
You are going to love Skype Me! From Single User to Small Enterprise and Beyond. Here’s why: Michael Gough knows his stuff. Michael has also completed a remarkably difficult project around a remarkably cool product, Skype.

Michael is a busy guy. I have no idea where he found time to write a book. He delivers consulting services to clients of a Fortune 50 company where he works. He’s been at it for 18 years. On the side, he is a Computer Security Consultant, presenting at conferences, working with associations and groups, and advising agencies such as the FBI. Michael knows Skype. He is the man behind the hot Web sites and These sites are filled with helpful advice, product reviews, stories, and articles that make the hundreds of thousands of visitors get a richer experience from the Skype application.

What’s remarkable about this book? A few months ago Michael first shared his idea in a message to me: “I am going to write a book to help home users, super users, small businesses, and large corporations understand Skype.” I studied the outline. A few days later I sent a message back to him: “Michael, it can’t be done.” But I ate crow as I read the completed manuscript.

Michael has covered all that you need to know about Skype. His book will sweeten your Skype experience. It contains basic information for early adopters as well as technical tips for power users.

What’s cool about Skype? What makes Skype such a remarkable product? How can it possibly reach out to touch individuals in such a wide spectrum from users in the home to a large corporation? The short answer is simplicity.

Skype’s simple, subtle user interface hides a deep layer of rich functionality. It’s so simple that my mom can use it. In fact, “Can mom use it?” is a question asked by members of the Skype development team every day. Skype is an application that even after over two years of daily use continues to “wow” me. Let Skype wow you, too.

Let this book help you quickly discover the hidden delights inside the Skype application.

Bill Campbell

Technical Editor, Skype Journal

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