
images A

abstract classes, definition of, 111


abstraction mechanism, 88

managing the complexity of a large problem, 65

acceleration, definition of, 24

actors, definition of, 91

Adams, Douglas, 179

Adapter pattern

class adapters, 146

code example, 147

description of, 146

object adapters, 146

add(), 150

aggregation, definition of, 130

agile development models

Agile Manifesto web page, 8

aims of, 14

description of, 8

eXtreme Programming (XP), 15

lightweight methodologies, 14

refactoring, 14

Scrum, 23

See also coding; eXtreme Programming (XP); object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D); software development

Alexander, Christopher, 137

analysis paralysis, avoiding, 105

architectural patterns, 48

assertEquals(), 204

assertions, using for errors that should never happen in production, 173

images B


product backlog, 23

sprint backlog, 23

backtracking, 75

bank account example

CheckingAcct class, 110

creating the classes for, 110

InvestmentAcct class, 110

SavingsAcct class, 110

BankAccount class, withdraw(), 120

Beck, Kent, 204

begin-end block boundaries, 163

behavioral design patterns

definition of, 139, 148

Iterator pattern, 148

Observer pattern, 150

Strategy pattern, 154

See also design patterns

Bentley, Jon, 184

BirdFeeder class, 103

Birds by Burt example

bird identifier, designing and implementing, 105

BirdFeeder class, 93, 103

class diagrams, creating, 92

close(), 104

complete code listing, 93

decomposing the problem and identifying the objects, 92

design and program changes, anticipating, 105

FeedingDoor class, 103

open(), 104

operate(), code listing, 104

pressButton(), 104

problem statement, defining, 90

RemoteControl class, diagram of, 102103

RemoteControl use case, 106

requirements list, establishing, 91

Sensor class, 103

simplifying the SongIdentifier and Song classes, code listing, 127

song identifier use case and its alternate, table of, 107

Birds by Burt example (cont.)

SongIdentifier class and delegation, 126

use case for a remote control, creating, 102

use case, creating, 91

black-box testing, 182, 194

blocks and statements, style guidelines, 166

bottom-up assessment, definition of, 73

branch coverage, 196

breakpoints, 188

Brooks' law, 16

buffer overflow problems, 184

Bugzilla, 218

built-in block boundaries, emulating, 164, 166

images C

C, 164

C++, 161, 164

change, managing, 44

change control board (CCB), 29

CheckingAcct class, 110

class adapters, 146

class diagrams, 101

definition of, 92

sections of, 92


abstract classes, definition of, 111

abstraction mechanism, 88

arranging in a class hierarchy, 87

BankAccount class, 120

breaking complex classes into simpler ones, 108

class design guidelines, list of, 134135

class diagrams, 92, 101

classes as having only one responsibility, 103

classes as templates for objects, 87

closing the base class from modification, 120

encapsulating variable behavior in subclasses, 120

generalization, 88

getting the behavior of derived classes right, 125

inheritance, 88

making simple classes that work together, 103

method overriding in derived classes, 126

Open-Closed Principle (OCP), 116, 119

polymorphism, 88

protecting classes from unnecessary change, 116

reuse mechanism, 88

sharing the behavior and attributes of other classes, 126

sub-class, 87

super class, 87

using and re-using single-feature classes, 162

using composition to assemble behaviors from other classes, 128

See also objects

client-server architectural pattern

explanation of, 53

print spoolers, 54

X Windows graphical system, 54

close(), 104

code and fix model

advantages and disadvantages of, 8

description of, 8

code coverage

branch coverage, 196

checking return values, 197

definition of, 196

loop coverage, 196

off-by-one error, 196

straight line code, 196

testing every program statement, 196

testing for an end-of-file (EOF) marker, 197

code inspections

description of, 212

Fagan, Michael, 213

Inspection meeting, 215

inspection phases and procedures, 214

Inspection report, 216

list of roles used, 213

minor and major defects, levels of, 216

Overview meeting, 215

Planning phase, 215

Preparation phase, 215

purpose of, 212

recorded metrics, 217

required criteria, list of, 213

scheduling another inspection meeting, 217

See also code reviews; review methodologies; Software Quality Assurance (SQA)

code patterns, 137

code reviews

including an experienced developer as a disinterested third-party, 212

length of, 212

moderator, 212

no managers allowed, 212

objective of, 212

recorded metrics, 212

roles of the attendees at a code review, 211

tester, 212

See also code inspections; review methodologies; Software Quality Assurance (SQA)


Adams, Douglas, 179

adhering to a programming language's naming conventions, 171

assertions, using, 173

bad code example, critique of, 161

begin-end block boundaries, 163

block layouts, types of, 163

blocks and statements, style guidelines, 166

built-in block boundaries, emulating, 164, 166

C, 164

C++, 161, 164

camel case, using, 171

coding standards, 22

comments, 162, 168

common code ownership, 1718, 30

comparing the plan-driven and agile development processes, 159

declaration before use rule, 167

defensive programming, definition of, 172

errno global variable, 175

error recovery, suggestions for, 174176

exceptions, throwing and catching, 176178

fat interfaces, 162

getMessage(), 177

good layout and formatting, objectives of, 163

goto statements, 166

handling errors that occur at runtime, 174

having a header block comment with methods and functions, 169

having your methods do just one thing, 162

header files and source code, 168

Hunt, Andrew, 160

identifier naming conventions, 170

indentation, using, 165

individual statements, wrapping, 166

Java, 161, 164

JavaDoc comments, 169

layout of, 162

magic numbers, 162

McConnell, Steve, 160161

NullPointerException, 176

parentheses, using, 166

Pascal, 164

Pike, Rob, 170

printf(), 175

protecting a program from bad data, guidelines for, 172

putting separate conditions on separate lines, 166

scanf(), 175

software construction metaphor, 160

statement separator symbol, 164

statement terminator symbol, 164

style guidelines, using for a developer team, 171

taking advantage of built-in exception handling, 174

Thomas, David, 160

two audiences for your code, 160

variable declarations, style guidelines, 167

visibility modifiers, 161

Visual Basic, 163

white space, suggestions for using, 165

writing good, informative comments, 168

See also eXtreme Programming (XP); object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D); software development

cohesion, 64

comments, 162

keeping comments up to date, 168

setting off block comments with blank lines, 168

style guidelines, 168

writing good, informative comments, 168

common code ownership, 1718, 30

common design characteristics, 115

communication conduits, 48

communications protocols, 55


debugging syntactic errors, 182

eliminating all compiler errors and warnings before reviews or testing, 182


definition of, 128

Space Rangers example, 128129

computational structures, 48

computeTax(), 156

concurrency issues, 185

Context, 154

continuous integration, 21

continuous unit testing, 15

control coupling, definition of, 80

controller, definition of, 50

creational design patterns

definition of, 139

Factory pattern, 142

Singleton pattern, 141

Curtis, Bill, 66

images D

dangling pointer problems, 184

data coverage

boundary conditions, testing, 197

definition of, 196

good data and bad data, examining, 197

illegal data values, testing, 198

no data, testing for, 198

pre-conditions and post-conditions, testing, 198

too little or too much data, testing for, 198

typical data values, testing, 197

uninitialized variables, testing for, 198

Davis, Alan, 64


Bentley, Jon, 184

breakpoints, 188

buffer overflow problems, 184

checking out a working copy from a VCS repository, 190

compilers and, 182

concurrency issues, 185

dangling pointer problems, 184

DDD debugger, 188

DEBUG blocks, using and removing, 186

debuggers, 188

debugging as rewarding, 222

definition of, 181, 183

Eclipse, 188

eliminating all compiler errors and warnings before reviews or testing, 182

finding the root cause of an error and fixing it, 181

finding the source of an error systematically, techniques for, 185

fixing errors, 188

fixing only one error at a time, 189

fixing the underlying problem, not the symptom, 183

GDB debugger, 188

how not to approach a debugging problem, 183

initialization problems, 184

logic errors, definition of, 183

multi-threaded and multi-process programs, debugging, 188

NetBeans IDE, 188

print statements, inserting, 185

refactoring, 189

reproducing an error reliably, 184

reviewing (inspecting), definition of, 181

semantic errors, definition of, 182

source code control, 189

syntactic errors, definition of, 182

testing the fix, 189

testing, definition of, 182

three types of errors, 182

timing errors, 184

using a debugger to get a stack trace, 184

using the debugging features of an integrated development environment (IDE), 185

version control systems (VCS), 189

walking off the end of an array, 184

watchpoints, 188

working backwards to find and fix errors, 184

See also defects; errors; testing


defect levels, list of, 35

defect tracking systems, information tracked, 218

delivering defect-free code, 209

high defect rates, 29

releasing a program with as few defects as possible, 35

See also debugging; errors; testing

defensive programming

assertions, using, 173

C program code example, 172

definition of, 172

errno global variable, 175

error recovery, suggestions for, 174176

exceptions, throwing and catching, 176178

getMessage(), 177

handling errors that occur at runtime, 174

NullPointerException, 176

protecting a program from bad data, guidelines for, 172

taking advantage of built-in exception handling, 174


definition of, 126

example of, 126128

simplifying the SongIdentifier and Song classes, code listing, 127

Delphi method, description of, 31

DeMarco, Tom, 12, 30

Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), 116

definition of, 130

example of, 131


good design, characteristics of, 20

simple design, characteristics of, 20

design patterns

Adapter pattern, 146

Alexander, Christopher, 137

behavioral design patterns, 139, 148

code patterns, 137

creational design patterns, 139

criteria for classifying design patterns, 139

definition of, 138

elements of, 138

essential features of, 138

Factory pattern, 142

Gang of Four, 138

Gang of Four's classic design patterns, list of, 139

Iterator pattern, 148

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, 138

Observer pattern, 150

purpose, 139

scope, 139

Singleton pattern, 141

Strategy pattern, 154

structural design patterns, 139, 146

using, 65

why design patterns are needed, 138

Wrapper pattern, 146

See also behavioral design patterns

desk checks, 211

Dijkstra, Edsger, 71, 210, 224

domain requirements, 42

Don't Repeat Yourself Principle (DRY), 116, 121

duty cycle, 32

dynamic analysis, 210

images E

Eclipse, 188

egoless programming, 224

eight queens problem

backtracking, 75

complete Java code listing, 84

decomposing a problem until a procedure becomes obvious, 78

description of, 73

examining the problem for a top-level decomposition, 73

proposed solution 1, 73

proposed solution 2, 74

proposed solution 3, 75

refinement 1, 75

refinement 2, 76

stepwise construction of trial solutions, 75

using pseudo-code to find a solution, 76

encapsulation, 65, 87, 122

differentiating from information hiding, 80

encapsulating services and data, 79

errno global variable, 175


buffer overflow problems, 184

compilers and, 182

concurrency issues, 185

dangling pointer problems, 184

DEBUG blocks, using and removing, 186

defect levels, list of, 35

delivering defect-free code, 209

eliminating all compiler errors and warnings before reviews or testing, 182

error recovery, suggestions for, 174176

exceptions, throwing and catching, 176178

finding the source of an error systematically, techniques for, 185

fixing errors, 188

getMessage(), 177

handling errors that occur at runtime, 174

high defect rates, 29

initialization problems, 184

logic errors, definition of, 183

NullPointerException, 176

refactoring, 189

releasing a program with as few defects as possible, 35

reproducing an error reliably, 184

semantic errors, definition of, 182

syntactic errors, definition of, 182

taking advantage of built-in exception handling, 174

three types of errors, 182

timing errors, 184

walking off the end of an array, 184

working backwards to find and fix errors, 184

See also debugging; defects; testing

estimating project duration, 20

evolutionary prototyping

advantages and disadvantages of, 14

description of, 13

exploration phase, description of, 22

extensibility, 64

eXtreme Programming (XP)

Beck, Kent, 15

Brooks' law, 16

code as the sole deliverable, 19

coding standards, 22

common code ownership, 1718

continuous integration, 21

continuous unit testing, 15

Cunningham, Ward, 15

estimation as the responsibility of the developers, 20

exploration phase, 22

15 principles of, 1719

four basic activities of, 19

four core values of, 17

four variables of software development, 16

good design, 20

heavy customer involvement, 15

implementation phase, 22

implementation tasks, 199

keeping the cost of change manageable, 17

life cycle, description of, 22

maintenance mode, 23

mothballing the code and starting over, 23

on-site customer representative, 16

overview of, 15

pair programming, 15, 21

planning game, 22

productizing phase, 23

redesigning code to make it simpler, 17

refactoring, 17, 21

risk, minimizing and handling, 16

scope of a project, controlling, 16

short iteration cycles and frequent releases, 16

spike, definition of, 18

starting with fewer resources and a tight budget, 18

stories explaining how the whole system works, 20

stories in XP projects, 199

striving for defect-free code, 18

test-driven development (TDD), 15, 19

12 practices of, 20

using unit tests as a regression test suite, 16

See also agile development models; coding; object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D); software development

images F

Factory pattern

description of, 142

features of, 145

IceCream interface, code example, 143

IceCreamFactory class, code example, 144

See also design patterns

Fagan, Michael, 213

Fairley, Richard, 64

FeedingDoor class, 103

Fowler, Martin, 100

functional specification

author's name, 39

chief architect model, 40

definition of, 38

disclaimer, 39

distinguishing between requirements, policies, and implementations, 43

domain requirements, 42

functional requirements, definition of, 37

functional requirements, four types of, 42

getting customers to respond to a requirements list, 40

including an Open Issues section, 41

including detailed screen-by-screen specifications, 40

keeping a Backlog section, 41

keeping technical and marketing notes in a notebook, 41

managing expectations, 40

never hard-code business policies, 43

non-functional requirements, 43

outline of, 39

overview, 39

project manager model, 40

requirements digging, 4346

taking a course in writing, 38

telling the project stakeholders what a program will not do, 40

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 40

use cases, 40

user requirements, example of, 42

value of a good set of functional requirements, 37

writing functional specifications in a natural language, 38

writing user stories, 38, 40

See also project management; requirements digging; Unified Modeling Language (UML); use cases

images G

Gamma, Eric, 204

Gang of Four

classic design patterns, list of, 139

design patterns, essential features of, 138

GDB debugger, 188

generalization, 88, 112

getInstance(), 142

getMessage(), 177

getNextElement(), 148

getting the behavior of derived classes right, 125

Git, 191

global-data coupling, definition of, 80

goals, definition of, 91

goto statements, 166

gray-box testing, 193

images H

hasNext(), 148

hasPrevious(), 150

header files

nesting, 168

source code and, 168

Hertzfeld, Andy, 5


abstraction, using, 65

adhering to the Principle of One Right Place, 66

changes, anticipating, 65

common design patterns, using, 65

Davis, Alan, 64

drawing diagrams to visualize a program design, 66

encapsulation, 65

Fairley, Richard, 64

finding real-world objects to model, 64

information hiding, 65

loose coupling, using, 65

modularity, 65

software design and, 63

time-tested heuristics, list of, 64

using well-defined interfaces between modules, 65

Hunt, Andrew, 160

images I


camel case, using, 171

naming conventions, 170

using descriptive identifiers, 170

implementation phase, 22

implementation tasks, 199

indentation, using, 165

information hiding, 65, 79, 87

differentiating from encapsulation, 80

inheritance, 123

abstraction mechanism, 88

inheritance graph, 88

overloading of operators, 88

polymorphism, 88

reuse mechanism, 88

when inheritance isn't the right thing to do, 126

initialization problems, 184

Inspection meeting, 215

Inspection report, 216

integrated development environment (IDE), using its debugging features, 185

integration testing

definition of, 182, 193

gray-box testing, 193

See also testing; unit testing


dividing a bloated interface into two or more smaller, more cohesive interfaces, 132

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), 116

making all interactions between modules through an interface, 79

sharing, 64

using well-defined interfaces between modules, 65

InvestmentAcct class, 110

ISO-OSI layered architectural model, 55

iterative process models

DeMarco, Tom, 12

description of, 12

failing to meet an iteration deadline, 13

Iterator pattern

add(), 150

code example, 149

description of, 148

getNextElement(), 148

hasNext(), 148

hasPrevious(), 150

Iterator interface, 149

Java Collections Framework (JCF), 149

ListIterator, 149

next(), 150

previous(), 150

remove(), 150

traversing a collection one element at a time, 148

See also design patterns

images J

Java, 161, 164

Java Collections Framework (JCF), 149

JavaDoc comments, 169

Jenkins, Stephen, 222


assertEquals(), 204

assertion library methods, list of, 204

Beck, Kent, 204

definition of, 204

executing a test from the command line, 204

Gamma, Eric, 204

JUnitCore class, executing directly, 205

TestCase base class, extending, 204

TestPhoneContact class, code listing, 205

writing a test in, 204

images K

Keyword in Context (KWIC) index

creating the index using top-down decompositon, 81

example of, 81

modular decomposition of, 82

images L

Law of Demeter, 116

definition of, 133

keeping dependencies to a minimum, 133

layered architectural approach

communications protocols, 55

explanation of, 54

ISO-OSI layered architectural model, 55

operating systems (OSs), 54

life cycle models

agile development models, 8, 14

Agile Manifesto web page, 8

Brooks' law, 16

code and fix model, 8

DeMarco, Tom, 12

evolutionary prototyping, 13

eXtreme Programming (XP), 15

15 principles of eXtreme Programming, 1719

four basic activities of eXtreme Programming, 19

four core values of eXtreme Programming, 17

four variables of software development, 16

iterative process models, 12

keeping the cost of change manageable, 17

lightweight methodologies, 14

nailing down requirements at the beginning of a project, 10

plan-driven models, 8

refactoring, 14

risk, minimizing and handling, 16

Royce, Winston, 9

scope of a project, controlling, 16

sequence of steps, 7

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 14

12 practices of eXtreme Programming, 20

types of, 7

using unit tests as a regression test suite, 16

viewing from the perspective of object-oriented analysis and design, 89

waterfall model, 9

waterfall with feedback model, 11

See also coding; eXtreme Programming (XP); object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D); software development

lightweight methodologies

characteristics of, 14

debunking its myths, 14

linear problem-solving approach, 60

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)

getting the behavior of derived classes right, 125

indications that you're violating the Liskov Substitution Principle, 126

Martin, Robert, 124

method overriding in derived classes, 126

Rectangle/Square example, 123

sharing the behavior and attributes of other classes, 126

Square class, 124

when inheritance isn't the right thing to do, 126

ListIterator, 149

logic errors, definition of, 183

loop coverage, 196

loose coupling

control coupling, 80

definition of, 79

four broad categories of, 80

global-data coupling, 80

keeping dependencies to a minimum, 133

loosely coupled modules, 6465

Principle of Least Knowledge (PLK), 133

Principle of Loose Coupling, 116

simple data coupling, 80

structured data coupling, 80

images M

magic numbers, 162

main program – subroutine architectural pattern, 56

maintenance mode, 23

Martin, Robert, 124, 198

McConnell, Steve, 160161, 194


doing too many things, 162

fat interfaces, 162

having a header block comment with methods and functions, 169

having your methods do just one thing, 162

magic numbers, 162

naming, 162

protecting from bad data, 162

smaller functions as easier to test, 163

using and re-using small, single-feature methods, 162

using too many input parameters, 162

Meyer, Bertrand, 100

misunderstood requirements, 29

MobilePhone class, 122

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, 138

controller, definition of, 50

describing the flow of an MVC program, 50

explanation of, 49

model, definition of, 50

Nifty Assignment example, 51

view (viewport), definition of, 50

See also design patterns

modular decomposition

aiming for high cohesion in a module, 79

encapsulation, 79

information hiding, 79

interfaces, 79

Keyword in Context (KWIC) index, 81

loose coupling, 79

modularity, three characteristics of, 79

Parnas, David, 7980

separation of concerns, 79

modularity, 63, 65

images N

Nestor, John, 67

NetBeans IDE, 188

new keyword, 141

next(), 150

Nifty Assignment example

creating the model, view, and controller objects, 53

description of, 51

organization of the program, UML object diagram, 52

non-functional requirements, 43

images O

object adapters, 146

object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D)

abstract classes, definition of, 111

aggregation, definition of, 130

analysis paralysis, avoiding, 105

bank account example, 110

BankAccount class, 120

BirdFeeder class, 93

Birds by Burt example, complete code listing, 93

Birds by Burt example, defining the program elements, 90

breaking complex classes into simpler ones, 108

candidate objects, identifying and describing, 108

candidate objects, organizing into groups, 109

object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D) (cont.)

class design guidelines, list of, 134135

class diagrams, 92, 101

classes as having only one responsibility, 103

closing the base class from modification, 120

coding to an interface rather than an implementation, 117

common design characteristics, 115

composition, definition of, 128

composition, Space Rangers example, 128129

conceptual model, creating, 100

decomposing the problem and identifying the objects, 92

delegation, example of, 126128

Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), 116, 130

describing in terms of the software development life cycle, 89

differentiating analysis from design, 100

Don't Repeat Yourself Principle (DRY), 116, 121

duplicating code as duplicating behavior, 121

duplication of design and code, avoiding, 110

encapsulating variable behavior in subclasses, 120

encapsulation, 122

essential features, definition of, 100

examining your features list and requirements for duplications, 121

Fowler, Martin, 100

getting the behavior of derived classes right, 125

having one requirement in one place, 121

indications that you're violating the Liskov Substitution Principle, 126

inheritance, 123

Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), 116, 132

iterative nature of, 105

Law of Demeter, 116, 133

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), 116, 123

making simple classes that work together, 103

Martin, Robert, 124

method overriding in derived classes, 126

Meyer, Bertrand, 100

object-oriented analysis as anticipating change, 105

object-oriented analysis as creating a conceptual model of a problem domain and its solution, 100

object-oriented analysis, definition of, 88, 100

object-oriented analysis, separating from design, 107

object-oriented design as creating an object model of a solution, 100

object-oriented design as managing change, 105

object-oriented design principles, list of, 116

object-oriented design, definition of, 88

object-oriented design, objectives of, 103

Open-Closed Principle (OCP), 116, 119

Point class, 117

Principle of Least Knowledge (PLK), 116, 133

Principle of Loose Coupling, 116

private methods, extending, 120

problem statement, defining, 90

process steps in analysis and design, 88

producing a work product, 100

protecting classes from unnecessary change, 116

Rectangle/Square example, 123

refactoring, 119

requirements list, establishing, 91

Shape interface, 117

sharing the behavior and attributes of other classes, 126

simplifying the SongIdentifier and Song classes, code listing, 127

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), 108, 116, 122

song identifier use case and its alternate, table of, 121

SongIdentifier class, 126

Square class, 124

textual analysis, definition of, 101

use case for Birds by Burt, revising, 102

use case, definition of, 91

use cases, creating, 91, 101

Violinist class, 116

ViolinStyle class, 117

virtual methods, 126

when inheritance isn't the right thing to do, 126

See also coding; eXtreme Programming (XP); software development


objects as members of classes, 87

passing messages to, 87

possessing identity, state, and operations, 87

using encapsulation and information hiding, 87

See also classes

Observer pattern

description of, 150

Observer interface, code example, 152

pull Observer, 151

push Observer, 151

Subject interface, code example, 151

See also design patterns

off-by-one error, 196

open(), 104

Open-Closed Principle (OCP), 116, 119

operate(), code listing, 104

operating systems (OSs), 54

opportunity-driven problem-solving approach, 61

overloading of operators, 88

Overview meeting, 215

images P, Q

pair programming, 30, 191, 224

advantages of, 15, 21

parentheses, using, 166

Parnas, David, 7980

Pascal, 164

person-hours, estimating project tasks in, 31

phone contacts example

creating the tests, 200

establishing the tasks, 199

file opening test, code example, 203

PhoneContact class, code listing, 200

PhoneContactList class, code listing, 203

TestDriver class, code example, 202

TestPhoneContact class, default constructor, 200

writing the story, 199

Pike, Rob, 170

pipe-and-filter architectural pattern

anagram example, 48

disadvantages of, 49

explanation of, 48

plan-driven models

description of, 8

Royce, Winston, 9

waterfall model, 9

planning game, description of, 22

Planning phase, 215

play(), 117

Point class, 117

polymorphism, 88

portability, 64

post-mortem, performing after every project, 35

PowerPoint, using effectively, 34

Preparation phase, 215

pressButton(), 104

previous(), 150

Principle of Least Knowledge (PLK), 116

definition of, 133

keeping dependencies to a minimum, 133

Principle of Loose Coupling, 116

Principle of One Right Place, 66

print spoolers, 54

printf(), 175

product backlog, 23, 29

productizing phase, description of, 23

project management

addressing identifiable risks through avoidance and mitigation, 30

change control board (CCB), 29

common code ownership, 30

communicating bad news about a project, 34

defect levels, list of, 35

Delphi method, description of, 31

DeMarco, Tom, 30

estimating project size and required effort, 31

estimating project tasks in person-hours, 31

figuring out a realistic duty cycle, 32

high defect rates, 29

ignoring a wild-assed guess (WAG), 31

introducing defects (errors) into a program, 35

knowing the dependencies between tasks, 32

making a detailed breakdown of features into tasks, 31

measuring the velocity of each task, 33

misunderstood requirements, 29

pair programming, 30

performing a post-mortem after every project, 35

PowerPoint, using effectively, 34

product backlog, 29

project plan, contents of, 27

project plan, project organization section, 28

project plan, project oversight section, 34

project plan, project schedule section, 31

project plan, resource requirements section, 30

project plan, risk analysis section, 28

project plan, work breakdown and task estimates section, 31

project status report, presenting, 34

project-scheduling software, using, 32

releasing a program with as few defects as possible, 35

requirements churn, 29

schedule slips, 28

Spolsky, Joel, 32

Spolsky's painless schedule, 33

turnovers, reducing, 30

See also functional specification; requirements digging

pull Observer, 151

purpose, 139

push Observer, 151

images R

Rectangle/Square example, 123

refactoring, 63, 119, 189

characteristics of, 21

definition of, 14, 17

release backlog, 45

RemoteControl class

diagram of, 102

integrating into the program, 103

remove(), 150

requirements digging

categorizing requirements, 45

definition of, 43

managing change, 44

non-technical problems with requirements, 45

overcoming problems with project scope and requirements creep, 44

prioritizing requirements based on customer input, 45

problems of domain understanding, 44

questions to ask when examining requirements, 45

requirements churn, 29

See also functional specification; project management

return values, checking, 197

reuse mechanism, 88

review methodologies

Bugzilla, 218

code inspections, 212

code reviews, three types of, 211

defect tracking systems, information tracked, 218

defect tracking systems, typical workflow, 218

desk checks, 211

performing code reviews right after unit testing, 211

reviewing (inspecting), definition of, 181

summarizing the characteristics of the three review methodologies, 217

walkthroughs, 211

See also code inspections; code reviews


addressing identifiable risks through avoidance and mitigation, 30

minimizing and handling, 16

Royce, Winston, 9

images S

SavingsAcct class, 110

scanf(), 175

schedule slips, 28

scope, 139

controlling the scope of a project, 16

overcoming problems with project scope and requirements creep, 44


acceleration, definition of, 24

characteristics of, 23

daily Scrum meetings, 24

development of, 23

product backlog, 23

release backlog, 45

Scrum master, 24

Scrum retrospective, 24

sprint backlog, 23

sprints, definition of, 23

semantic errors, definition of, 182

Sensor class, 103

separation of concerns, 79

setUpMusic(), 117

Shape interface, 117

simple data coupling, 80

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), 108, 116, 122

Singleton pattern

code example, 141

creating a class that can be instantiated only once, 141

description of, 141

getInstance(), 142

new keyword, 141

synchronized keyword, 142

See also design patterns

software architecture

architectural patterns, 48

client-server architectural pattern, 53

communication conduits, 48

computational structures, 48

detailed design versus style, 47

layered architectural approach, 54

main program – subroutine architectural pattern, 56

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, 49

object-oriented architectural patterns, 49

pipe-and-filter architectural pattern, 48

representing software architectures visually as black box graphs, 48

two levels of software design, 47

Wirth, Niklaus, 56

See also design patterns

software design

Conklin, Jeff, 60

Curtis, Bill, 66

design as iterative, 67

design as messy, 62

designers and creativity, 66

desirable design characteristics, 63

dividing software problems into two layers, 59

ease of maintenance, 63

extensibility, 64

fitness of purpose, 63

great software designers, characteristics of, 67

having knowledge of the problem domain, 67

heuristics, 63

high cohesion within a module, 64

interfaces, 64

linear problem-solving approach, 60

loosely and tightly coupled modules, 64

modularity, 63

Nestor, John, 67

opportunity-driven problem-solving approach, 61

portability, 64

refactoring, 63

simplicity, 63

steps in solving a software-design problem, 66

tame problems, 59, 62

understanding the design process, 62

wicked problems, 5960

software development

admitting when a project is behind, 4

communicating with team members, 2

communicating with the customer, 3

debugging as rewarding, 222

definition of, 1

developing software well, requirements for, 2

Dijkstra, Edsger, 224

distinguishing software development from software engineering, 1

egoless programming, 224

embracing failure when writing software, 222

employing small, well-integrated teams, 2

following a project plan that everyone buys into, 3

Hertzfeld, Andy, 5

holding regular status meetings, 3

Jenkins, Stephen, 222

joining the ACM and the IEEE-CS, 224

key issue that divides plan-driven development and agile development, 222

pair programming, 224

picking the right set of development tools, 4

reading a lot of code, 2

reading about how great programmers think, work and code, 223

reading about problem solving and design, 223

requirements churn, managing, 4

risk, handling flexibly, 3

simple tools, using, 222

small teams build the best software, 222

software development, learning, 2

suggestions on becoming a better software developer, 223

writing a lot of code, 2, 223

writing software as a creative activity, 222

See also coding; eXtreme Programming (XP); life cycle models; object-oriented analysis and design (OOA&D)

Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 14

Software Quality Assurance (SQA)

Bugzilla, 218

characteristics of software quality from the user's perspective, 209

debugging as rewarding, 222

debugging your code, 210

Software Quality Assurance (SQA) (cont.)

defect tracking systems, information tracked, 218

defect-free code, delivering, 209

Dijkstra, Edsger, 210

dynamic analysis, 210

limitations of testing, 210

reviewing your code, 210

static analysis, 210

testing your code, 210

See also code reviews

source code control, 189

Space Rangers example, using composition to assemble behaviors from other classes, 128129

spike, definition of, 18

Spolsky, Joel

project-scheduling software, using, 32

Spolsky's painless schedule, 33


definition of, 23

sprint backlog, 23

Square class, 124

statement separator symbol, 164

statement terminator symbol, 164

static analysis, 210

status reviews and presentations, 34

stepwise refinement

backtracking, 75

bottom-up assessment, definition of, 73

decomposing a problem until a procedure becomes obvious, 78

definition of, 72

eight queens problem, 73

stepwise construction of trial solutions, 75

top-down refinement, definition of, 72

straight line code, 196

Strategy pattern

computeTax(), 156

Context, 154

creating the Context class, code example, 156

creating the TaxStrategy classes, code example, 155

description of, 154

Strategy interface, 154

usage examples, 154

See also design patterns

structural design patterns

Adapter pattern, 146

definition of, 139, 146

Wrapper pattern, 146

structured data coupling, 80

structured programming

bottom-up assessment, definition of, 73

definition of, 71

Dijkstra, Edsger, 71

stepwise refinement, 72

top-down refinement, definition of, 72

sub-class, 87

Subject interface, code example, 151

Subversion, 191

super class, 87

synchronized keyword, 142

syntactic errors, definition of, 182

system testing

black-box testing, 194

definition of, 182, 194

images T

tame problems

characteristics of, 62

definition of, 59

example of, 62

technical specification, definition of, 38

test-driven development (TDD), 19

definition of, 15, 195

writing unit tests before coding, 195


adversarial roles of developers and testers, 195

Beck, Kent, 204

black-box testing, 182, 194

characteristics of, 198

code coverage, 196

combinatorial explosion problem, 194, 196

combining static (code reading) and dynamic (testing) techniques, 194

data coverage, 196

definition of, 182

developers as lousy testers, 195

exploration, 199

Gamma, Eric, 204

gray-box testing, 193

how to write a test, 199

implementation tasks, 199

increasing code complexity and increasing the number of possible errors, 194

integration testing, 182, 193

JUnit, 204

Martin, Robert, 198

McConnell, Steve, 194

off-by-one error, 196

phone contacts example, 199

stories in XP projects, 199

system testing, 182, 194

testing only a single concept in your code, 199

three levels of, 193

unit testing, 182, 193, 195

what to test, 196

when to test, 195

white-box testing, 193

writing unit tests before and after coding, 195

See also debugging; defects; errors; integration testing; testing; unit testing

textual analysis

definition of, 101

picking out the nouns and verbs in a use case, 101

Thomas, David, 160

tightly coupled modules, 64

timing errors, 184

top-down decompositon, 81

top-down refinement, definition of, 72

tuneInstrument(), 117


best ways to reduce turnover, 30

mitigating the effects of, 30

two levels of software design, 47

images U

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 40

generalization, definition of, 112

using open arrows to indicate inheritance, 112

See also functional specification; use cases

unit testing

characteristics of, 198

definition of, 182, 193

developer's responsibility for, 195

how to write a test, 199

importance of, 208

phone contacts example, 199

white-box testing, 193

writing unit tests before and after coding, 195

See also integration testing; testing

use cases, 40

actor, definition of, 91

actors, identifying, 109

creating, 101

definition of, 91

describing several scenarios, 109

examining the external behavior of a program, 91

goal, definition of, 91

identifying new objects, 102

illustrating different scenarios in the use of a program, 107

MobilePhone class, 122

RemoteControl use case, 106

revising the use case for Birds by Burt, 102

song identifier use case and its alternate, table of, 107, 121

using textual analysis to pick out the nouns and verbs in a use case, 101

See also functional specification; Unified Modeling Language (UML)

user requirements, example of, 42

images V


declaration before use rule, 167

variable declarations, style guidelines, 167

version control systems (VCS)

copy-modify-merge strategy, 190

Git, 191

incomplete merge strategy, 191

lock-modify-unlock strategy, 190

pair programming, 191

serializing changes in the repository, 190

Subversion, 191

view (viewport), definition of, 50

Violinist class

diagram of, 116

play(), 117

setUpMusic(), 117

tuneInstrument(), 117

ViolinStyle class, diagram of, 117

virtual methods, 126

visibility modifiers, 161

Visual Basic, 163

images W


confirming small changes to code after fixing an error, 211

roles of the code author and reviewer, 211

watchpoints, 188

waterfall model

description of, 9

disadvantages of, 10

waterfall with feedback model

advantages and disadvantages of, 11

description of, 11

white space, suggestions for using, 165

white-box testing, 193

wicked problems

characteristics of, 60

definition of, 59

examples of, 60

wild-assed guess (WAG), ignoring, 31

Wirth, Niklaus, 56

withdraw(), 120

working copy, 190

Wrapper pattern, description of, 146

images X, Y, Z

X Windows graphical system, 54

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