Using Workman with Volume Management

Many people use the workman program to play music from their CD-ROM drive. Workman is not a Sun product, but it is in wide use. To use workman with volume management, add the line shown in bold to the /etc/rmmount.conf file. Be sure the line comes before the action_filemgr line.

# @(#)rmmount.conf 1.2     92/09/23 SMI
# Removable Media Mounter configuration file.

# File system identification
ident hsfs cdrom
ident ufs cdrom floppy
ident pcfs floppy

# Actions
action cdrom
action cdrom
action floppy

The pathname is the name of the path where users access the workman program—for example, /usr/apps/pkgs/exe/workman.

When you have made this change, audio CD-ROMs are automatically detected and the workman program is started when the CD-ROM is inserted into the CD-ROM drive.


When you set up workman in the way described in this chapter, users should not try to start workman application manually because volume management may become confused. In addition, with Solaris 2.2 (and later) volume management, if you are using workman, you must eject the CD-ROM from the workman application. If you eject the CD-ROM from another window, workman hangs. This problem has been fixed in Solaris 2.3 and later releases.

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