Listing Packages

If you need to check which packages are installed on a system, use the pkginfo command. By default, it displays information about currently installed packages. You can also use the pkginfo command to display packages that are on mounted distribution media.

Use the pkginfo command with no arguments to list all installed packages. The following example shows the first few packages from a system.

48]castle{winsor}% pkginfo
system      SUNWadmap      System & Network Administration Applications
system      SUNWadmfw      System & Network Administration Framework
system      SUNWadmr       System & Network Administration Root
system      SUNWarc        Archive Libraries
system      SUNWaudio      Audio Applications
system      SUNWbcp        Binary Compatibility
system      SUNWbtool      CCS tools bundled with SunOS
system      SUNWcar        Core Architecture, (Root)
(Additional packages not shown in this example)

You can display information about a single package with the following syntax.

pkginfo pkgid

In the following example, information is displayed for the SUNWppm package.

oak% pkginfo SUNWppm
application SUNWppm      Solaris Print Manager

To display information about packages on a CD-ROM, mount the CD-ROM. Then use the following syntax to display a complete list of packages on the CD-ROM.

pkginfo -d /cdrom/cdrom-name

You can display information about single packages on a CD-ROM with the following syntax.

pkginfo -d /cdrom/cdrom-name

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