C H A P T E R  13


As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn’t as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs.

—Maurice Wilkes, 1949

It is a painful thing to look at your own trouble and know that you yourself and no one else has made it.


Congratulations! You’ve finished writing your code so now it’s time to get it working. I know. You’re thinking, “I can write perfect code; I’m careful. I won’t have any errors in my program.” Get over it. Every programmer thinks this at one point or another. There’s just no such thing as a perfect program. Humans are imperfect (thankfully). So we all make mistakes when we write code. After writing code for over 40 years I’ve gotten to the point where most of the time my programs that are less than about 20 lines long don’t have any obvious errors in them and lots of times they even compile the first time. I think that’s a pretty good result. You should shoot for that.

Getting your program to work is a process with three parts, the order of which is the subject of some debate. The three parts are

  • Debugging
  • Reviewing/inspecting
  • Testing

Debugging is the process of finding the root cause of an error and fixing it. This doesn’t mean treating the symptoms of an error by coding around it to make it go away; it means to find the real reason for the error and fixing that piece of code so the error is removed. Debugging is normally done once you finish writing the code and before you do a code review or unit testing (but see test-driven development later in this chapter).

Reviewing (or inspecting) is the process of reading the code as it sits on the page and looking for errors. The errors can include errors in how you’ve implemented the design, other kinds of logic errors, wrong comments, etc. Reviewing code is an inherently static process because the program isn’t running on a computer – you’re reading it off a screen or a piece of paper. So although reviewing is very good for finding static errors, it can’t find dynamic or interaction errors in your code. That’s what testing is for. We’ll talk more about reviews and inspections in the next chapter.

Testing, of course is the process of finding errors in the code, as opposed to fixing them, which is what debugging is all about. Testing occurs, at minimum, at the following three different levels:

  • Unit testing: Where you test small pieces of your code, notably at the function or method level.
  • Integration testing: Where you put together several modules or classes that relate to each other and test them together.
  • System testing: Where you test the entire program from the user’s perspective; this is also called black-box testing, because the tester doesn’t know how the code was implemented, all they know is what the requirements are and so they’re testing to see if the code as written implements all the requirements correctly.

We’ll focus on debugging in this chapter.

What’s an Error, Anyway?

We define three types of errors in code

  • Syntactic errors
  • Semantic errors
  • Logic errors

Syntactic errors are errors you make with respect to the syntax of the programming language you’re using. Spelling a keyword wrong, failing to declare a variable before you use it, forgetting to put that closing curly brace in a block, forgetting the return type of a function, and forgetting that semi-colon at the end of a statement are all typical examples of syntactic errors. Syntactic errors are by far the easiest to find, because the compiler finds nearly all of them for you. Compilers are very rigid taskmasters when it comes to enforcing lexical and grammar rules of a language so if you get through the compilation process with no errors and no warnings, then it’s very likely your program has no syntax errors left. Notice the “and no warnings” in the previous sentence. You should always compile your code with the strictest syntax checking turned on, and you should always eliminate all errors and warnings before you move on to reviews or testing. If you are sure you’ve not done anything wrong syntactically, then that’s just one less thing to worry about while you’re finding all the other errors! And the good news is that modern integrated development environments (IDEs) do this for you automatically once you’ve set up the compiler options. So once you set the warning and syntax checking levels, every time you make a change, the IDE will automatically re-compile your file and let you know about any syntactic errors!

Semantic errors, on the other hand, occur when you fail to create a proper sentence in the programming language. You do this because you have some basic misunderstanding about the grammar rules of the language. Not putting curly braces around a block, accidentally putting a semi-colon after the condition in an if or while statement in C/C++ or Java, forgetting to use a break; statement at the end of a case statement inside a switch, are all classic examples of semantic errors. Semantic errors are harder to find because they are normally syntactically correct pieces of code so the compiler passes your program and it compiles correctly into an object file. It’s only when you try to execute your program that semantic errors surface. The good news is that they’re usually so egregious that they show up pretty much immediately. The bad news is they can be very subtle. For example, in this code segment

while (j < MAX_LEN);
        // do stuff here

the semi-colon at the end of the while statement’s conditional expression is usually very hard to see, your eyes will just slide right over it; but its effect is to either put the program into an infinite loop, because the loop control variable j is never being incremented, or to never execute the loop, but then erroneously execute the block because it is no longer semantically connected to the while statement.

The third type of error, logic errors, are by far the most difficult to find and eradicate. A logic error is one that occurs because you’ve made a mistake in translating the design into code. These errors include things like computing a result incorrectly, off-by-one errors in loops (which can also be a semantic error if your off-by-one error is because you didn’t understand array indexing, for example), misunderstanding a network protocol, returning a value of the wrong type from a method, and so on. With a logic error, either your program seems to execute normally, but you get the wrong answers, or it dies a sudden and horrible death because you’ve walked off the end of an array, tried to dereference a null pointer, or tried to go off and execute code in the middle of a data area. It’s not pretty.

Unit testing involves finding the errors in your program, and debugging involves finding the root cause and fixing those errors. Debugging is about finding out why an error occurs in your program. You can look at errors as opportunities to learn more about the program, and about how you work and approach problem solving. Because after all, debugging is a problem solving activity, just as developing a program is problem solving. Look at debugging as an opportunity to learn about yourself and improve your skill set.

What Not To Do

Just like in any endeavor, particularly problem solving endeavors, there’s a wrong way and a right way to approach the task. Here are a few things you shouldn’t do as you approach a debugging problem.1

First of all, don’t guess about where the error might be. This implies that (1) you don’t know anything about the program you’re trying to debug, and (2) you’re not going about the job of finding the root cause of the error systematically. Stop, take a deep breath, and start again.

Don’t fix the symptom, fix the problem. Lots of times you can “fix” a problem by forcing the error to go away by adding code. This is particularly true if the error involves an outlier in a range of values. The temptation here is to special case the outlier by adding code to handle just that case. Don’t do it! You haven’t fixed the underlying problem here; you’ve just painted over it. Trust me, there’s some other special case out there waiting to break free and squash your program. Study the program, figure out what it’s doing at that spot, and fix the problem. You’ll thank me later.


1 McConnell, S. Code Complete 2: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction. (Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2004).

Avoid denial. It’s always tempting to say “the compiler must be wrong” or “the system must be broken” or “Ralph’s module is obviously sending me bad data” or “that’s impossible” or some such excuse. Buck up here, developer. If you just “changed one thing” and the program breaks, then guess who probably just injected an error into the program? Or at the very least uncovered one? Review the quote from Sophocles at the beginning of this chapter, “... you yourself and no one else has made it.” You will make mistakes. We all do. The best attitude to display is, “by golly, this program can’t beat me, I’m going to fix this thing!” One of the best discussions of careful coding and how hard it is to write correct programs is the discussion of how to write binary search in Column 5 of Jon Bentley’s Programming Pearls.2 You should read it.

An Approach to Debugging

Here’s an approach to debugging that will get the job done. Remember, you’re solving a problem here and the best way to do that is to have a systematic way of sneaking up on the problem and whacking it on the head. The other thing to remember about debugging is that, like a murder mystery, you’re working backwards from the conclusion.3 The bad thing has already happened – your program failed. Now you need to examine the evidence and work backwards to a solution.

  1. Reproduce the problem reliably.
  2. Find the source of the error.
  3. Fix the error (just that one).
  4. Test the fix (now you’ve got a regression test for later).
  5. Optionally look for other errors in the vicinity of the one you just fixed.

Reproduce the Problem Reliably

This is the key first step. If your error only shows up periodically it will be much, much harder to find. The classic example of how hard this can be is the “but it works fine on my computer” problem. This is the one sentence you never want to hear. This is why people in tech support retire early. Reproducing the problem – in different ways if possible – will allow you to see what’s happening and will give you a clear indication of where the problem is occurring. Luckily for you, most errors are easy to find. Either you get the wrong answer and you can look for where the print statement is located and work backwards from there, or your program dies a horrible death and the system generates a stack trace for you. The Java Virtual Machine does this automatically for you. With other languages, you may need to use a debugger to get the stack trace.

Remember, errors are not random events. If you think the problem is random, then it’s usually one of the following:

  • An initialization problem: This can be that you’re depending on a side effect of the variable definition to initialize the variable and it’s not acting as you expect.
  • A timing error: Something is happening sooner or later than you expect.
  • A dangling pointer problem: You returned a pointer from a local variable and the memory in which that local variable was stored has been given back to the system.
  • A buffer overflow or walking off the end of an array: You have a loop that iterates through a collection and you’re walking off the end and stomping on either a piece of code, or another variable or the system stack.
  • A concurrency issue (a race condition): In a multi-threaded application or in an application that uses shared memory you’ve not synchronized your code and a variable you need to use is getting overwritten by someone else before you can get to it.


2 Bentley, J. Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition. (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley: 2000).

3 Kernighan, B. W. and R. Pike. The Practice of Programming. (Boston, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1999).

Reproducing the problem is not enough, however. You should reproduce it using the simplest test case that will cause the error to occur. It’s a matter of eliminating all the other possibilities so you can focus on the single one (well, maybe one or two) that probably causes the error. One way to do this is to try to reproduce the problem using half the data you had the first time. Pick one half or the other. If the error still occurs, try it again. If the error doesn’t happen, try the other half of the data. If there’s still no error, then try with three-quarters of the data. You get the idea. You’ll know when you’ve found the simplest case because with anything smaller the behavior of the program will change; either the error will disappear, or you’ll get a slightly different error.

Find the Source of the Error

Once you can reproduce the problem from the outside, you can now find where the error is occurring. Once again, we need to do this systematically. For most errors this is easy. There are a number of techniques you can use.

  • Gather data: Since you’ve now got a test case that will reproduce the error, gather data from running the test case. The data can include what kinds of input data cause the error, what do you have to do to get it to appear – the exact steps you need to execute, how long it takes to appear, and what exactly happens. Once you have this data you can form an hypothesis on where the error is in the code. For most types of errors, you’ll have some output that is correct and then either the program crashes or you get bad output. That will help isolate the error.
  • Read the code: What a concept! The first thing you should do once you’ve run your test case is examine the output, make a guess where the error might be (look at the last thing that got printed and find that print statement in the program), and then sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and just read the code. Understanding what the code is trying to do in the area where the error occurs is key to figuring out what the fix should be. It’s also key to finding the source of the error in the first place. Nine times out of ten, if you just sit back and read the code for five minutes or so you’ll find just where the error is. Don’t just grab the keyboard and start hacking away. Read the code.
  • Insert print statements: The simplest thing to do once you figure out what output is incorrect is to start putting print statements at that point and at other interesting points in the code. Interesting points can be the entrance and exit to functions, “Entering sort routine”, “Exiting partition routine”, and so on. When using an integrated development environment (IDE) there are built-in debugging features, including setting breakpoints, watchpoints, the ability to step through code, etc. that make inserting print statements less useful. I’ll come back to some of these below.
  • You can also put print statements at the top and bottom of loops, at the beginning of the then and else blocks of if-statements, in the default case of a switch statement, etc. Unless something very spooky is going on you should be able to isolate where the error is occurring pretty quickly using this method. Once again, work your way backwards from the point where you think the error makes itself known. Remember that many times where an error exhibits its behavior may be many lines of code after where the error actually occurs.
  • In some languages you can encase your print statements inside debugging blocks that you can turn on and off on the command line when you compile. In C/C++ you can insert
            #ifdef DEBUG
                            printf("Debug statement in sort routine ");
  • blocks in various places and then when you compile the program you can either put a #define DEBUG in a header file or you can compile using gcc -DDEBUG foo.c and the printf function call will be included in your program. Leaving out the #define or the -DDEBUG will remove the printf function call from the executable program (but not your source). Beware though that this technique makes your program harder to read because of all the DEBUG blocks scattered around the code. You should remove DEBUG blocks before your program releases. Unfortunately, Java doesn’t have this facility because it doesn’t have a pre-processor. However all is not lost. You can get the same effect as the #ifdef DEBUG by using a named boolean constant. Here’s an example of code:
    public class IfDef {
            final static boolean DEBUG = true;

            public static void main(String [] args) {
                    System.out.printf("Hello, World ");

                    if (DEBUG) {
                        System.out.printf("max(5, 8) is %d ", Math.max(5, 8));
                            System.out.printf("If this prints, the code was included ");
  • In this example we set the boolean constant DEBUG to true when we want to turn the DEBUG blocks on, and we’ll then turn it to false when we want to turn them off. This isn’t perfect because you have to re-compile every time you want to turn debugging on and off, but you have to do that with the C/C++ example above as well.
  • Look for patterns: The next thing to try is to see if there’s a pattern to the code or the error that you’ve seen before. As you gain more programming experience and get a better understanding of how you program and what kind of mistakes you make, this will be easier.
  • The extra semi-colon at the end of the while loop above is one example of a mistake that can be a pattern. Another is
    for (int j = 0; j <= myArray.length; j++) {
        // some code here
  • where you will step off the end of the array because you’re testing for <= rather than <. This is the classic off-by-one error.
  • A classic in C/C++ is using one = where you meant to use two == in a conditional expression. Say you’re checking an array of characters for a particular character in a C/C++ program
            for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
                            if (c = myArray[j]) {
                                    pos = j;
  • the single equals sign will cause the if statement to stop early every time; pos will always be zero. By the way, Java doesn’t let you get away with this. It gives you an error that says the type of the assignment expression is not a boolean.
            TstEql.java:10: incompatible types
            found   : char
            required: boolean
                            if (c = myArray[j]) {
            1 error
  • This is because in Java, just like in C and C++ an assignment operator returns a result and every result has a type. In this case, the result type is char but the if-statement is expecting a boolean expression there. The Java compiler checks for this because it’s more strongly typed than C and C++; their compilers don’t do the check.
  • Forgetting a break statement in a switch is another.
            switch(selectOne) {
                            case ’p’:       operation = "print";
                            case ’d’:       operation = "display";
                            default:        operation = "blank";
  • will reset operation to blank because there is no break statement after the second case.
  • Explain the code to someone: How many times have you started explaining a problem to one of your peers and two minutes later, all of a sudden, you solve it. When you start explaining the problem to someone else, you’re really explaining it to yourself as well. That’s when the inspiration can hit. Give it a try.
  • Other problems. I’ve only scratched the surface of the possible errors you can make and find in your code. Because there are nearly an infinite number of programs you can write in any given programming language, there are nearly an infinite number of ways to insert errors into them. Memory leaks, typing mistakes, side effects from global variables, failure to close files, not putting a default case in a switch statement, accidentally overriding a method definition, bad return types, hiding a global or instance variable with a local variable, there are thousands of them.

Don’t be discouraged, though. Most errors you’ll make really are simple. Most of them you’ll catch during code reviews and unit tests. The ones that escape into system test or (heaven forbid) released code are the really interesting ones. Debugging is a great problem solving exercise. Revel in it.

Debugging Tools

So far the only debugging tools we’ve talked about using are compilers to remove syntax errors and warnings, print statements you can insert in your code to give you data on what is happening where, and inline debugging statements that you can compile in or out. There are other tools you can use that will help you find the source of an error. The first among these are debuggers.

Debuggers are special programs that execute instrumented code and allow you to peek inside the code as it’s running to see what’s going on. Debuggers allow you to stop your running code (breakpoints), examine variable values as the code executes (watchpoints), step into and out of functions, and even make changes to the code and the data while the program is running. Debuggers are the easiest way to get a stack trace for C and C++ programs. For C and C++ developers, the gdb debugger that comes with nearly all Unix and Linux systems (and the development tool packages for Mac OS X and Windows) is usually the debugger of choice. For Java, Gdb is also integrated in some interactive development environments like Eclipse (www.eclipse.org/), and also comes with a graphical user interface in the DDD debugger (www.gnu.org/software/ddd/). The NetBeans IDE (www.netbeans.org) comes with its own graphical debugger. The Java debuggers in Eclipse and NetBeans allow you to set breakpoints at individual lines of code, they let you watch variables values change via watchpoints, and they allow you to step through the code one line or one method at a time. Gdb does all the things mentioned above and more, but you should use it, and any other debugger cautiously. Debuggers, by their nature, have tunnel vision when it comes to looking at code. They are great at showing you all the code for the current function, but they don’t give you a feel for the organization of the program as a whole. They also don’t give you a feel for complicated data structures and it’s hard to debug multi-threaded and multi-process programs using a debugger. Multi-threaded programs are particularly hard for a number of reasons, one of which is that while executing timing is crucial for the different threads, and running a multi-threaded program in a debugger changes the timing.

Fix the Error (Just That One)!

Once you’ve found where the error is, you need to come up with a fix for it. Most of the time the fix is obvious and simple because the error is simple. That’s the good news. But sometimes while you can find the error, the fix isn’t obvious, or the fix will entail rewriting a large section of code. In cases like this be careful! Take the time necessary to understand the code, and then rewrite the code and fix the error correctly. The biggest problem in debugging is haste.

When you are fixing errors remember two things:

  • Fix the actual error; don’t fix the symptom.
  • Only fix one error at a time.

This second item is particularly important. We’ve all been in situations where you’re fixing an error and you find another one in the same piece of code. The temptation is to fix them both right then and there. Resist! Fix the error you came to fix. Test it and make sure the fix is correct. Integrate the new code back into the source code base. Then you can go back to step 1 and fix the second error. You might ask, “Why do all this extra work when I can just make the fix right now?”

Well, here’s the situation. By the time you get to this step in the debugging process you already have a test for the first error, you’ve educated yourself about the code where the error occurs, you’re ready to make that one fix. Why should you confuse the issue by fixing two things now? Besides, you don’t have a test for the second error. So how do you test that fix? Trust me, it’s a little more work, but doing the fixes one at a time will save you lots of headaches down the road.

Test the Fix

Well, this sounds obvious, doesn’t it? But you’d be surprised how many fixes don’t get tested. Or if they’re tested, it’s a simple test with generic sample data and no attempt to see if your fix broke anything else.

First of all, re-run the original test that uncovered the error. Not just the minimal test that you came up with in step 1, but the first test that caused the error to appear. If that test now fails (in the sense that the error does not occur any more), then that’s a good sign you’ve at least fixed the proximate cause of the error. Then run every other test in your regression suite (see the next chapter for more discussion on regression tests) so you can make sure you’ve not re-broken something that was already fixed. Finally, integrate your code into the source code base, check out the new version and test the entire thing. If all that still works, then you’re in good shape. Go have a beer.

Look for More Errors

Well, if there was one error in a particular function or method, then there might be another, right? So while you’re here, you might as well take a look at the code in the general vicinity of the error you just fixed and see if anything like it happens again. This is another example of looking for patterns. Patterns are there because developers make the same mistakes over and over again (we’re human, after all). Grab another cup of coffee and a doughnut and read some more code. It won’t hurt to take a look at the whole module or class and see if there are other errors or opportunities for change. In the agile world, this is called refactoring. This means rewriting the code to make it simpler. Making your code simpler will make it clearer, easier to read, and it will make finding that next error easier. So have some coffee and read some code.

Source Code Control

In some of the paragraphs above we’ve made mention of a source code base and integrating changes into that base. That is a sneaky way of starting a brief discussion of source code control, also known as software version control.

Whenever you work on a project, whether you are the only developer or you are part of a team, you should keep backups of the work you’re doing. That’s what a version control system (VCS) does for you, but with a twist. A VCS will not only keep a backup of all the files you create during a project, but it will keep track of all the changes you’ve made to them, so that in addition to saying, “Give me the latest version of PhoneContact.java,” you can say, “I want the version of PhoneContact.java from last Thursday.”

A VCS keeps a repository of all the files you’ve created and added to it for your project. The repository can be a flat file or a more sophisticated database. A client program allows you access the repository and retrieve different versions of one or more of the files stored there. Normally, if you just ask the VCS for a particular file or files, you get the latest version. Whatever version of the file you extract from the repository, it’s called the working copy in VCS-speak. Extracting the file is called a check out.

If you are working on a project all alone, then the working copy you check out from the VCS repository is the only one out there and any changes that you make will be reflected in the repository when you check the file back in. The cool part of this is that if you make a change and it’s wrong, you can just check out a previous version that doesn’t have the change in it. The other interesting part of a VCS is when there is more than one developer working on a project. When you’re working on a development team, it’s quite likely that somebody else on the team may check out the same file that you did. This brings up the problem of file sharing. The problem here is if both of you make changes to the file and then both want to check the file back into the repository who gets to go first and whose changes end up in the repository? Ideally, both, right?

Well, maybe not. Say Alice and Bob both check out PhoneContact.java from the repository and each of them makes changes to it. Bob checks his version of PhoneContact.java back into the repository and goes to lunch. A few minutes later Alice checks in her version of PhoneContact.java. Two problems occur. (1) if Alice hasn’t made any changes in the same lines of code that Bob did, her version is still newer than Bob’s and it hides Bob’s version in the repository. Bob’s changes are still there, but they are now in an older version than Alice’s. (2) Worse, if Alice did make changes to some of the same code that Bob did, then her changes actually overwrite Bob’s and main.c is a very different file. Bummer. So we don’t want either of these situations to occur. How do we avoid this problem?

Version control systems use the following two different strategies to avoid this collision problem.:

  • lock-modify-unlock
  • copy-modify-merge

Using Lock-Modify-Unlock

The first strategy is lock-modify-unlock. In this strategy, Bob checks out PhoneContact.java and locks it for edit. This means that Bob now has the only working copy of PhoneContact.java that can be changed. If Alice tries to check out PhoneContact.java she gets a message that she can only check out a read-only version and so can’t check it back in until Bob gives up his lock. Bob makes his changes, checks PhoneContact.java back in, and then releases the lock. Alice can now check out and lock an editable version of PhoneContact.java (which now includes Bob’s changes) and make her own changes and check the file back in, giving up her lock. The lock-modify-unlock strategy has the effect of serializing changes in the repository.

This serialization of changes is the biggest problem with lock-modify-unlock. While Bob has the file checked out for editing, Alice can’t make her changes. She just sits around twiddling her thumbs until Bob is done. Alice’s boss doesn’t like this thumb twiddling stuff. However, there is an alternative.

Using Copy-Modify-Merge

The second strategy is copy-modify-merge. In this strategy, Alice and Bob are both free to check out editable copies of PhoneContact.java. Let’s say that Alice makes her changes first and checks her new version of the file back into the repository and goes out for cocktails. When Bob is finished making his changes he tries to check his new version of PhoneContact.java into the repository only to have the VCS tell him his version of the file is “out of date;” Bob can’t check in. What happened here? Well, the VCS stamps each file that’s checked out with a timestamp and a version number. It also keeps track of what is checked out and who checked it out and when. It checks those values when you try to check in.

When Bob tried to check in, his VCS realized that the version of the code he was trying to check in was older than the current version (the new one that Alice had checked in earlier), so it let him know that. So what is Bob to do? That’s where the third part of copy-modify-merge comes in. Bob needs to tell the VCS to merge his changes with the current version of PhoneContact.java and then check in the updated version. This all works just fine if Alice and Bob have changed different parts of the file. If their changes do not conflict, then the VCS can just do the merge automatically and check in the new file. A problem occurs if Alice and Bob have made changes to the same lines of code in the file. In that case, Bob must do a manual merge of the two files. Bob has to do this because the VCS isn’t smart enough to choose between the conflicting changes. Usually, a VCS will provide some help in doing the merge, but ultimately the merge decision must be Bob’s.

copy-modify-merge is the strategy used by most version control systems these days, including the popular open-source version control system, subversion (http://subversion.apache.org).4 There is one problem (well, okay, more than one, but we’ll just talk about this one) with copy-modify-merge. If your repository allows you to store binary files, you can’t merge them. Say you have two versions of the same jpg file. How do you decide which of the bits is correct? So in this case the VCS (subversion included) will require you to use lock-modify-unlock.

Git (http://git.scm.com), the other candidate for most popular open-source version control system, uses a model that has each developer have a local repository of the entire development history. When a developer makes a change to a file, the changes are copied to the other local repositories. Git uses a model called an incomplete merge along with a number of plug-in merge tools to coordinate merges across repositories. Git’s main virtue is speed. It may be the fastest distributed VCS around.

One Last Thought on Coding and Debugging – Pair Programming

Pair programming is a technique to improve software quality and programmer performance. It’s been around for many years, but only recently been formalized [Williams00]. In pair programming two people share one computer and one keyboard. One person “drives,” controlling the keyboard and writing the code, and the other “navigates,” watching for errors in the code, suggesting changes and test cases. Periodically the driver and the navigator switch places. Pairs can work together for long periods of time on a project, or pairs can change with each programming task. Pair programming is particularly popular in agile development environments; in the Extreme Programming process, all developers are required to pair program and no code that has not been written by two people is allowed to be integrated into the project [Beck00]. There have been several studies5 that show that pair programming decreases the number of errors in code and improves the productivity of programmers. So this is our final debugging technique – pair program!


Just like writing good, efficient code, debugging is a skill that all programmers need to acquire. Being a careful coder will mean you have less debugging to do, but there will always be debugging. Programmers are all human and we’ll always make mistakes. Having a basket of debugging skills will help you find the root causes of errors in your code faster and it will help you from injecting more errors. The combination of reviews (Chapter 15), debugging and unit testing – as we’ll see in the next chapter – is the knock-out punch that a developer uses to release defect-free code.


4 Collins-Sussman, B., Fitzpatrick, B. W., and Pilato, C. M. Version Control with Subversion. (Sebastapol, CA: O’Reilly Press, 2010). Retrieved from http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ on 15 October 2010.

5 Cockburn, A. and L. Williams. The Costs and Benefits of Pair Programming. Extreme Programming Examined. (Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Longman, 2001). Page 592.


Bentley, J. Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition. (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley: 2000).

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Cockburn, A. and L. Williams. The Costs and Benefits of Pair Programming. Extreme Programming Examined. (Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Longman, 2001). Page 592.

Collins-Sussman, B., Fitzpatrick, B. W., and Pilato, C. M. Version Control with Subversion. (Sebastapol, CA: O’Reilly Press, 2010). Retrieved from http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ on 15 October 2010.

Kernighan, B. W. and R. Pike. The Practice of Programming. (Boston, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1999).

McConnell, S. Code Complete 2: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction. (Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2004).

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