
Obfuscated programs are the rule rather than the exception when it comes to malware these days. Any attempts to study the internal operations of a mal-ware sample are almost certain to require some type of de-obfuscation. Whether you take a debugger-assisted, dynamic approach to de-obfuscation or whether you prefer not to run potentially malicious code and instead use scripts or emulation to de-obfuscate your binaries, the ultimate goal is to produce a de-obfuscated binary that can be fully disassembled and properly analyzed. In most cases, this final analysis will be performed using a tool such as IDA. Given this ultimate goal (of using IDA for analysis), it makes some sense to attempt to use IDA from start to finish. The techniques presented in this chapter are intended to demonstrate that IDA is capable of far more than generating disassembly listings. In Chapter 25 we will revisit obfuscated code and take a look at how IDA’s debugging features may be leveraged as a de-obfuscation tool as well.

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