


Numbers 13–14


Lack of faith


14th–13th century BCE Kadesh-barnea, Sinai, south of the Promised Land.


Caleb Son of Jephunneh, of the tribe of Judah. One of the scouts sent into Canaan, he urges the Israelites to take possession of the land.

Joshua Also known as Hoshea, Son of Nun, from the tribe of Ephraim. Another scout, he supports the view of Caleb, that the Israelites should take possession of the land. Later he will succeed Moses as leader of Israel.

Moses Israelite leader, who intercedes with God for the rebellious Israelites.

Following their departure from Egypt, the Israelites approach Canaan, the Promised Land. Before going further, Moses sends 12 spies, one from each of the 12 tribes, to scout out the land for 40 days.

A land of plenty

On their return, the scouts report a land that is good, flowing with the proverbial “milk and honey” God promised. As evidence, they bring a bunch of grapes so huge they have to carry it on a pole between two of them. However, they say, the people of Canaan are intimidating and live in large, well-fortified cities.

Undaunted, one of the scouts, Caleb, believes that God will be with them to give them this new home. Supported by another of the scouts, Joshua, he urges his fellow Israelites to go and occupy it. However, the remaining ten exclaim that they cannot attack such formidable foes. The bulk of the Israelites side with the ten and begin to lament that they ever left Egypt. Angry at their faithlessness, God threatens to destroy the people, but Moses intercedes on their behalf.

God’s resolution marks a watershed in the book of Numbers. Israel will still enter Canaan but not for another 40 years, due to the people’s lack of faith. In the meantime, they will return to the wilderness. Among the older generation, only Caleb and Joshua will possess the Promised Land.

“Your children will be shepherds here for forty years, suffering for your unfaithfulness, until the last of your bodies lies in the desert.”

Numbers 14:33

See also: CovenantsThe ExodusBalaam’s DonkeyThe Fall of Jericho

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