
The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the people who made this book a reality:

First, we’d like to express our appreciation to Marjan Bace, publisher of Manning, for this opportunity, and to his staff, Clay Andres, Susan Capparelle, and Dave Roberson, for their support throughout the process. Our heartfelt thanks go to Jacquelyn Carter, our beleaguered and ever-patient developmental editor who put up with all our whining and last-minute changes. We particularly want to recognize the hard work put in by the production team: Mary Piergies, Tiffany Taylor, and Tony Roberts. Their efforts have provided the professionalism and polish that has kept this book to its high production standard.

Next, we want to extend our sincere appreciation to our diligent reviewers: Phil Hanna, Christophe Avare, Frank Jania, Ted Neward, Dan Dobrin, Ryan Lowe, Steve Gutz, Carl Hume, Ed Burnette, Charles Bundy, and Robert McGovern. Their feedback and encouragement helped us tremendously and in many cases guided the direction of the book’s content. We’re particularly grateful for the technical reviewing of Phil Hanna. There’s nothing worse than a programming book with poor code, and his exacting tests ensured that our code will work as promised.

We also want to thank the community in general. Not only have they produced a quality product, but this book wouldn’t be possible without their dedication to technical support. Their programmers have promptly and thoroughly answered our many questions, and their documentation has provided a great deal of assistance. Of course, we’re also indebted to the Eclipse developers for making their code open source, thereby giving us the means to look under the hood and discover exactly how the SWT/JFace mechanisms function.

Finally, we’d like to thank you for purchasing our book. We hope you enjoy it as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it, and we wish you the best of luck coding with SWT/JFace!

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