Q1:I'm having trouble managing my windows. They keep flying all over the place, and I just want them back to the way they were when I first installed Visual Studio .NET. What can I do?
A1: The easiest way to change your window scheme is to return to the My Profile page on the Start Page. If you test a few of the configuration options, you'll probably find one you like. Dragging and positioning windows always seems to be the hardest thing for new developers to figure out. If you're having problems docking windows, try double-clicking the window's toolbar. The window will dock to its last location.
Q2:I've been playing with some Visual Basic .NET code, and when I break in my application, I cannot edit the code. Why? I did this all the time in Visual Basic 6!
A2: Visual Basic .NET doesn't support Edit and Continue. Because the code is compiled, you can't modify code on-the-fly by setting breakpoints and setting the next statement.
Q3:I use some external editors for various reasons. How can I add them to the Tools menu?
A3: If you select the External Tools option from the Tools menu, you can add menu items and links to any external tool you need to use.
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