
  • Abernathy, W.
  • Abramovitz, M.
  • absorptive capacity
  • academic research
  • Acemoglu, D.
  • acquisition of technology
  • Acs, Z.
  • advanced economies
  • affiliates see also subsidiaries; TNCs (Transnational Corporations)
  • Africa
  • Agglomeration see also externalities; spillover
    • agglomeration economies
    • clusters
    • industrial cluster
  • Aghion, P.
  • alliance
  • alliance capitalism
  • Amendola, G.
  • appropriability
  • Archibugi, D.
  • Arora, A.
  • Arranz, A.
  • Arrow, K.
  • ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities)
  • ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)
  • Asheim, B.
  • Asia
  • asset specificity
  • asymmetric information
  • Athreye, S.
  • Barca, F.
  • Barnard, H.
  • Barro, R.
  • Baumol, W.J.
  • Beck, U.
  • Becker, G.
  • Bell, M.
  • Bessen, J.
  • bibliometrics
  • Birkinshaw, J.
  • Boldrin, M.
  • brain drain
  • Branstetter, L.
  • Breschi, S.
  • Bretton Woods
  • BRICS countries (Brazil Russia, India, China and South Africa)
  • Brunswicker, S.
  • Brusoni, S.
  • Callon, M.
  • Cantwell, J.
  • capabilities
    • dynamic capabilities
    • knowledge capabilities
    • organizational capabilities
    • technological capabilities
  • capital
    • capital investment
    • human capital
    • social capital
  • capitalism
  • Cassiman, B.
  • Castellacci, F.
  • CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
  • Chandler, A.D.
  • Chesbrough, H.W.
  • China
  • Choi, J.
  • Christensen, C.
  • cities
  • Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
  • Coase, R.
  • cognitive proximity
  • Cohen, W.
  • collaboration
    • global collaboration
    • global science collaboration
    • R&D collaboration
    • scientific collaboration
  • communication costs
  • comparative advantage
  • competition
  • competitive advantage
  • compulsory patent
  • connectedness
  • convergence
  • copyright
  • Coriat, B.
  • Correa, C.
  • costs
    • communication costs
    • distance costs
    • information costs
    • production costs
    • sunk costs
    • transaction costs
    • transport costs
  • Cowan, R.
  • creative class see also global creative class
  • creativity
  • Crescenzi, R.
  • Criscuolo, P.
  • cross-licensing
  • crowdfunding
  • cultural heritage
  • cultural property
  • Dasgupta, P.
  • design
  • developing countries
  • development policy
  • Di Minin, A.
  • distance costs
  • Dolci, J.
  • Dosi, G.
  • Douglas, M.
  • Drahos, P.
  • Dunning, J.H.
  • dynamic capabilities
  • economic development
  • economic development policy
  • economic geography
  • economic growth
  • economic integration
  • economies of scale
  • Edquist, C.
  • efficiency
  • embeddedness
  • emerging economies
  • emerging MNCs (EMNCs)
  • employment
  • entrepreneurship
  • environment
  • Etzkowitz, H.
  • EU (European Union)
  • exports
  • externalities see also spillover
    • knowledge externalities
    • positive externalities
  • Fagerberg.
  • FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • Farah, P.
  • FDI (foreign direct investment)
    • inward FDI
    • outward FDI
  • Feldman, M.
  • Filippetti, A.
  • firm location
  • Flanagan, K.
  • Florida, R.
  • flows of knowledge
  • flows of technology
  • foreign direct investment
  • Foss.
  • Freeman, C.
  • Frenz, M.
  • Friedman, T.
  • Gambardella, A.
  • GATS (General Agreement on Trade in Services)
  • GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) see also WTO (World Trade Organization)
  • general purpose technology
  • geographical proximity
  • geography
  • Gereffi, G.
  • Gertler, M.S.
  • Geuna, A.
  • GGe (greenhouse gas emissions)
  • Ghoshal, S.
  • Gianfrate, G.
  • Gillies, D.
  • Gillies, G.
  • Glaeser, E.
  • global
    • cities
    • climate change
    • collaboration
    • competition
    • connections
    • creative class
    • generation of knowledge
    • governance
    • innovation network
    • network
    • pipelines
    • production network
    • public goods
    • R&D
    • risk
    • science collaboration
    • value chain
  • Global Creativity Index (GCI)
  • globalization
    • of IPRs
    • of science
    • of technology
  • governmental open data
  • Granovetter, M.
  • Grossman, G.
  • Guy, F.
  • Hall, P.
  • Heller, M.
  • highly educated
  • Howells, J.
  • Howitt, P.
  • Hsueh, R.
  • human capital see also human resources
  • human resources
  • human resources for science and technology (HRST)
  • Iammarino, S.
  • ICTs (information and communication technologies)
  • imitation
  • imports
  • increasing returns to scale
  • industrial agglomeration see also agglomeration
  • industrial district see also industrial agglomeration; industrial cluster
  • information costs
  • information society
  • Inglehart, R.
  • innovation
    • democratization of innovation
    • innovation network
    • innovation process
    • open innovation
    • organizational innovation
    • product innovation
    • radical innovation
    • regional innovation systems
    • soft innovation
    • sources of innovation
    • systems of innovation
  • innovation in reverse
  • institutions
  • intellectual property rights (IPRs)
    • compulsory patent
    • copyright
    • globalization of IPRs
    • IPR regime
    • patent
    • utility model
  • international division of labor
  • international mobility
  • internationalization
  • internationalization of KIBS see also KIBS (knowledge-intensive business sector)
  • internationalization of R&D
  • internationalization of services
  • inward FDI
  • IPRs see intellectual property rights (IPRs)
  • Jacobs, J.
  • Jaffe, A.B.
  • Javorcik, B.
  • joint venture
  • Kapur, S.
  • KIBS (knowledge-intensive business sector)
  • Kindleberger, C.
  • knowledge
    • acquisition of knowledge
    • capabilities
    • flows of knowledge
    • global generation of knowledge
    • knowledge capabilities
    • sources of knowledge
    • tacit knowledge
  • Kogut, B.
  • Krugman, P.
  • labour
  • Lall, S.
  • Landes, D.S.
  • Laursen, K.
  • learning
  • learning by doing
  • Lerner, J.
  • Less Developed Countries (LDCs) see also developing countries
  • Levine, D.K.
  • Leydesdorff, L.
  • Liefner.
  • linkages
  • localization
  • Lorenzen, M.
  • Lundvall, B.A.
  • M&A (mergers and acquisitions)
  • Machlup, F.
  • Malerba, F.
  • Mansfield, E.
  • market
    • concentration
    • failure
    • imperfections
    • size
    • structure
  • Marshall, A.
  • Maskell, P.
  • Maskus, K.
  • mass production
  • Massini, S.
  • Mazzucato, M.
  • McCann, P.
  • Meliciani.
  • Mellander, C.
  • Mercosur (Mercado Com·n del Sur)
  • Meurer, J.
  • Miles.
  • Mincer, J.
  • Miozzo, M.
  • MNCs (Multinational Corporations) see also affiliates; subsidiaries; TNCs (Transnational Corporations)
  • mobility
  • mobility of scientists, see also scientific mobility
  • modes of production
  • Mokyr, J.
  • monopoly
  • Moretti, E.
  • Mowery, D.
  • Mudambi, R.
  • NAFTA (North-America Free Trade Agreement)
  • Narula, R.
  • Natera, J.M.
  • national innovation systems
  • National Research Foundation (NRF)
  • Nelson, R.R.
  • networks
  • NICs (newly industrialized countries)
  • Nooteboom, B.
  • OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)
  • offshoring
  • open data
  • open government
  • openness
  • organizational capabilities
  • Ostrom, E.
  • outsourcing
  • outward FDI
  • Paci, R.
  • Patel, P.
  • patent
  • Pavitt, K.
  • Penrose, E.
  • Perez, C.
  • Pianta, M.
  • Piccaluga, A.
  • Piore, M.
  • Pisano, G.
  • Piscitello, L.
  • Polanyi, K.
  • Porter, M.
  • Prencipe, A.
  • production
    • global production network
    • mass production
    • modes of production
    • production costs
    • production factors
  • productivity
  • proximity see also agglomeration; agglomeration economies
    • cognitive proximity
    • geographical proximity
    • social proximity
    • spatial proximity
  • public goods
  • R&D (research and development)
    • business R&D
    • foreign R&D
    • global R&D
    • internationalization of R&D
    • public R&D
    • R&D collaboration
  • regional economic integration
  • regional growth
  • regional integration
  • Robinson, J.A.
  • Rodrik, D.
  • Romer, P.
  • Rosenberg.
  • roundaboutness
  • royalty and license fees (RLF)
  • Salter, A.
  • Sassen, S.
  • Savona, M.
  • Saxenian, A.
  • Scherer, F.M.
  • Schumpeter, J.A.
  • SCI (Science Citation Index)
  • science and technology policy
  • scientific mobility see also mobility of scientists
  • Sell, S.
  • Sen, A.
  • serendipity
  • Silicon Valley
  • skills see also human capital
  • SMEs (small and medium enterprises)
  • social capital
  • social proximity
  • Soete, L.
  • Solow, R.
  • Soskice, D.
  • Southern African Development Community (SADC)
  • spatial proximity see also agglomeration
  • specialization
  • spillover see also externalities
  • Srholec, M.
  • STI (science, technology, and innovation)
  • Stiglitz, J.
  • Stoneman, P.
  • Storper, M.
  • strategic technology partnering (STP)
  • Sturgeon, T.
  • subsidiaries see also affiliates; TNCs (Transnational Corporations)
  • sunk costs
  • supercomputers
  • systems of innovation
  • Tang, K.K.
  • technological accumulation
  • technological capabilities
  • technological catch-up
  • technological change
  • technological specialization
  • technology
    • acquisition of technology
    • flows of technology
    • general purpose technology
    • globalization of technology
    • information and communication technologies (ICTs)
    • science and technology policy
    • technology creation
    • technology sharing
    • technology transfer
  • Teece, D.
  • Terzi, A.
  • TNCs (Transnational Corporations) see also affiliates; MNCs (Multinational Corporations); subsidiaries
  • trade
    • barriers to trade
    • free trade
    • trade liberalization
  • transaction costs
  • transition economies
  • transport costs
  • Tremolada, R.
  • Trippl, M.
  • TRIPs (Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights) Agreement see also globalization of IPRs
  • trust
  • Tylecote, A.
  • UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
  • UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
  • unemployment
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)
  • UNICEF (The United Nations Children’s Fund)
  • UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
  • university
  • Usai, S.
  • USPTO (United States Patent and Tradmark Office)
  • utility model
  • Utterback, J.
  • value chain
  • Venables, A.J.
  • Vernon, R.
  • Verspagen, B.
  • vertical integration
  • vertical linkages
  • Veugelers, R.
  • von Hippel, E.
  • von Tunzelmann.
  • Zander, U.
  • Zanfei, A.
  • Zhou, C.
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