Chapter 17
International Mobility of Scientists

Kieron Flanagan


A strong aspiration toward universalism predates the government-funded, professionalized, and internationalized modern scientific enterprise by several centuries (Musselin 2004; Kim 2009). In this sense, international mobility is central to conceptions of knowledge production. However the nature and purposes of mobility have evolved as the sciences have professionalized. Over time, mobility behavior has become more purposeful and more clearly associated with research and career objectives rather than more general considerations of scholarship (Heffernan and Jöns 2013).

Recent decades have seen mobility actively constructed as a problem to be resolved by policy action (as in the fear of a “brain drain” of talented British scientists to the United States in the 1960s) or as a solution to the challenges faced by national research systems in a globalized world (harnessing the power of “brain circulation” and the transnational networks thus created). The current preoccupation with “brain circulation” as a means of raising the “excellence” of national research systems and boosting the exchange of knowledge is exemplified by the efforts of the European Commission to promote mobility of scientists between European Union member states.

Yet there remains surprisingly little consensus as regards how best to conceptualize scientific mobility. The many studies extant represent partial snapshots of a complex, entangled cluster of phenomena taken from a single perspective and usually focusing on a very specific population of scientists or engineers. In this chapter we examine how mobility has been conceptualized and explored, and what those studies tell us about the factors influencing mobility and the impacts mobility may have. Because the question of scientific mobility is politicized and because the framing of policy debates influences measurement and analysis, we will also consider these policy framings and their strengths or weaknesses.

Definitional Challenges

Several definitional challenges confront those wishing to characterize and understand the international mobility of scientists, its drivers, and its impacts. Specifically, these concern the units of analysis: what constitutes a “scientist” and what constitutes “international mobility.” We briefly explore these issues below.

Defining “Scientist”

Although “science and engineering professionals” appears in the international standard classification of occupations (ISCO-08) this category includes a wide range of occupations other than those where research is a major or the primary role. In addition, many of those engaged in medical and other health research would be covered under the category of “health professionals,” while researchers in higher education institutions might find themselves categorized under “university and higher education teachers.” Those engaged in research toward a higher degree (for instance doctoral researchers) would in many countries not be classed as being in an occupation at all but rather as students. Further, many studies of scientific mobility have focused only on those working in public or not-for-profit research organizations, excluding R&D workers in private enterprises. A few studies implicitly or explicitly address both populations (for instance, studies of inventors using patent data) and in some cases the two groups are simply conflated.

Given these definitional difficulties, studies of scientific mobility have tended either to rely upon data about doctoral candidates or doctorate holders or have taken advantage of information collected about populations of researchers for other purposes, especially CVs and biographical information provided as part of research funding applications or posted online, or information derived from bibliometric or patent databases. Primary data collection with a dedicated survey instrument is comparatively rare and has tended to focus on very specific populations, for instance as part of a program evaluation or investigation into the motivations and experiences of internationally mobile doctoral researchers or elite “star scientists.” Many of these have been conducted by policy or professional organizations or interest groups rather than by social scientists. Relatively few could be described as comprehensive in terms of discipline, career state, institutional context, and country coverage, or rigorous in terms of conceptualization, design, and testing.

Defining “International Mobility”

A further definitional challenge is the nature of international scientific mobility itself. The term “mobility” tends to be used interchangeably to refer both to the international migration of scientists – moving from a position of employment in one country to one in another, whether for a fixed-term or open-ended period – and what we might call “non-job” international mobility, that is a time-limited visit (or repeated visits) to another site in a different country for the purposes of collaboration or scholarship. The former is a special case of a much broader socioeconomic phenomenon, the international migration of highly skilled professionals, and should be analyzed as such; while the latter is a phenomenon more specific to the world of research (MORE Consortium 2011; Børing et al. 2015).

There is debate about the extent to which there yet exists a truly international market for scientific labor: for instance, Musselin (2004) argues that differences in regulations, norms, and practices, as well as the obvious language differences, work to prevent the emergence of a functioning European academic labor market. However, some national research systems are undeniably more open to foreign scientific labor than others, and multiple labor markets coexist or overlap: there is an elite global scientific labor market, in which star scientists move between elite institutions; an emerging international scientific labor market in which young scientists take opportunities in more dynamic and open national systems; and finally, running alongside these, the continued existence of national labor markets. (A similar statement could be made about other highly skilled professions.)

Non-job mobility, while not entirely unique to scientific professionals, is more closely bound up with the practices of research and scholarship. Non-job mobility may be driven by the need to access research collaborators, acquire new skills and techniques, or gain access to materials, samples, specialized research equipment, or infrastructure. It may be supported by general research funding or dedicated initiatives such as the European Commission Marie Curie Programme (Ackers 2005b, 2005a) or through institutional support such as sabbatical or hosting policies (Heffernan and Jöns 2013). Such mobility is clearly intended to be time-limited in the sense that at some point a return to the normal place and country of employment will be expected (or formally required) by the parties involved.

Visits need not be short stays: a periodic one-year sabbatical is a common academic expectation and some research visits may be formalized through some kind of honorary or visiting position that does not involve a contract of employment but which may carry symbolic value to the institutions concerned and to the scientist in question, whose prestige and social capital is enhanced as a result (Ackers 2008). Further, norms and expectations about the need for such mobility may vary from discipline to discipline and from national system to national system (see, e.g., Ackers 2005a).

Conceptualising Mobility

In their excellent critical reviews of the economic literature on “brain drain” and mobility, Cañibano and Woolley (2010a, 2010b) highlight a conceptual confusion inherent in traditional approaches to considering “drain” and “gain”: namely the conflation of the demographic categories of scientist or engineer (often termed human resources for science and technology, or HRST for short) with the economic concept of “human capital.” Cañibano and Woolley argue that this tendency to treat human capital as if it were somehow encapsulated in the form of individual scientists results in a view in which movements of individuals from one system to another are considered as zero-sum additions to, and subtractions from, the respective national “balance sheets” of knowledge and talent (see also Meyer 2001). This focus on the quantity of human capital has latterly been supplemented by more attention to the quality of human capital (see, e.g., Jones 2008) but the way in which human capital is modeled still arguably conflates knowledge and skills and, even when emphasizing the role of complementary advanced skills in enabling the most productive use of the skills of another, the human capital perspective downplays the role of other complementary factors of scientific knowledge production.

Rather (and as noted by Cañibano and Woolley 2010b) human capital is only partly accounted for by the knowledge and skills embodied in individuals and is primarily a function of social structure and context (see also Davenport 2004; Bozeman, Dietz, and Gaughan 2001). The research potential of an individual scientist may be enhanced or constrained by their organizational and national contexts, not just in terms of access to potential collaborators and their knowledge and skills or access to advanced training, equipment, infrastructure, methods, samples, or data, but also in terms of the incentives and opportunities offered by the funding and research culture of the organizational or national context.

Mobility, then, is not simply a matter of the movement of discrete units of human capital and the consequent transfer or “recombination” of the knowledge embodied in those individuals (or through skill matching, unlocking the potential of one individual’s skills by combination with another’s). Context matters for the production of new knowledge, and we must therefore consider a wider range of contextual factors in conceptualizing mobility than would be suggested by simple human capital models. This is broadly in line with the so-called Stanford-Yale-Sussex synthesis (Dosi et al. 2006) and more specifically the “new economics of science” sparked by the contribution of Dasgupta and David (1994), although a search of the subsequent literature in this area finds few studies focusing specifically on the role played by the international, as opposed to intra- or inter-sectoral, movement of people. An honorable exception is the work of Edler, Fier, and Grimpe (2011) on the knowledge transfer activities of internationally mobile academic scientists.

The Context of Mobility: Drivers, Impacts and Barriers

As argued above, the international job mobility of scientists is best seen as a subset of the broader category of international migration of highly skilled professional workers. There is a substantial literature in work psychology and organizational sociology around job mobility and how decisions about changing job are made. Ng et al. (2007) offer a synthesis that identifies several levels of factors that are likely to be in operation in such decisions: structural factors affect the opportunities for job mobility and exist at the societal, regional, industry, and organizational levels of analysis; different individuals have different personal goals and motivations and thus preferences concerning mobility; and decisional factors (the norms to which the individual subscribes,1 the individual’s appetite for and readiness for change, and their calculation of the desirability of the mobility opportunity) ultimately determine whether the decision is made to change job, and also exist at the individual level of analysis.

The literature on scientific mobility rarely draws upon these potentially relevant work psychology or organizational sociology literatures. However, there is a loose conceptual framework implicit in much of the literature in which mobility is similarly seen in terms of driving factors. These can be conceptualized as operating on multiple levels, akin to those identified by Ng et al. (2007). Following the MORE Consortium (2009, 2011) we suggest that it is possible to identify three distinct but interrelated contextual levels, namely the macro-level of the national research or innovation system and its associated labor market; the meso-level – the research-performing organization, group, lab, or team in which a researcher works;2 and the micro-level of factors relating to the individual researcher.

Further, the monolithic concept of “driver” is generally broken down into push factors that help to explain the decision to move away from one macro-, meso- or micro-context and pull factors that help to explain the decision to move into a different one (Thorn and Holm-Nielsen 2008). In this sense, mobility is “driven” by the interaction of personal preferences, local factors, institutional settings, and broader systemic contexts (Børing et al. 2015; Ackers and Gill 2008).

A further element which is often included in conceptualizations of mobility (especially in policy studies and documents) is the notion that there exist factors that act as barriers that suppress the level of mobility, with potentially negative effects on human capital formation, knowledge exchange, and the pursuit of “excellence.” Assuming that such barriers exist, we can again conceptualize them as operating at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels.

We will explore below what the literature has to say about potential push and pull factors, and will also look at the evidence offered for the existence of barriers to mobility. First, we briefly discuss some measurement problems in the study of mobility. These challenges are not new: many were encountered by those designing the survey of UK university department heads on which the original 1963 Royal Society report that sparked the original “brain drain” panic was based (Balmer, Godwin, and Gregory 2009).

Measuring Mobility

Much of the literature on mobility tends to make a distinction between “temporary” and “permanent” migration (see, e.g., Cañibano, Otamendi, and Solís 2011; Baláz, Williams, and Kollár 2004), or between long and short stays (see, e.g., Mahroum 2000). The former distinction is problematic: studies almost always present a snapshot of the distribution or intentions of individuals at different points in their lives and careers. At what point should we consider the migration of an individual to be “permanent” while the possibility of return remains open in practice? It is also difficult to determine how best to treat duration: for instance, might the same or greater benefits be gained through repeated short visits rather than one longer visit? Perhaps the most practically useful distinctions we can make are between job migration and those forms of mobility not involving a change of employer, and between mobility with an intention or obligation to return versus mobility that can be seen as open-ended.

Further problems arise in seeking to understand “stocks” and “flows” of researchers. Specifically, it is not necessarily straightforward to determine the “home” or “sending” country. Some studies take the country of birth or of citizenship. Some individuals hold multiple citizenships and in any case the country of birth or citizenship will not necessarily be the country in which an individual has grown up and received their schooling or higher education. Given that the literature speculates that experience of international mobility earlier in the life course may be associated with a greater interest in mobility later in life, understanding what it means to be a British, a French, or an American scientist becomes even more important. More broadly the notion of measuring stocks and flows reflects the “national accounting” framing of mobility influenced by the dominance of human capital perspectives on mobility.

Levels of Scientific Mobility

The European IISER study (Moguérou and Pietrogiacomo 2007) used data on doctorate holders and doctoral candidates to examine the circulation of researchers across Europe as well as “flows” into and out of Europe. New data was collected to update this study in 2010 (MORE Consortium 2011). These show that 7% of doctoral candidates in the EU27 in 2007 held the citizenship of another member state, while Germany, Italy, France, Romania, Spain, the United Kingdom, Greece, and Bulgaria were among the top 30 countries of origin for holders of doctorates awarded in the United States in 2008. Finally, the update showed that, in 2007, China was the most important sender of doctoral candidates to the EU27 (with around 6500 doctoral candidates) followed by Mexico and the United States (sending 4000 and 3600 candidates respectively).

The same MORE study conducted two EU27 wide surveys of research active staff in universities and in non-university public research institutes, respectively ((MORE Consortium 2009, 2011; Børing et al. 2015). 54% of a sample of 4538 university researchers and 65% of a sample of 5050 non-university public researchers had experienced international mobility (defined as taking up an employed position or spending a research visit of three months or greater in a country other than the country in which they received their highest educational attainment). Across the two sectors, 76% of respondents who had experienced mobility as an exchange student subsequently experienced mobility as a researcher, a finding in line with the suggestion from Findlay et al. (2012) that mobility in early life and later career mobility may be linked.

In a study of patterns of academic mobility between the United Kingdom and the rest of the world, Sastry (2005) finds that it is relatively junior postdoctoral researchers who account for most movement. They also found that a majority of senior academics had spent time abroad in postdoctoral positions, suggesting that early career mobility experience is associated with career development. Børing et al. (2015) also find that propensity to be mobile seems to be greater in early career stages. Taking changes in author affiliation to or from an institution in a country other than the United Kingdom as a proxy for international mobility, Elsevier (2013) use Scopus data for 265,000 researchers over the period 1996–2012 to show the very high level of mobility into and out of the UK research system, identifying a lower level of “sedentary” researchers than for most other comparator countries and higher levels of outflowing, inflowing, and returning migrants. Inflowing, outflowing, and returning migrants are of high quality measured both in terms of productivity (relative to all UK researchers) and in terms of field-weighted citation impact.

Data from the MORE surveys confirms the internationalism of the UK scientific labor market and shows that, while the level of non-job mobility is high across Europe, some national labor markets are more highly internationalized than others. Figure 17.1 shows the proportion of internationally mobile researchers with experience of international job mobility by country of affiliation for the European Union Higher Education sector. This share is highest for internationally mobile researchers from the United Kingdom (75%) and Austria (73%), and lowest for those from Slovakia (9%) and Romania (18%). Figure 17.2 shows the same data for the European Union non-university research institute sector. Again, this share is highest for internationally mobile researchers from the United Kingdom and Germany (both 79%), and lowest for those from Romania (21%) and Bulgaria (30%).


Figure 17.1 Proportion of researchers in the EU27 higher education sector with experience of at least one move to a new employer in another country by country of affiliation (left-hand columns) amongst all researchers with experience of international mobility, including non-job mobility. Proportion of all researchers in the EU27 higher education sector with experience of international mobility, including non-job mobility (right-hand columns). n = 2586.

Source: MORE Consortium (2010a): Cyprus, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, and Slovenia are excluded given the low response rate for those countries.


Figure 17.2 Proportion of researchers in the EU27 research institute sector with experience of at least one move to a new employer in another country by country of affiliation (left-hand columns) amongst all researchers with experience of international mobility, including non-job mobility. Proportion of all researchers in the EU27 research institute sector with experience of international mobility, including non-job mobility (right-hand columns). n = 3285.

Source: MORE Consortium (2010b): Note: Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Ireland, Malta, Portugal, and Sweden are excluded given the low response rate for those countries.

Jöns (2011) and Ackers and Gill (2008) suggest that different lengths of stay may be attractive or feasible for those with family or caring responsibilities and that this is very likely to have a gendered dimension. Børing et al. (2015) find that female respondents are less likely to have experienced international mobility than male respondents and, among those females who have experienced mobility, job mobility was less common but non-job mobility was no less common than for males. Interestingly, they also find no significant difference between the likelihood of female and male researchers having recent experience of international mobility (that is, in the three years running up to the survey). Børing et al. find no significant effect of marital/relationship status on experience of international mobility although parents have a relatively lower likelihood of having been internationally mobile. Nonetheless having children proves not to be a statistically significant predictor of whether respondents are likely to have previously experienced mobility.

At the same time Ackers has speculated that there may be a move away from traditional patterns of mobility characterized by long duration sabbaticals and job migration toward new forms of non-migratory internationalization such as holding positions simultaneously in two or more institutions in different countries, cross-border working, and new combinations of virtual collaboration and repeated very short research visits. The MORE surveys found some qualitative support for this hypothesis.

Push and Pull Factors

Macro- and Meso-Level Factors

Some conception of a “national system” is evident not only in accounts of the differential performance of national economies in terms of research, technological change, and economic growth (e.g., Lundvall 1992) but also in terms of broader varieties of capitalism (Hall and Soskice 2001). Other authors talk of national systems of research, higher education, and national systems of skills formation (Rip and van der Meulen 1996; Marginson and Rhoades 2002; Sung, Turbin, and Ashton 2000). As already noted, many professional labor markets are at least partly internationalized, but scientists in particular work in overlapping national and internationalized systems, the former being comprised of national regulations and practices around employment, career structures, and funding dynamics referred to above, and the latter being the “invisible colleges” (Crane 1971), the disciplinary or problem-focused networks of peers in which scientific work is situated. These systems and networks constitute an important part of the backdrop in which scientists make the decision to become mobile, especially as they affect levels and modalities of research funding, employment prospects, career progression, and performance evaluation.

Much of the literature emphasizes the role of factors associated with the strength and dynamism of the national research system and its associated scientific labor market in pushing or pulling international mobility. These factors intersect with the goals, skills, and abilities of the individual to determine the employment and earnings potential, prospects for career, and reputational advancement. It should be noted once more that migration – the movement from a job in one country to a new job in another country – is not confined to scientists, and many of the factors identified in the literature are also relevant to the more general phenomenon of the migration of highly skilled professionals (for instance, issues of the availability and quality of job or training opportunities, level of remuneration, working conditions and broader issues around quality of working and personal/family life).

Ackers (2008) notes that some specific destinations may have intrinsic reputational and social capital over and above the intrinsic value of what may be done or what may be learnt there and that the international cosmopolitan flavor of some destination systems or research institutions may be an inherent attractor (see Florida and Mellander in this volume, Chapter 15).3

Differences between disciplines may lead to different observed mobility patterns. For instance Jöns (2007) argues that the degree of abstraction from place-specific realities inherent in the research work of different disciplines, the standardization of the practices involved, and their materiality (for instance in terms of equipment intensity) all imply different spatial relations, thus affecting the degree to which research is place specific or conducted in a variety of locations.

This approach has been elaborated further by Ackers (2013), who describes a continuum from more contextualized disciplines, such as anthropology or history, to highly standardized and abstract disciplines such as mathematics. Using data from the MORE surveys of EU27 university and non-university public researchers, Børing et al. (2015) found that those with social sciences and humanities qualifications were more likely to have been mobile in the last three years, suggesting that these fields have become more internationalized in recent years. However, across the whole of the research career, they found that respondents qualified in the broad natural sciences domain were most likely to have experienced international mobility.

Not surprisingly a lack of career opportunities in the sending system and better opportunities in the receiving system can operate as push and pull factors respectively (see, e.g., van de Sande, Ackers, and Gill 2005; Schiller and Diez 2009). However, unpacking what is really going on here can be difficult. Working conditions for scientists go beyond issues of remuneration and benefits, working hours and conditions, and the like to include issues such as freedom to pursue one’s own agenda and access to funding and facilities.

A number of studies suggest that access to appropriate research facilities and collaborators, and the level of (and mode of access to) research funding are key push/pull factors (see, e.g., Franzoni, Scellato, and Stephan 2014; Kannankutty and Burrelli 2007; Moguérou and Pietrogiacomo 2007). Indeed, the MORE surveys (MORE Consortium 2011; Børing et al. 2015) found that factors relating to the quality and dynamism of the research system are more important in determining the attractiveness of a potential “target” country for international mobility than more general labor market and career structure factors such as salary and incentives, immigration rules, and so on. Interestingly, they found that broader innovation system factors, such as opportunities to build links with companies, are more important as pull factors making a destination system more attractive than they are as push factors making the home system less attractive. MORE respondents were also asked to nominate national research systems to which they would like to move in the future. There were some differences between disciplinary domains and between respondents with and without prior mobility experience, but overall the United States was the most commonly identified target for future mobility, with the United Kingdom, Germany, and France also very commonly identified.

Micro-Level Factors

MORE Consortium (2011) and Børing et al. (2015) find that personal or family factors are an explanatory factor for the lack of mobility of non-mobile researchers, while quality of life motives, career progression goals, personal research agenda goals, and training and development goals are all explanatory factors for mobility. Of these, all except quality of life factors seem to play a role in both kinds of mobility (it is not surprising that quality of life issues might be less determinant in relation to research visits not involving a change of job).

They also find, in line with the work of Ackers and others, that there are changes in perspective across the career and life-course of the researcher, with personal and family factors in general becoming more important to considerations of future mobility for previously mobile respondents than they had been in relation to past decisions about mobility. In a similar vein, Franzoni, Scellato, and Stephan (2012, 2014) find that personal or family factors seemed to become more important in influencing a decision to return to the home country.

Finally, Børing et al. find that cross-border workers – researchers who live in one EU27 member state but work in another – are more likely to have been internationally mobile in the past than those who are employed by an institution in their current country of residence. They also find that experience of international mobility as a student (for instance through a formal exchange program such as the European Union’s ERASMUS scheme) increases the likelihood of having made at least one international research visit, though it has no significant effect on the probability of international job mobility. On the other hand they find that experience of an industrial work placement as a student increases the likelihood of job mobility during the research career, but has no significant effect on the likelihood that an individual will demonstrate non-job mobility.

Barriers to Mobility?

Cullen, Jones, and Hadjivassiliou (1998) note that “barriers” to labor movement may take two forms: namely factors militating against an impetus to move (usually associated with the “sending” system) and factors that might create obstacles to the individual (and their family) settling in the new “receiving” system. They also note that the barriers faced by those who exhibit cross-border working tend to be different and are more likely to revolve around technical issues relating to taxation and social security regulations and the risk of “double payments.”

However, Børing et al. (2015) found that, while factors such as healthcare and pensions arrangements are of course experienced as difficulties by many mobile researchers, they seldom register as barriers to mobility, while in contrast caring and personal relationships and the challenges of obtaining funding and finding an appropriate position are often seen as barriers to mobility. How individuals calculate the trade-off between likely difficulties and potential benefits of mobility is likely to be very influenced by the culture and dynamism of the sending and receiving national research systems.

Impacts of Mobility

Macro- and Meso-Level Impacts

Mobility can have impacts on the content and direction of an individual’s research, on their career, family, and social life and on the research performing organizations, disciplinary and problem-oriented networks, and national research systems in which they work. Much of the policy debate around mobility revolves around the desire to minimize negative systemic impacts and maximize positive ones. Debate has slowly moved away from a zero sum “national accounting” perspective of preventing “drains” and maximising “gains” and toward one emphasizing the potential benefits to both sending and receiving systems as well as to the individuals concerned, and this manifests itself in attempts to attract back or at least maintain productive links with expatriate scientists and to encourage mobility as part of early career development.

Edler et al. (2011) suggest that internationally mobile academic scientists engage in knowledge transfer activities in both their destination and their home systems, and that “frequent travelers” – scientists who engage in multiple instances of mobility – may be particularly active in transferring knowledge and technology back to their home system from their destinations (see also this volume, Barnard et al., Chapter 18 and Hennemann and Liefner, Chapter 16). Trippl (2013) argues that internationally mobile elite “star scientists” may be particularly effective in transferring knowledge between the sending and receiving systems, especially – but not only – if they return to the former.

The famous study of Saxenian (2005) of the positive impacts of highly skilled engineers and entrepreneurs returning to Asia from time spent working in Silicon Valley popularized the term “brain circulation” and subsequently policymakers in many countries have put in place schemes to try to attract returnees. Studies focused on inventors and entrepreneurs echo Trippl’s finding for “star scientists” that positive impacts may be felt by the sending system even without the migrant returning, due to the creation of productive social ties which serve to link the two systems allowing for knowledge flow and substantive collaboration (see, e.g., Meyer 2001; Agrawal, Cockburn, and McHale 2006; Oettl and Agrawal 2008). Such arguments have encouraged policymakers to look at how to promote the formation of productive “diaspora networks.”

Van Heeringen and Dijkwel (1986) and Yano and Tomita (2006) argue that mobility is a characteristic of excellent scientists (rather than mobility effecting productivity) and that the performance of scientists is positively linked with achieving a position in “better” research organizations. Gibson and McKenzie (2014), using survey data to explore the migration experiences and scientific productivity of researchers from three small island countries, find that current migrants are more productive than either those who never migrate or those who have made a return migration, suggesting that productivity is conditioned by the environment in which they work and the opportunities it presents. However, Franzoni et al. (2014) find evidence that migrant scientists outperform non-migrant scientists in terms of publication impact, even after controlling for selection effects. They argue that this provides evidence to support the knowledge recombination theories of authors such as Agrawal and Saxenian, and the skill matching theory of Jones (2008), which they implicitly extend to include a wider range of complementary factors beyond an individual or a team’s complement of potential or realized knowledge and skills.

Combining CV analysis and bibliometrics to explore the relationship between mobility and performance for a sample of 326 medical researchers, Sandström (2009) argues that two kinds of selection effect are in operation: on the one hand high performing institutions will select high performing researchers; while on the other hand researchers will also seek to improve their own performance by opting to become mobile. More broadly, the idea that excellence and mobility always go hand in hand neglects the reality that much mobility is effectively enforced by the perception or reality of poor prospects, poor working conditions, poor funding, or poor infrastructure in the home country (Ackers 2008).

Micro-Level Impacts

Previously mobile respondents to the MORE surveys of EU27 university and non-university public researchers overwhelmingly reported positive impacts on their career (MORE Consortium 2011; Børing et al. 2015). Interestingly, respondents without experience of mobility also strongly associated mobility with positive career impacts. Of course, an instance of mobility could have a positive impact on some aspects of an individual’s life, such as career progression, but at the same time negative on others, such as personal and family life, and how this trade-off is calculated will depend on the specific context: for instance researchers from countries with poorly functioning research systems may be more inclined to accept negative impacts. Mobility is an event in the life course of an individual – personal impact is filtered through a complex set of characteristics of the sending and hosting country, the sending and hosting institution, the individual involved (career stage, age, family condition, research field, personal ambitions, etc.), and the features of the mobility experience itself.

The Construction of Mobility as a Policy Issue

The term “brain drain” was first coined in 1963, not in the context of the loss of scientific human capital from developing countries to developed ones but rather to describe a perceived increase in the rate at which UK scientists left the country for positions in Canada and especially the United States (Godwin et al. 2009; Balmer et al. 2009).4 This debate, which ran on into the early 1970s, is characterized by Godwin, Gregory, and Balmer as tending to rely on patchy and often contradictory evidence; to conflate evidence of the migration of some elite scientists with the possibility of mass migration; and to conflate scientists and engineers, leaving for very different kinds of jobs in different sectors. Similar criticisms can be made of much of the more recent policy debate in this area.

Concerns about the extent, causes, and consequences of mobility were very much bound up with broader concerns about relative economic decline in the post-Second World War period, but were stoked by a landmark report from the Royal Society, the United Kingdom’s national academy of science, in 1963 (Balmer et al. 2009).5

Intriguingly, the post-war brain drain debate in the United Kingdom tended to treat emigration to North America as of grave concern while the migration of scientists to less developed Commonwealth countries raised fewer concerns, reflecting the roots of this debate in concerns over what today would be called “national economic competitiveness.” However, it also raised questions in Government about what level of scientific emigration was “natural” and to be expected, about whether the United Kingdom was simply training too many scientists, and about the immigration of scientists from other parts of the world into the United Kingdom. Finally, it shed light on differences between the dynamism and culture of the North American context as against the UK one and may thus have contributed to broader debates about the modernization of UK industry, science, and universities (Godwin et al. 2009).

At around the same time as “brain drain” emerged as a public and policy concern in the United Kingdom, economic theories of human capital were being developed and applied to the phenomenon and its consequences for the countries from which the brains are drained (Cañibano and Woolley 2010a, 2010b). As already noted, these authors argue that early accounts of mobility frequently conflated HRST with human capital. In their view this led to two dominant framings for mobility: a nationalist-pessimistic view (“brain drain”) and an internationalist-optimistic view, what would now perhaps be characterized as “brain circulation” following the influential work of Saxenian (2005) and others.

Such framings influence the design of studies and the data that is collected, and both these perspectives remain very influential in science policy discourses. Davenport (2004) notes that “brain drain” debates have often had the character of “moral panics” and interprets the debate about “brain drain” from New Zealand during the early 2000s in those terms. In contrast, much of the European Union’s recent policy discourse about scientific mobility has been framed along the “internationalist-optimistic” line.

Børing et al. (2015), Oliver (2012), and Ackers (2008) draw attention to the particular way in which mobility is framed in European Union science policy discourse (see, e.g., Morano-Foadi 2005; Fernández-Zubieta and Guy 2010) and in particular how it is increasingly constructed as intrinsically linked with “excellence.” At the same time mobility is seen as being suppressed by “barriers” and “obstacles”, the removal of which should be a policy goal. Work in the internationalist-optimistic “circulationist” tradition (Ackers 2008), especially the contribution of Mahroum (2000), seems to have played a key role in encouraging this equation of “more mobility” with “more excellence” and in justifying a framing that there are “barriers” to mobility that can and should be removed.

Yet it is not clear why the “barriers” typically identified for policy action in the European science policy debate (mainly “technical” issues around health and social security provision, and pension portability) should be any more problematic and thus more worthy of intervention for scientists than any other group of potentially mobile highly skilled professional – save perhaps for an implicit admission that this professional group are typically paid less than other highly internationalized professions and therefore may have fewer personal resources to dedicate to the resolution of such problems than might professionals from other walks of life. While these factors do indeed create difficulties for those who are internationally mobile (and especially those who engage in cross-border working) the available evidence does not support the belief that such factors act as significant barriers preventing scientists from being mobile.


Mobility, whether job mobility or non-job mobility, is a complex event in the personal, family, and social life, as well as the professional life, of the individual scientist. The decision to move is influenced by conditions in both “sending” and “receiving” organizations and systems and, over time, may have a range of positive and negative impacts upon those organizations and systems as well as on the content and direction of the individual’s research and on the progression of their career. While scientific mobility is clearly connected with the internationalization of science, the phenomenon of migration – the movement from a job in one country to a new job in another country – is not unique to scientists, and many of the factors identified in the literature on scientific mobility – issues such as the availability and quality of job or training opportunities, salaries and incentives, working conditions, and broader issues around quality of working and personal/family life – are also relevant to the more general phenomenon of the international migration of highly skilled professionals.

Nonetheless, scientific mobility is often framed in an exceptionalist way, and these framings matter because they shape how we problematize and measure mobility phenomena. Most of the available data on mobility is secondary data originally collected for some other purpose, data collected on behalf of a policy actor, or data collected under specific scholarly framings (such as human capital views or knowledge transfer views) which are themselves influenced by (and are influences on) policy framings. Mobility has become a hot topic, yet the evidence base is made up of a series of partial snapshots from different perspectives of a complex, entangled cluster of phenomena.

Furthermore, scholarly and policy understandings of scientific mobility are at risk of becoming disconnected from the reality of mobility as experienced by mobile scientists. Ackers (2008) argues that excellence and mobility are not “mutually constitutive” as is assumed in the circulationist framing of mobility in current science policy debates, and questions why policymakers and funding agencies seem so preoccupied with the barriers to mobility and with the quantity of mobility, rather than with drivers of mobility (a significant proportion of which is being “forced” by serious structural problems in national systems) and with the quality of mobility as experienced by those who undertake it. “The fact of mobility has been divorced from the objectives associated with it to become almost a rite of passage: a convenient, independent, indicator of excellence rather than a means to an end” (Ackers 2008: 418).

The act of mobility raises questions about the nature of the research of the individual but also about the sending and receiving organizations and systems and the way that they work. The framing of “brain circulation” has come to dominate thinking to the extent that there is a widespread commonsense understanding that the more mobility the better6 – so long as at least some of those who leave return.

Yet the high levels of mobility of scientists in Europe observed by recent studies arguably tell us less about the growing excellence of the European Research Area than about, on the one hand, the emergence of an international labor market for elite researchers and elite institutions, and on the other, how dysfunctional some national research systems, labor markets, and career and reward structures still remain.

There is good evidence that international mobility can play an important role both in the transfer of knowledge and technology, and in the development of scientific human capital. The world’s most successful national research systems undoubtedly owe much of their success to their ability to attract the brightest and the best scientists, wherever they come from. And these benefits are not won at the cost of equivalent losses in the “sending” systems in a zero-sum game: diaspora networks and migration/return can in principle benefit both systems.

However, it is lazy thinking to extrapolate from all this that mobility must always equate to excellence, and that more will always be better. The human and personal costs of enforced mobility, and the signals that mobility may send about dysfunctions in some national systems, deserve more scholarly and policy attention than they currently receive, especially since changes in the modes of production and dynamics of science such as the highly internationalized nature of some national research systems, the rise of cross-border working and dual positions, and the emergence of new patterns of ICT-enabled virtual collaboration, may be rendering traditional modes of mobility less attractive or necessary to scientists themselves.


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