
It is my sincere wish that by now you see that THE ASK is much more than you imagined. THE ASK is about empowerment, personal pride, momentum, possibilities, and self-improvement. It takes organization, structure, and focus to make those exceptional asks as well as to put yourself first and make the hard asks of yourself. You know how to recognize your money blockers and work through and beyond them so they do not get in the way of your asks. You also know the many reasons why people don't ask, but that will not stop you from asking, because you now know the actions you need to take before you ask. Anyone can be that exceptional asker if they carefully go through the checklist of 10 characteristics of the exceptional asker. The three questions before each ask as well as the 5-Step Foolproof Method for Any Ask will serve you well as long as you keep practicing those techniques. They take time, but they will bring you the results you want once you incorporate them into every daily aspect of your life. My asking mantras will get you through each and every ask you need to make, but please add your own and say them to yourself every time you need to make that important ask.

You now have over 175 ways, as presented in this book, that you can use to ask for anything you want. Think of them as puzzle pieces. You can select the ones you want, use my proposed words or chose your own. The point is to first see how they can fit for you and adapt for your particular ask. Just remember to make your ask two sentences and a question. This simple concept will bring you transformational successes time and time again. It will also prevent you from over-asking your ask and ensuring that you speak at most 25 percent of the time and the person you are asking speaks 75 percent of the time.

Hearing a no to your ask or catching your asking mistakes will no longer be a deterrent for you. You can turn any response into an ask win. Carefully go over your words and determine if your ask was really an ask or was it a statement? Your ultimate goal for any response other than a yes is to find out why. Why can't this person do what you asked? Once you are in sync and have a total and complete understanding as to what they are thinking or what is preventing them from giving you an immediate yes, you can proceed on the same path and work it out together. You now know that the ask has no room for assumptions or fill-in-the-blank guessing otherwise you will walk away empty handed and disappointed. The worst is that last empty experience will make you hesitate the next time to ask.

The ask is a group hug, keep the person you are asking close to you and always ask, “How can we work this out together?” This way they do not feel alone, under a spotlight or microscope, forced to make a quick judgment. If you thought long and hard about what you want, why you want it and why you want it now you will be in that position to work anything out to your satisfaction.

Honesty wins the day and if you have no idea if the person can do what you are about to ask for then say it: “I honestly have no idea if you can do this but it is so important to me.” Short, simple, to the point, and loaded with genuine honesty. People will be more attracted to you and your ask when you are honest, so let that come through each and every time you ask.

To recap, with all the organization, structure, and focus in the world, you now have everything you need to be that exceptional asker.

  1. THE ASK is your new way of approaching life.
  2. THE ASK will guide your life experiences.
  3. THE ASK will help you get the things you want, desire, and deserve.
  4. THE ASK can help anyone at any age for any purpose.
  5. THE ASK is endlessly rewarding.

I leave you with my Top 10 Best ASKing tips, one from each chapter:

  1. Money is opportunity—embrace it, make it your mantra, and push away any other thought that comes creeping in and sets you up for doubt and failure.
  2. The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself and others.
  3. Whenever you ask, you should be 100 percent committed, with absolute certainty that this is what you want for your organization, your business, your personal growth, and your happiness.
  4. People leave clues, and we miss every one of them.
  5. THE ASK—it's two sentences and a question.
  6. Don't assume that since you deserve it you don't have to ask for it.
  7. Your ask will go well if the person you are asking knows, likes, and trusts you.
  8. “May we be your next largest investment?” is a great ask.
  9. Keep it simple; don't over-ask your ask.
  10. The most difficult yet rewarding asks are the ones you ask of yourself.

Now go for the life you know you want. THE ASK will undoubtedly get you there. May every ASK be your best ASK!

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