FIXED LOD calculations

FIXED is the first of three LOD calculations we will study in this chapter. It is used to make a calculation regardless of any dimension or measure filters that are applied in the workbook. The syntax of FIXED is the following: {FIXED [dim1[, dim2]…] : aggregate-expression}, with [dim1[, dim2]…] a list of dimensions along which the aggregation is to be calculated. 

Please note the use of curly brackets. The syntax will be the same for all three LOD expressions we describe in this chapter.

For instance, let's look at the date of first order for a given customer. While a MIN([Date]) calculation will give the first date in the filtered dataset with Customer Name used as a row or column, {FIXED [Customer ID] :MIN([Date])} will give the first date for a customer in the entire dataset, filters notwithstanding, for each Customer ID. As a result, if we look at orders in 2013 in the Global Superstore dataset, we notice that the First Order Date can be in 2011:

Let's now take a look at how this will be affected by the order of operations.

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