representation of the EnvDTE objects, and it'll assist you in getting the right information.
Q3:Add-ins are exciting. Are there any books or good articles about add-ins?
A3: Information about add-ins is scarce. A-Press publishes a book by Les Smith called Writing Add-ins for Visual Studio .NET. It's all Visual Basic .NET code and it walks you through a lot of neat Add-in ideas. You can find some good articles about add-ins at http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/02/02/VSIDE/VSIDE.asp
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