
  • Page numbers followed by t indicate tables and f indicates figures
  • A
  • Ableism 162
  • Absenteeism, presence 206
  • Access, barriers (relationship) 33
  • Active engagement, increase 104
  • Adaptive instructional delivery 156–157
  • Admission reforms, purpose 18
  • Agency. See Teacher agency
  • Ahistoric space, confusion 64
  • Ahistoric, term (usage) 64–65
  • Ahmed, Sara K. 235
  • Altercations, function 51
  • Amanti, Cathy 82
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), legal landscape report 210
  • American Revolution, events timeline (inclusion) 63
  • Ankh, truth (symbol) 13t
  • Anti‐Black racism, defining/challenge 57, 59–60
  • Anti‐Gay legislation, impact 150
  • Anti‐Queer legislation 47
  • Antsy student, perspective 39
  • Anzaldúa, Gloria E. 23, 29
  • Appreciation station 203f
  • Archaeology of the Self 65
  • “Arch of Transition, The” 27–29
  • Asperger's Syndrome, diagnosis 53
  • Assessment (guidance), UbD (usage) 169–170
  • Asterism 87
  • Attentive listening/interest, occurrence 162
  • Attitudes, imparting 164
  • Audio‐recording (journaling method) 72
  • Audit trail, creation 235
  • Authenticity, identification 102
  • B
  • Babies, actions (affirmation) 182–183
  • Barron, Charles 20
  • Behavior
    • codes, determination 62
    • de‐escalation 53
  • Beliefs, statement 122–123
  • Bell, Derrick 210
  • Bell, Monita K. 72
  • “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” (conversation) 149–150
  • Bildner, Phil 239
  • Bilingual Education Act, The (Title VII), creation 69
  • Bilingual‐education program, impact 68–69
  • “Bill for the General Diffusion of Knowledge” (Jefferson) 184
  • Binaries, altercations (impact) 51
  • Black families/communities/team members, Target support 207
  • Black history, mandate 208
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
    • ancestors 2
    • communities, dominant culture identification 16
    • existence, affirmation 48
    • folx, voices (presence) 20
  • Black Lives Matter 32, 207
  • Black Lives Matter in School, platform 208
  • Black Panther Party, Ten‐Point Program 161–162
  • Black teachers, hiring (increase) 208
  • Black youth, perception 54
  • Blue School Chair companies, government contract 39–40, 49
  • Body sensations list 99f
  • Borderlands, practices 23–24
  • Brain
    • components, interaction 183
    • elasticity 183
    • gap, awareness 106–107
    • self‐revision 182
  • Brain‐based learning 116
  • Breakout rooms, usage 149–150
  • Breakpoint and Beyond (Land/Jarman) 180
  • Breaths Together for Change 2, 124, 125, 126
  • Brown v. Board of Education 3 2
  • Buddy System Tip Sheet (Lentini/Vaughan/Fox) 194
  • Building 77, 81–83
    • framework, connection 84–92
  • Business managers, perspective (growth) 39–40
  • Butler, Octavia 29
  • C
  • Cafeteria energy, selection 58
  • Calm, derailment 40
  • Canon, The 216
  • Capacity‐building language, impact 173
  • Capacity orientations 82
  • Caregivers
    • feedback 133
    • school leaders, connection 152
  • Carranza, Richard 17
  • Censorship bills, states passage 210
  • Center for Applied Science Teaching (CAST), Universal Design for Learning (UDL) 143, 157
  • Center for Nonviolent communication, resources 123
  • Center on the Developing Child (Harvard University) 182
  • “Chairs and rows” classroom environment 40–41
  • Change
    • catalyst 44–48
    • selection 46–48, 61–62
  • “Changing Education Paradigms” (Robinson) 179
  • Chapman, Gary 245
  • Character education 191
  • Childhood development 52–53, 212
    • creativity/curiosity, relationship 180–183
    • knowledge 241
  • Childhood, self, protection 223
  • Children
    • credentials, importance 223–225
    • criticality, improvement 46
    • developmental needs, placement 191–204
    • inquiry‐based model 236–239
    • justice, creation 37
    • legal landscape, impact (ACLU report) 210
    • lived experiences, space (creation) 236t
    • nature/needs, consideration 89
    • paths, consideration 233–243
    • questions, supply 224
    • responsive approach 236–239
    • teaching, processes 155
  • Chinese Exclusion Act 18–19
  • Chit‐chatting, idea 124
  • Choosing Change tool 55–62
  • Christmas Carol, A (Dickens) 111
  • Chunking 190
  • Church/state, separation 225
  • Circle ideology 151
  • Civil Rights era, class examination 32
  • Civil Rights Movement 45, 86, 88, 90
  • Clark, Septima 89
  • Classmates, lens (differences) 70–71
  • Classroom
    • conversations 121–122
    • documented events, usage 54–55
    • gardens 219
    • quietness, classroom engagement (contrast) 40–41
    • social justice, enactment 48
    • spaces 24–25, 87, 138
    • stations/centers, creation 192
    • supplies, sale 113
    • transformation 80
    • whole selves/body experience, commitment 100
  • Classroom community 121
    • affirmations/thank yous (writing templates) 198f
  • Clay, Marie 181
  • Clifton, Lucille 176
  • Club from Nowhere (Gilmore) 86
  • CNBR. See Collaborate‐Build‐Nurture‐Reflect
  • Cognition, exercising 182
  • Cognitive development, strength 182–183
  • Cognitive functions, development 182
  • Cold War, class study 32
  • Collaborate
    • framework, connection 84–92
    • term, meaning 77
  • Collaborate‐Build‐Nurture‐Reflect (CNBR) Framework
    • application 87–93
    • operationalization 85
    • usage 88, 95
  • Collaboration 77–78
    • context, determination 122
    • cups rhythm skill requirement 165
    • deep collaboration, capacity (increase) 77
    • journaling, usage 78
    • partners, meeting (initiation) 132
    • strategic collaboration, usage 81
    • usage 105
  • Collaborative reflection, self‐initiation 131
  • Colleagues
    • feedback 118
    • individual strengths, illumination 120–123
    • justice, creation 37
    • meeting, opening 127
    • routines/rituals, establishment 120–123
    • time, scheduling 117–118
  • Collective learning 72
  • Collective wisdom, impact 212
  • Collins, Billy 176
  • “Committed to the work” phrase, usage 137–138
  • Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 188–191, 228
  • Communication (cups rhythm skill requirement) 165
  • Communicative warmth, impact 183
  • Community
    • “Community Up” model, consideration 152
    • connections, cylinder/triangle (contrast) 151f, 155f
    • interaction 48
    • issues, generation/relevance 232–233
    • learning center, child developmental needs (placement) 191–204
    • personhood, threats 240–241
    • power, understanding 115
    • responsibility 153
    • risk‐taking, value (sharing) 82
    • shared classroom community, shared co‐constructed vision (display) 131f
    • understanding 116
  • Community‐oriented learning 97
  • “Community Up”
  • Competition, value 114
  • Concentration (cups rhythm skill requirement) 165
  • Constructivism, development 81
  • Content, importance 162
  • Cooperation (cups rhythm skill requirement) 165
  • Co‐planning routine, example 133, 134f–135f
  • Cornell, Brian 207
  • Counselors, funding (requirement) 208
  • Covert, Abby 57–58
  • COVID‐19
    • global pandemic 137, 148
    • residual impact 150
    • vaccines, usage 27
  • Cox‐Petersen, Amy 194
  • Creativity
    • childhood development, relationship 180–183
    • death, schools (impact) 179–183
    • domain 187
  • Credentials, importance (naming) 224
  • Critical literacy (deepening), intentionality (impact) 235
  • Critical race theory (CRT), usage 210
  • Crooke, Pamela 194
  • Cross‐community relationships (building), long‐term commitment (impact) 153
  • Cultural identity 89
  • Cultural literacy 146
  • Culturally mediated instruction (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 167
  • Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogy (CR‐SP) 164–167
    • discovery 167–169
    • examples 168t–169t
    • framework, characteristics 166–167
  • Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP) 164
  • Culturally relevant‐sustaining pedagogies, examples 168t–169t
  • Culturally relevant teaching 164
  • Culturally Responsive Education, groundwork 101
  • Culturally responsive practices, building 101
  • Cultural organizing, methodology 91
  • Cultural orientation 121
  • Cultural relevance, application 166
  • Culture
    • center, removal 23
    • context, learning (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 166
  • Cups rhythm 164–165
  • Curiosity
    • childhood development, relationship 180–183
    • domain 187
    • joyful curiosity 79
  • Curricular frameworks, foundational understandings 212
  • Curricular inquiry, building 161–162
  • Curricular standards, unpacking 189–191
  • Curriculum
    • absence 109
    • adaptation 155
    • backward design 170
    • circulation 6–7
    • critical literacy (deepening), intentionality (impact) 235
    • design, paths (consideration) 233–243
    • development/revision 61
    • emphasis 211
    • guidance, UbD (usage) 169–170
    • justice‐oriented learning spaces/experiences/curriculum, design process 205
    • K‐12 curriculum, Black history/ethnic studies (mandate) 208
    • learning 58
    • mandated curriculum 231–232
    • negotiated curriculum 231–232
    • negotiation 227
    • proactive approach 235
    • reactive approach 240–241
    • relevance, negotiation usage (template) 228t
    • reshaping (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 167
    • responsive approach 236–239
    • scripted curriculum 78
    • work, accessibility 142
  • Curriculum Design Teams, name (change) 142
  • Curriculum‐making
    • approaches 235t
    • basics, importance 161–162
    • foundational understandings 163–172
    • framework 163–172
    • journey 109, 116–133
    • sessions, student involvement 153
  • Cylinder, triangle (contrast) 151f, 155f
  • Cylindrical Model 151–153
  • D
  • Darwin, Charles 59
  • Davis, Angela 31
  • de Blasio, Bill 17, 20
  • Debriefing, example 50–51
  • Decision‐making, emotive capacity (removal) 100
  • Deep collaboration, capacity (increase) 77
  • De‐escalation strategies, improvement 52, 58
  • “Desired results,” identification 170
  • Detail, attention (cups rhythm skill requirement) 165
  • Dewey, John 81–82, 184
  • Dexterity (cups rhythm skill requirement) 165
  • Dickens, Charles 111
  • Documentation community, building 102
  • Documentation, usage 55
  • Dominant culture 15–16, 21, 47–49
    • change, perspective (impact) 38–42
  • Dominant school culture 25
  • “Dominant School Culture” 5
  • Donors Choose grant, writing 129
  • “Don't Say Gay” laws (Florida) 47
  • “Do Schools Kill Creativity” (Robinson) 179
  • Drawing (journaling method) 72
  • Dreaming, call 25, 31
  • Dreamkeepers, The (Ladson‐Billings) 101
  • Dreams 25–31
  • Dr. Seuss 112
  • Dubois, W.E.B. 32
  • E
  • Early schooling, personal reflections 63–66
  • Educational Alliance (Brown University) 166
  • Educational Industrial Complex (IEC) 113–114
    • players, impact 156
    • threat 136
  • Educational neglect 162
  • Educational Partnerships (Cox‐Petersen) 194
  • Education, best practices (consideration) 34
  • Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ‐ROC) 160
  • Educators, justice work (components) 116
  • Edu‐credo 247–248
  • EduTwitter, message (example) 54
  • Eisenhower, Dwight 113
  • Elevating Equity and Justice (Kim) 45
  • Emotional borderlands 23–24
  • Emotional literacy 199–200, 199f
  • Emotion emoji station 203f
  • Emotive capacity, removal 100
  • Empathy, impact 44–45
  • Energy 58
    • harnessing 23
    • translation 4
  • Engagement (domain) 187
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) programs/services, existence/need 69
  • Entrance exams, abolishment 19
  • Environmental players, identification 56, 58
  • Equality, inequality (relationship) 33
  • Equity, meaning 19
  • Ethnic studies, mandate 208
  • Eugenicists, impact 59–60
  • Excellence, requirements 19
  • Experience, sharing 106
  • F
  • Families
    • communication, regularity 61
    • feedback 133
    • justice, creation 37
    • literacies, considerations 82
    • positive perspectives (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 166
  • Family Education Rights and Protection Act (FERPA) 54
  • Feedback 118, 146
  • Feelings 101–103
    • circle, administering 23
    • description 242
    • wheel 186
  • “Felt knowledge” 212
  • Ferocity, redefining 245–247
  • Fierce teaching, teacher agency (requirement) 145–155
  • “Fight Over Specialized School Reveals Rifts Among Black Leaders” (Touré) 20
  • First, Cinnamon Kills 2
  • “Five Love Languages” (Chapman) 245
  • Folk Schools
    • CNBR framework, application 87–93
    • conceptual ethos 91
    • creation 89
    • ideology, connections 92
  • Folk, term (clarification) 88
  • Formative assessments, usage 158
  • Foundational mindset 122
  • Foundations, building 82–83
  • Fox, L. 194
  • Freedom Schools, founding 90
  • Freire, Paulo 6, 89, 90
  • Friendship time 206
  • Funds of knowledge 82
  • Future goodness, approach 25–31, 71
  • G
  • Gallery walk 104
  • Galton, Frances 59–60
  • Garcia Winner, Michelle 194
  • Gender discrimination laws, impact 45
  • Gender Sexuality Alliance Club 128
  • Generative thinking 94
  • Generators, usage 4
  • Ghaffar, Aminah 2
  • Gilmore, George (Club from Nowhere) 86–87
  • Goals, development 25
  • González, Norma 82
  • Good school, characteristics (reflection) 184
  • Google, Workspace Learning Center 132
  • Gore, Al 112
  • Grade team leaders 150–151
  • Great Depression 45–46
  • Greer, Christina 20
  • Group work 41, 43–44
  • Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin 88–92
  • Gustafson Hollins, Kara 142
  • H
  • Haley, Alex 31
  • Hallway energy 58
  • Hamer, Fannie Lou 89
  • Hamre, Britt 142
  • Harden, Marcus 246
  • Harm, identification/prevention 44
  • Heartbreak, duality 111
  • Heartstopper Volume 2, 128
  • Heteronormative, definition 47
  • High expectations, communication (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 166
  • Highlander Center 88, 90–92
  • High leverage students, focus 79
  • High Need, nomenclature 50
  • High‐need secondary school, teaching 49
  • High schools, entrance exams (abolishment) 19–20
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HCBUs), richness 32
  • Historical Underpinnings 33, 65, 84, 122
  • Homegrown instructional delivery 157–158
  • Hope
  • Horsford, Sonya Douglass 15, 20–22
  • Horton, Myles 89, 90
  • Howard, Tyrone C. 60
  • Howell, Lakisha 149
  • Hughes Hooper, Erika 142
  • Human‐centered care, tenet 144
  • Human‐centered practices, knowledge (combination) 95
  • Human demographic, library representation 46–47
  • Human measurement, requirements 19
  • Human players, identification 55–56
  • I
  • Identity mapping, inner work 122
  • Identity markers 67
  • Imagination
    • domain 187
    • provoking, reading sources 30
  • Imaginative capacities matter, building (joyful work) 175
  • Inclusive Classrooms Project, The 101
  • Inclusive Instructional Design Teams 142
  • Inclusivity 143
  • Inconvenient Truth, An (Gore) 112
  • “Indian Problem, The” (Roosevelt) 32
  • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) 45, 53, 65, 157
    • density 137–138
    • disability classifications, variation 64
    • goals 117
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 45, 64
  • Information
    • collection 171–172
    • downloading capacity, decrease 126
  • Initiative (domain) 187
  • Injustice
    • in‐house comparisons 139
    • pressure, seeing/feeling 35, 44–48
    • sense, voice (teacher display) 37
    • thwarting 105
  • Inner child, summoning 177
  • Inquiry‐based learning model 238–239
  • Inquiry‐based model 236–239
  • Inquiry‐based teaching 238
  • Instructional delivery
    • adaptive instructional delivery 156–157
    • assessment 154–155
    • homegrown instructional delivery 157–158
    • methods 156–162
    • school reform, impact 158–161
    • scripted instructional delivery 156
    • universally designed instructional delivery 157
  • Instructional methodologies, circulation 6–7
  • Instruction (guidance), UbD (usage) 169–170
  • Integrated Co‐Teaching (ICT) 64, 109
  • Intergenerational organizing, methodology 91
  • International Women's Day 85
  • Internet excavation 126
  • Interventions, emphasis/resources (increase) 159
  • Inward‐bound journey 33–34
  • “In Your News” (Ahmed) 235
  • J
  • Jackson, Michael 24
  • Jarman, Beth 181
  • Jefferson, Thomas 184
  • Jigsaw activity/protocol 41, 43–44
  • Jigsaw Protocol 41
  • Jim Crow era 19
  • Journaling 72, 78, 117
  • Journal jots, sample 201f
  • Joy
    • approach 141
    • discovery 24
    • duality 111
    • generation, collaborate‐Build‐Nurture‐Reflect framework (usage) 95
    • identification 102
    • immersion 205
    • presence 100
    • pursuit 105
    • spreading, spaces (creation) 92, 93t–94t
  • Joyful curiosity 79
  • Joyful learning
    • activation 81
    • paradigm, creation 84–85
  • Joyful paradigm, creation 84–85
  • Justice
    • approach 183–204
    • building 211
    • creation 37
    • defining 7–16
    • designing, advice 242t–243t
    • designs, basics 213–223
    • educators, justice work (components) 116
    • enactment 47–48
    • exploration, read aloud (design) 16
    • generation, Collaborate‐Build‐Nurture‐Reflect framework (usage) 95
    • in‐house comparisons 139
    • iterations, imagery/explanations 13t–14t
    • lens 21
    • paths, consideration 233–243
    • pedagogy 5–7
    • pursuit, joy (location) 22–25
    • recipients 17–22
    • scales of justice 14f
    • spreading, spaces (creation) 92, 93t–94t
    • term, meaning 9
    • treatment plan 4
    • work 87–88
  • Justice finding 7
  • “Justice for All” (Metallica) 14t
  • Justice‐oriented learning 214
    • approaches 234
    • experiences/curriculum, design process 205
    • spaces, design process 205, 211–212
  • Justice‐oriented learning designs 220
    • paths, consideration 233
    • plausibility 225
  • Justice‐oriented teaching 214
  • Just learning platform, creation 84–85
  • Just‐oriented learning experiences, design 230
  • K
  • K‐12 curriculum, Black history/ethnic studies (mandate) 208
  • K‐12 schools, content control (states bills) 210
  • Kim, Robert 45
  • Kindergarten‐level personal narratives, example 231–232
  • Kindness Conductors 202f
  • King, Jr., Martin Luther 18, 89
  • Kirkland, David 213
  • Knowing, perspective shapes 11–16
  • Knowledge
    • base, development 116
    • construction 81–82
    • funds 82
    • imparting 164
    • sharing 106
    • threading 133
  • Knowledge‐making journey 115
  • Kold, Christen 89
  • L
  • Ladson‐Billings, Gloria 101, 142, 163–165
  • Lady Justitia 11–16
  • Lady of Justice 9, 11, 12t
  • Lake, Ricki 178
  • Land, George 181
  • Land/legacy/place, methodology 92
  • Language
    • development 182
    • justice, methodology 91
  • Lansbury, Janet 182
  • Lateral trauma, experience 68
  • Laws/policies, legacy (consideration) 117
  • Lean Coffee 119–120
  • Lear, Jonathan 3–4
  • Learners
    • audience 103
    • community, development 40
    • information, collection (impact) 171–172
    • open‐minded community, development 217
    • perspective, comfort component 40
    • preoperational stage 218
    • support, visual grids (usage) 10–11
  • Learning
    • approaches, development 188
    • brain‐based learning 116
    • collective learning 72
    • community, actions 101–103
    • connections, understanding 82
    • corners 33
    • cultural components 36
    • designs, approaches 235t
    • environment 42, 61, 102–103
    • essence 26
    • experience 127, 189–190
    • inquiry‐based learning model 238–239
    • joyful learning, activation 81
    • notes 75, 96–97
    • objectives, determination (preparation) 189–190
    • paradigms 78
    • processes 154
    • schools, relationship 175
    • time/space, making 72–73
    • trajectory 77
  • Learning center, child developmental needs (placement) 191–204
  • “Learning to fly” example 157
  • Ledwell, Katie 131
  • Legacy, knowledge (question) 96
  • Lentini, R. 194
  • Lesiv, Andriy 38
  • Lesson plan
    • differences 230
    • group work, designing 43–44
  • Lesson planning 233–234
  • Letters to Your Future Self 110f, 111
  • Lexile levels 162
  • Libraries, balance (rarity) 46–47
  • Liebtag, Emily 122
  • Likert Scale 154–155
  • Listing (journaling method) 72
  • Literacy
    • enjoyment 25
    • experiences 124
    • lifeways 36
    • media literacy, definition 8
    • racial literacy 8–9
    • skills, strengthening 138
    • social literacy, definition 9
    • somatic literacy 97–103
    • stamina 53
    • strategy 10
  • Little Rock Nine 45
  • Liu, John 19
  • Lived experiences, curriculum (connection) 158
  • Living word (oral culture), importance 89
  • Long‐term abilities, development 97
  • Long‐term locally derived inquiry 115
  • Lorax, The (Seuss) 112
  • Lorde, Audre 29, 59, 176
  • Love, Bettina 30
  • Low‐inference activity 9
  • Lyiscott, Jamila 29
  • M
  • Maat, symbol 13t, 14–15
  • Managing with Aloha (Say) 125
  • Mandated curriculum 231–232
  • Manipulatives, usage 26
  • Mann, Horace 32, 184
  • Marshall, Thurgood 45
  • Materials, contribution (opportunities) 81
  • McClennen, Nate 122
  • McTighe, Jay 163, 169
  • Media literacy, definition 8
  • Meetings
    • opening 127
    • scheduling, beliefs/values (statement) 122–123
    • static meeting agendas, avoidance 124–126
    • time, determination 132
  • Meet‐ups, structuring 119
  • Memory, description/unpacking 66–71, 98
  • Mental models 76, 97
  • Messiness, expectation 82
  • Micro‐interactions, witnessing/collecting 192, 210
  • Middle school, reflection 178
  • Milianta‐Laffin, Sarah 129
  • Military Industrial Complex, term (coining) 113
  • Mindfulness 191
  • Mindsets, unlearning 222–223
  • Minor Collective 127
  • Moll, Luis 82
  • Mono‐perspectives 44–45
  • Montessori, Maria 81–82
  • Moral wrong, perpetration (trauma) 149
  • Morning circle, children's questions (supply) 224
  • Morning meeting, criticality (existence) 235
  • Morning stations, schedule 200f
  • Morning workstations 235, 236t
  • Morris, Monique 68
  • Motor skills/dexterity (cups rhythm skill requirement) 165
  • Multiliteracies 215
    • building 101
    • embracing 124
    • ILA definition 8
  • Multimodalities 143
  • N
  • Native American lifeways, learning 3
  • Needs, inventory/lesson plan 102–104, 123
  • Negotiated curriculum 227, 231–232
  • Negotiation, usage (template) 228t
  • Nelson, Marilyn 176
  • Nepantla
    • definition 23
    • literacies 23–24
  • Neural connections, formation (speed) 182
  • Neutrality, embracing (problem) 48
  • New York City, specialized high schools (admissions process requirements) 17–18
  • New York City Teaching Fellows (NYCTF) 107
  • “New York Spring” 29
  • New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core (domains, division) 187–188
  • New York State Prekindergarten Foundation for the Common Core domains (excerpt) 187
  • Nold, Christie 211
  • “Normative” lifestyles, comfort 47
  • North Stars 85–90
  • Note‐taking mechanisms 156
  • “Not Talking About It” (dangers/research) 239t–240t
  • Nourishment 25–31
  • Numeracy skills, strengthening 138
  • Nurture (nurturing) 77, 78–80, 84–92, 144
  • O
  • Obama, Michelle 22
  • Object of power 151
  • One‐caregiver households, children (presence) 70
  • Open‐ended instructional practice, usage 98–99
  • Opportunity, oppression (relationship) 33
  • Oppression, resistance 211
  • “Our Justice, Our Peace” chant 208
  • Oyler, Celia 101, 142
  • P
  • Palmer, Anne 142
  • Paper tool, usage 10
  • Paradigms, change/shift 8, 100
  • Parents
    • positive perspectives (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 166
    • school leaders, connection 152
    • text exchanges, example 54
    • volunteers, solicitation 153
  • Parks, Rosa 89
  • Participatory action research, methodology 91
  • Past, reflection (importance) 63–66
  • Past school experiences, examination 117
  • “Patriotic Education” origins 32
  • Peace, keeping 45
  • Pedagogy
    • cultural relevance 164–167
    • place‐based pedagogy 121–122
    • sustaining 164–167
    • teaching/learning practice components, inclusion 154
    • timeline pedagogy 62–73
  • Pedagogy, examination 7f
  • Peer collaboration 188
  • People, knowledge 88
  • Persistence
    • cups rhythm skill requirement 165
    • domain 187
  • Personal convictions, impacts 83
  • Personal edu‐credo, development 248
  • Personal needs 101–103
  • Personal needs, surfacing 121
  • Personhood, threats 240–241
  • Perspective
    • analysis, tools 52–55
    • building, read aloud (planning) 38
    • growth 39–41
    • impact 35, 38–42
    • layers, identification 49–52
    • multiplicity, consideration 82
  • Phones, documentation tool 54–55
  • Physical sensations, impact 98
  • Piaget, Jean 81–82, 181
  • Pierson, Rita 217
  • Pizarro de Jesus, Nikolai 223
  • Place‐based pedagogy 121–122
  • Planning
    • learner information, collection (impact) 171–172
    • routine, establishment 132–133
    • time, teacher appreciation 158
  • Play shop, impact 26
  • Plenty Coups, analysis 3
  • Pocket conversations, engagement 241
  • Poetry in Motion (MTA) 176
  • Popular education (methodology) 91
  • Positionality, work 94
  • Poulette Truesdale, Susanne 194
  • Povich, Maury 178
  • Power
  • Power of Place, The (Vander Ark/Liebtag/McClennen) 122
  • Pre‐K classroom, reflection 185–186
  • Principal, liaison 153
  • Process‐oriented school spaces 215
  • Product‐oriented environment, impact 143
  • Progressive Era 32
  • Protective spaces, building 80
  • Protest march 205
  • Protocols, usage 235
  • PTA bank accounts, budget factor 39
  • Pulse Massacre, teaching 236
  • Purpose, defining 213
  • Pushout (Morris) 68
  • Q
  • Qualitative data
    • characteristics 172t
    • quantitative data, pairing 69
  • Quantitative data, characteristics 172t
  • Queer people, existence (affirmation) 48
  • Questions, space (creation) 237
  • R
  • Race, discussion 240
  • Race to the Top (RTT) 159
  • Racial groups, outcomes (examination) 17
  • Racial justice 18, 22
  • Racial literacy 8–9, 146
  • Racism
    • differences 59–60
    • ending, goal 124
    • role, understanding 8–9
    • term, usage 59
  • Racist ideology, impact 59–60
  • Racist school disciplinary codes, impact 149
  • Radical act, physical manifestation 31
  • Radical hope 1, 4
  • “Radically pro‐kid,” naming 183–184
  • Radical, term (usage) 31
  • Readers (partnership), protective space (creation) 78
  • Reagan, Ronald 68–69
  • Reflecting 77, 83–92
  • Reflection(s)
    • impact 67–71
    • long‐term abilities, development 97
    • points 109–116
    • sharing 190
    • spaces, creation 117–118
  • Reflective experiences, documentation 122
  • Reflective practices 25, 105, 117–133
  • Restorative justice, implementation 208
  • Rich, Adrienne 29
  • Rich environments, idea (complexity) 182
  • Rich tasks, usage 118
  • Risk‐taking, value (sharing) 82
  • Ritualized reflection, occurrence 117
  • Ritualized talk space, usage 238
  • Rituals 25–31, 96–97
  • Robinson, Ken 179–180
  • Roe v. Wade (overturning) 210
  • Rohde, Mike 6
  • Role, description/responsibility 61
  • Romanyshyn, Romana 38
  • Roosevelt, Teddy 32
  • Roots (Haley) 31
  • S
  • Sanctuary, term (usage) 79–80
  • Say, Rosa 125
  • Scales of justice 14f
  • Scheduling decisions 148–149
  • School‐based decision‐making 181
  • Schooling
    • early schooling, personal reflections 63–66
    • norms 78, 237
    • pre‐COVID schooling 187
    • roots, exploration 31–34
  • School leaders
    • decision‐making power 152
    • parents/caregivers, connection 152
    • perspective, growth 39–40
    • teachers, connection 152
  • Schools
    • building, understanding 92
    • childhood self, protection 223
    • communities, needs (contributions) 153
    • culturally relevant‐sustaining pedagogies, examples 168t–169t
    • early years, reflection 66–67
    • ecosystem, dominant culture (impact) 21
    • equity, vision (impact) 21
    • government control, absence (insistence) 89
    • in‐between spaces, attention 234
    • integration, justice 17–22
    • interventions, emphasis/resources (increase) 159
    • joy/justice (spreading), spaces (creation) 93t–94t
    • justice‐oriented learning designs, plausibility 225
    • leadership 150–151, 157
    • learning, relationship 175
    • past school experiences, examination 117
    • power/agency, flow (triangle representation) 152
    • race/gender discussion, censorship bills (states passage) 210
    • racial equity, vision (determination) 20
    • racial justice (guidance), vision (identification) 22
    • reform, impact 158–161
    • revelations, reflections (usage) 67–71
    • sanctions (reasons), scripted instructional delivery (usage) 156
    • secondary schools, homegrown instructional delivery (usage) 158
    • social justice work, framework 75
    • special education departments, universally designed instructional delivery (usage) 157
    • students, banter (example) 54
    • system, hierarchies (presence) 138
    • transformation 26
  • School‐wide mandate, participation 114–115
  • Scientific management 171
  • Scripted curriculum 78
  • Scripted instructional delivery 156, 160–161
  • Sealy‐Ruiz, Yolanda 65
  • Secondary schools, homegrown instructional delivery (usage) 158
  • Self‐contained special education, class example 108–109
  • Self‐described roles, imprecision 61
  • Self‐learning, initiation 49
  • Self, placement 61–62
  • Sensation words, list (review) 98, 99f
  • Sense‐making 185
  • Sensory pathways, development 182
  • Shah, Prachi 79
  • Shared classroom community, shared co‐constructed vision (display) 131f
  • Shared learning goals 117
  • Shared relationships 80
  • Shared values, approach 81
  • Shared vision 120–123, 129–131, 130f
  • Sharpstein, Rachel 191, 204
    • anecdotes 192–194
    • appreciation station 203f
    • classroom community 198f
    • emotion emoji station 203
    • experiences/knowledge 195
    • journal jots, sample 201f
    • Kindness Conductors 202f
    • morning stations, schedule 200f
    • social‐emotional literacy centers description 199–200
  • Sharpton, Al 20
  • Sight (Romanyshyn/Lesiv) 38
  • Sims Bishop, Rudine 160, 214
  • Single‐issue struggle, absence 59
  • Six‐word story 126–129
  • Sketchnoting (journaling method) 72
  • Skills, imparting 164
  • Small‐group work 192
  • Smart, gauging 139
  • Social‐emotional literacy
    • centers, Sharpstein description 199–200
    • core, deepening 198
  • Social/emotional skills, continuum (creation) 199
  • Social justice
    • conversations, curriculum‐making basics (importance) 161–162
    • enactment 48
    • summits, impact 209
    • vision, creation 22
    • work, framework 75
  • Social literacy, definition 8
  • Somatic literacy 97–103
  • Spaces
    • ahistoric space 64
    • creation 93t–94t, 117–118, 125, 212, 236t
    • defining 80
    • envisioning 127
    • feelings, experience 101
    • justice‐oriented learning spaces/experiences/curriculum, design process 205
    • listing 95
    • making 71
    • virtual affinity space 79–80
  • Spaciousness, impact 98–99
  • Special education departments, universally designed instructional delivery (usage) 157
  • Special‐education 143–144
  • Specialized high schools (New York City), admissions process requirements 17–18
  • Standards‐based classrooms, student‐centered experiences 141
  • State standards, goals 117
  • Stations, skills (correspondence) 200
  • Story (stories)
    • appearance, possibilities 54
    • connectivity, illumination 126
    • six‐word story 126–129
    • telling 128f
  • Storytelling
  • Storytime, issue 49–52
  • Strategic collaboration, usage 81
  • Strategic players, consideration 59
  • Strength‐based student talk “taboo” game 173–174
  • Stress, experience 68
  • Student‐centered curriculum, development 154
  • Student‐centered instruction (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 167
  • Student‐centered learning 97
  • Student‐centered space, immersion 185–188
  • Students
    • antsy student, perspective (growth) 39
    • banter, example 54
    • centeredness, conversation 183–204
    • community, learning experiences (improvement) 118
    • curriculum, negotiation 227
    • experiences, journaling 117
    • future, planning 229t
    • high leverage students, focus 79
    • histories, witness 71
    • instruction, time (average) 148
    • meeting, opening 127
    • personal/academic needs 61
    • perspective (building), read aloud (planning) 38
    • power, absence 152
    • skills, development 200
    • standards‐based classrooms, student‐centered experiences 141
    • strength‐based student talk “taboo” game 173–174
  • Super Solvers 193
    • partnerships, development (guidelines) 195–196
    • poster 194f
    • ritualization 196, 198, 200
    • schedule, sample 196f–197f
    • skills 195
    • student pairings, guidelines 195
    • teams, foundation 195
  • Systemic players, identification 56–57
  • T
  • Taboo game 173–174
  • Talk show (spirt) 178
  • Talk story (mo'olelo) 125–127
  • Taylorism 171
  • TCICP. See Teachers College Inclusive Classrooms Project
  • Teacher agency 8
    • assessment 154–155
    • belief 192
    • cultivation, communal responsibility 150–153
    • development 105, 138, 146, 154
    • exploration 146
    • fostering 146, 148
    • levels 147t, 156–158
    • nourishing, student contribution 153
    • purpose/conviction, usage 158
    • requirement 145–155
    • school reform, impact 158–161
    • strength 154
  • Teacher‐created meet‐ups, usage 80
  • Teachers
    • bestie 129
    • facilitator role (CR‐SP framework characteristic) 1667
    • goals, formulation 146
    • intellect, embracing 133–139
    • judgments 56
    • lines, delivery 156
    • narrative, change 133–139
    • partnerships, co‐planning routine 134f–135f
    • perspective, growth 40
    • planning time, appreciation 158
    • preparation program 57
    • quarantine situation 150
    • school leaders, connection 152
    • support, adaptive instructional delivery (usage) 157
    • thriving, conditions (creation) 148–150
  • Teachers College Inclusive Classrooms Project (TCICP) 138, 141, 142, 193
  • Teaching
    • assignment 49, 100
    • careers, consideration 117
    • content 189–191
    • experience, attention 98
    • fierce teaching, teacher agency (requirement) 145–155
    • philosophy 63, 83
    • social justice lens, usage 211–212
    • surveillance 159
    • third space, establishment 24
  • Technology, documentation tool 54–55
  • Ten‐Point Program (Black Panther Party) 161–162
  • Tensions, collection (feeling) 100
  • Texts, usage 241
  • Thank You Cards, usage 198, 198f
  • Themes 33
  • Themis, symbol 13t
  • They All Saw a Cat (Wenzel) 38
  • Thick listening 213
  • Thinking (unpacking), ritualized talk space (usage) 238
  • Third space 23
  • Thought sanctuaries 138, 144
    • development 25
    • educator needs 78
    • envisioning 81
    • rituals/beginnings 96–97
    • term, meaning 80
  • Tiered objectives, goals 117
  • Timeline pedagogy 62–73, 84
    • inner work 122
  • Time, making 71
  • Titans, rule 14
  • Title 1 Funds, budget factor 39
  • Title IX, passage 45
  • Title VII (Bilingual Education Act), creation 69
  • Top‐down initiatives 78
  • Touré, Madina 20
  • Transformation 26, 101
  • Transformative social change, strategies 91
  • Transitional B Certification for Middle Childhood Special Education 108
  • Transitional bilingual education, effectiveness (examination) 69
  • Transitional B Teaching License, usage 53
  • Translanguaging experience, preference 68
  • Triangle 151f, 152, 155f
  • Trust 90
  • Truth lines, convergence (discovery) 31–32
  • Truths, holding 136–137
  • Twichell, Chase 175–177
  • U
  • Understanding by Design (UbD) 158–159, 169–171
  • Understanding, inner work 116
  • United Federation of Teachers (UFT) contract, impact 142
  • Unit plans, differences 230
  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) (CAST) 143, 157
  • Universally designed instructional delivery 157
  • University‐based teacher preparation programs 135–136
  • U.S. history, injustice (penetration) 19
  • V
  • Values‐practice connection 123, 123t
  • Values, statement 122–123
  • Vander Ark, Tom 122
  • Vasquez, Vivian Maria 227
  • Vaughn, B.J. 194
  • Video blogging (journaling method) 72
  • Vietnam War, class exposure 32
  • Virtual affinity space 79–80
  • Vision board, examples 27f, 28f
  • Vision boarding 26–29, 31
  • Vision, clarity 37
  • Vision driven justice 29–30
  • Vision impairment, impact 35–37
  • “Visual Grid” instructional strategy 9
  • Visual grids 10–11, 10f
  • Visual text, examination 10
  • Vulnerability, requirement 221
  • Vygotsky, Lev 81–82
  • W
  • Wachowski, Lana/Lilly 30
  • Warrensburg Middle School, reflection 178
  • Washington, Booker T. 32
  • Webb, Englantyne 87
  • Webster, Noah 184
  • Well‐being, sense 80
  • We Make the Road by Walking (Horton) 90
  • Wenzel, Brendan 38
  • Western culture, domination 100
  • What Is Shared Information & Why Is It so Important to Relationship Development? (Garcia Winner/Crooke) 194
  • Whiteness 15
  • Whole Body Listening (Poulette Truesdale) 194
  • Whole‐group learning, decrease 192
  • Whole‐group lessons 192
  • “Whose Vision Will Guide Racial Equity in Schools” (Horsford) 15
  • Wiggins, Grant 163, 169
  • Williams, Jumaane 20
  • Williams, Patricia J. 240
  • Windows, Mirrors, and Sliding Glass Doors (Sims Bishop) 160
  • Wisdom, passing 125
  • Wolfe‐Rocca, Ursula 211
  • Women, pay (comparison) 70
  • Woon, Tommy 2
  • Work, commitment 137–138
  • Workspace, bodies (positioning) 39
  • Workspace Learning Center (Google) 132
  • X
  • Xiaoqing, Rong 18
  • Y
  • Youth (young people)
    • Black youth, perception 54
    • nature/needs, consideration 89
    • thinking (unpacking), ritualized talk space (usage) 238
  • Z
  • Zero tolerance discipline, cessation 208
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