
Note: In the index, b refers to information in boxes, f refers to figures, n refers to footnotes, and t refers to tables.


Aalto University School of Art and Design, 85

Accel Partners, 89, 131

acoustical lens technology, 225

additive manufacturing technology, 170

AgraQuest, 118

agrochemical multinationals, 118

Ahvenainen, Jouko, 65, 67

airline industry, 9091, 100

AIS. See automatic identification system (AIS)

AkzoNobel, 125

all-accepting radical credulity, 8

Amazon, 186

autonomous drones, 150

Dash Replenishment Service, 62

futuristic plans, 62

Mechanical Turk, 151, 156

microwork platform, 151

American Express, 160

American Girl, 175

amplification strategies, 4246

combination of adjacent ideas, 44

courage to experiment and learn, 4446

inclusiveness/openness, 42

massive search, 4344

modularization, 43

radical cost reductions, 43

analysis of DNA. See DNA analysis

Andersen, Ole, 233

Andreesen Horowitz, 83

Angel.Co, 177

Angie’s List, 135

API, Gengo, 141142, 144, 145

Apple, 45, 224, 225


MakieLab, 173175

Scoopshot, 6975

Sculpteo, 110

TaskRabbit, 134

AppStore, 174

Ardusat, 189, 189n1

Aros, 60

Arpanet, 1

arthropod pest species, 113

artificial intelligence

decision-making process and, 96

human intelligence and, 149150, 154, 157. See also Microtask

ZenRobotics. See ZenRobotics

artistic exhibitions, of Robin Hood, 221

asset management cooperative, 217. See also Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative

Athala, Anthony, 202

Atlantic Council, 125

Audi, and Bang & Olufsen (B&O), 225

automatic identification system (AIS), 191, 192

autoposting, 134

avatars, 172. See also MakieLab

Axiom, 133


Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1

Ballegaard, Torben, 224225

Bang, Peter, 223

Bang & Olufsen (B&O), 223237, 252t

Audi and, 225

brand and profits, 223224

brand name value of, 235

challenges for, 223, 232233

compared to incumbent and adjacents, 231, 232

continuous strategic renewal, 224

Creative Centre, 228, 228n8

financial crisis of 2008–2009, 225, 234

Foss on, 233237

history of, 223226

I2, 229230

Icarus Paradox and, 234

Idea Factory, 228

IdeaLAB, 228

IdeaLAND, 226, 228

innovation evolution at, 227f

innovation process at, 236237

organizational design, 231

projects of incremental nature, 230

shares of, 232233

Technology Centre, 228229

Baseline Ventures, 131

BASF, 118

BAT. See Best Available Technology (BAT)

Batch Control, Sculpteo, 107

Bay Area Maker Fair, 172

Bayer CropScience, 118

Beast Technologies, 108

Becker Underwood, 118

Bed, Bath & Beyond, 60

Bellinzona, Mario, 99102

Benefit Corporation, 221

Beolab 5, 225

Beolab 18, 226

Beosound 5, 225

Beosound 9000, 224

Beosound Moment, 226, 230

Berners-Lee, Tim, 2

Best Available Technology (BAT), 185

Bezos, Jeff, 186

big data, 158

Biggers, Greg, 205

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 21

bioagents, 116120. See also BUG Agentes Biológicos

in grain crops, 112

pesticides vs., 112

BioCurious, 9, 124130, 240, 247t

background, 124

challenges for, 127128

community platform of, 128

compared to incumbents, 125127

crowdsourcing model, 126

financial viability of, 127

hackerspaces and, 125

Jankowski on, 128130

Kickstarter campaign of, 124

laboratory, 125, 127

open and inclusive model, 2425

open sharing models, 126127

organizational model of, 125

TechShop working spaces, 11

biological pest control industry, 117120. See also BUG Agentes Biológicos

biopesticides, 117118. See also BUG Agentes Biológicos

bioprinting. See Organovo

BioPunk Manifesto, 125

biotech, 124125

Blender, 77

BlueBee, 108

Blue Oceans. See Cirque du Soleil

Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant (Kim and Mauborgne), 22

Blythe, 175

BNDES. See Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

board members, Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative, 218

boilerplate strategy, 2

Boland, Thomas, 198

BookerT. See invitation model of TaskRabbit

B&O Play, 226

Bose, 232

Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), 113

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 156157, 157n5

BUG Agentes Biológicos, 112123, 247t

bioagents of, 116120

challenges for, 120121

compared to incumbents, 117120

cost reduction in pest control, 116117

founders of, 113

Negri on, 122123

outlook, 121

pest control by. See pest control, at BUG

R&D at, 119

scalable mass-production method, 115116

soy crop farming and, 119

Business Insider, 70

business law. See Fondia

business portal of TaskRabbit, 133

business stability, 4

Busque, Kevin, 131

Busque, Leah, 131, 133

Butter Mind study of Genomera, 208


Camboutik, 108

Cambrian Explosion, 7

cane toads, 114

Canon, 54

Cappaert, Jeroen, 189

Carmax, 186

Carrell, Eric, 103104

Carroll, Lewis, 6

Carvalho, Diogo, 113

caterpillars, 114

Cattaneo, Giacomo, 233, 234, 237

Center of Cognitive Neurorehabilitation of Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland, 211

Channel 4, 171

Chavez, Hugo, 72

chemical pesticides, 113, 114, 117, 118, 120

Chrons, Otto, 150

circular economy model, 183

Cirque du Soleil, 22

citizen science of Genomera, 207208

clavier, 2

clinical drug trials, 15. See also Genomera

clinical tests in 2D models, 199

clinical-trial-in-a-box, 212

collective innovation, 4. See also Quirky

Collins, James C., 22

Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS), 190

community biotech laboratory. See BioCurious

competence map, 218

competitive business environment, 55

competitiveness, 4

Computer-Aided Tissue Engineering, 202

Concur, 89

confirmation biases, 235, 237

construct outliers, 23, 24f

consumer markets, 95

Conyac, 28, 145

Cool Vendors in 3D Printing 2013, 110

corporations, legal issues and, 48

Creative Centre of B&O, 228, 228n8

creative destruction, 242

creative ideas, 57

Criatec, 113

CrowdFlower, 156

crowdfunding, 195197. See also Spire

Crowdin, 145

crowdsourcing, 27

data science, 158169. See also Kaggle

health research, 205216. See also Genomera

menial/tiny tasks, 148157. See also Microtask

photo service. See Scoopshot

translation through, 140147. See also Gengo, 66, 67

CrunchBase, 177

cryptocurrency, 221

cult doll, 175

cyberattacks, 54

cybersecurity, 54


Dash Replenishment Service, of Amazon, 62

data extraction service of Microtask, 153. See also Microtask Digest

Datamonitor, 118

data participants in Genomera, 207

data science crowdsourcing, 158169. See also Kaggle

data scientists, 158161. See also Kaggle

data services/solutions of Spire, 191192, 191t

Data Storm, 65

Davies, Sally, 137

da Vinci, Leonardo, 1

demand-first marketplace, 72. See also Scoopshot

developing communities, economic development in, 156

deviant case analysis (DCM), 3, 4

of prediction outlier companies, 2829b

digital fashion studio, 174

DigitalGlobe, 193

Digital Kids Conference, 170

DigiTalkoot, 154155

digitally printed organs. See Organovo

digital-physical business strategy, of MakieLab, 173175

digital technology, 4, 27

Bang & Olufsen (B&O), 224, 225, 228

digital toys. See MakieLab

Disney, 176

Disney Princess figurines, 176

disposal of radioactive waste, 186

distributed manufacturing network, MakieLab and, 179

Dixon, Chris, 83

DIYgenomics, 206, 211

DNA analysis, 205

DNA sequencing cost, 210, 210f

do-it-yourself community, 175

dolls. See 3D-printed dolls


eBay, 175

Economic Development Board of Singapore, 192

economic development in developing communities, 156

Eisenhower Fellows, 125

Electrolux, and GE, 61

Eloranta, Jorma, 182

El Pais, 72

ELV. See End of Life Vehicles (ELV)

End of Life Vehicles (ELV), 185

entrepreneurs, legal issues and, 48

Envisiontec, 202

EsalqTec, 113

eStandby Upgrade® solution of Nor1, 9094

add-on offers, 94

benefits, 98

challenges, 9899

managing overbooking/high occupancy, 9293

monetizing features, 9394

PRiME and, 9798

room upgrades, 94

safety net, 92

upsell options, 94

Etsy, 175

European E-commerce Conference, 62

Eval, Quirky, 58

experimental business models, outliers and, 4


Facebook, 33, 131

Fair Labor Standards Act. See U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act


Fast Company, 113, 126

fbFund Rev, 131

fee-based business model of TaskRabbit, 134

feedback scheme of TaskRabbit, 134

Fiat, 71

Final Proof tool of Sculpteo, 109

financial crisis of 2008–2009, 225, 234

Financial Times, 51

Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Report, 47

Fiverr, 136

fixed fee service of Fondia, 4950

Foap, 72

FoldIt, 155

follow-up analysis, 22

Fondia, 4755, 244t

anticipatory risk management approach of, 51

fixed fee service, 4950

as mold-breaking legal pioneer, 53

open culture of, 52

outlook, 5253

portfolio of services, 47

proactive law approach, 4748, 51

shareholding structure, 5152

training seminars of, 52

transaction services of, 5051

Välikangas on, 5355

VirtualLawyer tool, 5051

Forbes, 158

Forgacs, Gabour, 198, 201

Foss, Nicolai J., 233237

Founders Fund, 131

4K TV Avant, 226

Franklin, Benjamin, 125

Freakonomics (Levitt), 22

French Post Bank, 104

frontrunners of business model innovation, 20

Functional Crop Care, 118

Future Art Base, 221


GalaxyZoo, 155


by MakieLab, 174175

by Microtask, 155

gaming companies, Fondia and

fixed fee service, 4950

training seminars, 52

Gartner, 110

Garvey Spacecraft Corp., 193


Electrolux and, 61

proprietary technologies, 6061

Quirky and, 6061, 62

generalizable theory, 45

Generation Orbit, 193

generativity for problem solving, 15

Gengo, 28, 29, 140147, 248t

API, 141142, 144, 145

business translation level of, 143

challenges for, 145146

clients of, 141

collaborations of, 141

compared to adjacent companies, 145146

investors of, 141

Lay Translators at, 142

low cost services by, 144145

metric-based assessment mechanism, 143

as open data source, 142143

outlook of, 146

rebranding of, 140n1

as recruiter, 142

Senior Translators at, 142

standard translation level of, 143

strategies of, 141142

Translation Operators, 142

translators at, 142

ultra translation level of, 143

Umenai on, 146147

Genomera, 33, 205216, 240, 251t

challenges for, 214

data collection protocols, 211

data participants in, 207

funding to, 206

lay scientists of, 207

outlook, 214215

participant-driven health research, 207209

Paukku on, 215216

quality policy of, 143

research platform of, 207

revenues, 207

science projects at, 208209

symbiotic presence of, 143

website, 215

Gentry, Eri, 124

Getaround, 135

Getty Images, 72

Gino, Francesca, 156

Gladwell, Malcolm, 21

GM, 55

Goldbloom, Anthony, 158, 161, 163, 166169. See also Kaggle

Goldman Sachs, 89

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap . . . and Others Don’t (Collins), 22

Google, 125, 224

Facebook and, 33

image search results, 155

Google Image Labeler, 155

Google Images, 155

Grosse, Eric, 137

grounded theory approach, 26

Grove, Andy, 3

Grow VC Group, 15, 6568, 241, 245t

challenges, 68

diversified structure, 67

financial ecosystem, 6566

founders, 66, 67

home base of, 67

inclusive system, 68

investments of, 6768

operational expansion, 67

organizational structure, 6768

software platform, 6768

supply and demand, 6566

technology and, 6566

transparency and, 68

vision, 66


Habbo Hotel, 171

Hamley’s, 177

Hamner, Ben, 164

Harman, 62, 232, 233

Haro, Sulka, 171

Harvard Business Review, 156


Blythe, 175

3DSystems and, 176

health research. See Genomera

Healthtap, 160

Helicover caterpillar, 119

heterogeneous subgroups, of outliers, 18

Historical Newspapers Library, 154155

Holopainen, Harri, 150

Homebrew Computer Club, 125

Home Depot, 60, 62

Honeywell, 61

Hoodies, 221

hotels, 89

guests, 91

merchandizing products. See eStandby Upgrade® solution of Nor1

overbooking practice, 91

human donors vs. Organovo tissues, 200201

human intelligence and artificial intelligence, 149150, 154, 157. See also Microtask

Hybrid Graphics, 150


I2 of B&O, 229230

Icarus Paradox, 234

Idea Factory of B&O, 228

IdeaLAB of B&O, 228

IdeaLAND of B&O, 226, 228

IDEO, 62

Illumina, 206

i.materialise, 104

inclusive financing, 241

inclusiveness/openness, 42

incumbent organizations, 2

IndieGoGo, 108

ink-jet printing of viable cells, 198

Innerstar University, 175

Innocentive, 160


B&O and, 226230, 236237

as complex problem-solving process, 43

resistance created by, 33

small company and, 235237

innovation evolution at B&O, 227f

Inspiration Platform, 61

Intel, 3

intellectual property (IP), 58

interesting outliers, 20

International Space University, 189

Internet, and retail finance market, 6566

Internet-based labor marketplace, 156

Internet-connected home appliances, 6062

Interorbital Systems, 193

inventions, 1

investment banks, 66, 219

invitation model of TaskRabbit, 132133

Ionific, 150

iOS, 173, 174

iPad case, 80

iPhone cases, 80

Itaforte Bioprodutos, 118


Jani, Maitri, 141

Jankowski, Tito, 128130

Janssen Research & Development, L.L.C., 199

Janz, Christoph, 141

Jarvenpaa, Sirkka, 54

Jensen, Jacob, 236

Jobs, Steve, 5

job seekers, TaskRabbit and, 133, 135

Joffe, Benjamin, 141


Kaggle, 15, 55, 158169, 240, 249t

background, 158159

challenges for, 161164

compared to adjacent companies, 160

competitions in, 161, 162t

corporate approach of, 160161

customers and results delivered, 163f

data scientists at, 158, 159

future of, 166169

as marketplace, 159160

Mend on, 166169

meritocracy and, 161

Nair on, 164165

naming of, 158n1

Oil and Gas industry and, 161, 163

outlook, 164

task performance, 5354

Kaggle Connect, 159

Kaggle ranking, 160

Kaggler education©, 167

Kaufman, Ben, 5657, 59, 6163. See also Quirky

Kim, W. Chan, 22

Kimberly Ovitz, 80

Knutsen, Anders, 223224

Koppert, 118

Kyttanen, Janne, 85


Laamanen, Tomi, 186188

laboratories, biotech, 125, 127. See also BioCurious

ladybugs, 114

Laing, Robert, 140

Laitinen, Maire, 49

Lampinen, Markus, 66

Language Service Providers (LSP), 146

law firms, 47, 51. See also Fondia

fixed fee billing models of, 4849

hourly fee billing model of, 48

pyramid organizational structure, 51

lay scientists of Genomera, 207

Lay Translators at Gengo, 142

leadership, 1213

learning from outliers, 613

how to learn, 913, 14t

reasons to learn, 67

legal astuteness, 54

legal industry. See law firms

legal intent, 55

LEGO, 178

Leslie, Garthen, 57


resources, 13

strategic novelty, 1213

Levitt, Steven, 22

Lewiner, Jacques, 104

Lewis, David, 236

Leyden, Peter, 46

Lifeline Ventures, 177

Lightspeed Venture Partners, 131

Ligon, Austin, 186

LSP. See Language Service Providers (LSP)

Lukka, Tuomas, 181

Lyft, 135


MacCauley, Raymond, 206

Machinex, 185

macroeconomic modeling, 158

macroorganisms, 114

macroorganisms for insect pests, 114

Maddock, Charlie, 80

Made in Future tagline of Shapeways, 76n1

MakieLab, 170180, 249t

American Girl vs., 175176

apps, 173175

avatars, 172, 178

award to, 177

background, 170171

capital investment of, 176

challenges for, 177178

children and, 172

costs, 177178

digital-physical business strategy, 171, 173177

distributed manufacturing network, 179

do-it-yourself community, 175

futuristic plan, 179180

games by, 174175

incumbents in toy industry vs., 175177

on-demand toy manufacturing, 172173

online doll building application, 172

outlook of, 178179

valuation of, 177

Makies Doll Factory, 173174

Makies FabLab, 174

Malibu, 71

Malmberg, Juho, 182, 185, 187

management, studying outliers in, 67

management research journals, 1819

Mantoni, Tue, 225, 233


creating OOMPH in, 13, 39

demand-first, 72

Internet-based labor, 156

offer-first, 72

online, 74

3D printed goods. See Shapeways

massive search strategies, 4344

Mattel, 62, 175

American Girl, 175

Quirky and, 176

Mauborgne, Renée, 22

McAfee, Andrew, 156157, 157n5

McClure, Dave, 141

McGrath, Rita, 22

meaning-driven innovation, 226

Mechanical Turk, of Amazon, 151, 156

Mend, Milena, 166169

meritocracy, 158, 161

Meyer, David, 72

microbial biopesticides, 113114, 117

Microtask, 148157, 249t

artificial and human intelligence at, 149150, 154, 157

breaking tasks into pieces, 152

challenges for, 155156

computer games, 155

core technology of, 154

distributed microtasks of, 150152, 157

founding team of, 150, 154

handling higher volumes of tasks, 152

marketing team, 150

National Library of Finland and, 154155

outlook, 156157

paper-based documents, digitization of, 149150

prototypes developed by, 154

quality assurance procedure at, 152153

standardization at, 152153

turn-key services of, 153154

Microtask Digest, 153

Microtask Forms, 153154

microwork industry, 155156

Miettinen, Ville, 148, 150, 151, 152, 154

Miller, Felix, 141

minor asset management, 220222. See also Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative

mobile technology, 7

model-fit outliers, 23, 24f

modularization, 43

Mole Bridge, 155

Mole Chase, 155

Moment app, 72

Monsanto, 118

Mophie, 56

Moreau, Clément, 103105, 109, 111

moths, 114

MSW. See Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

Multi-Part Printing tool of Sculpteo, 108109

multi-sensor satellites, 190

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), 185

Murphy, Keith, 198

Museum of Modern Art, New York, 223, 205

Mygengo. See Gengo


Nair, Harikesh, 164165

Nair, Lakshmi B., 239

on Scoopshot, 7475

on TaskRabbit, 137139

nanosatellites, 190. See also Spire

Nanosatisfi. See Spire

Napster, 10

NASA, 57

National Institute for Standards and Technology Statistics, 19

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 198

National Library of Finland, and Microtask, 154155

Natural Industries, 118

Nature, 77

Nature Medicine, 214

Nazis, 223

Needto, 136

Negri, Heraldo, 113, 122123

Nelson, Brian, 141

Nervous System, 77

Net Promoter Scores of TaskRabbit, 134, 134n2

neuroscientists on young learners, 5

New York Times, 160

Nielsen, Karl “Kalle” Hvidt, 225, 228

NIH. See National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Ninesigma, 160

99 Designs, 160

nonprofit sector, 21

Nor1, 89102, 251t

background, 8990

Bellinzona on, 99102

challenges for, 9899

compared to incumbents, 100101

concept of, 90

eStandby Upgrade®. See eStandby Upgrade® solution of Nor1

future intent, 102

personalized offers by, 96

PRiME®, 9698

purpose, 99100

upsell solution, 9091

Norins, Art, 90

novel pricing models, Fondia, 54

novelty, 23. See also strategic novelty

experimentation with, 5

impact of, 4

novelty-denying skepticism, 8

NovoGen MMX Bioprinter, 198

Novozymes, 118

Nowak, Eric, 195197

NVidia, 150


OCR. See optical character recognition (OCR)

offer-first marketplace, 72

Olufsen, Svend, 223

on-demand manufacturing

MakieLab, 170180

Sculpteo, 103111

Shapeways, 7688

on-demand photography. See Scoopshot

OnehourTranslation, 145

online doll building application, of MakieLab, 172

online investment market. See Grow VC Group

online retail partners, of Quirky, 60

online travel agencies, 89

open business models, 27

open culture of Fondia, 52

Open Data Initiative of Gengo, 142143

open manufacturing, 240

open operating system, 61

optical character recognition (OCR), 149, 153, 155

optimal synthesis, 228n7

Organovo, 15, 198204, 250t

background, 198199

biopharmaceutical companies and, 199

bioprinted blood vessels by, 198

challenges for, 202203

clinical trials, 199200

corporate partnerships, 198, 199t

future applications, 201, 201t

human donors vs., 200201

NIH grant, 198

outlook, 203204

patent, 198

Renard on, 203204

stock fluctuations of, 202

3D bioprinting, 198200

organ printing technology, 198

outliers, 12. See also specific companies

amplification strategies, 4246

being unique, 8

blending models across industries, 33

construct, 23, 24f

defined, 1

experimental business models, 4, 11

at fringes of industries, 2

heterogeneous subgroups of, 18

how to learn from, 913, 14t, 30t

interesting, 20

learning from, 613

methodological perspective on, 2126

model-fit, 23, 24f

perspectives of, 2

prediction. See prediction outliers

pronged classification of, 23

reasons to learn from, 67

reference summary on, 244252t

strategic management literature and, 1820

strategic novelty and, 3, 4, 7

studying/analyzing, 3, 67

technology and, 34, 7

theoretical perspective on, 1721

Outliers: The Story of Success (Gladwell), 21

outsourced legal service model of Fondia, 4850

Oxfam, 71


parasite algorithm, 217218

parasitic wasps

macroorganism-based crop protection vs., 112113

for pest control, 114116, 118, 119

participant architectures, 240

participant-driven health research, 205. See also Genomera

Pasteuria BioScience, 118

Paukku, Markus, 215216

pay-as-you-go pricing structure, 153

Peixoto, Inês, 239

Peltomaa, Jufo, 181

personalization, of toys, 171. See also MakieLab

Persson, Stefan, 229

pest control, at BUG

bioagents for, 116117

cost reduction in, 116117

natural processes for, 115116

parasitic wasps for, 114116

pest control industry. See BUG Agentes Biológicos

pesticides, 118119

Pfizer, 199, 212, 213

pheromones, 114

Philips, 61

Lifestyle Incubator, 76

photo crowdsourcing platform. See Scoopshot

photo tagging, 148

Pivot Power, 57, 59

Platzer, Peter, 189, 196

Popper, Karl, 20

Powered-by-Quirky partners, 62

power strips, 57

preclinical discovery, 199

prediction outliers

analysis of, 2526

BioCurious, example of, 2425

concept of, 23, 25f

DCM, 2829b

price, consumer behavior and, 95

PRiME®, 9698

decision intelligence, 9697

real-time products and pricing, 97

problematic strategic direction, 234

product development, at Quirky, 5758

profit allocation structure, of Robin Hood, 218219

proprietary algorithm, Quirky, 59

Protocol Builder, 212


Quirky, 4, 9, 15, 4546, 5664, 245t

community engagement, 59

GE partnership, 6061

idea submissions, 58

inventions by, 59t

manufacturing, 60

Mattel and, 176

online retail partners, 60

portfolio, 63

Powered-by-Quirky partners, 62

product development, 5758, 59t

proprietary algorithm, 59

retail, 60

WINK, 6162


Rabbit Rallies, 133. See also TaskRabbit

radical cost reductions, 43

radioactive waste, disposal of, 186

RadioShack, 60

Rahja, Petri, 69, 73. See also Scoopshot

RAND Corporation, 27

regressions, 19

Reinhoff, Hugh, 205

Reinventors, 46

resource-constrained organization, 15

Reuters, 177

Rhode Island School of Design, 59

Roach, Jo, 171, 177

roadmaps, management of, 229

Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative, 15, 217222, 251t

artistic exhibitions, 221

background, 217

board members, 218

challenges of, 219220

Hoodies, 221

investment portfolio of, 217218

minor implications, 220222

outlook, 220

parasite algorithm, 217218

philosophy, 219

profit allocation structure of, 218219

unconventional strategy of, 219220

website, 219

Robin Hood Fund, 218, 219

RoboBusiness Exhibition, 188

robotics recycling. See ZenRobotics

Rocket Lab, 193

Rock Health, 206

Romaine, Matthew, 140, 144

Rotask, Mike, 156

Royal Society, 125

Runmyerrand Inc. See TaskRabbit

Ruokosuo, Niko, 70, 71, 73


Salokannel, Pekka, 80, 8588

Samasource, 156

Sasken Communication Technologies, 150

satellite-imagery companies, 193

satellite-powered data company. See Spire

scaling/combining experiments, 13

Schachter, Joshua, 141

Schawlow, Arthur, 238

Scheffler, Israel, 10

Schmidt, Marie, 226

Schouwenburg, Robert, 77

science projects at Genomera, 208209

Scoopshooters. See Scoopshot photographers

Scoopshot, 6975, 246t

award to, 71

background, 69

challenges for, 73

compared to incumbents, 72

funding for, 69

media companies and, 7071

Nair on, 7475

on-demand photography, 71

outlook, 73

photographers. See Scoopshot photographers

recognition and financial rewards at, 71

Scoopshot photographers, 69, 70

amateurs, 72

license, 71

moral rights, 71

professional, 7273

rewards, 70

Scoopshot Pro, 7273

Sculpteo, 103111, 246t

apps, 110

background, 103104

Batch Control, 107108

challenges for, 110

founders of, 104

multi-part printing tool of, 108109

outlook, 111

services, 103, 104

software functionalities of, 107

Selfridges, 177

Senior Translators at Gengo, 142

serendipity, 5

service networking, 131

Shapeways, 15, 7688, 104, 246t

background, 7678

challenges for, 84

founding team of, 77

growth and development of, 83

machine space, 79

Made in Future, 76n1

metal jewelry, 7879

on-demand manufacturing, 7879

outlook, 8485

pricing structure, 79

production capacity of, 83

reducing manufacturing barriers, 8083

Salokannel on, 8588

seed funding for, 77

strategy of, 7778

venture capital funding for, 83

Victoria’s Secret and, 77

shareholding structure of Fondia, 5152

shares of B&O, 232233

Shasta Ventures, 131

Silicon Valley, 124

skepticism, 8

small company and innovation process, 235237

Smartling, 145

social media, 33

software ventures, 148

Sonos, 232

Sony, 140

soy crops, 119

soy farmers, 119

S&P500, 217n1

space industry, 193. See also Spire

Spark, Joel, 189

Spire, 189197, 250t

business expansion, 192

career coaching at, 192

challenges, 194

compared to similar companies, 192193

crowdfunding, 195197

data services/solutions of, 191192, 191t

as employer, 192

nanosatellites, 190

Nowak on, 195197

outlook, 195

satellites, 190191

SPVentures, 113

Staats, Bradley, 156

stock exchanges, 217218

Stratasys, 201

strategic innovation, 2

strategic intent, 5455

strategic management literature, outliers in, 1820

strategic novelty, 12, 7

amplifying/scaling (OOMPH!), 1213, 33, 3842

defined, 1

embracing, 30t

experimenting and executing (SO WHAT?), 1012, 3233, 3637

identifying (WOW!), 910, 32, 3435

strategic resilience, 241243

keys to, 242243

leadership issues in, 241242, 242f

strategists, 2

Sulake, 171

Sunstone Capital, 150, 177

Swan, Melanie, 206

SXSW Accelerator competition, 177

Syngenta, 118


TaskRabbit, 53, 55, 131139, 248t

app, 134

auction house model of, 132

autoposting, 134

background, 131132

business portal of, 133

challenges for, 136137

compared to adjacent companies, 135, 136137

fee-based business model, 134

feedback scheme of, 134

funding for, 131132

future intent of, 138139

identity as challenge for, 136

invitation model of, 132133

Nair on, 137139

naming, 131n1

Net Promoter Scores, 134, 134n2

outlook of, 137

peer-to-peer labor and, 133134

purpose and passion of, 137138

service networking, 131

TaskRabbit Elites, 132

Taylor, Alice, 170180. See also MakieLab

technology. See also artificial intelligence; 3D printing; specific companies

agrochemical multinationals and, 118

hospitality organizations and, 9596

outliers and, 34, 7

Technology Centre of B&O, 228229

technology-driven innovation, 226

TechShop, of BioCurious, 11

Terranova, Tiziana, 218

3D-Bioplotter, 202

3D human liver model, 199

3DPCase, 105, 106

3D-printed dolls, 170180

3D printing, 44, 170, 240

accessibility, 77

bioprinting. See Organovo

MakieLab, 171179

manufacturing services and, 7677

rapid prototyping and, 77

Sculpteo, 103111

Shapeways, 7688

3D Printing Cloud Engine, 105106, 108109

3DSystems, 176, 201

TLS. See Transparency Life Sciences (TLS)

tools and methodology, to strategic novelty, 913, 14t

amplifying OOMPH!, 1213, 33, 3842

executing SO WHAT?, 1012, 3233, 3637

identifying WOW!, 910, 32, 3435

Toy Fair, 170

toy industry, 170. See also MakieLab

incumbents in, 175177

Toyota, 5455

training seminars, of Fondia, 52

transaction services, of Fondia, 5051

Transifex, 145

Translation Operators at Gengo, 142

translation through crowdsourcing. See Gengo

translators, at Gengo, 142

Transparency Life Sciences (TLS), 212

Trichogramma wasps, 113, 114, 118

mass production of, 114

trip review sites, 89

turn-key services of Microtask, 153154

23andMe, 210

2D models, clinical tests in, 199


Uber, 197

U.K. Government Office for Science, 129

Umenai, Nozomi, 146147

uncharacteristic business models, 23, 26. See also prediction outliers

unicorns, 195

University of California, Santa Cruz, 156, 221

University of Missouri, 198

U.S. Commerce Department, 19

U.S. Fair Labor Standards Act, 156

U.S. Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, 214


Vadén, Tere, 218

Välikangas, Liisa, 218

on Fondia, 5355

on Robin Hood Minor Asset Management Cooperative, 220222

Vartia, Jorma, 50

venture capitalists, 66. See also Grow VC Group

Verbalizeit, 145

Victoria’s Secret, 77

Virgin Galactic, 193

Virkki, Sakari, 217

Virtanen, Akseli, 217, 218, 220222

Virtual lawyer services, Fondia, 54

VirtualLawyer tool, of Fondia, 5051

virtual tools, of Fondia, 5051

Vogelaar, Marleen, 77

Vogel’s, 71

Volpola, Harri, 181


Wake Forest, 202

wasps. See parasitic wasps

Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 186

waste processing companies, 182

waste recycling business, 186187. See also ZenRobotics

web-based technology, 7


Genomera, 215

Mattel, 175

Robin Hood, 219

trip review, 89

WEEE. See Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Weijmarshausen, Peter, 76, 77, 80, 8485. See also Shapeways

The Well-Tempered Clavier (Bach), 1

Westbrook, Christina, 80

Wilska, Panu, 150

WINK, 6162

wireless communication protocols, 61

wireless speaker series of B&O, 230

workshop, 174

World Economic Forum, 113, 199

World War II, 223, 145


XAnge, 104

XCOR Aerospace, 193

Xerox, 54


Yerdle, 135

young learners, neuroscientists on, 5


Zaarly, 136

ZenRobotics, 181188, 250t

awards and nominations received by, 184t

challenges, 184185

compared to manual waste sorting plants, 184

competitors of, 184185

disposal of radioactive waste and, 186

operation, 183

outlook, 185186

waste processing companies and, 182

Zien, Jake, 57, 59

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