Chapter 9. Using ActionScript 3.0 Components

It’s entirely possible, of course, to produce Flash content without ActionScript. Even if not interactive, such content typically bears the visual distinction of compelling custom artwork, which is why the Flash authoring tool has appealed to designers and developers alike for years. When ActionScript does enter the equation, the creative possibilities extend even further, occasionally venturing into territory that, in recent years, has become the mainstay of Flex; namely, Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). When you develop content that requires sophisticated user input—for example, when input text fields aren’t enough, and you need radio buttons, combo boxes, and the like—the Components panel becomes your genie in a bottle. The Flash CS4 Professional ActionScript 3.0 component set, introduced in Flash CS3, is easier to skin and use, and performs more efficiently, than ever before.

Overview of the Component Set

Out of the box, the Components panel (Window→Components) offers a handy number of predesigned components—often informally called widgets or controls—that provide a wide range of features without the need for complicated programming. In ActionScript 3.0 documents, these components are divided into two categories: User Interface (UI) and Video, as seen in Figure 9-1. The UI group contains numerous components comparable to HTML <form> elements, such as CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, and Button. The Button component differs from button symbols in that you can select and deselect it to switch it on and off, it has a built-in disabled state, and shares other features consistent with the component set as a whole. This group also contains useful components that have no equivalent in HTML, such as ColorPicker, NumericStepper, and TileList.

The Components panel, showing User Interface and Video components
Figure 9-1. The Components panel, showing User Interface and Video components

The Video group contains the FLVPlayback component, used to deploy video files in Flash with drag-and-drop ease; the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component, which facilitates captioning for foreign language subtitles and the hearing impaired; and numerous video-specific user interface components, such as a standalone play button, mute button, and volume control slider.

Increased Performance and Reduced File Size

The UI and Video components have been rewritten from the ground up in ActionScript 3.0, which lets them benefit from the same performance enhancements recounted throughout this book (in particular, see Chapter 4). This also means you can’t mix and match the components with those that were written for ActionScript 2.0. Fortunately, the Components panel automatically updates its choices depending on the version of ActionScript selected for the current FLA file. If you start in one version of ActionScript, add components to the stage or library, and then change the FLA file’s publish settings to ActionScript 3.0—or vice versa—you’ll see warning messages when you try to compile the SWF file, and the compile will fail.

The performance improvement for ActionScript 3.0 components is substantial and can be demonstrated with a simple for loop, using practically the same code for a side-by-side comparison between ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 components.

  1. Create a new ActionScript 2.0 FLA file, and then open the Components panel. Drag a copy of the ComboBox component to the stage. Use the Property inspector to give this component the instance name myComboBox.

  2. Select frame 1 in the Timeline, and then open the Actions panel. Enter the following ActionScript 2.0 code:

    var startTime:Number = getTimer();
    for (var i:Number = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
        myComboBox.addItem({label:i, data:i});
    trace((getTimer() - startTime) / 1000);

    In this code, a startTime variable performs the ActionScript equivalent to starting a stopwatch. A for loop increments a numeric variable, i, from 0 to 49,999, which populates the ComboBox instance with 50,000 label/data pairs. Finally, the “stopwatch” is halted, and the result is converted to seconds and displayed in the Output panel.

  3. Select Control→Test Movie to review the length of time it takes your SWF file to display. Be prepared to wait several seconds! Your actual elapsed time may vary, depending on the speed of your computer, but in one series of tests, the code in Step 2 executes in 6.337 seconds.

    The following steps demonstrate an equivalent test using the ActionScript 3.0 version of the same component.

  4. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then drag a copy of the ComboBox component to the stage. Give it the instance name myComboBox.

  5. Select frame 1 in the Timeline, and then enter the following ActionScript 3.0 into the Actions panel:

    var startTime:int = getTimer();
    for (var i:int = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
        myComboBox.addItem({label:i, data:i});
    trace((getTimer() - startTime) / 1000);

    This code is almost identical. In fact, the only change is the numeric variable typing, from Number to int.

  6. Select Control→Text Movie to review the new elapsed time. Again, your actual results may vary, but in one series of tests, the ActionScript 3.0 version of this same component displayed in 1.419 seconds, which is a remarkable increase in speed.

In addition to working more efficiently, the components tend to add significantly less weight to SWF files than their ActionScript 2.0 counterparts. Table 9-1 shows a comparison of the components shared by both languages.

Table 9-1. File sizes contributed by ActionScript 2.0 components versus ActionScript 3.0 components (only shows components shared by both languages)


AS 2.0 file size

AS 3.0 file size



















Loader (now named UILoader)



























It’s important to realize that these file sizes aren’t cumulative. In both ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0, each component shares its common framework with other components in the component set for that language. The biggest penalty comes with the first component’s file size; additional components add only a small increase because they share most of the programming framework already provided by the first component. For example, the combined weight of the ActionScript 3.0 versions of Button and CheckBox is only 17KB—not the 30KB you might expect—which is only 2KB more than either component alone.

Feature Changes

In ActionScript 2.0 documents, components are generally stored in the Library as discrete entities. In ActionScript 3.0 documents, the introduction of even a single component creates a new library folder named Component Assets. This folder contains movie clip symbols used by the components’ skins, and must not be deleted unless respective components are purposefully removed from the FLA file (skinning is discussed in greater detail in the sections “Styling Components with Code” and “Skinning Components Manually” in this chapter). Figure 9-2 shows the same three components—Button, CheckBox, and ComboBox—as dragged into an ActionScript 2.0 FLA file (left side) versus an ActionScript 3.0 FLA file (right side). Note the Component Assets folder on the right, and note also that the ActionScript 3.0 version of ComboBox carries with it a copy of List and TextInput, whose respective weights are already included in the total file size for ComboBox.

The same three components displayed in the libraries of an ActionScript 2.0 document (left) and an ActionScript 3.0 document (right)
Figure 9-2. The same three components displayed in the libraries of an ActionScript 2.0 document (left) and an ActionScript 3.0 document (right)

You can configure all components in the Component Inspector panel (Window→Component Inspector), as shown in Figure 9-3. Just select the component on the stage and arrange the settings as you please. In ActionScript 3.0 documents, the Bindings and Schema tabs of the Component Inspector panel are clickable, but their panes are disabled, as they apply only to data components, which are not compatible with ActionScript 3.0.

ComboBox component parameters, as displayed in the Component Inspector panel
Figure 9-3. ComboBox component parameters, as displayed in the Component Inspector panel

Because of the general event handling changes in ActionScript 3.0, the components are programmed somewhat differently from the ActionScript 2.0 set. For details, see the section Changes in Writing Code for Components later in this chapter.

Although it has an application programming interface (API) and can be fully programmed like any other component, the ActionScript 3.0 FLVPlayback component has been updated so that its composition can be customized without any need for code.

  1. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then open the Components panel. Drag a copy of the FLVPlayback component to the stage. No instance name is necessary. Save this file as CustomVideo.fla, because you’re going to use it again later in this chapter.

  2. Select the Component Inspector panel, and then ensure that the skin property is set to None. You don’t need a skin in this case, because in the next step you’ll be supplying a pair of individual skin elements to customize video playback features.

  3. Drag a copy each of the PausePlayButton and SeekBar components, and position them on the stage wherever you prefer. If you like, change the dimensions of the FLA file to match the surface area taken up by these components. None of the components requires instance names.

  4. With the FLVPlayback component selected, use the Component Inspector panel to set the source property to an FLV file, as shown in Figure 9-4. Click OK to close the Content Path dialog box.

  5. Select Control→Test Movie to verify that the PausePlayButton and SeekBar components do indeed control video playback, even without the use of ActionScript or instance names (Figure 9-5).

Customizing the FLVPlayback component without code
Figure 9-4. Customizing the FLVPlayback component without code
The FLVPlayback component and video-related UI components collaborate, even without ActionScript (theremin performance by Peter Pringle, , used with permission)
Figure 9-5. The FLVPlayback component and video-related UI components collaborate, even without ActionScript (theremin performance by Peter Pringle,, used with permission)

New and Removed Components

Flash CS3 introduced six components for use in ActionScript 3.0 documents that remain available in Flash CS4: ColorPicker, Slider, TileList, FLVPlaybackCaptioning, CaptionButton, and FullScreenButton. These components are demonstrated in the section Changes in Writing Code for Components later in this chapter. In conjunction with these additions, a number of previously available components have been removed, which only happens when a FLA file is configured for ActionScript 3.0. The removed items consist of the non-visual data components, including XMLConnector and WebServiceConnector; the media components, superseded in Flash 8 by FLVPlayback; and the following UI components: Accordion, Alert, DateChooser, DateField, Menu, MenuBar, Tree, and Window.


The media components are actually intended for ActionScript 1.0 but still function in ActionScript 2.0 documents. They are not, however, compatible with ActionScript 3.0.

The full list of authoring tool components for ActionScript 2.0 and 3.0 is shown in Table 9-2, Table 9-3, Table 9-4, and Table 9-5.

Table 9-2. Data components available with Flash CS4 Professional


AS 2.0

AS 3.0


















Table 9-3. Media components available with Flash CS4 Professional


AS 2.0

AS 3.0



Superseded by FLVPlayback



Superseded by FLVPlayback



Superseded by FLVPlayback

Table 9-4. User Interface components available with Flash CS4 Professional


AS 2.0

AS 3.0




































X (renamed UILoader)







































Table 9-5. Video components available with Flash CS4 Professional


AS 2.0

AS 3.0












































For details on how to work around many of the missing components in ActionScript 3.0 documents, see Chapter 10.

Changes in Writing Code for Components

Thanks to the improved event-handling model in ActionScript 3.0, writing code for the component set is as straightforward as any of the event handling examples illustrated in other chapters of this book. Like movie clip symbols and button symbols, components inherit from the EventDispatcher class, which means they all support the addEventListener() method that lets you associate an event with a custom function that responds to that event. The similarity among the following examples underscores the consistency inherent throughout the ActionScript 3.0 API. These examples demonstrate how to use the UI components that weren’t available in versions of the authoring tool prior to Flash CS3.

Until you get familiar with a particular component, your first step in programming one should always be to consult its class entry in the ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference, available at a moment’s notice from the documentation (Window→Help), which opens in a browser window. A class entry’s Events summary, in particular, lets you know immediately what events a component supports, as well as what data type the event belongs to. For example, the ColorPicker class entry features a change event. Clicking on the hyperlink for this event indicates that the event is referenced by way of the ColorPickerEvent class, as seen in Figure 9-6.

The ColorPicker component documentation
Figure 9-6. The ColorPicker component documentation

All the components reveal their secrets in this way, so you can easily program them. In all cases, the parameters shown in the Component Inspector panel correspond to properties of the component’s class. Properties may be configured in the panel, with ActionScript, or a combination of both.


The ColorPicker component displays a clickable color chip that expands into a configurable color palette that lets you select a color or type in a color (Figure 9-7). Assuming a ColorPicker component on the stage with the instance name myColorPicker and a movie clip with the instance name myMovieClip,the following ActionScript handles the selection of a color from the component’s configurable color palette:


var myColor:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();

myColorPicker.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, ¬
function changeHandler(evt:ColorPickerEvent):void {
    myColor.color = myColorPicker.selectedColor;
    myMovieClip.transform.colorTransform = myColor;
The ColorPicker component allows the user to specify colors
Figure 9-7. The ColorPicker component allows the user to specify colors

The ColorPickerEvent class must be imported, even in a frame script, because it isn’t part of the flash package. A myColor variable is declared and set to an instance of the ColorTransform class, waiting to be used in response to a change event from the component. The operative code here is the addEventListener() method, which associates the ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE event constant with a custom changeHandler() function.

The changeHandler() function sets the color property of the myColor instance to the currently selected color, and is then assigned to the colorTransform property of a movie clip with the instance name myMovieClip. All DisplayObject objects, including movie clip symbols and sprites, support color transformation in this way.

The color palette of the ColorPicker component is fully customizable, and can display up to 1,024 colors. To have the myColorPicker instance display red, white, and blue, simply assign an array of hexadecimal values to the ColorPicker.colors property:

myColorPicker.colors = new Array(0xFF0000, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0000FF);


The Slider component provides a slider with a draggable knob that optionally snaps to a configurable range of values (Figure 9-8).

The Slider component lets users select from a range of values
Figure 9-8. The Slider component lets users select from a range of values

As Figure 9-9 indicates, the Slider component can be displayed horizontally, but is easily set to a vertical orientation by a change to the direction parameter (the first entry in the Name column). Numerous other parameters are available. The liveDragging parameter determines how often Slider dispatches its change event. When liveDragging is set to true, SliderEvent.CHANGE is dispatched while the knob is dragged, as often as the Slider.value property updates. When set to false, the SliderEvent.CHANGE event is dispatched only when you release the knob.

The Slider component parameters
Figure 9-9. The Slider component parameters

The maximum and minimum parameters define the component’s range of selectable values, and snapInterval determines the rate at which snapping should occur. The tickInterval parameter determines the distribution of visible tick marks, and value determines the starting position of the knob.


According to the Slider class documentation, a snapInterval value of 0 is supposed to mean continuous dragging, but this isn’t what actually happens. In a range from 0 to 10, a snapInterval value of 1 snaps the knob to the values 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. A value of 5 snaps the knob to the values 0, 5, and 10. To achieve continuous dragging, enter a very small value, such as 0.1.

The following ActionScript shows the Slider component as a volume slider, assuming its range is set from 0 to 1. The volume setting is taken from the Slider.value property (see code in bold):


var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
mySound.load(new URLRequest("sampleSong.mp3"));
var myChannel:SoundChannel =;
var myTransform:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform();

mySlider.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);
function changeHandler(evt:SliderEvent):void {
    myTransform.volume = mySlider.value;
    myChannel.soundTransform = myTransform;

A Sound instance is associated with a SoundChannel instance, which makes it available to volume transformations. Here again, the actual event handler is very simple: the SliderEvent.CHANGE event is associated with a custom changeHandler() function, which invokes the Slide.value property on the mySlider instance in order to update the volume property of a SoundTransform instance that, in turn, updates the volume of the Sound instance.


The TileList component is comparable in some ways to an HTML table or a simplified version of the DataGrid component. In a nutshell, it provides a grid of rows and columns to display images (Figure 9-10).

The TileList component displays a grid of images
Figure 9-10. The TileList component displays a grid of images

Like the Slider component, the properties of TileList are easy to configure in the Component Inspector panel (Figure 9-11). The columnCount and rowCount parameters determine the number of columns and rows in the grid, respectively, while columnWidth and rowHeight determine their dimensions. The direction parameter specifies whether images progress sequentially across or down the grid before wrapping. Scrolling is configured with scrollPolicy parameter, which you can set to auto, on, or off.

The TileList component parameters
Figure 9-11. The TileList component parameters

The following ActionScript produces the 2 by 2 grid shown in Figure 9-10:

myTileList.addItem({label:"Sandmen", source:"sandmen.jpg"});
myTileList.addItem({label:"Braids", source:"braids.jpg"});
myTileList.addItem({label:"Jumping", source:"jumping.jpg"});
myTileList.addItem({label:"Crazy", source:"crazy.jpg"});

myTileList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeHandler);

function changeHandler(evt:Event):void {

Note that the change event for this component comes directly from the Event class, which means no import directive is necessary in frame scripts that handle TileList events.

FLVPlaybackCaptioning and CaptionButton

Video subtitles and captions have been possible for several releases of Flash, but until the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component, introduced in Flash CS3, they required custom programming. In ActionScript 3.0 documents, you can now add captioning to your videos without code. You do need an XML document that adheres to the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) specification for TimedText (TT) documents ( The CaptionButton component selects and deselects captioning. Here’s an example of a TimedText XML document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<tt xmlns=""
        <style id="1" tts:textAlign="left"
            tts:fontFamily="Arial" />
        <style id="2" tts:textAlign="center"
            tts:fontFamily="Arial" />
        <p begin="00:00:09.50" dur="1000ms" style="1">
            Okay, action!</p>
        <p begin="00:00:11.00" dur="2800ms" style="2">
            Twinkle, twi ... le</p>
        <p begin="00:00:15.50" dur="1500ms" style="1">
            Okay, action!</p>
        <p begin="00:00:17.50" dur="4600ms" style="2">
            Twink ... le ... tink [hiccup]!  Oh!</p>
        <p begin="00:00:22.75" dur="2100ms" style="1">
            Okay, action!</p>
        <p begin="00:00:25.75" end="00:00:29.25" style="2">
            Twinkle, twinkle, little star</p>
        <p begin="00:00:29.75" end="00:00:32.50" style="2">
            how I wonder what you are</p>
        <p begin="00:00:33.00" end="00:00:36.00" style="2">
            bup bup bup ... world so high,</p>
        <p begin="00:00:36.50" end="00:00:39.00" style="2">
            like a diamond in the sky,</p>
        <p begin="00:00:39.50" end="00:00:40.00" style="2">
        <p begin="00:00:41.25" end="00:00:41.75" style="2">
            Oh dear.</p>
        <p begin="00:00:42.25" end="00:00:43.25" style="1">
        <p begin="00:00:43.50" end="00:00:47.00" style="2">
            [sproing! sproing! sproing!]</p>
        <p begin="00:00:48.00" end="00:00:53.00" style="2">
            How I wonder what you are.  Bup!</p>
        <p begin="00:00:54.00" end="00:00:55.50" style="2">
            Buh buh buh, oh ...</p>
        <p begin="00:00:56.00" end="00:00:57.00" style="2">
            Buh buh, oh ...</p>
        <p begin="00:00:57.50" end="00:00:58.50" style="2">

Note that a <styling> element, nested in the <head> element, allows for the declaration of styles—here, left- and center-alignment—that can be referenced by an id attribute later in the body of the document. Note, also, the alternate ways to specify the duration of a caption, including collaborative begin and dur attributes, such as begin="00:00:09.50" dur="1000ms", and collaborative begin and end pairings, such as begin="00:00:25.75" end="00:00:29.25". Once a TimedText document is prepared, the process of captioning is trivial.

Drag a copy of the FLVPlayback and FLVPlaybackCaptioning components to the stage. Neither component needs an instance name. FLVPlaybackCaptioning becomes invisible at runtime. Position it where you like.

Use the Component Inspector panel to configure the skin parameter of the FLVPlayback component to None or to one of the skins with the word “Under” in the name, like SkinUnderPlaySeekCaption (this is important because skins with “Over” in the name obscure the captioning text field). Set the source parameter to a video file that correlates with the TimedText document.

Select the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component, and then set its source parameter to the location of the TimedText document, as shown in Figure 9-12.

Configuring the source parameter
Figure 9-12. Configuring the source parameter

At runtime, captions are automatically transferred from XML format to visual display, as seen in Figure 9-13. The CaptionButton component is built-in to any skin whose name contains the word “Caption” and allows the user to select and deselect captions. If no skin is selected, captions are displayed by default. The CaptionButton component can also be used on its own, apart from any skin, in the same manner described in the FLVPlayback exercise in the Feature Changes of this chapter.

The FLVPlaybackCaptioning component provides video captions without ActionScript (“Andréa” character created by Chris Georgenes, , used with permission)
Figure 9-13. The FLVPlaybackCaptioning component provides video captions without ActionScript (“Andréa” character created by Chris Georgenes,, used with permission)


The FullScreenButton component exists as a built-in element of several of the provided skins for the FLVPlayback component, as well as a standalone component used with FLVPlayback. Ultimately, the FullScreenButton component is just a button that invokes the FLVPlayback.enterFullScreenDisplayState() method. To demonstrate its use, you have to view the SWF file and video content in a properly configured browser window.

  1. Open the CustomVideo.fla file created in this chapter’s Feature Changes, and then resave it as FullScreenButton.fla.

  2. Open the Components panel, and then drag a copy of the FullScreenButton component to the stage. No instance name is necessary.

  3. Select File→Publish Settings→HTML, and then change the Template drop-down list to “Flash Only - Allow Full Screen,” as shown in Figure 9-14.

    Preparing the HTML code for full-screen video
    Figure 9-14. Preparing the HTML code for full-screen video

    The selection of this template automatically inserts crucial lines of code in the HTML that embeds the SWF file, although the addition can certainly be made by hand. If you prefer to work manually, you have to add a new <param> element inside the existing <object> element to explicitly permit full-screen viewing (new code in bold):

    <object><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />

    then add a corresponding attribute to the companion <embed> element:

    <embed src="FullScreenButton.swf" ... other attributes ...
          allowFullScreen="true" ... />

    These additions must be mirrored in the JavaScript function that appears in the same HTML document.

  4. Select File→Publish Preview→HTML to launch the SWF file in a browser. Click the FullScreenButton component to see the video display in full-screen mode (Figure 9-15). Press the Esc key at any time to exit full-screen mode.

    Note that during full-screen mode, the video UI controls are hidden from view. This happens because the FLVPlayback.fullScreenTakeOver property is set to true by default.

A video displayed in full-screen mode
Figure 9-15. A video displayed in full-screen mode
  1. Close the SWF file. Select the FLVPlayback component on the stage, and then use the Property inspector to name it myFLVPlayback. Select frame 1 in the Timeline, and then open the Actions panel. Enter the following code:

    myFLVPlayback.fullScreenTakeOver = false;
  2. Select File→Publish Preview→HTML once again to launch the SWF file in a browser. Note that this time, the components remain visible in either mode (Figure 9-16).

A video in full-screen mode with video UI components (theremin performance by Peter Pringle, , used with permission)
Figure 9-16. A video in full-screen mode with video UI components (theremin performance by Peter Pringle,, used with permission)

Changing the Appearance of Components

The standard look and feel of the ActionScript 3.0 component set can be freely changed, a procedure called styling or skinning, depending on how you go about it.

Styling Components with Code

The StyleManager class lets you reference special styling properties—called styles—for each component. For example, in the Help menu’s ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference, if you consult the class entry for the Button component, you find that in addition to Public Properties, Public Methods, and Events summaries, the Button class also features a summary for Styles, as seen in Figure 9-17. Make sure to always click “Show Inherited Styles” to see them all.

Style properties of the Button class
Figure 9-17. Style properties of the Button class

One of these styles (not shown in Figure 9-17) is called textFormat, which makes a quick and useful demonstration of two StyleManager methods.

  1. Create an ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then open the Components panel. Drag a copy of the Button and CheckBox components to the stage.

  2. Select frame 1 in the Timeline, and then open the Actions panel. Enter the following code:

    import fl.managers.StyleManager;
    import fl.controls.Button;
    import fl.controls.CheckBox;
    var myTextFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myTextFormat.size = 26;
    StyleManager.setStyle("textFormat", myTextFormat);

    The StyleManager, Button, and CheckBox classes must be imported, even in frame scripts, because none of these classes belongs to the flash package. A myTextFormat variable is declared and set to an instance of the TextFormat class, and then has its size property set to 26. Finally, the static StyleManager.setStyle() method is invoked, with "textFormat" as the first parameter, and the myTextFormat instance as the other. The "textFormat" parameter is a string that refers to the textFormat style that both of these components happen to share.

  3. Select Control→Test Movie to experience a font size that’s too large for the current dimensions of the components (Figure 9-18), showing that the setStyle() method applies styling to all components in a document that feature the textFormat style.

    Component text formatting changed with ActionScript
    Figure 9-18. Component text formatting changed with ActionScript
  4. Close the SWF file, and then return to the Actions panel. Update the existing ActionScript so that it looks like this (changes in bold):

    import fl.managers.StyleManager;
    import fl.controls.Button;
    import fl.controls.CheckBox;
    var myTextFormat1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myTextFormat1.size = 26;
    var myTextFormat2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myTextFormat2.size = 8;
    StyleManager.setStyle("textFormat", myTextFormat1);
    StyleManager.setComponentStyle(Button, "textFormat", ¬

    This time, two TextFormat instances exist. The first one, as before, is fed into the StyleManager.setStyle() method, and updates the textFormat style of both components. The second one, which was configured with a smaller font size, is fed into the StyleManager.setComponentStyle() method, which accepts one additional parameter; namely, the class name of one of the components, Button. This second method overrides the global formatting established by the setStyle() method, because it calls out a particular component type by name.

  5. Select Control→Test Movie again to verify that the Button component now has a much smaller font size (Figure 9-19).

    Formatting focused on one specific type of component
    Figure 9-19. Formatting focused on one specific type of component
  6. Close the SWF file again. You’ve seen how to affect the styling of all components in a document, and you’ve also seen how to affect the styling of all of one type of component. The final way to stylize components is to invoke the UIComponent.setStyle() method, which is inherited by each component individually. Select the CheckBox component, and then use the Property inspector to give it the instance name myCheckBox. Return again to the Actions panel, and then update the existing code so it looks like this (changes in bold):

    import fl.managers.StyleManager;
    import fl.controls.Button;
    import fl.controls.CheckBox;
    var myTextFormat1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myTextFormat1.size = 26;
    var myTextFormat2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myTextFormat2.size = 8;
    var myTextFormat3:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    myTextFormat3.size = 12;
    StyleManager.setStyle("textFormat", myTextFormat1);
    StyleManager.setComponentStyle(Button, "textFormat", ¬
    myCheckBox.setStyle("textFormat", myTextFormat3);

    A third TextFormat instance has been added, this one routed specifically to the myCheckBox instance, via its inherited UIComponent.setStyle() method. The original size-26 formatting is still in effect, but the Button component overrides it, thanks to its more specifically honed myTextFormat2 instance. Here, the CheckBox component also overrides it, thanks to its even more specifically honed myTextFormat3 instance.

  7. Select Control→Test Movie one last time to verify that the CheckBox component now features a practically normal-sized font (Figure 9-20).

Formatting focused on one specific instance of a component
Figure 9-20. Formatting focused on one specific instance of a component

The textFormat style isn’t the only property available, of course. Many components feature an icon style, for example, that lets you incorporate a small image into the component’s display. Consult the class entry of the component(s) in question, and have fun experimenting!

Skinning Components Manually

It goes without saying that some design choices are more successful when implemented manually. Changing the actual make-up of a component’s skin—that is, redrawing or manipulating the actual movie clips that comprise a component’s features—is called skinning, and from a designer’s standpoint, it couldn’t be any more intuitive than the following steps.

  1. Create a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, and then open the Components panel. Drag a copy of the Button component to the stage.

  2. Double-click the Button component on the stage, just as you would to edit in place any movie clip symbol. Doing so opens the component into an “exploded view” that reveals each element of its default skin, as seen in Figure 9-21.

The default skin of the Button component, ready for editing
Figure 9-21. The default skin of the Button component, ready for editing
  1. Double-click the representation of the over state to enter the timeline of that element. Most component skins take advantage of 9-slice scaling, as seen in Figure 9-22. The dashed lines indicate which portions of the image will scale when resized and which portions won’t. In Figure 9-22, the corner regions maintain their present aspect ratios, while the top, bottom, and sides stretch as necessary.

  2. Individual component skins may vary, but you’ll typically find a number of timeline layers already in place. Here, these include layers named highlight and fill. Carefully select the content of these layers, and then delete it. Select the Paint Bucket tool, choose a markedly different fill color, such as pink, and then click inside the border layer stroke to fill the rounded rectangle.

  3. Select Edit→Edit Document to return to the main timeline. Drag another copy of the Button component from the Library to the stage.

  4. Select Control→Test Movie, and then move your cursor over and away from both Button components to verify that their over states have visually changed.

The over state of the Button component, showing 9-slice scaling lines
Figure 9-22. The over state of the Button component, showing 9-slice scaling lines
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