
  1. To expand on the form events that occur when opening and closing forms, add code to the child1 and child2 forms to display a messages in each of the key events that occur when a form is created and when a form is destroyed.

  2. Using the Application class, create a new form that contains a ListBox control and add the following properties to it:

    • CommonAppDataPath

    • CommonAppDataRegistry

    • CompanyName

    • ExecutablePath

    • ProductName

    • ProductVersion

    • StartupPath

    • UserAppDataPath

    • UserAppDataRegistry

    Hint: After you add the ListBox control to the form, you need to add code in the Form_Load event using the following syntax:

  3. Using the Splitter control, the Panel control, and the knowledge you have gained about docking today, create an Explorer-style application.

    Hint: The Splitter control has a Dock property that dictates whether it should be a horizontal or vertical splitter.

  4. Experiment with the TabControl, DateTimePicker, and ErrorProvider controls. Add the controls to a form, and press Ctrl+F1 to view the help files on these controls.

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