
Major inspiration for this research came from in-depth discussions with Dr. Tom Redman and his influence is gratefully acknowledged.

The first author gratefully thanks the second author for our terrific discussions across the various issues. The exchanges were among the best in my professional career and I gratefully acknowledge the substantive revisions, enhancements, and extensions of my original remarks.

We acknowledge the effort of our reviewers who provided us excellent feedback on various stages of the draft – these included:

John Botega

Joe Cipolla

David Loshin

Lyn McDermid

Jim O’Brien

Anne Marie Smith, Ph.D.

Our wonderful acquisition/production team of Andrea Dierna and Heather Scherer contributed to the project at all stages.

Finally, both authors thank the literally hundreds of unnamed DM professionals and CIOs with whom we have worked, who have provided their insights, and who contributed to our understanding of this field as it is practiced and as it needs to be practiced.

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