


Note: f represents a figure and t represents a table




accelerated development programs,79–83

accountability, 104–5

Action Learning Forum (ALF),58–59

action plans, 241–42

activities, 4, 6, 6t, 7–8, 8t

administrators, 65–66

Advanced Role Development, 167

Aetna, 27

ALF (Action Learning Forum),58–59

alignment, 62, 156–57, 159, 167

annual appraisals, 95–96, 133–34,205
See also performance management

application tracking systems (ATSs),



Bersin & Associates, 19–24, 20f,

best practices, 145–50, 150f

blogs, 212

bonuses, 185–87
See also compensation

Brinkerhoff, Robert, 128

Burnett, Susan, 240–41

goals, 28, 204–5, 227–28
ownership, 33–35, 33f
predictions, 46–47

business-driven approaches, 24–27

ASDA, 184–85

assessments, 93–94

ASTD, 3, 5, 236

auto manufacturing, 186–87

accountability at, 104–5
challenge of, 89–90
decision making at, 103–4
employee engagement at, 98–100
measurement at, 106
organizational discipline at, 102–3
restructuring of, 90–91, 93–96, 95f,106
talent investment at, 100–102
talent management and, 91–92
talent practices of, 92–93, 96–98,98f
360-degree assessment of, 93–94



Cappelli, Peter, 238

career development plans, 94–95, 95f

career pathing, 210

Caterpillar, 24, 32–33

Center for Leadership (CFL), 117–26, 118f,

change management, 63–64, 65

Chevron, 26

chief executive officers (CEOs), 48–49, 52,
103, 228–29
See also executives

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
challenge of, 111–12
Develop-and-Perform Strategy at,
    116–26, 118f, 120f, 122f


Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
future of, 135–36
imagining exercise, 109–11
measurement at, 126–30, 127f
People Strategy at, 112–14, 113f,114t
performance management at, 130–34,
talent segmentation at, 114–16
technology and people at, 134–35

talent management philosophy of,
talent management success keys at,
   145–50, 150f



economic downturn, 1–2, 25

elephant (Piccadilly Circus), 178–80

development of, 171
employers and, 180–89
engagement of, 25, 98–100, 219–20
expectations of, 157, 158t
high-turnover, 17
maternity leave and, 192–93
recruitment of, 22, 193–94, 209–11
retirement and, 26
role of, 181–82
as talent, 4, 6


CEO vision for, 48–53, 51t
demands of, 47–48
executives and talent management,
philosophy of, 67–68
success at, 53–60, 55t
vision, strategy, execution for,51t
what it has learned, 62–67

C-LEAD model, 53–54, 55t, 56


employers and employees, 180–89

enduring organizations, 24–27

engagement, 25, 98–100, 190–91, 219–20

enterprise performance management
(EPM) systems, 205–7

enterprise social networking systems,

executives, 57, 61–62
See also chief executive officers (CEOs)

coaching, 124–25
See also training

collaborative leadership,53–54,55t,56,

commitment, 103, 228–29

compensation, 23, 26–27,206–7
See also bonuses
competency management, 20–21,37–39,

38f, 206

conversations, 233–34

corporate training, 21

critical talent, 18–19

culture, 43–44, 195–98





Fast Company magazine, 196

federated organizational model, 32–33

feedforward, 94

Financial Times, 182

Future of Management (Hamel), 183–84



Galagan, Pat, 5

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 172

General Motors (GM), 186–87

Gladwell, Malcolm, 238

Global Leadership Development Program
(GLDP), 84–85


Darden Restaurants,239

decision making, 103–4

depression, 1–2

Develop-and-Perform Strategy,116–26,
118f, 120f, 122f

development plans, 94–95, 95f, 206

discussion forums, 212

downsizing, 1–2, 25

goals, 28–29, 204–5, 227–28

Goldsmith, Marshall, 92–93

Google, 181, 183–84

governance, 31–33, 33f, 35f



Hamburger University, 72

Hamel, Gary, 183–84

Hewlett-Packard, 40

High-Impact Talent Management
Model, 19–24, 20f

high-turnover employees, 17

human resource information systems
(HRIS), 200–202

human resources (HR), 30, 169,170t,

Hurd, Mark, 40

learning & development (L&D), 20–23, 20f,
23f, 41–44

learning management systems (LMSs),

learning performance managers (LPMs),

Leitch, Sandy, 182–83

Liberty Mutual Group



IBM, 184

incentives, 185–87

individual development plans,206

individual performance, 187–89

initiatives, 232–36

Institute for Corporate Productivity,

Israelite, Larry, 3–4, 6, 8–10, 226

It’s 2008 (Deloitte report), 238

    alignment of, 156–57, 159
curriculum at, 165–68, 166f
history of, 155–56, 174–75
leadership development at, 153–55
management development at, 163–65
management frameworks at, 159, 160
   161–63, 161t, 162t
measurement at, 168–74

Lowe’s Stores, 17



Jung, Andrea, 103



knowledge, 185–87,212





development of, 153–55, 163–65,
   166–68, 172, 173t
frameworks for, 159, 160t, 161–63, 161t,

managers, 17–18, 189

maternity leave, 192–93

L&D(learning & development),
20–23,23f, 41–44

Lawler, Edward, 241

leaders, 48–49, 240–41

talent and, 189
talent management and,72–74,73f,


accelerated development programs,

Global Leadership Development
Program (GLDP), 84–85
Hamburger University, 72
leadership and, 72–74, 73f, 74f
Leadership Institute, 83–86, 85f
overview of, 69–72, 87–88

Leadership @ McDonald’s Program
(LAMP), 79–83

leadership development
at Avon, 95, 100–102
Bersin & Associates on, 21, 39–40, 40f
at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta,
   116–17, 118f, 120f
at Cisco, 57
at Liberty Mutual Group, 153–55
at McDonald’s, 72–74, 73f, 74f

Leadership Institute, 83–86, 85f

leadership talent planning, 117–18

  performance management at, 74–77,
   75t, 76f
talent management impact on, 86–87
Talent Plan, 77–79

at Avon, 107
at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta,
126–30, 127f
at Ciena, 145–50, 150f
at Cisco, 66–67
at Liberty Mutual Group, 168–74
success and, 60–61, 107, 230–31

mentoring, 124–25
See also training

Microsoft, 184

C-LEAD, 53–54, 55t, 56
federated organizational, 32–33
High-Impact Talent Management,
   19–24, 20f
practitioner, 66

Momentum Executive Development,

motivation, 185–87

    at McDonald’s, 74–77, 75t, 76f

performance management process (PMP),

performance management systems, 204–7

performance reviews, 96, 133–34, 205

performance-driven learning, 21–22, 22f

Ciena, 143–45
Cisco, 67–68

Piccadilly Circus, 178–80

pivotal talent, 17, 18–19

Plan to Win framework, 70



new employee orientation,165

New Face of Talent Management,
(ASTD), 237

New Yorker, 238

Nextel Communications, 139

niche talent management solutions,
202–14, 218

Norman, Archie, 184–85

NVR, 139–41, 142f, 143

podcasts, 212

practitioner model, 66

practitioners, 65–66

processes, 30, 31–32, 229–30

productivity, 219–20

Professional Development, 167



Qualcomm, 16–17

quality vs.quantity, 65




on-demand software, 216–17

Organizational Learning and the Learning
(Easterby-Smith, et al.), 183

boundaries within, 192
culture and, 43–44, 195–98
discipline within, 102–3
enduring, 24–27
opportunities in,221–23
talent within, 16,17f
transformation of, 59–60

outcomes, 227–28

ownership, 33–35, 33f, 35f,


Raytheon, 30

recruitment, 22, 193–94, 209–11

relationships, 180–89

research, 92–93, 182

restructuring, 25, 90–91, 93–96, 95f, 106,

retail stores, 17, 26

retirements, 26

reviews, 96, 133–34, 205
See also performance management

Revolutionary Road (Yates), 181–82

RightStart, 165

Role Alignment, 167

Role Orientation, 166–67



People Strategy, 112–14, 113f, 114t

performance improvement, 25–26

performance management
at Avon, 97–98, 98f
Bersin & Associates on, 35–37
at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta,
   130–34, 131f



Safeco, 165

salaries, 22–23, 26–27, 206–7

Sayles, Helen, 172

Schein, Edgar, 43

Sears Roebuck & Company, 138

skills development, 27

skills vs. talent, 182–85

social networking, 211–14

software, 216–17

sourcing and recruiting.
See recruitment

Starbucks, 30

Stern, Stefan, 182

factors for, 240
foundation for, 226–31
keys to, 145–50, 150f
measurement of, 60–61, 107,
pillars of, 53–54, 55t, 56–60

Talent Management Factbook, 34–35

Talent Management Practices and Opportunities,
3, 5, 237

talent market demands, 46–47

Talent Measurement Metrics (TMM)
Report, 171–174

“Talent Myth, The,” 238

Talent Plan, 77–79

talent pools, 18–19, 209

talent practices, 92–93, 96–98, 98f

talent segmentation, 114–16

talent strategy and planning, 23

Success Case Method, 128

succession planning, 119, 147–48,

“Sultan’s Elephant, The,” 78–80

supply and demand, 114–16

support and socialization, 233–34

“Survey of Talent, A,” 177–78

systems implementation, 31–32

talent vs. skills, 182–83

talent-driven culture, 195–98

talent-driven learning, 23f

team performance, 187–89

Technical Training, 167

at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta,



acquisition of, 22
investment in, 100–102
leadership and, 189–90
members of, 4, 6
pivotal, 17, 18–19

Talent and Leadership Practices 2007
(Momentum Executive Development),

talent challenges, 29–30

talent management
benefits of, 137–38
challenges of, 138–39, 151, 198
definition of, 2–4, 16–17, 19, 50, 239f
establishment of plan for, 77–79

    enterprise social networking systems,
future of, 217–19
human resource information systems
    (HRIS), 200–202
learning management systems (LMSs),
on-demand software, 216–17
online recruitment, 210–11
performance management systems,
succession planning systems, 207–10

Teletech, 31

The Economist, 177–78

360-degree assessments, 93–94

TMM (Talent Measurement Metrics)

Report, 171–174

    fluctuation of, 5
future of, 217–21
hype about, 199–200
initiatives to begin, 232–36
present day, 214–17
solutions for, 202–14, 218
strategies for, 28, 29f, 30–32, 35–42, 44,
systems for, 199–200
See also specific companies

Top Companies for Leaders study, 92–93

Toyota, 186–87

training, 21, 214–16
See also mentoring



UK Skills (Leitch), 182–83



Verne, Jules, 178–80



War for Talent,The(McKinsey report),237

webcasts, 212

weblogs, 212

Wheeler, Frank (Revolutionary Road),

“Why We Hate HR” (Hammonds), 196

wikis, 212

WL Gore, 181

women, 192–93

workforce, 26, 220–21


YouGov survey, 182


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