Chapter 1. Introduction to Disassembly

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You may be wondering what to expect in a book dedicated to IDA Pro. While obviously IDA-centric, this book is not intended to come across as The IDA Pro User’s Manual. Instead, we intend to use IDA as the enabling tool for discussing reverse engineering techniques that you will find useful in analyzing a wide variety of software, ranging from vulnerable applications to malware. When appropriate, we will provide detailed steps to be followed in IDA for performing specific actions related to the task at hand. As a result we will take a rather roundabout walk through IDA’s capabilities, beginning with the basic tasks you will want to perform upon initial examination of a file and leading up to advanced uses and customization of IDA for more challenging reverse engineering problems. We make no attempt to cover all of IDA’s features. We do, however, cover the features that you will find most useful in meeting your reverse engineering challenges. This book will help make IDA the most potent weapon in your arsenal of tools.

Prior to diving into any IDA specifics, it will be useful to cover some of the basics of the disassembly process as well as review some other tools available for reverse engineering of compiled code. While none of these tools offers the complete range of IDA’s capabilities, each does address specific subsets of IDA functionality and offer valuable insight into specific IDA features. The remainder of this chapter is dedicated to understanding the disassembly process.

Disassembly Theory

Anyone who has spent any time at all studying programming languages has probably learned about the various generations of languages, but they are summarized here for those who may have been sleeping.

First-generation languages

These are the lowest form of language, generally consisting of ones and zeros or some shorthand form such as hexadecimal, and readable only by binary ninjas. Things are confusing at this level because it is often difficult to distinguish data from instructions since everything looks pretty much the same. First-generation languages may also be referred to as machine languages, and in some cases byte code, while machine language programs are often referred to as binaries.

Second-generation languages

Also called assembly languages, second-generation languages are a mere table lookup away from machine language and generally map specific bit patterns, or operation codes (opcodes), to short but memorable character sequences called mnemonics. Occasionally these mnemonics actually help programmers remember the instructions with which they are associated. An assembler is a tool used by programmers to translate their assembly language programs into machine language suitable for execution.

Third-generation languages

These languages take another step toward the expressive capability of natural languages by introducing keywords and constructs that programmers use as the building blocks for their programs. Third-generation languages are generally platform independent, though programs written using them may be platform dependent as a result of using features unique to a specific operating system. Often-cited examples include FORTRAN, COBOL, C, and Java. Programmers generally use compilers to translate their programs into assembly language or all the way to machine language (or some rough equivalent such as byte code).

Fourth-generation languages

These exist but aren’t relevant to this book and will not be discussed.

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