Angular modules

As we know, Angular is a modular framework. A module in Angular is used to group related components, pipes, directives, and services, to form an independent unit, which can be combined with other modules to form a complete application. A module can control which components, services, and other artifacts are hidden and visible to other modules, in much the same way that a Java class has public and private methods. We will use a single module called CountryGDPModule, as follows:

const ENTITY_STATES = [...countryGDPRoute];

imports: [GdpSharedModule, RouterModule.forChild(ENTITY_STATES)],
declarations: [
entryComponents: [SearchCountryComponent , CountryGDPComponent],
export class CountryGDPModule {}

It defines all of the components and routers that are necessary to be part of this module. It is common for both screens.

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