
I wish to thank the many people with whom I have had the pleasure of working over the past many years, for kindly providing the impetus, expertise, and resources to produce this book, especially my former partners and colleagues from Booz, UBS, and Stern Stewart & Co. I would also like to thank my previous editors, including David Champion, Don Chew, Art Klein, and Krista Pettit, for teaching me not to write like a scientist.

However, the views expressed herein are solely my own. Moreover, any errors or omissions are strictly my own.

I also wish to thank my IHS colleagues, including Ulviyya Abdullayeva, Ruslan Anisimov, Kurt Barrow, Stephen Beck, Ryan Carbrey, Andrew Day, Erik Darner, Jean Dugan, Blake Eskew, Steve Fekete, Philippe Frangules, Bob Fryklund, Etienne Gabel, Mark Griffith, Tim Hemsted, Mark Jelinek, Ed Kelly, Jerry Kepes, Chris Kiser, Roger Kranenburg, Mike Kratochwill, Nick Lowes, Fernanda Machado, Michael Marinovic, Paul Markwell, Michael Muirhead, Gil Nebeker, Charlie O'Brien, Alastair Reid, Darryl Rogers, Jamey Rosenfield, Senjit Sarkar, Ed Scardaville, Grigorij Serscikov, Nick Sharma, Curtis Smith, Leta Smith, James Stevenson, Dale Struksnes, Jim Thomas, Rodrigo Vaz, Dan Yergin, and Tim Zoba.

Finally, I wish to thank the many clients who have challenged and entrusted me with their needs and encourage them to please continue to do so!

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