cabinet (.CAB) files, Windows Installer Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
overview, Windows Installer Deployment
sandbox with, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
when to use, Cabinet-File Deployment
canonical filenames, File-Based or Directory-Based Attacks
CAS, Security Zones and Permissions (see )
casing, Direct User Input
CERT Web site, The Arms Race of Hacking
certificate authorities, How SSL Works, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority
certificates, Authenticode Signing (see )
challenges to designing security, Ten Steps to Designing a Secure Enterprise System
CharacterCasing property of TextBox, Direct User Input
ChDir keyword, Review Code for Threats
ChDrive keyword, Review Code for Threats
child-applications attacks, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
cipher text, Encryption
class library zone assignments, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone
client-server applications, Hash Digests, Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Enable Auditing, Enable Auditing, Enable Auditing, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, Implement BIOS Password Protection, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture
architecture recommended, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture
auditing, enabling, Enable Auditing
BIOS passwords, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
disabling auto logon, Automated Tools
file-sharing software, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
floppy drives, disabling booting from, Implement BIOS Password Protection
locking down, Automated Tools
MBSA with, Automated Tools
NTFS recommended, Automated Tools
screen saver passwords, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
sharing, turning off, Enable Auditing
spoofing hashes, Hash Digests
turning off services, Enable Auditing
Windows clients, Automated Tools
clsEmployee sample class, Employee Management System
Cobalt server appliance vulnerabilities, The Arms Race of Hacking
code, Security Zones and Permissions, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates, Microsoft Initiatives
access, Security Zones and Permissions (see )
managed, Microsoft Initiatives
obfuscating, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates
code samples, EmployeeManagementWeb Practice Files, Guide to the Code Samples, Guide to the Code Samples, Guide to the Code Samples, Guide to the Code Samples, Guide to the Code Samples, Employee Management System, Employee Management System, Employee Management System, Encryption Demo, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
.aspx sample, Employee Management System
DPAPI, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
EmployeeDatabase.mdb, Guide to the Code Samples
EmployeeManagementWeb, EmployeeManagementWeb Practice Files, Employee Management System
EMS, Employee Management System (see )
encryption demo, Guide to the Code Samples
practice files for chapters, Guide to the Code Samples
TogglePassportEnvironment utility, Guide to the Code Samples, Encryption Demo
Web site for, Guide to the Code Samples
code-access security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, Code-Access Security, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, It’s On By Default, It’s On By Default, It’s On By Default, Code-Access Security vs. Application Role-Based Security, Code-Access Security vs. Application Role-Based Security, Code-Access Security Preempts Application Role-Based Security, Code-Access Security Preempts Application Role-Based Security, Code-Access Security Preempts Application Role-Based Security, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones, What Code-Access Security Is Meant To Protect, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Code-Access Security in the Real World, Windows Installer Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
chained calls, Security Zones and Permissions
components, restricting, Code-Access Security
cooperating with system, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
defaults, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe
defined, Code-Access Security
Demands, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, It’s On By Default
deployment, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Windows Installer Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment
digital signatures, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
evidence, Code-Access Security, Security Zones and Trust Levels
file access sample, Code-Access Security Preempts Application Role-Based Security
functions blocked by default, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe
goals of, Code-Access Security, What Code-Access Security Is Meant To Protect
highly-trusted applications, Code-Access Security
highly-untrusted applications, Code-Access Security
Internet Explorer zones, Security Zones and Trust Levels
Internet warning, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe
isolated storage, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
loading options for applications, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
location factor, Code-Access Security
luring attacks, Security Zones and Permissions
modifying policy, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
network share file access, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones
next generation applications, Code-Access Security in the Real World
OS restrictions, Code-Access Security Preempts Application Role-Based Security
permission types, Code-Access Security
preemption of roles, Code-Access Security vs. Application Role-Based Security
preventing execution, means of, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe
purpose of, Code-Access Security
role-based security, compared to, Code-Access Security vs. Application Role-Based Security
safe vs. unsafe actions, Code-Access Security
sandboxes, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
security zones, Security Zones and Trust Levels
SecurityException, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones
settings, storing, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
single computer, applications on, Code-Access Security Preempts Application Role-Based Security
system components, It’s On By Default
tactics for critical operations, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone
trust, Code-Access Security, Security Zones and Trust Levels
unexpected results from, It’s On By Default
Windows Installer for permissions with, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
collisions, Hash Digests
column level authorization, SQL Server Authorization
COM interop–based exceptions, Global Exception Handlers
commenting in code, Respond to Threats
CompareValidator, Validation Tools Available to ASP.NET Web Applications
components, Code-Access Security, Security Zones and Permissions, Prioritize Analysis Based on the Function of Each Component
access, restricting, Code-Access Security
code security of, Security Zones and Permissions (see )
diagramming for threat analysis, Prioritize Analysis Based on the Function of Each Component
conflicts, multiuser, Handling Exceptions
constants, viewing, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
control systems, Securing Web Applications
controls, validating input of, Validation Tools Available to ASP.NET Web Applications
cookies, Forms Authentication, Forms Authentication, Parse Method, Testing Tools, Draw Architectural Sketch and Review for Threats, Prioritize Threats
attacks with, Draw Architectural Sketch and Review for Threats, Prioritize Threats
Cookie Pal, Testing Tools
Cookies collection, Parse Method
Forms authentication generated, Forms Authentication, Forms Authentication
costs, increasing, trend of, What Happens Next?
CPU starvation attacks, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks
crashes, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Where Exceptions Occur
DoS attacks creating, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them
exceptions caused by, Where Exceptions Occur
Create keyword, Review Code for Threats
credit cards, Securing Web Applications in the Real World
cross-site scripting attacks, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
dangerous HTML scripts, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
defensive techniques, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem
defined, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
escape sequences, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
HTML entities, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
HTML link creation for, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem
input length checks, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
inserting false logon pages, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem
problems with HTML, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
Request.QueryString, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
Server.HtmlEncode, When HTML Script Injection Becomes a Problem
Server.UrlEncode, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
testing against, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
turning off Request object validation, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
ValidateRequest attribute, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
VB .NET 2003 protection from, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
vulnerable application example, Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
CSRs (certificate signing requests), How SSL Works
currency validation, Parse Method
CustomValidator, Validation Tools Available to ASP.NET Web Applications
cyber-terrorism, The Arms Race of Hacking
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