Chapter 8, Introducing Spring Boot 2.0 Asynchronous

  1. The SpringApplicationBuilder can be used to start a Spring Boot application in a non-web mode like this:
new SpringApplicationBuilder(ConfigClass.class).


  1. Synchronous applications are programs that can process events, requests, and tasks sequentially in an order, and one needs to finish in order for another to begin.
  2. Asynchronous applications are programs that can process events, requests, and tasks with time slicing so that one request can be active and can run while another one is also active but not running.
  3. A message queue is a software layer that can be used to communicate between two applications with reliability, durability, fault tolerance, and scalability.
  4. Apache Kafka is a production-grade, high performing, scalable, fault-tolerant messaging platform.
  5. Spring Kafka library will be used to enable easy communication with Apache Kafka. Spring Kafka provides templates and listeners to both produce to and consume from Apache Kafka topics easily.
  6. Quartz is a fully open source, high-performing scheduling framework that can be easily integrated with Java applications of any sort.

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