Chapter 6. The Business Aspect

Allow me, dear reader, to state some propositions regarding the design of software, for your consideration:

Proposition 0

By definition, any purposive compound of objects and their relations is called a system. (Examples can include a software application, a datacenter, a business organization, a business process, a chemical compound, a written document, a play, a music composition, and so forth.)

Proposition 0a

These compounded elements and their relations are not innate, but are proposed, socially constructed, captured, augmented, determined, and filtered by the designers of that system.

Proposition 0b

Any system is either designed explicitly (purposively), or implicitly. If the design is implicit, its design is regarded and comprehended only after the fact, after the system is in place, as a result of a series of accidents, which is likely non-optimal.

Proposition 1

Certain principles apply to well-designed systems, and these same principles can be employed across the design of any system, though seemingly disparate.

Proposition 1a

The attributes of any well-designed system include, at a minimum:

Fitness to purpose

It must serve what it purports to serve, to help users achieve their goals efficiently.


It must afford that purpose in a way that minimizes friction and noise, making it easy and delightful to use, consume, and participate in.


Given that the system operates in a world of frequent change, it should be designed in a way to allow modifications, updates, and extension according to future needs.

Proposition 1b

An additional set of attributes contemplated for a well-designed system (software or otherwise) include the following:


It should be easy to correct faults, improve performance, and adapt to a changed environment.


You should be able to keep the system safe, secure, and operating smoothly.


You should be able to see into the system, to measure and understand how it is working.


It must excel at its purposes.


It should be able to operate in a variety of contexts.


It should be able to operate at the same level, even under increased load.

Proposition 2

The software system you design will operate within a business context, and therefore, to be optimally designed, the software system must be designed to support and operate within this business context or a new business context the software, in its innovation, potentially requires the creation of.

Proposition 3

The business is a system of systems (these are business elements that are also systems: your service-oriented development organization, the sales delivery process, the architecture review board, the strategic funding process, local executive steering committee meetings, the joint venture strategy, the project execution plan, and so forth).

Proposition 4

The business therefore can be designed as systems; it operates according to these same principles.

Proposition 5

Because the semantic designer (creative architect) is foremost a designer of systems, the purview of the role includes the proper design of the software as well as the design of the business systems themselves.


The business is a system just like the application is, so you as the creative director must help design the business itself as a cohesive and coherent system according to these principles, to achieve a better overall business outcome. The resulting business, as a context in which software is developed, will help improve the software itself, and help you make it on time and on budget and according to user needs.  They inform and help (or hurt) each other. This is shown in Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. The business and application systems inform each other

So there are two points here:

  • You might not have historically considered it part of your job, but to be especially effective, consider your purview to include the design of the organization itself and its processes according to received architecture and design principles.

  • When you design especially effective software, you not only consider the application frameworks and software attributes, but consider the impact the business will have on your system, and the impact your system will have on the business.

Therefore, now we turn our attention to the business itself, to ask specifically:

  • How can you see your organization and processes as systems in themselves to be understood and purposively designed?

  • After you begin to see your organization through the lens of systems, how can you optimize the organization and processes toward maximum effectiveness?

  • How can you determine the impact your burgeoning system might have on the business? 

  • How aligned is the business with the system you are creating? As you bring it to life, can it be properly supported?

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to answer these questions with the practical tools we’ll introduce.

Capturing the Business Strategy

Business Architecture as we define it refers to the formal representation and active management of the design of the business. Any system that operates within a business will be heavily informed (for better or for worse) by this business context.

The business context includes the strategy, the organization design, business processes, culture, applicable laws and regulations, and other elements that we discuss shortly.

At this juncture, we are interested in a level of strategy in document form, usually a deck. Broader statements such as “establish our company as the leader in the sprinkled donut space” are not useful here. Such documents will perhaps delineate how the business leaders propose to answer three key questions:

  • How will we create value? You need to understand your target markets, how the markets are expected to change, and how your products and services specifically address your markets’ needs.

  • How will we capture value? What are the ways you can effectively compete? How will you manage your technology to align with these objectives?

  • How will we deliver value? What processes and capabilities do you need to bolster, streamline, expand, and improve to meet your customers in the market?

The Business Architecture Working Group of the Object Management Group (OMG) describes Business Architecture as “a blueprint of the enterprise that provides a common understanding of the organization and is used to align strategic objectives and tactical demands." I’m not a big fan of the “blueprint” metaphor, for reasons which should by now be obvious. But the OMG specifies many popular things in our industry, so let’s build on that for a moment.

Provide a Common Understanding

It is important to know your company’s org chart. For a startup, or a smaller organization, this might seem so obvious as to not bear stating. Everyone might know everyone else, and they all might have one job title: “Get Stuff Done.”

But many larger, global conglomerates have thousands or tens of thousands of employees, including multiple CIOs for different geographic regions or different business units or functions. In such companies, it can be challenging to know who works on what and how.

Here’s what you’re doing:

  • Gaining an understanding of the organization yourself

  • Making it explicit in some documents that serve as a capture of that understanding

  • Sharing that with others so that the understanding becomes common

To help design your organization explicitly, with purpose, and in accordance with the aforementioned system design principles, you must define “organization.” It’s a slippery term. For us, we would have an understanding of the organization if we knew the answer to all of the following questions:

  • What functions does the organization perform? What are its capabilities?

  • What organization performs each of those functions? 

  • Who works to support each function? What is the level of talent, the FTE-to-Contractor ratio, typical tenure of service?

  • What software systems and services are used to aid each function?

  • Which of these functions are value creators and which are supporting functions?

  • For whom? Who are the key customers internally and externally? Who are the stakeholders along the value chain?

  • How are they performed? That is, what are the business processes they engage in?

  • Why do they perform them? What is the value they hope to generate? Do they generate that value efficiently?

  • How does money come into the organization (revenue)?

  • How does money leave the organization (costs)?

  • Who is ostensibly in charge of making decisions over what areas?

  • Who is actually a key contributor or influencer on those decisions?

  • Are there overlaps or gaps, such that decision making is difficult or fraught with friction, slow, and inefficient?

  • Where are there “accidental organizations”—those left over as ancillaries or misfits from various reorganizations over the years?

  • What is the culture? What are the perks, the benefits, the attitudes among people? What do leaders say they value, and how real, well understood, and shared is that? How are people trained, developed, nurtured? How are people rewarded and promoted? When and why are they reprimanded or released? 

  • What is the geographic location of all the employees? What is the purpose behind that? Where are the dependencies across teams?

With these questions as the general backdrop, you aim to determine the following:

  • The answer to these questions rather accurately for the current state of your business.

  • What strategic objectives and tactical means the organization has for the future as it evolves.

  • How you could help other leaders in your organization build an evolutionary map to that future.

Align Strategic Objectives and Tactical Demands

The second component of the OMG’s definition of business architecture is the alignment between strategic objectives and tactical demands.

The job here is to take the set of strategic objectives, and create practices and processes that directly, efficiently support them. So let’s begin with the business strategy.

To be clear, here we’re talking about the strategy of the overall business, as outlined by the CEO and discussed by presidents and strategy officers. If you have a technology strategy, hopefully it lines up to this. But it might not. In that case, you might have two levels of work to do. But the first job is to get your hands on an approved strategy document, or two: at the business level and the technology level. This can be more difficult than it sounds.

Your business might have a strategy that is more or less explicit. For our purposes, let’s characterize two kinds of companies: one in which the leader is new (say, installed in the past two years), and one in which the leader has been around a long time.

In companies where the leader is new, the board expects them to lay out a plan for how they will do things better,1 and so it’s an expectation that a new strategy, and typically accompanying new organizational model, will be rolled out. There can be a tremendous amount of change, eagerness for new ideas, excitement, and fear. The old guard leaves. Young Turks step up to gain the notice of the new boss. Some jockey for position, while others lose commitment, confidence, and conviction. New and odd alliances dissipate, form, and reform. Palace intrigue, politics, and chaos ensue. Eventually things settle—until the next time.

In companies where the leadership has not changed for a while, long-standing relationships have developed. The last strategy, created years ago, gave way to processes, habit, and culture among people with long-standing relationships. Those who like and understand one another communicate quickly, almost in code. Those who don’t get along have figured out ways to work around one another. The strategy might not be written down. The expectations are more implicit. People hire for cultural fit. The once-explicit plans have settled into the roots of standard operating procedures where leaders don’t feel quite the same urgency to document, publish, and circulate strategies, because people can get more done locally. In this case, you have a different kind of challenge.

If you find yourself in the former kind of organization, your work will be easier in some respects. For one thing, it’s likely expected that things must be done differently now, and you might encounter less opposition and can ride a wave of change and get your new ideas across readily.

Depending on which of these kinds of environments you currently find yourself, you might modify your interpretation and adjust your use of the framework accordingly.

Either way, aligning strategic objectives with tactical demands in this case means that you must know what the strategy is in practical terms. If one is not immediately available, ask your manger or another leader so that you know what it is. Then any work you do can follow from it. If you are working in an organization that allows or expects it, you can even help drive the creation of the technology and/or business strategy yourself.2

The general approach for this alignment will be as follows:

  • You must first discover and then examine the business strategy. What actions does it suggest?

  • Then examine the current operating procedures, business process, and the way that work enters and leaves the organization. Refer to the questions in “Provide a Common Understanding”, and focus on who the work is for and how it is ordered and shipped. Within that, how is the work completed?

  • Then prioritize where to aim your design sights. 

Framework Introduction

To help improve your business, you can consider your business system as an object of design. There are a variety of practical tools I’ve found, borrowed, rerouted, or invented over the years to aid in answering these questions, and then for doing something thoughtful about it. Together, these tools serve as your business system design framework.

Let’s examine this framework now.

Scope of the Framework

You can use the tools in this chapter as a guide in two primary scopes:

  • A broader business design

  • A local business design

The first case has a very broad scope and is usually performed within the purview of very senior leaders. This can come about on a few occasions:

  • In the event of a reorganization

  • If you are considering acquiring a company

  • If you are considering a major change in strategic direction, such as entering a new market

  • After a new senior leader has come into the organization

Depending on how your organization is set up, you might find this business design works in the C-suite, strategy office, or enterprise architecture, or some combination of them.

In the second case, which will likely occur more frequently, you might be in one of these situations:

  • You might have recognized the need to fine tune your own architecture department and processes, or some other single process.

  • You might have been called on to assist or lead a process reengineering effort.

  • Your department might be suffering in some regular, particular, acute way, such as with quality or on-time delivery, and you need to help repair this. Such repair will involve more than a manager standing behind the coders and beating them with a rubber hose while commanding them to work smarter; it will involve an examination of the organizational forces that have conspired to create this situation.

With your common set of documents describing the business organization, process, and capabilities, you will be able to share the common understanding to aid in all of these cases.

Create the Business Glossary

A business glossary is like any other glossary: it simply lists key terms relevant to your business and defines them. The purpose of doing this is because the words we use define the systems we create, and if the definitions are not both clear and shared, your systems, customers, and employees will suffer.

Every business has its own terms of art. A term of art is a word or phrase that has particular, specific meaning in a given industry, field, or company. For example, one such term in airlines is the “PNR,” or “Passenger Name Record.” In hospitality, they use “ARI” to refer to the availability, rates, and inventory of hotel rooms. In finance they use EBITDA. In each of these cases, there are loose ends exposed for deviating interpretations. It’s difficult to trace, but starting from this innocent-seeming misunderstanding, many software projects are sent awry. Your glossary will help new people coming on board, but it will do wonders to help your analysts and those writing requirements and imagining and designing systems. It’s amazing how few people have a clear and shared understanding of the most common terms in business.

Define your terms of art clearly and decisively. Do so in a single document, publish it in your architecture wiki, and link to it in your local documents. You won’t need to update it very often.

Create the Organizational Map

You likely have an HR application such as WorkDay that allows you to view your organizational chart (“org chart”) of who reports to whom and what everyone’s titles are. You’ll want to use this regularly in designing business systems.

Such an online tool is a great place to start, but you’ll likely need to transfer this to a more pliable tool that you can use in your own related working documents in order to perform your analysis.

Export the Org Chart

See if your online tool will let you export the org chart to a comma-separated values (CSV) file or other usable format that will help you work with it as a system for analysis. This might save you some time.

You need to know the following:

  • What are the primary business units? 

  • What departments are in each? 

  • What is the primary function of each, in a single sentence, in terms that would matter to a customer?

  • Who is the leader of each of those?

  • Who participates in each of the capabilities you mapped in the Capability Model?

You don’t want to list the people working in each of these departments, just the key leaders and decision makers. This is less likely to change and is easier to update. At the level of the business process, business capability, and general effectiveness, you’re not interested in the individual contributors here.

Also, don’t only consider the technology-related departments. You’re performing an enterprise-level analysis. Remember to include product management, development, training, support, delivery, account management, sales, strategy, and administrative and supporting functions.

Another reason to get the data out of your online tool is because you need a true and complete picture of how your capabilities are supported. Include any third parties, such as those managing your datacenters, and suppliers such as labor contracting companies. Map where those dependencies exist.

You’ll be able to use this to determine stakeholders quickly in your local architecture documents.

Create a Business Capabilities Model

A business capability is something the business must be able to do successfully in order to execute its business model in creating and delivering value to customers. It does not represent the value (product or service) itself. Nor does it represent the business process that is carrying out creating or delivering that value. It’s the set of stuff your company is good at doing (or needs to be good at doing) to achieve its goals.

Consider the example of writing a book: the book is the product. To create it you participate in the writing process with a publisher. But the capabilities involved might include subject matter expertise in a specific domain, ability to research and collect data, ability to create a concept, ability to write clearly, and so on. These are all then applied at various stages in the process of creating the book.

The Capability Model captures the complete set of business capabilities. After you have this catalog, you can use it to assess the gaps between the current state and desired future state. Consider how well they currently fulfill the creation and delivery of the products and services of value to your customers. You can also examine where they are redundant with other processes, and where gaps exist between them.

At this stage you can do a quick scoring to see what you’re really good at and where you need to improve. This should suggest a list of actions that you can put in a project plan. It can also help you in your software architecture documents, to help you perform more accurate estimates and see what your architecture needs to take into account as you build software, move datacenters around, and do other technology work.

So you need to capture in a document the list of capabilities your business, organization, or department (depending on the scope of your current exercise) will expose to the market to create and deliver value.

Initially, I like to use a simple spreadsheet for this purpose. List the capabilities at the department level. This spreadsheet might have the columns shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1. Capabilities spreadsheet
ID Department Capability name Description Systems Products Services

This is not a complete database, but it serves as a simple and straightforward way to get started quickly.

Start by listing what you yourself know, because you can do that most easily. But expect that you’ll have only a very incomplete picture, and interview others. Examine the org chart to see who might be involved in your established set of capabilities, and they will often refer to others that are part of their value chain.

Now you can continue this process for a bit. Don’t do this exhaustively, because there is no “exhaustively.” Not all stakeholders will agree on exactly what the discrete set is. So just do enough until you have reasonably covered it. The best way to do that is to start with the set of customers and customer segments that your business serves, and work inward by figuring out what products and services you provide them. Find the product managers in these areas and contact service delivery and other supporting organizations to see what they do.

Capabilities Aren’t Processes

Business capabilities are not business processes. Processes and applications support the realization of capabilities.

Now you can start another tab to do an analysis. Where are there gaps?

Score each of the capabilities according to the criteria for good systems design:


How efficient is it? What is the level of waste created? How quickly is it performed? What are the places where communications could be tightened? How clear are recommendation and decision responsibilities?


Is this capability ready to serve 10 times the number of customers?


Is the capability delivered reliably and repeatably, with clear understanding of roles and clear expectations?


How well are the metrics aligned to measure the actual delivery of value in the eyes of the customer? Where are the “black boxes” in the system where no one seems to know what’s going on, or what the current state is?


As the business changes, how ready is this capability to be augmented or adjusted without major disruptions?


Is the data created in the production of this capability secure?

Score each capability against each of these criteria, on a scale of 1 to 5. Figure 6-2 shows a sample.

Figure 6-2. Scoring your capabilities map

Now to improve it with an eye toward the future state, cross-reference the listed capabilities to the stated business objectives. For example, is your business strategy to expand in Europe? Do you need to create an outpost there? Do you need to move key team members to France for six months to develop key business contacts or work with important clients because your competition is well established there?

There is a more sophisticated analysis you are ready for at this stage. You can examine your capabilities map and consider how you can develop or capitalize on those capabilities that you’re really good at. Can you create a new set of products or services around those? Can you create a new line of business around them? That analysis will consist of the following:

  1. Looking at the high scorers.

  2. Considering why you are good at them.

  3. Imagining what products and services can you create by combining them in new ways or augmenting or bolstering them.

  4. Having conversations with executives, strategists, and other leaders to see how they can contribute to your ideas and reshape them. Does anything look viable and interesting enough to carry forward into a more formal proposal?

This analysis should result in a list of actions you can put on a project plan to go improve those capabilities toward your stated objectives.

Create a Process Map

The basic structure of a process map is to define who does what, when. At a very rudimentary level, it’s a set of boxes that each describe a discrete task, with arrows that lead to the next task, ultimately producing some meaningful result. Common high-level business processes include the sales process, product development, order to cash, the delivery and customer care process, and so forth.

First you must determine what process you’re mapping. This exercise can eventually lead to other discoveries about related processes and subprocesses. At first, keep it focused by starting with an output: something of value that matters to someone. Start there, and then work backward to figure out the whole supply chain of events that lead up to that “gumball” result popping out of the machine. This is the best way to narrow the scope of your process to a workable size. It also is the best way to ensure that you’re going to map a picture that you can work with to improve.

One typical aim of business process mapping is to discover how information flows through an organization. This provides a window into what systems are touched over the course of that flow, affording an opportunity to make that process more efficient (process reengineering) and to rationalize and simplify your set of systems.

Reengineer Processes

Often just mapping out a current state process to illustrate how things actually work today will be an enormous revelation. This alone can be enough of a conversation piece among executives to draw attention to how to improve the process. Sometimes the breakdowns, overlaps, gaps, and inefficiencies appear so obvious that they can be addressed in conversational direction.

In other cases, more formal or subtle work will be required to reengineer the process to make it more efficient. This takes time, and depending on the size and complexity of your organization, it can take weeks or months to determine the true current state process and to create an improved future state process. In this case, you will likely need to gain management approval to launch your reengineering effort as a full-fledged project.

As you interview stakeholders in the process, you’ll find that people do not always agree. Each participant will have a different role, different levels of influence or inclusion, and different levels of self-understanding about their work, and therefore a different view into the overall system. People will have different understandings of how or why something is done as it is. They might not be sure who really contributes to a final product. Therefore, you will want to get as many different perspectives as you can regarding the same parts of the process. Don’t just ask the sales person how the sales process works—they won’t actually be able to communicate the whole picture. Getting many diverse perspectives will reveal the true process, as opposed to the socially acceptable or imagined process.

To improve the process, consider the power of the simplicity of Unix pipes and filters. Each program does one thing optimally, and has a clear interface for input and a clear format for output. Use this as a model for your processes.

We do not often see processes so well defined in business. For example, what is your customer defect intake process? In a typical large product organization, this will be poorly defined, depending primarily on personal relationships, threats to escalate to managers, and so on. Defects might go straight to development, which is also doing support. This creates problems because then product management will be left out of the loop, creating obscured resource availability and roadmap contention.

When selecting candidate processes for reengineering, ask about where the breakdowns are and where customers are unhappy. Pick one that is of clear value to a clear stakeholder so that you know you’re working on something that matters and can be well defined. Trace it through as a flow.

You start by considering the value stream. A value stream view defines the end-to-end set of activities that deliver value to external and internal stakeholders.

You can then represent the process using a modeling language called Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). This is an excellent way to represent all of your major processes consistently and without the confusion of communication that occurs when you create your own bespoke representation style. BPMN has standard types for swimlanes, starting tasks, ending tasks, forks/joins, decision points, timers, and all the basic tools you’ll need to represent any process. Take the time to install a BPMN plug-in if you’re using Visio. If you’re collaborating with others, you can use a tool like Lucidchart, which works great, too.

If you get really excited about process representation and reengineering, you can learn techniques from Six Sigma to help you do the work thoroughly. A great book with a comprehensive view is The Six Sigma Handbook by Pyzdek Keller.

Take Inventory of Systems

Surprisingly, many organizations do not know what systems they have. They see costs escalate and aren’t sure why. They see confusion and poor design because they simply don’t have a picture of actual inventory of systems. Some business system design work might benefit you here. It’s a good idea for your team to know what you truly have. Take an inventory of your systems.

With this system inventory document, you list the systems you have, interviewing people in different roles. These should match entirely the list of systems in your process maps. If you imagine that some omniscient being in your organization had a perfect and complete view of all your processes, there would be no system unaccounted for: every system would have a place in at least one process.

In this list of systems, give them a name. Determine what capabilities each supports. Who is the named business or product-side owner of that system? Who is the named development or engineering-side owner? Who is the associated architect? Who is the enterprise operations side or infrastructure system owner?

You certainly have expiring items like certificates, vendor support contracts for databases, DNS, domains, functional account passwords, and other items that expire. These can be helpful to add to this inventory spreadsheet, too.

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you have a holistic and coordinated way to solve problems with development, enterprise operations and infrastructure, and even procurement. You can use this list to determine whether you have gaps or overlaps to help you rationalize your catalog, simplify governance and ownership, and reduce costs.

Define the Metrics

The saying goes that if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there. Defining the metrics that will truly tell you whether your process is successful in the eyes of the key stakeholders is critical. Define these success metrics before you do any work reengineering your processes.

These can be determined in conversation with customers, peers, and executives. Here are some key considerations:

  • Look at any existing scorecards and ask yourself if those are the best ones to reflect what makes a difference to customers. Do not merely use the existing set of metrics, taking them for granted. They might have been invented by someone working from the bottom up, or someone interested in showing their own constant activity rather than a meaningful customer outcome. But take them into account.

  • You need to be able to measure and communicate them definitively. Words are slippery. Do you report uptime availability? Is that measured by total wall clock time because you have a lot of planned downtime that affects your customers? Do you measure it only in planned or also in unplanned downtime? Do you measure it based only on priority 1 or 2 incidents? If you state that the system was up and running fine, but that two-hour outage doesn’t count against your uptime because even though the customer couldn’t reach your system, it was a firewall problem, is that really appropriate? If your organization measures “customer caused” incidents, separates those out, and congratulates itself on not being the cause, are you sure that’s what you want? That seems like the kind of reclassifying that I see bureaucrats do to make themselves look better. It means you are missing an opportunity to make your system more resilient by taking it into account and learning. Besides, if you give a customer enough rope to hang themselves, is that really their fault? 

  • Realize that metrics drive behavior. Ask yourself if you’re picking the metrics that drive the behavior you want. In the development organizations I run, I ban any talk of user story points. Developers tend to get caught up in the idea that completing 13 points is better than 8, and it drives undesirable sandbagging. It is, to me, an unnecessary abstraction when people can estimate days just as well as meaningless numbers from the Fibonacci sequence, and they’re likely to be equally as wrong, so why obscure things further?

Metrics matter. Define them such that teams can measure them accurately, consistently, and in a way that truly communicates customer success, not the team’s own activities.

Institute Appropriate Governance

It’s not enough to just capture the current state process and then do the analytical work on the value stream to determine what a more optimal future state process would be. It won’t be successful without proper governance. Governance is a meta-process. In your value stream, ask how decisions are made, who the authorities are, what roles they have, and what relevant review boards are. Who can start a process? Who can stop it? What would occasion them to do those things? On what grounds can a product be rejected? At what points in the process? Who stands to gain by the successful completion of a process, and who could suffer if it’s unsuccessful or late?

Process governance is a codified answer to these questions. Many times people intuit these, or know them because they’ve been at the company a long time, or they don’t understand them and this wastes time. A little extra effort to help define a set of standards, guidelines, and a published process for the governance of a process will go a long way toward making it successful and creating more value in your reengineering effort.

A terrific way to ensure appropriate governance is through the Operational Scorecard, which we examine in detail in Chapter 10.

Business Architecture in Applications

To this point, we’ve talked about business architecture and business system design at the macro level: the process and organizational level. This is an area of the business that in my view is underserved by systems thinkers. My hope is that you can bring your design sensibilities and the practices we have covered here to improve the overall organization, with the business itself as your design target.

However, much of the time we are called on to architect or design a particular system, and the business aspects are commonly underserved by architects in this situation. In this section, we discuss what business architecture/design means at the system level.

When you are called on to provide an architecture for a new software product or project, your application or software product design should not only cover software-specific aspects, but to be truly effective, it should take into account the business aspects as well.

Your job with respect to business architecture at the single system/application level is to record a set of assumptions and requirements to create context for further technical decisions. This context that is often missing for development teams, but when they understand what they’re doing and why it matters, they can be far more effective and engaged and have the pride of ownership of their work that really drives people to do great things. You don’t need to try to explicitly motivate anyone here. You need to simply answer certain questions clearly and directly:

  • What business strategy does this map to and support? Are there internal strategy documents you can cite to draw a line to certain strategic objectives and show how this fits in?

  • Why does this project matter to the business? Why does it exist at all? What is the business trying to achieve? What will the anticipated state be at the end of the project?

  • What new capabilities are you bringing to market? 

  • What are the major use cases the software must perform? 

  • Who are the audiences?

  • When must the software be delivered? Do not get into project management specifics here, but only state this if there are certain large financial penalties for not delivering by a certain date, or rigid dates that matter for other reasons such as the holiday rush or tax day, and so forth.

In answering these questions, you might feel you’re stating the obvious, but often developers or engineers are not aware of these answers. You’ll have better software that is more fit for purpose if they are care about what they’re doing. As a designer, you’re creating the context for others to be successful, and the business architecture is a key part of doing that.

You are also setting the stage for the proper program management of your project. That means you must state your architecture requirements, known constraints, and guidance for effective execution of the project regarding the following aspects:

Organizational and business requirements
  • Changes required to successfully execute the project. Are you introducing any new process that might affect other teams? The PM will need to know this to call it out: making it clear here in your document will make that more easily accomplished. For instance, you might be introducing DevSecOps or starting Chaos Engineering, or using containerization in a new way that could impact the enterprise operations or “run” teams. Often technical changes like this means someone else will likely need a heads up and ongoing coordination. Consider all the potential organizational impacts to existing processes because of the nature of this project.

  • What “intake” documents are there that must be completed before you can go live? That is, your teams can type all the code correctly and brilliantly, but then not meet expectations of the run/enterprise operations organization and not be ready to release. Make sure that you have noted any such required documentation. It is part of the successful delivering of the complete solution: do not focus only on the software engineers. The truly effective architect is designing and helping manage the entire solution with all its interrelating parts.

  • Finance: can part of this be capitalized? Can you take advantage of an R&D tax credit based on the work you’re doing?

  • Who are the stakeholders that help you manage the project going forward? These include product management, marketing, operations, procurement, known and relevant engineering leaders, the project executive sponsor, business stakeholders, the program management team, and so on. List them and their contact information here.

Team requirements
  • What special business needs do you have because of some novelty in the project? Perhaps you’re embarking on your first machine learning project and need special training, contractors with a particular skill set, or definition of a new department for data scientists.

  • Will there be offshoring, nearshoring, or “insourcing” from other teams? What risks do those produce?

  • What impacts or changes are required in the procurement department? Will you need them for any new team contract (such as if you plan to engage a specialized outside development firm) or software purchase? 

  • Does your project present any potential required changes to your business continuity plan that might require discussion with HR?

Legal and regulatory requirements
  • The execution of particular contracts or legal dependencies. Do you need to consult the attorneys?

  • Risks with respect to patents or impending/potential litigation.

  • Risks with respect to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), data privacy, and business security. Do not plan to move data around in a cluster if the countries you are operating in do not allow it. Are you working with China or Russia, or do you have customers there? These countries will require knowledgeable handling and often a distinct solution, so state these considerations.

  • Does your application need to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) laws? Ensuring that your UI complies with ADA standards is not only the law, it often makes for much better UI work. This can be a painful process to overhaul if you don’t do it up front, but is often fairly straightforward to implement if you do. See the ADA Checker tool, which works for public sites. Although a complete discussion is beyond our scope here, remember that the ADA can be required for internal applications as well, so be sure you are familiar with these regulations. Another tool I’ve used before called Pa11y can be helpful here. There are attorneys who just troll for announcements of revamped websites, check them for compliance with a quick little tool, and send out form letters targeting failing companies in lawsuits. Part of your job as an architect/designer is ensuring you’re making legally compliant software, no different than a building architect ensuring that the zoning laws are followed.

  • What auditing is at work (SOC 2, SOX) that might require attestation, or the ability to efficiently show compliance? Making sure that developers track their time and mark their stories appropriately is important. Again, this might seem like project management work, and it is, but you should consult with the PMO and state these matters up front in this handy single location of the architecture document. What you’re doing is making it all visible so that estimates are better and all the work that people actually have to do is accounted for. Often the development itself is a small portion of the successful project (maybe 15%).

You might want to consider including in this section certain more specialized technical details that have a business impact.

For example, if you are moving to the cloud, or building a cloud-native system, you might record that you want to reserve instances so that you can get a better deal. Reserving instances can make a difference of 40% to 60% on your bill. It’s a big deal. But left to their own devices, teams might just spin up servers and pay hourly at a much higher rate. With you noting it and directing them here, reserved instances become a nonfunctional requirement for the DevOps or pipeline team such that they’re taking advantage of reserved instances and saving considerable money. This is a great example of the kind of real and meaningful impact you as a designer can have on both the business and the implementation that the technical teams create. It’s the sweet spot for the effective enterprise architect.

The bottom line is that these myriad business considerations can seem remote from the work of developers. However, your job as the truly effective enterprise architect is to take all these matters into account, not simply police developers.

These business considerations can and should constrain software and application designs. Stating them explicitly and helping draw a path to how teams can support these requirements will make a difference in your project that people rarely concern themselves with, to their project’s detriment. Considering and stating clear positions on the matters of business architecture can be a wonderful tool for you. This is often misunderstood or overlooked, and yet when it’s employed, which is simple to do, it’s powerful. In this way, you are helping architect or design the business aspects of the project itself so that it can be successful.


In this chapter, you learned how to consider the business aspects in designing your software systems, and how to consider the business itself as an object of design. You examined how to discover and engineer business processes, create a capabilities model, measure the success of the redesign with metrics, and consider governance.

For further consideration on this topic of business architecture, you can read up on the Business Process Framework (eTOM), published by the TM Forum, which describes the full scope of business processes required by a service provider in the telecommunications industry and defines key elements and how they interact.

The Process Classification Framework (PCF), published by APQC, creates a common language for organizations to communicate and define work processes comprehensively and without redundancies. Organizations are using it to support benchmarking, manage content, and perform other important performance management activities.

1 Note that “better” in this context typically means, “whatever is the opposite of what the last person did.”

2 To help create your strategy, see this book’s companion text, Technology Strategy Patterns (O’Reilly, 2018).

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