Table of Contents


About This Book

Icons Used in This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Beyond the Book

Where to Go From Here

Part I: Beginning the Revolution: Simple Steps to Start With

Chapter 1: The Essence of Good Time Management: Organizing Yourself

Planning in Advance

Achieving peace of mind

Activating your subconscious mind

The 1,000 percent return

Assemble all that is needed

Handle everything — just once

Grabbing the Three Keys to Personal Organization

Stepping back to evaluate

Developing neatness habits

Refuse to excuse

Chapter 2: Setting Yourself Up for Success

Getting to Know Yourself

Assessing your strengths and weaknesses

Naming goals to give you direction

Assigning a monetary worth to your time

Identifying your rhythm to get in the zone

Following a System

Scheduling your time and creating a routine

Organizing your surroundings

Overcoming Time-Management Obstacles

Communicating effectively

Circumventing interruptions

Getting procrastination under control

Making decisions: Just do it

Garnering Support While Establishing Your Boundaries

Balancing work and time with family and friends

Streamlining interactions with co-workers and customers

Keeping Motivation High

Chapter 3: Linking Time Management to Life Goals

Understanding Why You Need to Put Your Goals on Paper

Establishing Your Fabulous 50

What do you want to have?

What do you want to see?

What do you want to do?

What do you want to give?

Who do you want to become?

Labeling and Balancing Your Fabulous 50

Assigning a time frame to each goal

Categorizing your goals

Targeting 12 Goals to Start With

Narrowing down your list

Noting why your top-12 goals are important to you

Pinpointing Your Resource Needs

Accruing funds: A capital idea

Expanding your knowledge

Honing your skill set

Tapping into human resources

Chapter 4: Putting a Value on Your Time

Getting a Good Grip on the Time-Equals-Money Concept

Calculating Your Hourly Income

Boosting Your Hourly Value through Your Work Efforts

Making Value-Based Time Decisions in Your Personal Life

Deciding whether to buy time: Chores and responsibilities

Making time-spending decisions: Leisure activities

Looking at rewards

Factoring in monetary and time costs

Staying open to experiences and using time wisely

Part II: Establishing a Good System

Chapter 5: Focusing Your Efforts, Prioritizing Tasks, and Blocking Your Time

Focusing Your Energy with the 80/20 Theory of Everything

Matching time investment to return

The vital 20 percent: Figuring out where to focus your energy at work

Personal essentials: Channeling efforts in your personal life

Getting Down to Specifics: Daily Prioritization

Blocking Off Your Time and Plugging in Your To-Do Items

Step 1: Dividing your day

Step 2: Scheduling your personal activities

Step 3: Factoring in your work activities

Step 4: Accounting for weekly self-evaluation and planning time

Step 5: Building in flex time

Assessing Your Progress and Adjusting Your Plan as Needed

Surveying your results

Tweaking your system

Chapter 6: Efficiently Working from a Home Office

Knowing Yourself and Your Environment

Is working from home for you?

Weighing the pros and cons of a home office

Defining your space needs

Selecting the Right Equipment

More than a desk and chair

Desktops, laptops, scanners, and other tools

Managing the lighting and noise

Getting the Work Done from Home

Fighting the home interruptions

Working at home with kids

Feeling isolated from the business world

Chapter 7: Setting Up and Maintaining a Productive Workspace

Streamlining Your Workspace

Make way! Clearing off your desk

Assembling essential organizational tools

Setting up a timely filing system

Tackling piles systematically

Keeping Clutter from Coming Back

Handling documents and papers once

Filing regularly

Taking notes that you can track

Limiting the Paper You Receive

Accounting for Ergonomics and Aesthetics

Setting up a proper workstation

Decorating your space

Chapter 8: Fine-Tuning Organization Skills with Technology

Plugging into Electronic Scheduling

The calendar-sharing benefits of electronic scheduling tools

The utility of portable planners

De-cluttering Your Computer or Tablet (and Keeping It That Way)

Naming files and organizing them with an electronic tree

Offloading excess by archiving or deleting

Saving new files strategically

Managing Contact Info with a CRM Program

Looking at software and services

Unleashing the capabilities of a CRM program

Creating effective client profiles

Putting a CRM program on a server or in the cloud to maximize accessibility and backup

Part III: Using Technology to Leverage Your Time

Chapter 9: Leveraging Your Time with Technology

Timing Is Everything: Taking Charge of Your Time

Making choices about technology

Automate rather than replicate

Communicating Effectively through Technology

Social media options to consider

Using FaceTime, Skype, and other video communication systems

Engaging through online meeting platforms

Organizational Technology Tools

Building your system to find what you need fast

Protecting your technology from catastrophe

Clouding, Dropboxing, and storing your stuff

Creating a Digital Brain with Evernote

Getting your notes, ideas, and thoughts into Evernote

Remembering and finding things you need

Chapter 10: Controlling Email Overload

Managing Email Effectively

Setting up filtering systems

Separating Your Work and Private Life

Managing multiple email addresses

Organizing and storing email

Responding to email using less time

Employing an email response system

Automating your responses

Chapter 11: The Facebook Balancing Act

The Time Advantages of Facebook

The black hole of time in Facebook

Which to use personally and professionally

Using your personal page to create business

Leveraging your Facebook business pages

Keeping Contacts with Facebook

To friend or not to friend … that is the question

Posting from public to private

Getting people to share your posts

Using the list feature to manage interaction

Communicating through groups

Chapter 12: Twitter: Time Saver or Time Waster

Deciding Who to Follow

Those from which you can learn

Those with which you can have fun

Those with whom you can profit

Those you can teach

Preventing a Twitter Takeover

Chapter 13: Creating Effective LinkedIn Strategies

Creating a Link-able Profile

Creating a personal profile

Sharing your experience

Picturing yourself on LinkedIn

Defining LinkedIn Goals, Objectives, and Connections

Establishing Your LinkedIn Schedule

The two-check system

Meeting weekly to check for success

Part IV: Confronting Challenges to Time Management

Chapter 14: Communicating Strategically to Get Results — Fast

Choosing the Right Medium for Your Message

Communicating face to face

Vocalizing your message over the phone

Putting messages in writing: The joys (and perils) of email, text, and instant messages

Basic Communication Skills: Being Direct and Succinct

Cutting out the clutter in your language

Including the essential stuff

Fostering Camaraderie When Meeting in Person

Corresponding Clearly and Confidently via Telephone

Writing Effective Emails

Crafting a clear and targeted subject line

Keeping an eye on composition

Reviewing your writing

Preparing for the send-off

Asking Targeted Questions to Get Results

Determining what sorts of answers you need

Starting the flow with open-ended questions

Narrowing the focus with closed-ended questions

Pinning down maybes and other conditional responses

Achieving a positive tone

Preparing to listen

Chapter 15: Defending Your Day from Interruptions

The Fortress: Guarding Your Focus from Invasion

Protecting your domain from interior intrusions

Scheduling time offline

Screening interruptions before letting them through

Secondary Defenses: Minimizing Damage When Calls Get Through

Delegating the responsibility

Shortening or condensing the conversation

Rebooking discussions for a better time

Handling Recurring Interruptions by Co-Workers

The colleague with nothing to do

The colleague who just doesn't want to work

The employee who's wrapped up in his world

The person who treats work as her sole social outlet

Dealing with Interruption-Oriented Bosses

The seagull manager

The verbal delegator

Working with Intrusive Clients

A little attention goes a long way

Setting clients’ expectations

Chapter 16: Overcoming Procrastination

Staring Down the Source: How Procrastination Takes Hold

Calling on short-sighted logic: “I have plenty of time”

Avoiding the unpleasant: “I don't want to think about it now”

Triggering your fears: “What if I screw up? And what if I don't?”

Paralyzed by perfection: “I'll wait till the time is right”

Sabotaging at mid-process: “I've earned a break”

Looking for thrills: “I work best under pressure”

Knowing Whether to Put It Off

Poor procrastination: Considering the costs

Wise procrastination: Knowing when to hold ‘em

Laying the Groundwork: Altering Your Mindset and Instituting Discipline

Motivating yourself with the carrot-or-stick approach

Recognizing excuses and shoving them aside

Give me a break: Putting off procrastination

Conquering Dreaded Tasks with Sandwich Tactics

The eat-the-crust-first approach: Starting with the tough job

The Swiss-cheese approach: Poking little holes in the task

The salami approach: Finishing it one slice at a time

The discard-the-garnish approach: Getting it off your plate

Maintaining Your Motivation as You Press Ahead

Chapter 17: Coping with a Time-Wasting Boss

Fulfilling Your Objectives to Help Your Boss Meet Hers

Maintaining Personal Boundaries

Preparing to Discuss Your Concerns with Your Boss

Identifying concerns and gathering supporting evidence

Reflecting on your boss's behavior style

Initiating and Fostering a Win-Win Discussion

Irreconcilable Differences: Knowing When to Move On

Chapter 18: Mastering Meetings with Co-Workers

Devising Objectives, Listing Attendees, and Crafting an Agenda

Clarifying the purpose of the meeting

Creating a guest list

Holding informal, preliminary mini-meetings

Putting together the agenda

Scheduling the Time and Place

Finding a good time slot

Considering the location

The Day Of: Running the Meeting Well

Arriving early for setup

Launching the meeting

Keeping the meeting moving

Assigning action items

Summarizing and concluding the meeting

Following Up for Maximum Productivity

Part V: Maintaining Efficiency When Working with Others

Chapter 19: Time Management for Administrative Staff

Recognizing Common Pitfalls

Keeping Your Eyes on the Goal: Your Boss's Lead

Boosting your admin image: Ask and you shall receive

Getting face time with the boss

Dealing with a meeting-phobe

Working for a meeting-phile

Asking the right questions

Adopting Strategies to Stay On Track

Starting with a few simple steps

Protecting peak productivity periods

Getting your priorities in order

Seeking clarification about your objectives

Creating and qualifying a comprehensive task list

Chapter 20: Time Management for Salespeople

Breaking Your Time-Investment Portfolio into Three Categories

The money-makers: Direct income-producing activities (DIPA)

The prep work: Indirect income-producing activities (IIPA)

Administrative stuff: Production-supporting activities (PSA)

Letting the numbers scare you straight

Tracking Your Time to See Where You Stand

Recording your activities

Evaluating your time-tracking sheets

Looking back at your day

Reflecting on your week, month, quarter, and year

A DIPA success story

Planning Your Day around DIPA

Picking time for DIPA and using that slot wisely

Getting off to a good start

Giving priority to prospecting

Leaving time for following up on leads

Blocking out time for sales presentations

Planning for personal development

Continuing education: A lifelong journey

Role-playing: Getting ready for prime time

Evaluating your sales presentation performance

Scheduling your DIPA time

Incorporating IIPA into Your Day

Using IIPA time to review sales results

Keeping IIPA in check

Decreasing Your PSA Time

Questioning the way it's done

Chapter 21: Time Management for Business Owners and Executives

Stepping Back and Observing Your Time Investment

Increasing Time on Growth Activities

Responsive Tasks: Decreasing Your “In” Time

Solidifying your organizational chart

Crafting clear job descriptions

Creating room for growth with supplemental task lists

Devising a management plan

Empowering your staff

Organizing Daily Priorities

Planning Ahead: Balancing Your “On” Time

Setting aside daily and monthly “on” time

Performing a quarterly and yearly review of “on” time

Chapter 22: Coaching Others to Manage Time Effectively

Finding Out Who'd Benefit from Training

Using the four probabilities of success as a gauge

Tapping into an employee's motivation

Establishing Goals

Incorporating Tools and Strategies

Fostering Partnership and Encouraging Success

Setting up benchmarks and check-ins to instill accountability

Being consistent

Fulfilling your role as a mirror

Dealing with a Lack of Progress: Can This Employee Be Saved?

Accepting them, warts and all

Giving it one more try

Saying sayonara

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 23: Ten Time-Wasting Behaviors

Failing to Stop and Think


Working without Breaks

Demanding Perfection

Worrying and Waiting

Hooking Up to the Tube

Surfing the Web

Getting Caught in Junk Mail Undertow

Killing Time in Transit

Spending Time with Negative People

Chapter 24: Ten Time-Efficient Habits

Start Your Day Early

Plan for the Next Day

Take Care of Your Health

Eating for optimal performance

Exercising for energy and stamina

Sleeping for rejuvenation

Set Aside Downtime

Plan Meals for the Week

Delegate Almost Everything

Say No More Often

Always Use a Time-Management System

Simplify Your Life

Begin Every Day at Zero


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