
MY DAD WAS IN SALES ALL HIS LIFE, and I had a front-row seat to watch how the stress took a toll on him.

I watched him use the old-school tactics most sales trainers still teach today. With this approach, people are known as targets, which bothered my father. He enjoyed people. He enjoyed getting to know them. He was a good listener, always had a kind word, and did his best to find a solution to their problems.

He did not enjoy using the warlike tactics he was told to use. I know this because I grew up with the audio programs of these trainers playing in my home and when I was driving in the car with my dad.

He listened constantly and intently and attempted to do what the trainers and his sales manager told him to do. At the end of each day of making calls, this selling style did not sit well with him. The aggressive, win-at-all-costs approach was not in alignment with his nature.

It has never been with me either. That is why my goal in my career is to make sales in a way that feels good to both me and my prospects from the start.

If you have ever thought the following ideas to yourself, you are not alone:

• “Why am I being taught to expect constant objections instead of how to have my prospects want to say yes to me?”

• “Why do I have to go so far out of my comfort zone to do what my trainers, coaches, and managers are telling me to do to grow my business?”

• “Why is my sales team not achieving its sales quotas no matter how much training I give them?”

• “Why is it so hard to find good salespeople for my team?”

If you have these worries, you are in the majority of salespeople who are tired of disrespecting their core beliefs and who now refuse to use pushy and spammy sales approaches. More and more of them are leaving the sales industry for jobs that feel more purposeful and of service. This mass exodus is a shame because salespeople are meant to be solving problems, providing solutions, and helping make lives and businesses more successful. Salespeople can make a huge difference in the world!

If you are tired of spinning your wheels and wasting your time in dead-end cold-call conversations attempting to convince strangers that your products and services are exactly what they need, then it’s time to get back into alignment—with yourself, your products and services, and your prospects. Too many people have problems that are not getting solved because you have been taught to use outdated, ineffective, old-school sales tactics that are instantly rejected.

Recent studies show sales training is linked to employee satisfaction, employee motivation, employee retention, sales results, company culture, and enterprise agility. Sales training that is not producing an increase in sales is having a negative effect on every aspect of a company.1

Now is the time for a more satisfying way to build relationships that result in sales. In this book, you will find a much more enjoyable and successful way because you will discover that your power and profit lies within your comfort zone—not by getting out of it.

I wrote this book for every


Vice president of sales

Sales director

Sales manager

Business development specialist

Account growth manager

Client engagement specialist

Inside sales account executive

Outside sales account executive

Marketing director

Marketing manager

Relationship manager

Team leader

Store manager

Retail sales associate

Customer service manager

Customer service representative





Network marketing representative

This book is also for anyone who wants to become a better communicator and create healthy and productive relationships with others, including those with different personalities, cultural background, and opinions.

The tips and strategies contained here are designed to help you discover and keep you aligned with the following:

• Your core values, personal strengths, and sense of purpose

• Products or services you are selling and the company’s mission

• Your audience and its needs and wants

• Solutions to your audience’s needs and wants

You will also discover the Alignment Marketing Formula (Alignment + Belief × Consistency = Sales, Satisfaction, and Success), which has been proven to work by the thousands of people who are practicing this strategy to stay in their comfort zone to make sales, feel a greater sense of satisfaction, and achieve the success they desire and deserve.

Lastly, you will find a simple, easy-to-implement daily practice of maintaining your alignment and gently expanding the circumference of your comfort zone to avoid feeling overwhelmed as you attract and manage an ever-increasing amount of abundance.

I look forward to hearing that you, too, experience more sales resulting from stronger and more satisfying relationships with prospects who quickly become your customers.

I wish you an abundance of yeses every day, every week, every month, every year, and for all the years to come.

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