Reporting Bugs

As with any piece of software, IDA has been known to contain an occasional bug, so what can you expect from Hex-Rays if you think you have found a bug in IDA itself? First, Hex-Rays has one of the most responsive support systems you can will ever deal with. Second, don’t be surprised if you hear back from Ilfak himself within a day of submitting a support request.

Two methods are available for submitting bug reports. You can send email to , or if you prefer not to use email, you may post to the Bug Reports forum on the Hex-Rays bulletin boards. In either case, you should both verify that you can reproduce your bug and be prepared to provide Hex-Rays with a copy of the database file involved with the problem. Recall that Hex-Rays only provides SDK support for an additional fee. For bugs related to a plug-in that you have installed, you will need to contact the plug-in’s author. For bugs related to a plug-in that you are developing, you will need to take advantage of the support forums available for IDA users and hope for a helpful response from a fellow user.

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