
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


AbstractView, How do I do that?
ACEGI, Securing Application Servlets
interceptors and, What just happened?
servlet-based implementation, How do I do that?
actionable controls, Spring Rich, Building the Application Shell
advice, How do I do that?
after returning advice, How do I do that?
around advice, How do I do that?
before, How do I do that?
building, interfaces and, How do I do that?
MethodInterceptor, What just happened?
throws advice, How do I do that?
types, How do I do that?
building, How do I do that?
exceptions, Advising Exceptions
after returning advice, How do I do that?
agile methods, Transactions on Multiple Databases
Ant, What about...
automation and, Automating the Example
downloading, How do I do that?
AOP (aspect-oriented programming)
containers and, Building a Service
services, building, Building a Service
Application class (Spring Rich), How do I do that?
method-based security, Securing Application Methods
Spring Rich
descriptors, How do I do that?
goals, High-level application goals
lifecycle advisor, How do I do that?
shell building, Building the Application Shell
Web, enhancing, Enhancing the Web Application
around advice, How do I do that?
aspects, mock objects and, Why do I care?
assembler, dependency injection and, Using Dependency Injection
authentication, pluggable implementations, Why do I care?
Ant, Automating the Example
directories and, How do I do that?
tests, Writing a Test
autoproxy, Using an Autoproxy


bean post processors, How do I do that?
beans, JSF expression language, Using JSF with Spring
bold text in book, Conventions Used in This Book
building advisors, How do I do that?
building forms, Spring Rich, Building the Bike Editor Forms
building rich clients, Getting Started
building services, Building a Service
interceptor strategy, How do I do that?
mock objects and, Testing a Service with Mocks
building view, Spring Rich, Building the Bike Navigator View
Burlap, Remoting


callback classes, JDBC, What just happened?
CAS (Central Authentication Services), Why do I care?
com.springbook package, How do I do that?
dependencies, Building Two Classes with a Dependency
clients, Getting Started
(see also rich clients)
dependency injection and, Using Dependency Injection
examples in book, Using Code Examples
refactoring out common, Refactoring Out Common Code
com.springbook package, How do I do that? code, How do I do that?
common code, refactoring out, Refactoring Out Common Code
computer type in book, Conventions Used in This Book
JDBC and, Using Spring JDBC Templates
services, Configuring a Service
transactions, Configuring Simple Transactions
consistency, Spring Rich, Getting Started
constant width text in book, Conventions Used in This Book
AOP and, Building a Service
crosscutting and, Building a Service
dependency injection and, Using Dependency Injection
lightweight, Building Two Classes with a Dependency
servlet containers, Setting Up Tomcat
contexts, building, The context
control inversion, JDBC, Using Spring JDBC Templates
controllers, Web MVC, The controllers
actionable, Spring Rich, Building the Application Shell
grouping controls (Spring Rich), Building the Application Shell
conventions used in book, Conventions Used in This Book
createView method, How do I do that?


tables, identifiers, How do I do that?
transactions, multiple databases, Transactions on Multiple Databases
db directory, How do I do that?
DDL (data definition language), How do I do that?
declarative remoting services, How do I do that?
declarative security, Securing Application Servlets
declarative transactions, Configuring Simple Transactions
classes, Building Two Classes with a Dependency
facade layer, user interface and, What just happened?, How do I do that?
dependency injection, Using Dependency InjectionWhat about...
assembler and, Using Dependency Injection
container and, Using Dependency Injection
factory objects and, What about...
lightweight containers, What just happened?
service locators and, What about...
automation and, How do I do that?
db, How do I do that?
src, How do I do that?
test, How do I do that?
war, How do I do that?
Ant, How do I do that?
Kodo, How do I do that?
MySQL, How do I do that?
Spring, How do I do that?
Spring Rich, How do I do that?
drivers, JDBC, MySQL and, How do I do that?
dynamic mock objects, What just happened?


EasyMock, testing and, Running a Test with EasyMock
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) testing, Preface
email, sending messages, Sending Email Messages
error handling, JdbcTemplate, How do I do that?
advisors, Advising Exceptions
folding, JDBC, What just happened?
JDBC, unchecked, Using Spring JDBC Templates
logic, proxies and, What just happened?
low level management (JDBC), What just happened?
MailException, How do I do that?


facade layer, What just happened?
user interface and, What just happened?
facade, iBATIS, How do I do that?
folding exceptions, JDBC, What just happened?
form building, Spring Rich, Building the Bike Editor Forms
formBackingObject method, How do I do that?
validation, How do I do that?
Spring Rich, Validation
Web MVC, Enhancing the Web Application


grouping controls, Spring Rich, Building the Application Shell
GUI commands, Spring Rich, What just happened?


Hessian, Remoting
Hibernate, What about..., Using Hibernate with Spring
alternatives, What about...
flow, What just happened?
management, What about...
mapping, What about...
persistence and, Using Hibernate with Spring
properties, How do I do that?
standards, What about...
templates, How do I do that?
testing and, Running a Test Case
Burlap, Remoting
Hessian, Remoting
HTTP invokers, Remoting


facade, How do I do that?
installation, How do I do that?
integration, Integrating iBATIS
OR mapping, What just happened?
Oracle and, How do I do that?
templates, What just happened?
transactions, How do I do that?
identifiers, tables, How do I do that?
EasyMock, How do I do that?
iBATIS, How do I do that?
Kodo, How do I do that?
MySQL, How do I do that?
instance-based security, What about...
integration, Spring Rich, Getting Started
interceptor strategy, How do I do that?
objects, How do I do that?
interceptors, How do I do that?
(see also advice)
ACEGI and, What just happened?
as objects, What just happened?
testing and, Building a Test-Friendly Interceptor
advice building, How do I do that?
dependency injection and, How do I do that?
MailSender, How do I do that?
ThrowsAdvice, How do I do that?
italic text in book, Conventions Used in This Book
iteration, JDBC result set, What just happened?


Java, What about...
JavaMailSender implementation, How do I do that?
callback classes, What just happened?
configuration, Using Spring JDBC Templates
control inversion, Using Spring JDBC Templates
drivers, MySQL and, How do I do that?
folding, What just happened?
low-level management, What just happened?
unchecked, Using Spring JDBC Templates
iteration, result set, What just happened?
query parameters, What just happened?
resource management, Using Spring JDBC Templates, What just happened?
templates, Using Spring JDBC Templates
queries, What just happened?
transactions, What just happened?
JdbcDaoSupport class, How do I do that?
JdbcTemplate, error handling and, How do I do that?
Kodo, Using Spring with JDO
persistent model creation, How do I do that?
PersistentManager, How do I do that?
PersistentManagerFactory, How do I do that?
application testing, Testing JMS Applications
remoting, Working with JMS
templates, What just happened?
JSF (JavaServer Faces), Using JSF with Spring
expression language, Using JSF with Spring
navigation rules, How do I do that?
Spring integration, Integrating JSF with Spring
value bindings, Using JSF with Spring
views, How do I do that?
JSP layer, Web MVC, The JSPs
JUnit, What about...
JUnit tests, validation, How do I do that?
JUnitTest, subclasses, How do I do that?


Kodo, Using Spring with JDO
download, How do I do that?
installation, How do I do that?
Launch the Workbench wizard, How do I do that?


layers, Web MVC framework, How do I do that?
JSP layer, The JSPs
lifecycle of applications, advisor (Spring Rich), How do I do that?
lightweight containers, Building Two Classes with a Dependency
dependency injection and, What just happened?


MailException, How do I do that?
MailSender interface, How do I do that?
Hibernate, What about...
OR mapping, iBATIS and, What just happened?
persistence, JDO, How do I do that?
MappingSqlQuery class, How do I do that?
messaging, sending email, Sending Email Messages
metadata, autoproxy and, How do I do that?
method-based security, Securing Application Methods
MethodInterceptor advice, What just happened?
mock objects
aspects and, Why do I care?
dynamic, What just happened?
service building and, Testing a Service with Mocks
stubs and, How do I do that?
MVC value bindings, Using JSF with Spring
downloading, How do I do that?
installation, How do I do that?
JDBC, driver, How do I do that?


navigation rules, How do I do that?


object oriented languages, Building a Service
dependency injection and, What about...
interceptor strategy, How do I do that?
mock objects
dynamic mock objects, What just happened?
stubs and, How do I do that?
RDBMS operational objects, Using Access Objects
testing, EasyMock, How do I do that?
onSubmit method, How do I do that?
OR mapping, iBATIS and, What just happened?
Oracle, iBATIS and, How do I do that?


parameter queries, JDBC, What just happened?
Hibernate and, Using Hibernate with Spring
mapping, How do I do that?
model, How do I do that?
PersistentManager (JDO), How do I do that?
PersistentManagerFactory (JDO), How do I do that?
plain text in book, Conventions Used in This Book
pluggable authentication implementations, ACEGI, Why do I care?
POJO (plain-ordinary-Java-object), How do I do that?
components, Building a Service
declarative transactions, What just happened?
proceed( ) method, What just happened?
programmatic transactions, Programmatic Transactions
dependency injection and, How do I do that?
Hibernate, How do I do that?
autoproxy, Using an Autoproxy
declarative remoting services, How do I do that?
exception logic, What just happened?


JDBC parameters, What just happened?
JDBC templates, What just happened?
RDBMS operational objects, Using Access Objects


RDBMS operational objects, Using Access Objects
refactoring out common code, Refactoring Out Common Code
reflection, Hibernate, How do I do that?
relational database setup, Setting Up the Database and Schema
remoting, Remoting
declarative services, How do I do that?
JMS, Working with JMS
resolvers, Web MVC, Enhancing the Web Application
resource management
JDBC, Using Spring JDBC Templates, What just happened?
rich clients, building, Getting Started


schema, defining, Setting Up the Database and Schema
declarative, Securing Application Servlets
instance-based, What about...
method-based, Securing Application Methods
servers, dependency injection and, Using Dependency Injection
service locators, dependency injection and, What about...
benefits, What just happened?
building, Building a Service
interceptor strategy, How do I do that?
configuration, Configuring a Service
testing, side effects, Testing a Service with Side Effects
servlet containers, Setting Up Tomcat
side effects, service testing, Testing a Service with Side Effects
SimpleMailMessage class, How do I do that?
simplification, Spring Rich and, Getting Started
Ant and, What about...
downloading, How do I do that?
Hibernate and, What about...
introduction, Preface
Java and, What about...
JUnit and, What about...
as lightweight container, Building Two Classes with a Dependency
testability and, Writing a Test
Spring Rich
actionable controls, Building the Application Shell
Application class, How do I do that?
application shell, building, Building the Application Shell
descriptors, How do I do that?
goals of, High-level application goals
lifecycle advisor, How do I do that?
bean post processors, How do I do that?
consistency, Getting Started
controls, grouping, Building the Application Shell
download, How do I do that?
building, Building the Bike Editor Forms
validation, Validation
GUI commands, What just happened?
integration, Getting Started
simplification, Getting Started
views, Building the Bike Navigator View
Spring Rich Client Project (see Spring Rich)
spring-rich-c module repository, How do I do that?
SQL statements, iBATIS and, Integrating iBATIS
SqlMapTemplate, How do I do that?
src directory, How do I do that?
standards, Hibernate, What about...
stored procedures, What about...
RDBMS operational objects, Using Access Objects
reasons to use, What about...
tags, page rendering and, How do I do that?
user interface, building, Building a Struts User Interface
stubs, mock objects and, How do I do that?
style development, Building Two Classes with a Dependency


tags, Struts, page rendering, How do I do that?
value bindings, Using JSF with Spring
Hibernate, How do I do that?
iBATIS, What just happened?
JDBC, Using Spring JDBC Templates
queries, What just happened?
JMS, What just happened?
SqlMapTemplate, How do I do that?
TransactionTemplate, How do I do that?
test directory, How do I do that?
testability, Spring and, Writing a Test
EJB, Preface
Hibernate and, Running a Test Case
interceptors and, Building a Test-Friendly Interceptor
JMS applications, Testing JMS Applications
services, side effects, Testing a Service with Side Effects
automating, Writing a Test
EasyMock and, Running a Test with EasyMock
JUnit, validation and, How do I do that?
JUnitTest and, How do I do that?
Web MVC framework and, Running a Test
writing, Writing a Test
bold, Conventions Used in This Book
computer type, in book, Conventions Used in This Book
constant width, Conventions Used in This Book
italic in book, Conventions Used in This Book
plain in book, Conventions Used in This Book
throws advice, How do I do that?
ThrowsAdvice interface, How do I do that?
Tomcat setup, Setting Up Tomcat
configuration, Configuring Simple Transactions
declarative, Configuring Simple Transactions
flag, passing, Configuring Simple Transactions
iBATIS, How do I do that?
JDBC, What just happened?
multiple databases, Transactions on Multiple Databases
programmatic, Programmatic Transactions
XA transactions, What about...
TransactionTemplate, How do I do that?


unchecked exceptions, JDBC, Using Spring JDBC Templates
updates, RDBMS operational objects, Using Access Objects
user interfaces
Struts, Building a Struts User Interface
Tomcat and, Setting Up Tomcat
Web MVC framework, Building a View with Web MVC
facade and, What just happened?


validation, How do I do that?
forms, Spring Rich, Validation
JUnit tests and, How do I do that?
validators, Web MVC, Enhancing the Web Application
value bindings, Using JSF with Spring
ViewDescriptor, How do I do that?
JSF, How do I do that?
Spring Rich, building, Building the Bike Navigator View


war directory, How do I do that?
Web applications, enhancing, Enhancing the Web Application
Web MVC framework, Setting Up Tomcat
controllers, The controllers
forms, Enhancing the Web Application
layers, How do I do that?
resolvers, Enhancing the Web Application
testing and, Running a Test
user interface, building, Building a View with Web MVC
validators, Enhancing the Web Application
writing tests, Writing a Test


XA transactions, What about...
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