Running ASET

This section describes how to run ASET either interactively or periodically.

Running ASET Interactively

You can run ASET interactively from the command line any time you want to monitor system security; use the /usr/aset/aset command. Table 115 lists the options to the aset command.

Table 115. Options to the aset Command
Option Description
-p Schedule aset to be executed periodically. This command adds an entry for aset to the /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file. The option uses the value from the PERIODIC_SCHEDULE environment variable in the /usr/aset/asetenv file to define the time for execution.
-d aset-dir Specify a working directory other than the default /usr/aset for ASET. ASET is installed by default in /usr/aset, which is the root directory of all ASET commands and data files. If you use another directory as the ASET working directory, either define it with the -d option from the command line or set the ASETDIR environment variable before running aset. The command-line option, if specified, overwrites the environment variable.
-l sec-level Specify a security level (low, med, or high). The default level is low. You can also specify the level by setting the ASETSECLEVEL environment variable before running aset. The command-line option, if specified, overwrites the environment variable.
-n user@host Notify user at system host. Send the output of aset to the user by e-mail. If you do not specify this option, the output is sent to the standard output. Note that this information is not the ASET report, but, instead, is an execution log that includes any error messages.
-u userlist-file Specify a file containing a list of users for ASET to perform environment checks on. By default, ASET only checks for root. userlist-file is an ASCII text file. Each entry in the file is a line that contains only one user name (login name).

Use the following steps to run ASET interactively.

Become superuser.

Type /usr/aset/aset -l low | med | high [-d pathname] and press Return. You use the -d pathname option to specify the ASET working directory if it is located somewhere else than the default /usr/aset directory.

Review the ASET execution log that is displayed on the screen.

Type /usr/aset/util/taskstat and press Return to verify that all tasks running in background are completed.

When tasks are completed, review the contents of the reports in the /usr/aset/reports/latest directory.

The following example runs ASET at low security with the default working directory. Notice that if you run the aset command with no arguments, the default is to run at low security level.

# /usr/aset/aset
======= ASET Execution Log =======

ASET running at security level low

Machine = castle; Current time = 1015_13:45

aset: Using /usr/aset as working directory

Downgrading security level:
Previous level = high; Current level = low

Executing task list ...

All tasks executed. Some background tasks may still be running.

Run /usr/aset/util/taskstat to check their status:
     /usr/aset/util/taskstat     [aset_dir]

where aset_dir is ASET's operating directory,currently=/usr/aset.

When the tasks complete, the reports can be found in:
You can view them by:
     more /usr/aset/reports/latest/*.rpt
# /usr/aset/util/taskstat

Checking ASET tasks status ...
Task firewall is done.

The following tasks are done:

The following tasks are not done:
# cd /usr/aset/reports/latest
# ls
env.rpt        firewall.rpt   taskstatus     usrgrp.rpt
execution.log  sysconf.rpt    tune.rpt
# more env.rpt

*** Begin Enviroment Check ***

Warning! umask set to umask 022 in /etc/profile - not recommended.
chmod: WARNING: can't access /tmp/tmppath.24379
Ambiguous output redirect
Can't open /tmp/tmppath.24379
Can't open /tmp/tmppath.24379
Can't open /tmp/tmppath.24379
Can't open /tmp/tmppath.24379
Can't open /tmp/tmppath.24379
cat: cannot open /tmp/tmppath.24379

*** End Enviroment Check ***
# more firewall.rpt
							*** Begin Firewall Task ***

Beginning firewall.restore...

Restored ip_forwarding to previous value - 0.

Restored /usr/sbin/in.routed.

firewall.restore completed.
# more sysconf.rpt

Beginning sysconf.restore...

Restoring /etc/inetd.conf. Saved existing file in /etc/inetd.conf.asetbak.

Restoring /etc/aliases. Saved existing file in /etc/aliases.asetbak.

sysconf.restore completed.

*** Begin System Scripts Check ***

*** End System Scripts Check ***
# more tune.rpt

*** Begin Tune Task ***

Beginning tune.restore...
(This may take a while.)
# more usrgrp.rpt

Beginning usrgrp.restore...

Restoring /etc/passwd. Saved existing file in /etc/passwd.asetbak.

Restoring /etc/group. Saved existing file in /etc/group.asetbak.

Restoring /etc/shadow. Saved existing file in /etc/shadow.asetback.

usrgrp.restore completed.

*** Begin User And Group Checking ***

Checking /etc/passwd ...

Checking /etc/shadow ...

Warning!  Shadow file, line 17, no password:

... end user check.

Checking /etc/group ...

... end group check.

*** End User And Group Checking ***

Running ASET Periodically

To run ASET periodically, first you edit the PERIODIC_SCHEDULE variable in the /usr/aset/asetenv file, then you run the aset -p command, which adds an ASET entry to the crontab file.


Schedule ASET to run when system demand is light. The default setting for the PERIODIC_SCHEDULE environment variable is to run ASET every 24 hours at midnight.

Use the following steps to run ASET periodically.

Become superuser.

Review the settings in the /usr/aset/asetenv file for the PERIODIC_SCHEDULE environment variable, and modify them as appropriate.

Type /usr/aset/aset -p and press Return.

The -p (periodic) option edits the crontab file, using the values from the asetenv file.

Type crontab -l root and press Return to verify that the crontab entry for ASET has been added.

The following example uses the default values for PERIODIC_SCHEDULE from the asetenv file to schedule when ASET will run.

# crontab -l root
#ident  "@(#)root       1.19    98/07/06 SMI"   /* SVr4.0       */
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
# The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when
# daylight savings time changes.
10 3 * * 0,4 /etc/cron.d/logchecker
10 3 * * 0   /usr/lib/newsyslog
15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
1 2 * * * [ -x /usr/sbin/rtc ] && /usr/sbin/rtc -c > /dev/null 2>&1
30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean

castle% su
# /usr/aset/aset -p
======= ASET Execution Log =======

ASET running at security level low

Machine = castle; Current time = 1015_14:22

aset: Using /usr/aset as working directory
ASET execution scheduled through cron.

# crontab -l root
#ident  "@(#)root       1.19    98/07/06 SMI"   /* SVr4.0       */
# The root crontab should be used to perform accounting data collection.
# The rtc command is run to adjust the real time clock if and when
# daylight savings time changes.
10 3 * * 0,4 /etc/cron.d/logchecker
10 3 * * 0   /usr/lib/newsyslog
15 3 * * 0 /usr/lib/fs/nfs/nfsfind
1 2 * * * [ -x /usr/sbin/rtc ] && /usr/sbin/rtc -c > /dev/null 2>&1
30 3 * * * [ -x /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean ] && /usr/lib/gss/gsscred_clean
0 0 * * * /usr/aset/aset  -d /usr/aset

Stopping Running ASET Periodically

If you want to stop running ASET from crontab, edit the crontab file to remove the ASET entry.

Use the following steps to stop running ASET periodically.

Become superuser.

Type crontab -e root and press Return.

A text editor window opens, displaying the contents of the crontab file.

Delete the ASET entry.

Save the changes and close the file.

Type crontab -l root and press Return to verify that the ASET entry is deleted.

Collecting Reports on a Server

You can collect reports from a number of client systems into a directory on the server to make comparing ASET reports easier.

Use the following steps to collect reports on a server.

Become superuser.

Type cd /usr/aset and press Return.

Type mkdir rptdir and press Return to create a report directory.

Type cd rptdir and press Return.

Type mkdir client-rpt and press Return for each client system for which you want to collect reports.

Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file and add the client-rpt directories with read/write options.

share -F nfs -o rw=client-hostname /usr/aset/rptdir/client-rpt

Type shareall and press Return.

On each client, become superuser.

Type mount server:/usr/aset/rptdir/client-rpt /usr/aset/reports and press Return. The file system is mounted

On each client, also add a line to the /etc/vfstab file on the mount point /usr/aset/reports. The next time the system is booted, the reports are automatically mounted.


You may want to use the automounter to decrease the amount of manual mounting. Refer to Part 3, Automounter and WebNFS Services, for more information.

The following example collects ASET reports from the client seachild on the server castle.

castle% su
castle# cd /usr/aset
castle# mkdir all_reports
castle# cd all_reports
castle# mkdir seachild_rpt
castle# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
							share -F dfs -o rw=seachild /usr/aset/all_reports/seachild_rpt
							ZZ (Writes changes and quites vi)
castle# shareall

On the client, seachild.

seachild% su
seachild# mount castle:/usr/aset/all_reports/seachild_rpt /usr/aset/reports
seachild# vi /etc/vfstab
							castle:/usr/aset/all_reports/seachild_rpt /usr/aset/reports nfs - yes hard
							ZZ (Writes changes and quites vi)

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