IDA Desktop Tips and Tricks

IDA offers a tremendous amount of information, and its desktop can become cluttered. Here are some tips for making the best use of your desktop:

  • The more screen real estate you dedicate to IDA, the happier you will be. Use this fact to justify the purchase of a king-size monitor (or two)!

  • Don’t forget the View ▸ Open Subviews command as a means of restoring data displays that you have inadvertently closed.

  • The Windows ▸ Reset Desktop command offers a useful way to quickly restore your desktop to its original layout.

  • Utilize the Windows ▸ Save Desktop command to save a current layout of desktop configurations that you find particularly useful. The Windows ▸ Load Desktop command is used to quickly revert to a saved layout.

  • The only window for which the display font can be changed is the Disassembly window (either graph or listing view). Fonts are set using the Options ▸ Font command.

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