


Esther 1–10


Salvation from unlikely sources


486–465 BCE During the reign of King Ahasuerus. The Persian capital city of Susa in modern-day Iran.


Esther An orphaned Jew who becomes Queen of Persia.

Mordecai Esther’s cousin and her only family.

King Ahasuerus King of Persia and husband of Esther. Probably the historical figure Xerxes I, known as Xerxes the Great

Haman The king’s chief minister and Mordecai’s sworn enemy.

The story of Esther is one of only two books in the Bible that makes no reference to God (the other is Song of Songs). The tale of a Jewish queen who speaks up to save her people, it was likely included to show how even a silent God causes good to triumph.

Esther becomes the wife of King Ahasuerus after he sets aside his previous wife, Queen Vashti, for refusing to appear before guests. A beautiful girl, Esther has been raised by a relative, Mordecai, but does not reveal her Jewish heritage to the king. The king is delighted with his wife and with Mordecai, who uncovers an assassination plot against him. Unfortunately, Mordecai offends the chief minister Haman, who vows to destroy all Jews and obtains a royal decree to murder and plunder, without telling the king whom he is targeting.

Mordecai asks the queen to intervene. She is reluctant, as it is punishable by death to approach the king, but the devout Mordecai believes God has placed Esther in her exalted position to do His work. At a banquet, Esther reveals her heritage and pleads for her people, thus fulfilling her divine purpose. To her relief, the king turns his fury on Haman, who is executed.

Although the royal decree cannot be withdrawn, the king allows the Jews to defend themselves and no one can stand against them. This event is still commemorated as Purim, named after the Hebrew word for the lots (dice) used by Haman to decide when to kill the Jews.

“Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:16

See also: Ruth and Naomi

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