Dashboard sample form, Employee Management System
data authentication, Privacy vs. Security
Data Encryption Standard, Private Key Encryption (see )
data or input tampering attacks, Mitigating Threats
databases, Practice Files, Public Key Encryption, SQL-Injection Attacks, Create a Blueprint of Your Application, Securing Databases, Securing Databases, Securing Databases, Securing Databases, Securing Databases, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Determining Who Is Logged On, Determining Who Is Logged On, SQL Server Authorization, SQL Server Authorization, SQL Server Authorization, SQL Server Authorization, SQL Server Authorization, Microsoft Access User-Level Security Models, Microsoft Access User-Level Security Models, Locking Down SQL Server, Step 1: Believe You Will Be Attacked, Detection, Future Trends
Access authentication, SQL Server Authorization
Access, Microsoft, SQL Server Authorization (see )
administrating accounts, SQL Server Authentication
authentication, Securing Databases
authorization, Securing Databases, Determining Who Is Logged On, Microsoft Access User-Level Security Models
blank password problem, SQL Server Authentication
column-level authorization, SQL Server Authorization
importance of, Securing Databases
locking down, Securing Databases
logons, setting up, SQL Server Authentication
Mixed Mode authentication, SQL Server Authentication
permissions for, Microsoft Access User-Level Security Models
privilege assignment, Determining Who Is Logged On
removing unencrypted fields, Public Key Encryption
row-level authorization, SQL Server Authorization
sample for exercises, Practice Files
single authentication method, SQL Server Authentication
SQL, Locking Down SQL Server (see )
SQL authentication, Securing Databases (see )
SQL injection, SQL-Injection Attacks (see )
SQL Slammer worm, Step 1: Believe You Will Be Attacked, Detection, Future Trends
table-level authorization, SQL Server Authorization
testing security of, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
Windows Authentication, changing to, SQL Server Authentication
dates, validating, General Language Validation Tools
debugging features, Testing Approaches
Declare keyword, Review Code for Threats
decompiling, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates
decomposing, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan
decryption, Encryption, Encryption, Private Key Encryption
(see also )
defined, Encryption
private key, Private Key Encryption
default behavior, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities
default installations, lack of security of, Locking Down Windows, Internet Information Services, and .NET
delay signing, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
Delete keyword, Review Code for Threats
Demands, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, It’s On By Default
demilitarized zones (DMZs), Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture
denial of service (DoS) attacks, Code-Access Security, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Denial of Service Attacks, Denial of Service Attacks, Denial of Service Attacks, Denial of Service Attacks, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks, Defending Against Memory and Resource DoS Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, Stress Testing, Mitigating Threats, Cyber-Terrorism
.NET vulnerability to, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them
application crash form, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks
CPU starvation attacks, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks
defending against, Denial of Service Attacks
defined, Code-Access Security, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them
forms of, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them
input, limiting, Defending Against Memory and Resource DoS Attacks
memory starvation form, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks
mitigation techniques for, Mitigating Threats
network bandwidth starvation form, Denial of Service Attacks
on domain-name servers, Cyber-Terrorism
requests, limiting, Denial of Service Attacks
resource starvation form, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks
SQL-injection for, SQL-Injection Attacks
stress testing to prevent, Stress Testing
system crash form, Denial of Service Attacks
deployment, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Securing Your Application for Deployment, Securing Your Application for Deployment, Securing Your Application for Deployment, XCopy Deployment, XCopy Deployment, Windows Installer Deployment, Windows Installer Deployment, Windows Installer Deployment, Windows Installer Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Authenticode Signing, When to Use Authenticode Signing, Strong-Named Visual Basic .NET .DLLs and Partial Trust, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Deploying .NET Security Policy Updates, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates, Obscurity <> Security, Deployment Checklist, Step 10: Design for Maintenance, Prepare for a Response
.MSI deployment packages, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates
.NET Framework Configuration tool, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates
.NET security policy updates, Deploying .NET Security Policy Updates
ActiveX components, Windows Installer Deployment
ASP.NET Web server applications, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
Authenticode signing, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority
cabinet files, Windows Installer Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment
certificates, Authenticode Signing (see )
checklist for, Obscurity <> Security
code-access security, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Windows Installer Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment
delay signing, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
fixes for attacks, Prepare for a Response
Internet distribution, advantages of, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
measures to secure, list of, Securing Your Application for Deployment
methods of, Securing Your Application for Deployment
no-touch, XCopy Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox, When to Use Authenticode Signing, Step 10: Design for Maintenance
obfuscating code, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates
packaging costs, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
real-world considerations, Deployment Checklist
sample application, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
setup packages, signing, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
strong names, Strong-Named Visual Basic .NET .DLLs and Partial Trust (see )
timestamp services, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
user options, allowing, Windows Installer Deployment
viewing certificates, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
Windows Installer, XCopy Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment
XCopy for, Securing Your Application for Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment
Deployment Wizard, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, XCopy Deployment
DES, Private Key Encryption (see )
design steps, Ten Steps to Designing a Secure Enterprise System, Ten Steps to Designing a Secure Enterprise System, Ten Steps to Designing a Secure Enterprise System, Design Challenges, Design Challenges, Step 1: Believe You Will Be Attacked, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture, Named-Pipes vs. TCP-IP, Named-Pipes vs. TCP-IP, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities, Step 8: No Back Doors, Step 8: No Back Doors, Step 10: Design for Maintenance, Step 10: Design for Maintenance, Analyze for Threats and Vulnerabilities
architectural security, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning
back doors, eliminating, Step 8: No Back Doors
beginning with security, Step 1: Believe You Will Be Attacked
believing attacks will come, Design Challenges
challenges to, Ten Steps to Designing a Secure Enterprise System
firewalls, Step 8: No Back Doors
level of security, picking, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning
maintenance considerations, Step 10: Design for Maintenance
minimum security measures in architecture, Named-Pipes vs. TCP-IP
missteps, Ten Steps to Designing a Secure Enterprise System
modeling vulnerabilities, Named-Pipes vs. TCP-IP
named-pipes vs. TCP/IP, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture
off switches, Step 10: Design for Maintenance
overview, Ten Steps to Designing a Secure Enterprise System
serious attitude development, Design Challenges
simplicity, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities
team education, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning
threat analysis, Analyze for Threats and Vulnerabilities
usability, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities
Windows OS security features, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities
detecting attacks, Detection, Detection, Early Detection, Early Detection, Early Detection, Early Detection, Early Detection, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms, Prepare for a Response
anomaly detection, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress
confidence in, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms
early detection, Detection
exception handlers, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress
feedback to users, Early Detection
following the attack, Early Detection
hardware inventories, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress
human factors, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms
IDSs for, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress
in-progress, Early Detection
logging activity, Early Detection, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress
monitoring news groups, Early Detection
overview of, Detection
real-world considerations, Prepare for a Response
reboots, unscheduled, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress
redundancy, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms
signature detection, Detecting That an Attack Has Taken Place or Is in Progress
snapshots of data, Determining Whether to Trust Your Detection Mechanisms
deterrence, Threats—Analyze, Prevent, Detect, and Respond
development team, education of, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning
device names, use in attacks, Enforce Canonical Filenames
digital certificates, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox, Digital Certificates, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Authenticode Signing, When to Use Authenticode Signing, Strong-Named Visual Basic .NET .DLLs and Partial Trust, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
application integrity assurance, Authenticode Signing
Authenticode signing, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority
CSRs, How SSL Works
defined, Secure Sockets Layer
hash value security policy attribute, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
installing, How SSL Works
private keys for, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority
publisher identity, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
purpose of, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
root certificates, How SSL Works
sample application, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
setup packages, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
signatures, checking, When to Use Authenticode Signing
Software Publisher Certificates, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
SSL, Secure Sockets Layer
strong names, Strong-Named Visual Basic .NET .DLLs and Partial Trust (see )
test certificates, How SSL Works, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
timestamp services, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
validity of, How SSL Works
VeriSign, obtaining from, How SSL Works
viewing, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
X.509, Digital Certificates
Dir keyword, Review Code for Threats
direct user input, Validating Input
directories, Keeping Private Keys Safe, Windows Integrated Security, Windows Integrated Security, Role-Based Authorization in the Real World, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Defending Against Memory and Resource DoS Attacks, Defending Against Memory and Resource DoS Attacks
Active Directory, Windows Integrated Security, Role-Based Authorization in the Real World, Security Zones and Permissions
directory-based attacks, Defending Against Memory and Resource DoS Attacks
DirectoryServicesPermission, Security Zones and Permissions
restricting access to, Windows Integrated Security
root, hackers finding, Defending Against Memory and Resource DoS Attacks
security for private key encryption, Keeping Private Keys Safe
disabling auto logon, Automated Tools
disassembling code, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
disk space attacks, Application Attacks and How to Avoid Them (see )
distributed architecture recommended, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning
DLLs (dynamic-link libraries), Create Scenarios Based on Inroads for Attack, Strong Names vs. Weak Names
DMZs (demilitarized zones), Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture
DNS permission, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions
documentation, Prioritize Analysis Based on the Function of Each Component, Respond to Threats
domain controllers, Implement BIOS Password Protection
domain-name system root servers, Cyber-Terrorism
DoS attacks, Defensive Techniques for DoS Attacks (see )
Dotfuscator, Deploy .NET Enterprise Security Policy Updates
DPAPI encryption, functions, sample, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
drives, physical, "I’m Already Protected. I’m Using a Firewall.", Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Enable Auditing
FAT file system, "I’m Already Protected. I’m Using a Firewall.", Automated Tools
NTFS formatting, Automated Tools
sharing, locking down, Enable Auditing
DumpBin, Testing Tools
dynamic loading, attacks against, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
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