Requirements of the Bloggest system

The problem domain under consideration is a simple blog management system nicknamed Bloggest, where users can write articles of interest to them. The Bloggest system must be publicly accessible via the internet and registered users must be able to write, edit, and delete content.

But content available in the Bloggest system must be publicly visible without any need to log in. Each article should have a title, summary, permanent link, and body. The body section must be styled using commonly available fonts and font styling, so that articles can be presented in a pleasing manner.

There must be administration capabilities, where an administrator must be able to edit or delete an article written by a user as appropriate. 

The Bloggest system should allow the authentication and authorization of users and administrators. Users should be able to create new articles and then edit and delete articles. Administrators should be able to create new articles and edit or delete an article written by anyone to moderate the content. 

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