Q1:There are a lot of cool features in Crystal, but no time seems to have been spent on the help file. Where do I find out more information on creating reports?
A1: The help file that comes with .NET isn't great, but it's pretty good. To get a ton of great help on using Crystal with .NET, go to this link:


Search for samples in the .NET version of Crystal Reports. There are 75 to 100 different samples in Visual Basic .NET, C#, and C++ .NET on all aspects of using Crystal in Visual Studio .NET. It's a very helpful Web site.

Q2:Crystal is cool, but are there any other reporting tools that integrate with .NET?
A2: Yes, as a matter of fact, I use ActiveReports from Data Dynamics. It has lots of great features; most notably, the fact that the report object itself has a code-behind class in which you can write code to manipulate report data. In my opinion, ActiveReports gives you more granular control over what the data looks like in a programmatic way, not a wizard-driven way.
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