Born in New Zealand, Anne came at the earliest opportunity to England, where her roots and heart lie. Following a successful global career as a diplomat and Citibank-trained international banker, Anne retrained mid-career as a psychologist and co-founded Meyler Campbell, which is now a world-renowned executive coach training and leadership development community. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (FRSM), and an Associate Scholar at Oxford Saïd Business School.

Anne has served on a raft of expert panels and policy committees on leadership and coaching, including a Positive Psychology task force for the Royal Society. She has delivered keynote speeches for many of the major coaching and professional bodies including AC, BPS/SGCP, ICF, WABC and ICAEW, and has taught coaching workshops at London Business School and Cambridge’s Judge Business School. In 2019 the Harvard Business Review article, ‘The Leader as Coach’, which she co-authored, won the Warren Bennis Prize for the top-rated HBR article on leadership that year.

When not coaching and teaching leaders to coach, Anne is to be found trawling through the archives at Kew pursuing her other great love, family and medieval history. In recent years, she has brought together her deep interests in leadership clarity, and in history, by researching Queen Victoria as the first global female leader: see https://youtu.be/A6DMSK16dP0!.

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