

Alternative hypothesis

determination, 147

formation, 146–147

for single mean, 147–148

for single proportion, 148

for single variance, 148

Arithmetic mean, 29–30


Bar graph, 11–12

Binomial distribution function, 110

Box plot, 27–28


Categorical variable, 3–4

Center of gravity, 76

Central limit theorem, 105–106

Ceteris paribus, 165

Chebyshev theorem, 67–68

Chi-squared distribution function, 94–95

Coefficient of variation, 61–64

Composite statistical hypothesis, 142

Computational formula, 51–53

Confidence intervals, 122–125, 139–140, 156–161

Continuous dichotomous variable, 4

Continuous random variable, 82

Control variables, 165

Correlation coefficient, 59–60, 71


population, 57–58

sample, 58–59

Critical value calculation, 155–156

Cumulative frequency distribution, 17


Degree of freedom, 72–74

Descriptive statistics


coefficient of variation, 61–64

correlation coefficient, 59–60, 71

error, 75–77

Kurtosis, 80

properties of estimators, 74–75

relation between mean, median, and mode, 80

skewness, 78–79

standard error, 71–74

standardization, 69–70

sum of squares, 78

Z score, 64–68

measurement scales

categorical data, 3–4

dichotomous variables, 4

interval scale, 5

Likert scale, 4–5

nominal, 4

ordinal scale, 4

ratio scale, 5


measures of association, 57–60

measures of central tendency, 29–45

measures of dispersion, 45–57

qualitative variables

definition, 3

graphical methods, 10–14

tabular methods, 7–10

quantitative variables

definition, 3

graphical methods, 20–28

tabular methods, 14–20

types of tools, 5–7

Dichotomous variables, 4

Discrete dichotomous variable, 4

Discrete random variable, 82

Dot plot, 25

Dummy variables. See Dichotomous variables


Econometrics, 173

Error, 50, 75–77

Estimators, properties of, 74–75

Expected value. See Mean


F distribution function, 96–97

Frequency distribution, 17

qualitative variables, 7–10

quantitative variables, 14–17


Geometric mean, 34–37

Grouped data, 14


Harmonic mean, 37–38

Hinges, 20

Histogram, 20–22

Human capital, 166


Individual error, 75

Inductive statistics, 101

Interquartile range, 45–46

Interval estimation

definition, 121–122

one population mean, 125–137

Interval scale, 5


Kurtosis, 80

vs. normality, 93–94


Law of large numbers, 105

Likert scale, 4–5


MAE. See Mean absolute error

Margin of error, 122–125


of data summarized as frequencies, 41–42

for data with frequencies, 38–39

definition, 29

for grouped data, 42–43

of grouped data, 40–42

Mean absolute error (MAE), 76

Mean squared error (MSE), 78, 166

Mean squared regression (MSR), 166

Measurement scales

categorical data, 3–4

dichotomous variables, 4

interval scale, 5

Likert scale, 4–5

ordinal scale, 4

ratio scale, 5

Measures of association

correlation coefficient, 59–60, 71

population covariance, 57–58

sample covariance, 58–59

Measures of central tendency

arithmetic mean, 29–30

geometric mean, 34–37

harmonic mean, 37–38

mean, 29

mean for data with frequencies, 38–39

mean for grouped data, 42–43

mean of data summarized as frequencies, 41–42

mean of grouped data, 40–42

median, 43–44

mode, 44–45

quartiles, 43

sample mean, 30–34

trimmed mean, 34

weighted mean, 39–40

Measures of dispersion

algebraic relations for variance, 50–51

average of several variances, 53–54

computational formula, 51–53

error, 50

interquartile range, 45–46

population variance, 47

range, 45

sample variance, 47–48

standard deviation, 49–50

variance, 46–47

variance of data with frequency, 54–57

variance of grouped data, 57

Median, 43–44

Mode, 44–45

MSE. See Mean squared error

MSR. See Mean squared regression


Nominal data, 3–4

Normal distribution functions

area under with any mean and variance, 93

area under with mean zero and variance one, 85–86

description, 82–83

normality vs. Kurtosis, 93–94

normality vs. skewness, 93

probability values with excel, 86–88

properties, 83–84

standardizing values, 84–85

Null hypothesis

definition, 143–144

equality of two parameters, 144–145

of two means, 145

of two proportions, 146

of two variances, 146

Numerical descriptive statistics

measures of association, 57–60

measures of central tendency, 29–45

measures of dispersion, 45–57


Ogive, 22–23

Ordinal scale, 4


Panel data analysis, 178

Parameter, 5–6

Pearson coefficient of skewness, 80

Percentile, 17–18

Pie chart, 12–14

Point estimates, 74–75

Point estimation, 120–121

Pooled variance, 53

Population covariance, 57–58

Population variance, 47

Probability density function, 82

Probability distribution

for continuous random variable, 82

definition, 81

for discrete random variable, 82

p value, 154–155


Qualitative variables

definition, 3

graphical methods

bar graph, 11–12

pie chart, 12–14

tabular methods

frequency distribution, 7–10

relative frequency, 10

Quantitative variables

graphical methods

box plot, 27–28

dot plot, 25

histogram, 20–22

Ogive, 22–23

scatter plot, 25–27

stem-and-leaf, 23–24

tabular methods

cumulative frequency distribution, 17

frequency distribution, 14–16

hinges, 20

percentile, 17–18

quartiles, 18–19

relative frequency distribution, 16

Quartiles, 18–19, 43


Random variable, 81

Range, 45

Ratio scale, 5

Regression analysis, 163–173

Relative frequency, 10

Relative frequency distribution, 16


Sample covariance, 58–59

Sample mean, 30–34

Sample size, 101–104, 137–138

Sample variance, 47–48

Sampling distribution

central limit theorem, 105–106

difference of two proportions, 113–114

law of large numbers, 105

mean vs. median efficiency, 116–118

one sample mean, 106–109

one sample proportion, 109–110

one sample variance, 114–115

two sample means, 110–113

two sample proporation, 113–114

two sample variance, 115–116

Scatter plot, 25–27

Simple hypothesis, 142–143

Skewness, 78–79

vs. normality, 93

Spatial econometrics, 178

Standard deviation, 49–50

Standard error, 66, 71–74

Standardization, 69–70

Statistical hypothesis, 142

Statistical inference, 101, 119, 150–152, 154–156

Stem-and-leaf, 23–24

Sum of squares, 78


t distribution function, 96

Test of hypothesis, 156–161

Test statistics, 148–150

Total sum of squares (TSS), 78

Trimmed mean, 34

TSS. See Total sum of squares

Type I error, 153

Type II error, 153

Type III error, 153



algebraic relations, 50–51

of data with frequency, 54–57

definition, 46–47

of grouped data, 57

pooled, 53

population, 47

sample, 47–48


Weighted mean, 39–40


Z score, 64–68

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