Public, Protected, and Private Methods

In some cases, you may want to restrict the “visibility” of your methods to ensure that they cannot be called by code outside the class in which the methods occur.

This may be useful when your class defines various “utility” methods that it requires in order to perform certain functions that it does not intend for public consumption. By imposing access restrictions on those methods, you can prevent programmers from using them for their own nefarious purposes. This means you will be able to change the implementation of those methods at a later stage without having to worry you are going to break somebody else’s code.

Ruby provides three levels of method accessibility:

  • public

  • protected

  • private

As the name suggests, public methods are the most accessible, and private methods are the least accessible. All your methods are public unless you specify otherwise. When a method is public, it is available to be used by the world outside the object in whose class it is defined.

When a method is private, it can be used only by other methods inside the object in whose class it is defined.

A protected method generally works in the same way as a private method with one tiny but important difference: In addition to being visible to the methods of the current object, a protected method is also visible to objects of the same type when the second object is within the scope of the first object.

The distinction between private and protected methods will probably be easier to understand when you see a working example. Consider this class:


class MyClass

        def priv
             puts( "private" )

        def prot
             puts( "protected" )

        def pub
             puts( "public" )

        def useOb( anOb )

I’ve declared three methods, one for each level of accessibility. These levels are set by putting private, protected, or public prior to one or more methods. The specified accessibility level remains in force for all subsequent methods until some other access level is specified.


public, private, and protected may look like keywords. But they are, in fact, methods of the Module class.

Finally, my class has a public method, useOb, which takes a MyOb object as an argument and calls the three methods pub, prot, and priv of that object. Now, let’s see how a MyClass object can be used. First, I’ll create two instances of the class:

myob =
myob2 =

Now, I try to call each of the three methods in turn:         # This works! Prints out "public"
myob.prot        # This doesn't work! I get an error
myob.priv        # This doesn't work either - another error

From the previous, it would seem that the public method is (as expected) visible from the world outside the object to which it applies. But both the private and the protected methods are invisible. This being so, what is the protected method for? Another example should help clarify this:

myob.useOb( myob2 )

This time, I am calling the public method useOb of the myob object, and I am passing to it a second object, myob2, as an argument. The important thing to note is that myob and myob2 are instances of the same class. Now, recall what I said earlier: In addition to being visible to the methods of the current object, a protected method is also visible to objects of the same type when the second object is within the scope of the first object.

This may sound like gobbledygook. Let’s see if I can make some sense out of it. In the program, the first MyClass object (here myob) has a second MyClass object within its scope when myob2 is passed as an argument to a method of myob. When this happens, you can think of myob2 as being present “inside” myob. Now myob2 shares the scope of the “containing” object, myob. In this special circumstance—when two objects of the same class are within the scope defined by that class—the protected methods of any objects of this class become visible.

In the present case, the protected method prot of the object myob2 (or, at any rate, of the argument that “receives” myob2, here called anob) becomes visible and can be executed. Its private arguments, however, are not visible:

def useOb( anOb )
   anOb.prot    # protected method can be called
   anOb.priv    # calling a private method results in an error
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