
We’re living in an entrepreneurial world—all of us, whether we’re journalists or not. Global transformation brought by technology and years of economic retrenchment has fundamentally changed the way we work and live. While technology has made it easier for individuals to produce and create without significant overhead or infrastructure, economic realities have underscored the need to do just that.

Perhaps no profession has been more dramatically transformed by the dual forces of advancing technology and tightening budgets over the last decade than journalism. Likewise, no other field stands to gain more from these changes.

Journalists have always been guided by a sense of right and purpose. They are compelled to tell stories, and in the digital age they don’t need gatekeepers like editors or news directors to determine whether they can. Not only can journalists create the stories they find meaningful, but they can distribute them to their target audiences.

Journalists have more options today than ever before. And while they’ve been freed of the need for editorial approval, they’ve also taken on many of the responsibilities of their former editors, news directors, and publishers. The most significant of these—and traditionally the most uncomfortable for journalists to consider—is financing the enterprise. Specifically, they’ve had to answer this question: How do you live off of journalism without necessarily working for someone else? Answering that can be a job in itself.

Many journalists today enjoy more professional freedom because they don’t have a single full-time job. While some have struggled to find one, others don’t want to work long hours for a single employer on someone else’s terms. Happily, journalism has always been a profession of freelance and contract work, so taking on individual assignments or clients isn’t new.

Now more than ever, entrepreneurial journalists can create their own livelihood in their own way, sometimes doing the same kind of work they’d do on staff at a publication or broadcast outlet, and sometimes doing something completely different. There are infinite possibilities.

Even for those who hadn’t planned to go it alone, entrepreneurial journalism has real appeal. It is journalism on your own terms. It is seeking out the stories that matter to you, and finding ways to get them to your audiences. It’s about solving every piece of the puzzle yourself.

While it’s an exciting time to be a journalist, it’s also a demanding time. Not only do entrepreneurial journalists need to know how to produce great stories, but they also need to know how to promote and monetize them without compromising their high ethical standards. Entrepreneurial journalists need to know how to make the best use of technology, as well as how to use that technology. In addition to writing, researching, and taking pictures, they need to know how to capture and edit audio and video, how to fact-check their own stories, and how to get them out there.

On top of all this, they also need to know how to run a business and protect themselves from lawsuits. And they need to anticipate coming developments in technology and the law. The job of the entrepreneurial journalist is truly never finished, and that’s what keeps it interesting.

Quickly advancing technology also presents obvious challenges to those who dare to write books about it. Since specific software, tools, and technology come and go, this book attempts to discuss each in more foundational terms, presenting universal skills and concepts that aren’t tied to any one piece of software or hardware.

That said, the companion website for this book will provide new information on the subject matter as updates become necessary. It will be revised on a regular basis to reflect the latest changes to tools, rules, and technology. It will also include hands-on exercises and the opportunity to apply what you learned. Like with most skills, the best way to learn is by actually doing the work.

Remember there are more ways than ever for an entrepreneurial journalist to craft a sustainable career. As long as you’re willing to work hard, be creative, and keep your eyes on the horizon, your future is limitless. Enjoy the journey.

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