Epilogue – And we’re done?

Wow, 92,000 words later and I hope we’re still friends. This has been the biggest change to the book yet, massive shifts in the fundamentals of retailing made this one nearly a two-year writing job. New research and new ideas meant I’d scrap whole sections and start again in new directions. It’s only been the last year when reliable patterns have begun to emerge that I’ve been able to keep things stable.

So it was hard work writing the book, but I sincerely hope that it’s been useful reading it. People constantly email me their feedback and thoughts on previous versions and it is both humbling that you would take the time to do so and incredibly useful to read and absorb. Smart Retail gets better each time because it is ours: the content isn’t my system or process, it’s my distillation of your best practice.

Next steps

All of the tools, ideas and interventions I’ve written about are areas in which my team and I consult. We are a great first port of call should you want to shed light on these things. We’ve developed formats for global giants, provided customer insight to many of the most important retailers and we’ve constantly solved problems all along the retail spectrum, as well as helping a number of giant consumer brands better position their product at retail.

Typical consultancy projects for us include:

  • finding the Big Idea
  • customer-experience improvement
  • friction/reward indexing
  • retail activation
  • store- and product-performance improvement
  • format development
  • retail troubleshooting
  • “back to the floor” insight
  • bespoke seminars
  • expert assessment and strategy.

Further Smart Retail

Smart Retail speaking

Nothing brings this stuff to life like me turning up and passionately talking about it. I’ve got a set of cracking insight-filled, idea-packed and practical talks that send delegates away buzzing and motivated.

Smart Retail seminars

Practical, proven and very effective – my team and I deliver a set of superb training seminars. Our induction day is legendary and our Street Time Live day, in which we take your people structured-shopping, is one of the most powerful things I’ve ever been involved in. Always tailored to your business, market and objectives, these seminars are spot on.

My email: [email protected]

Web: www.Smart-Circle.com

Twitter: @TheseRetailDays

Facebook: Smart Retail Book

Thank you for buying and reading Smart Retail.

All the best


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