About the Authors

Peter Aiken is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten data management authorities in the world. In addition to examining the data management practices of more than 500 organizations, he has spent multi-year immersions with organizations as diverse as the US DoD, Deutsche Bank, Nokia, Wells Fargo, and the Commonwealth of Virginia. As President of DAMA International (dama.org), his expertise in the practice is unquestioned. He has been a member of the Information Systems Department at Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of Business since 1993 and jointly owns, with the University, Data Blueprint(.com) an award-winning, data management/IT consulting firm.

Michael Gorman has been involved in IT for over 45 years. He is the Secretary of the ANSI/INCITS Technical Committee on Database Languages, DM32.2 since 1978, co-authoring all SQL standards. Gorman worked for System Development Corporation which, with MITRE and Lincoln Labs invented data management. For the CIO of the US Army he helped develop their data management program including policies, procedures, and seminars. Gorman brought Database Management Systems into Federal Agencies including the Army, Navy, Air Force, EPA, HUD, Commerce as well as State and local governments. He also provided data management consulting to Fortune 100 companies. As CEO of Whitemarsh (www.wiscorp.com), Gorman provides consulting, methodologies, books, workshops and Whitemarsh Metabase, a metadata management system. He has authored numerous books, publishes regularly on The Data Administration Newsletter (www.tdan.com), and has taught at Universities, at DAMA Chapters, and International Conferences.

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